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File: 44 KB, 1163x1163, tt-liquor-buy-Hendricks-gin-online-liquor-store-london.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17845204 No.17845204 [Reply] [Original]

Gin Thread.

>> No.17845212
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Tanqueray, simple as

>> No.17845213

Napue, eittämättä

>> No.17845214


>> No.17845252

i only drink victory gin

>> No.17845357

I can smell the American on you
Beefeater is the actual go-to basic gin
Monkey 47 is my fav hipster gin tho

>> No.17845377

Gin is pine sol and hitler.

My drunk of a mom chugs the shit I have no idea how.

My sister is a big fan of Plymouth now that taste's like pine trees hitler AND someone dropped and a glad plug in of wild flowers into it.

Thankfully most drinks you can mix vodka instead.

Speaking of instead of just bashing others drink, sup with sloe gin it's like plum liqour and not a gin or is it just a flavored gin?

>> No.17845521

sloe gin is a gin-based liqueur of sloe fruit.

>> No.17845954

Hitler? You need to learn grammar son

>> No.17845987

rhubarb soaked in cheap tesco's gin for at least 6 months. make crumble with the rhubarb
prick sloes and dump in a mason jar with gin, shake every day for a week then leave for 3 months. strain off the gin(drink) then add red wine and brandy to the sloes and leave for another 3 months to make a sloe port. apparently the american sloe specie doesn't work well because they're not just sour but bitter too

>> No.17846053

Damn Good choice, my baseline choice for G&Ts nowadays.

>> No.17846068
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Anyone try his Gin?

>> No.17846093

Yeah it's the best one for me. Pretty light

>> No.17846185
File: 140 KB, 327x1200, brokers-gin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the perfect gin

>> No.17846248

What would be a good starting gin to try? As i understand, Gin is normally mixed so would a expensive brand be worth it over a a cheaper bottom shelf? Thanks and God bess.

>> No.17846428

Hendricks or Plymouth

>> No.17846518

Came in here to suggest this one.

>> No.17846537
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wats hipster about it? I dont drink gin and I'd buy it based on the packaging alone. pricing is a little goofy around me though, 375 is $45, 750 is $65 and 1L is $66.

>> No.17846566
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Nothing beats Cannonball neat.

>> No.17846653

get a small bottle of beefeater, gordon's, or bombay sapphire.
doesn't matter which, they all taste the same. this is the standard london dry that everyone uses for G&T.
try sipping it neat, of course, but it won't be any good.

if you want to enjoy it neat, spring for a slightly higher shelf bottle like Tanqueray no. 10 or try different styles of gins, like Hendrick's or the milder American gins like Dorothy Parker.

>> No.17846665
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Superior to everything currently itt

>> No.17846886

never knew hitler had a big part in the gin creating process kek

>> No.17846893

Gin and tonic is undrinkable dogshit

>> No.17846907

get a neutral vodka, 2 bay leafs, 0,5dl of juniper berries, 1/3 of a spoon of coriander,

1/4 of a spoon of fennel seeds, let it rest for 2 to 4 (longer for drier and more woody taste) now filter it into a sterile bottle and now you've made gin

>> No.17847263

tonic yes gin no
just get club soda and some lemons/limes

>> No.17847293

made my own grenadine and i've been drinking a bunch of pink ladys recently. its a real nice gin sour. i also use hendricks for everything. its a good gin

>> No.17847519

tonic is absolutely necessary for G&T, the bitterness of the tonic is what makes it so refreshing
swapping it out for club soda just makes shitty, watered down gin

>> No.17847978

gin and ginger ale is the best gin fizz fite me

>> No.17848198

tonic tastes like ass
gin doesn't need ass flavor to make it taste good, it already tastes good. let the citrus bring it out even more

>> No.17848204

gingingerale is amazing

>> No.17848210

Best gin for a martini? I love the things but I always end up getting tanqueray.

>> No.17848262
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Hard to beat it for the price, its like 19 dollars here when something like Beefeater is probably 25 for a liter. For a gin and tonic or club clover you wont notice a difference
Prefer Beefeater for a similar pricepoint

>> No.17848290
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St. George has the best variety, all fantastic.

