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17846809 No.17846809 [Reply] [Original]

liquours/high % alcohol which doesn't make your toes curl when you put it in your mouth? I just want it to taste good.

>> No.17846822

Mix it with something you big baby

>> No.17846836

vodka is easier on the palette but its also weaker
40% alc vodka isnt 40% alc whiskey

>> No.17846845


any mixing reccomendations? Ideally to take the taste away.

>> No.17846853

temperature can affect flavor and the alcohol bite. you can put it on ice or put it in the freezer if it's the right spirit. I like storing gin and vodka in the freezer.

Or just man the fuck up and get better alcohol and sip it properly

>> No.17846873

>vodka is easier on the palette but its also weaker
What the fuck are you on about. Are you retarded?

Make a decent cocktail. 0.75 oz lemon juice, 0.75 oz simple syrup (equal parts water and sugar), 2 oz decent whiskey (you need to pay at least $20) - shaken with ice, strained into a class.

>> No.17846880

vodka cranberry

>> No.17846903

Gin Fizz. Not gin tonic that shit is horrendous

>> No.17846975

based retard

>> No.17846989

You can't really hide the proof of alcohol, maybe add ice and take small sips.
This is actually true for high end vodka (7-10 times distilled, multiple stages of filtration), but that's very uncommon in the US.

>> No.17847049

This, but it has to be 100% cranberry juice. None of that cranberry flavored apple juice "cocktail" bullshit.

Even just a splash of that in a glass of vodka and you won't taste anything but that tart cranberry.

>> No.17847062

if you don't like it, don't drink it, retard.
Have a rum and coke like all the other niggers do.

>> No.17847082

Coca cola starlight

>> No.17847124

Personally I love Kraken rum mixed with coke. If you genuinly don't want to taste the alcohol at all, though, then vodka and orange juice or really any juice will do the trick

>> No.17847138

Wray & Nephew

>> No.17848400

Ew bib

>> No.17848420

maybe just be a man

>> No.17848458
File: 17 KB, 400x400, eagle-rare-10-year-bourbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jack Daniels tastes like cough syrup and corn syrup got together and had a maple syrup baby made of corn syrup and cough syrup, try something halfway decent if it's available.

>> No.17848883

this anon means that vodka is easier because its typically distilled a handful or more times before being diluted to 40% and instead of being aged in oak barrels it gets extensively filtered.

>> No.17849965

Irish whiskey straight out of the freezer, or stop being insecure and just use a mixer.

>> No.17849989

Mix rum with coke or tropical fruit juice. Add a lime if you want to be fancy.

>> No.17850038

how come you all get this, but the retards on the vodka thread didnt

>> No.17850099

cuba libre (rum + coke + lime)
rum and coke (rum + coke)

>> No.17850131

>rum + coke + lime
I made this with a Mexican coke the other night and the experience was ruined by how much it was rotting my teeth.

>> No.17850206

easily best 10 year bourbon for the price

>> No.17850208

vodka + water

>> No.17850244


>> No.17850877

Amaretto/Disaronno is very sweet but is only 26-28%

>> No.17850981

I prefer jim beam for a pleb whiskey... Jack is too sweet

>> No.17850998

Don Q 75%.
Might make your toes curl if you're a little bitch though.

>> No.17851320

>liquours/high % alcohol which doesn't make your toes curl when you put it in your mouth?
rum bar overproof rum

>> No.17851900

Not you again

>> No.17851953

Vodka or put the whiskey in the freezer you big baby
Coke or ginger ale

>> No.17853128

Fernet Branca

>> No.17853240
File: 81 KB, 735x735, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__liquor__2018__05__08113350__bourbon-old-fashioned-720x720-recipe-ade6f7780c304999be3577e565c9bcdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try an Old Fashioned


>> No.17853379

Fact is ethanol burns. You can't even sniff it without it burning. The only way to make it taste good is to dilute it to <25% ABV. Neat sippers are without exception all tryhards or alcoholics. Notice how no girls drink hard liquor straight and pretend it doesn't burn? If you've got no mixers add water at a 1 to 0.8 liquor:water ratio

