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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17846490 No.17846490 [Reply] [Original]

>"gluten free recipe ideas"
>theyre all regular food but you use GF flour

>google how to make pizza
>"store bought pizza dough"
>"store bought sauce"
>"pizza seasoning"

>> No.17846516

>preheat oven
Don't they know that electricity is fucking expensive?

>> No.17846545

>you gotta let the water boil before dropping in your paster.... you just.... you just gotta, ok?

>> No.17847349

>electricity is fucking expensive
gas is far more expensive.

>> No.17847369

>Look up recipe
>Top result is some shitty boomer crap on Allrecipes that uses premade everything
>Next 7 links are personal blogs where the author feels the need to go into the historical significance of each ingredient as well as their own personal and spiritual attachment to the dish
>The recipe winds up being crap anyways

>> No.17847387

>make food for family members
>they immediately as salt and pepper to it or smother it in hot sauce/ketchup etc before even tasting it

>> No.17847399

nailed it.
i think that you and i aren't alone and that there is a sizeable demand for a straightforward recipe website. something that gives the basic ingredients, how to make it, and then has general tips/variants afterwards, and also a comments section where people can provide additional suggestions. something clean and simple.
but, of course, that is too much to ask for, i am sure.

>> No.17847400

Yes, but preheating the stove is not an actual step. And frying is faster than ovening.

>> No.17847407

>personal blogs where the author feels the need to go into the historical significance of each ingredient as well as their own personal and spiritual attachment to the dish
if i understand those are usually done to
1. pad out the page for ads
2. in self written recipes, the backstory and sentimental aspects of the recipe are considered additional value so it can be copyrighted on the internet and cant be copied anywhere. altough other shite recipes with premade everything just do it to follow the trend

>> No.17847468

>using google
just use any other search engine and you'll suddenly be able to find shit, again.

>> No.17847915

Wow that's nice to know, I don't give a fuck. Those websites with bad recipes should just shut down forever, because they are a disservice to the people who need recipe websites.

100% agree. I notice this all the time and it makes me very frustrated. It's just inconvenient and stupid for no good reason. The moment I notice shit like that, I instantly exit and keep searching until I find something that isn't shit.

>> No.17847932

>food doesnt NEED to contain a certain allergen. it doesnt affect the cooking, it doesnt affect the texture, usually its just sprinkled in at the end to alter the taste a bit or make it look more aesthetically pleasing. removing it would cost nothing and only SAVE money
>version without said ingredient costs twice as much

>> No.17847945

100% this. I wanted to buy some soy sauce that had LESS SODIUM. one has reduced sodium and this thing costs like 2$ more than the high salt normal one for NO FUCKING REASON. then there was one with low sodium, even lower than the reduced, and this BITCH WAS LIKE DOUBLE THE FUCKING PRICE. well fuck you soy sauce company, now I don't buy jack shit. go bankrupt cunts.

>> No.17847953

finding gluten free shit is near impossible. youll have a recipe thats 100% gluten free up until they decide they wanna smack some flour on top for looks and suddenly the whole food is ruined

>> No.17848048

What does gluten free have to do with low sodium soy sauce?

>> No.17848058

giving another example of something thats hard to find and costs more when you do?

>> No.17848092

Oh, my bad. I'm unwell at the moment.

>> No.17848102
File: 65 KB, 162x163, hah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is ok anon

>> No.17848130

You seem like a good person anon, I purse my lips and gently nod at you with approval and a twinkle in my eye, may God protect you.

>> No.17848153

*kisses the tip of your pp gently* amen

>> No.17848188


>> No.17849454

>adds one cup of rice
>adds two cups of water
Why do so many people do this?
There are even tons of recipes calling for this.

>> No.17849463

Contrarians hating on sriracha just because it got popular. There is nothing wrong with sriracha, you're just faggots. .

>> No.17849557

It helps with timing and making sure everything is cooked evenly, don't want the surface of the pasta to get too soft from over-exposure to water. Pretty easy to just let some water boil while you prepare the sauce

>> No.17849804

its like a spit in the face isnt it? they are assuming its shit. fucking pisses me off

>> No.17849806

people assuming your cooking is shit without even trying anything you made

>> No.17849811

don't try and reason with them anon, it hurts their brains

>> No.17849898


>> No.17849907

i love that layout, how come websites stopped looking like that? its so comfy

despite new websites typically loading faster than they did back in ye olden days of the internet, they feel heavier, makes me wanna not switch pages or explore

>> No.17849931

It's nice to just have a nice straightforward site, I just remembered it when I saw this thread

>> No.17850139

Why would you ever want less sodium in your soy sauce? Just use less of it.
Light soy sauce is not the same as low sodium soy sauce as well.

>> No.17850210

>curry recipe
>contains curry powder

>> No.17850218

>italian recipe
>"use italian seasoning"

>chinese recipe
"use chinese seasoning"

>ramen recipe
>"use ramen seasoning"

>meat recipe
>"use meat seasoning"

do these fucks just go to the store and pick up bottle that says "___ seasoning" and never consider whats in it? what kinda tards even need recipes where all of the ingredients are premade shit?

>> No.17850239

I just use italian seasoning for everything desu

>> No.17850365

same here to be honest family

>> No.17852194

food with too much salt