>> No.17848322

damn why did i never think of this. gonna have to try it

>> No.17848328

>tonic tastes like ass

>> No.17848486


>> No.17848531
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hot take - it ain't even that bad. now it's bad compared to the good stuff, and it has a strong ethanol head but I find it strangely sweet (not in a bad way) with orange/cinnamon undertones. usually people mix the shit out but give it a try.

with soda water, lime slices, ice and maybe a few splashes of angostura it's really not bad. good for cheap, easy drinking in the summer. if you're doing outdoors work it's very refreshing, I can see why gin was very popular in humid british colonies.

>> No.17848548

Wtf, what's wrong with seagrams? I very rarely drink but I like to have a gin and tonic a few times a year and I think seagrams is great! Honestly, is there a difference between it and Tanqueray? Those are the only two gins I've had and I consider them the same.

>> No.17848551

anybody here try the Tanqueray rangpur? looks really good.

>his sister drinks Plymouth
please give me her contact information
Bombay in a classic G/T.
wrong. the tonic is sickly sweet, if you really want the undertones of the gin to come out you need soda, maybe with some citrus garnish.
never seen this stuff around me. my local liquor places have a bad gin selection, not a lot of british stuff besides the standards.

>> No.17848562

Seagram's is considered the absolute bottom of the barrel American gin, hell it's made by MGP (not a bad thing but people look down on it for this reason). it's dirt cheap.

I think even the big brand stuff like Tanqueray/Bombay/Hendrick's is noticeably more flavorful with a lot less ethanol taste. I find Seagram's to taste really strongly of alcohol (not in a good way), but I do like the flavoring part of it. I think if I do 1:1 Seagram's/soda in a drink, it has a strong rubbing alcohol head. that's just me though.

you should definitely try Bombay, it's one of my favorite middle level gins.

>> No.17848565

>the tonic is sickly sweet
maybe try something other than Schweppes

>> No.17848568

also compared to something like Gordon's (the UK well equivalent), Gordon's blows it out of the water

>> No.17848578

I guess I don't have a sophisticated palette when it comes to gin, but I would like to try developing it a bit. Gin is the only hard alcohol I can see myself consuming simply because I enjoy the complexity and of course the gin and tonic cocktails are great in the summer. Is beefeater an okay brand?

>> No.17848595

I like the complexity of gin too, the florals, especially. I think it's the most overlooked "major" spirit (maybe along tequila, neat tequila is highly underrated for complexity - maybe sake/soju too).

yeah beefeater is good. you can't go wrong with the english standbys - beefeater, boodles, gordon's, plymouth, etc. gin is so cheap too (compared to whiskies at least), you can really try a lot. I recommend honestly trying some neat sipping of the better gins, you'll be surprised how decent it is.

>> No.17848598
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btw this is my favorite gin. someone suggested tangqueray rangpur lime and it's really good, and now i buy it over the unflavored

>> No.17848809

damnit I love gin so much... maybe a bit too much

>> No.17848881

It's definitely one of the pricier gins for what you get. That said, as far as small batch gins go, it's damn freakin tasty. If i didn't have so much Hendricks to go through, I'd buy a bottle of it.

>> No.17849594

Hipster gin is just the name I use for the wave of complex non-London dry gins which became popular in the last decade-ish. It's popular with hipsters, basically. Also that packaging is super hipster lmao, that's why I also like it.
I love the gin, the name isn't a pejorative.

>> No.17849614

The equivalent of sipping a neat whisky is indeed sipping a gin and tonic. But the tonic allows the gin to shine through it. You can absolutely fucking taste the expensive gins even though it's mixed with tonic water. Other cocktails it doesn't matter nearly so much because the gin's peculiarities can be drowned out, but gin and tonic doesn't drown anything out at all.
The best basic babby gin is beefeater, but hendricks (OP pic) is actually easier for most normalfags to get into if they haven't really had gin before; very clean and refreshing cucumber flavouring.

DO NOT BUY BOTTOM SHELF GIN, IT TASTES LIKE UNWASHED ARMPITS (NOT IN A GOOD WAY, FREAK). Don't get fucking Gordons or Bombay Sapphire like >>17846653 suggests.
How dare you insult my ancestral drink like this.

>> No.17849704

I bought some nip gin the other day, Ki No Bi dry gin from some Kyoto distillery. Any experience with that? I haven't opened it yet.

>> No.17849734

Nip IPA is made without hops because they hate flavor. Let me know what they do with gin.