>> No.17853387

Babies like you should keep away from alcohol and drink shirley temples and orange juice instead
You don't have to try so hard to be a "big boy" by drinking whiskey

>> No.17853509


>> No.17854763

>Neat sippers are without exception all tryhards or alcoholics

>> No.17854822

>Notice how no girls drink hard liquor straight and pretend it doesn't burn?
notice how every girl who drinks straight liquor seems to drink bottom shelf vodka almost exclusively

>> No.17855198
File: 125 KB, 1024x682, jo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jefferson's Ocean. It's very smooth. But it's about $100/bottle. So I just drink a handle of Wild Turkey 101 and don't be a faggot about it.

>> No.17855224

Try a Manhattan. I just started drinking them and it's great. 5 ingredients, smooth and slightly sweet flavor, and you get a cherry at the end.

>> No.17855807
File: 39 KB, 500x454, old-fashioned-b40c0ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread Theme:


>> No.17855831

based retard

>> No.17855833

Kraken rum

>> No.17856380

went halvsies on that ocean aged... $40 for a pint. i couldn't tell which ocean it was lol

>> No.17856556

I typically buy a few bottles a year of that stuff but I will put away like 3 handles of WT101 every month.

>> No.17856567
File: 125 KB, 400x600, D898520B-444A-4363-987F-AD8D6CCD12F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smooth and sweet

>> No.17856608

tastes like watered down bourbon

>> No.17856615

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.17857527

Get Honey Jack instead. Or else just mix regular jack with ginger ale.

>> No.17857550

>All these rum and coke posts
Holy shit, when did this place get overrun by 16 year old twinks?

>> No.17857577

get literally any other bourbon

>> No.17857602

try a mid-shelf vodka. I dunno price ranges these days but probably like $30 for a 750ml. Should be tasty enough

Jack Daniels is an acquired taste. Literally tastes like paint thinner but it can grow on you. I grew up on it so I like it even though I've explored tons of expensive whiskeys it's still a favorite. Try Wild Turkey. You said high proof, want higher? Wild Turkey 101. Higher? Wild Turkey Rare Breed. But if your toes are curling you probably aren't used to the taste of alcohol yet. So I say get the regular one

>honey jack
Nobody actually likes that. They just say "oh my god you brought honey jack it's so good! let's put it in the freezer, and shoot it, with chasers so we taste it as little as possible!" lmao

is it not a good suggestion for OP's predicament?

>> No.17857608
File: 80 KB, 747x609, I drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheap whisky/brandy/scotch and water
lots of water, bring it down to beer-wine strenght
doesn't taste bad, minimal calories per alcohol, doesn't require you to keep a second glass of water going to prevent hangover
unless you're already really into the taste, which you clearly aren't, drinking neat spirits has no benefit, unless you're a teenager trying to look tough in front of your friends
don't get into mixing with juice/soda unless you plan on being a fatass
don't fall for the "its better cold" meme, thats for refreshing beverages not getting drunk
in fact, don't fall for the "hard liquor better" meme at all unless you're actually looking for a better calorie:alcohol ratio, there are permanent tolerance gains you'll come to regret in a few years.

>> No.17857965

Same. My teeth felt funky for a couple days. Sucks cause it tastes fucking great

>> No.17857975

Rum and cokes is an old man drink to me. But times change I guess.

>> No.17857979
File: 961 KB, 178x178, wake in fright beer sheriff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good movie. I pretty much drink light beer because it limits me. When it comes to strong lagers or hard liquor, I get stupider with the pours the more I imbibe.

>> No.17858602

Where? I want a cute /ck/ twink boyfriend

>> No.17858661

It sounds like you're the type who can only drink sweet things, so I'd recommend some diplomatico rum, grand marnier if you like orange, cachaca if you want to make some capirhinas, cointreau. For less sugary stuff you can have fruit alcohols such as poire williams.