>> No.17849737

Grow up

>> No.17849741

God damn japan is based

>> No.17849795

If roku is anything to go by they like drinking perfume.

>> No.17849819

so what makes it an IPA?

>> No.17850018

I actually liked Roku Gin, though it tastes really sterile, as in it doesn't really have any personality, it's kind of like some math autist or a robot calculated some opitimized formula and they ran with it. I like the sharpness it has, but it really doesn't taste like gin.

>> No.17850041

I definitely do not see what you mean by that. To me it tastes like having a bunch of flowers shoved down my lungs but I wouldn't describe it as maths-autist-calculated gin.

>> No.17850116

Huh. Mine tasted really sharp, but not flowery or anything like juniper berries, but it didn't taste like nailpolish remover either.

>> No.17850147

Seagrams is not bad, but it doesn't work in a martini

>> No.17850230
File: 27 KB, 600x600, Gin Mare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its Gin Mare, superb gin

>> No.17850284

I started with Tanqueray, drank around for a few years, then ended back at Tanqueray. It's broad without being generic, meaning it's good enough to use in just about anything. Beefeater is a close second.
I also keep a small rotating cast for martinis, as that's the only thing I really don't think Tanqueray works in.
>the tonic is sickly sweet
then stop buying shitty tonic, doofus
Bombay Sapphire tastes like industrial paint cleaner.
I don't like it, but I know a lot of people that do. The lime flavoring just doesn't work for me. Buy normal Tanqueray and put limes in it.
I've never even heard of this. Is this a new brand getting viraled?

>> No.17850307

Mare was pushed pretty hard a few years ago so it's nothing new. But i've heard that it is nice

>> No.17850704

>juniper? I thought you said jew nipper

>> No.17850731

Based and big brother-pilled

>> No.17851166

>How dare you insult my ancestral drink like this.
It is my god given right. Also the cucumber taste in Hendricks is overwhelming

>> No.17851469

gin>>tequila>vodka>rum>>>>>>>literal shit>>>>>all whiskey

>> No.17851510

i wish i wasn't alone
i kinda almost want to restart drinking
knowing nothing will help, i'll just go back to staying busy and going through the motions of life
captcha is unironically, SHATS

>> No.17851526

So what are some good gin cocktails? I've made a screwdriver with gin instead of vodka and it brought out some more of the citrussy herb flavors of the gin.

>> No.17851529
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>mogs everything ITT

>> No.17851539
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Trying local gins is pretty nice desu

>> No.17853127

baby palate detected

>> No.17853135

>he doesn't know about single cask rums
lmaoing at your life rn

>> No.17853168

Yeah but Seagrams is literally owned by the family that leads the World Jewish Federation and was also at the center of the NXVIM sex cult.

You're basically drinking distilled Judaism.

captcha: 8JWWS

>> No.17853188

why does gin taste like pine needles? admittedly Ive only had gin once and couldnt tell you what it was but I got it at a silverspring mining co it was like gin and lemonade but it tasted like I was drinking pine needles, and I almost remember it feeling like it was stabbing my throat like a pine needle as well

>> No.17853219

>tonic is absolutely necessary for G&T
It is these insights that keep me coming back to /ck/

>> No.17853439
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he's right you know.
>Bombay Sapphire tastes like industrial paint cleaner
I have no idea how you like Tanqueray and say Bombay tastes bad. They're both middle market London Drys, they're more similar than anything. Sapphire is better than No. 10.
Hendrick's also has all those weird reddit-tier "limited edition" meme releases they do.
Pink fizz, negroni, tom collins, gimlet.
Bronfman family sold off Seagram's in the early 2000s, today the brand is owned by multiple companies and Seagram's as a corporation no longer exists. Though I agree, Seagram's was at once time essentially a Jewish criminal syndicate that ran the Canadian government and was heavily involved in Canada/Israel/USA political dealings. Also I believe they are directly tied to the actual italian mafia. 7 and 7 is still good though
stop drinking pine sol.
pic rel is my only local gin. pretty expensive.

>> No.17853465

>Sapphire is better than No. 10.

>> No.17854206

Bim my man

>> No.17854216

We will meet in the place where there is no darkness brother.

>> No.17854224

nigger detected

>> No.17855339

even hipsters drink Tanq'. New Amsterdam is what your looking for.