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17843126 No.17843126 [Reply] [Original]

>drink coffee
>get extremely drowsy
anyone else like this?

>> No.17843130

no, gtfo and kys

>> No.17843145

maybe if you drink 30 cups at a time your body will get used to it

>> No.17843649

yeah, and I'm not even a regular coffee drinker
someone on 4chan told me I had ADHD or some shit but I don't think that makes sense

>> No.17843659

it's a real thing, stimulants like caffeine can calm ADHDs down.

>> No.17843661

I definitely don't have ADHD and coffee makes me sleepy.

>> No.17843666

So does weed make them hyper?

>> No.17843683

It is literally a textbook symptom of ADHD

>> No.17843700

Can you send me a source for that? Like I was trying to research it on my own but there wasn't anything concrete.

>> No.17844439

weed is like speed to me.
i get super fucking elated and motivated.
it's ridiculous how much i get jazzed from nugs.

>> No.17844441

>wasn't anything concrete
never could be since psychology is a soft science (does not deal in hard fact, deals in hearsay).

>> No.17844461

Psychiatry informs psychological classification.

>> No.17844465

psychiatry is also a soft science for the same reasons, anon.
it's just hogwash.
while some people are disturbed, most are healthy.
it's just a pill pushing and money making racket for people that enjoy inflating their own ego.
always has been.

>> No.17844496

yeah, it almost kind of feels like alcohol especially if my tolerance is low then i have a strong coffee. i can easily go to sleep for a little bit soon after having it, but it's like i'm only just barely asleep and realize that i'm sleeping the entire time. kind of like lucid dreaming i guess but then i feel really tired later since my mind was still going while asleep.

>> No.17844505
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I just like having a hot drink.

>> No.17844506

No, psychiatry is based on physical examination of the brain. No hearsay.

>> No.17844512

incorrect for modern era.
nobody does scans for emotional issues in 2022.
they just prescribe xanax and tell you "you're really making progress."

>> No.17844616

>science is hogwash
Ok champ. You are too stupid to differentiate exact science (one thing works 100 percent of the time and leads to another thing 100 percent of the time (physics)) from non-exact science (works most of the time or thing A works 70 of the time thing B 20 percent of the time and thing C 10 percent of the time and leads to results G, H I, J (percentanges W, X , Y, Z)

You are fucking too stupid to understand statistics and probabilities and complex systems like society and human beings which are entities of many, many, many things and diffent kinds of behaviour so you think they are not sciences because you think there should always JUST one correct answer and reason for anything. Fucking IQ test, black and white, binary thinking, only deductive/inductive reasoning (socities and humans need abductive reasoning) using mong.

Fucking brainlet.

>> No.17844622

I suspect this opinion is based on hearsay.

>> No.17844625

OBSERVING actions is not hearsay you stupid fuck. It's observing facts that are actions. You know, empirical science you fucking idiot which every science needs to prove theories right.
t. physics student

>> No.17844641

Coffee no, but if i even touch a second monster I'll crash within 30 minutes.

>> No.17844658

>>drink coffee
>>get extremely poopy

>> No.17844681

There is a certain genetic mutation where caffiene does not work and actually makes you drowsy- you have this

>> No.17844682

Prove it.

>> No.17844685

No but benadryl makes me hyperactive

>> No.17844710

Yes, but I don't drink coffee so it happens with tea. A good cuppa is usually followed immediately by a nap in my case.

>> No.17844712

You're thinking of psychology. That IS hogwash without a doubt.

>> No.17844725

I have that, too. Coffee gets me jittery first and then drowsy after short while.
A friend of mine is like this, too, and he is diagnosed ADHD, witty and brilliant guy though so he gets away with it without being a nuisance. Anyway I smoked weed with him maybe twice and he gets extremely hyped and agitated, evn funnier than usually. Come to think of it I have 2 friends like that
I read this, too, small part of the population just gets drowsy from coffee

>> No.17844991

I experience this most of the time I drink coffee. But sometimes I do get a really good jolt from it. It's very unpredictable.

It's all a sham now. "Science" is just whatever transfers more wealth upwards and gives the government more power.

>> No.17845117

try adding a small pinch of salt to black coffee
that might help you

>> No.17845122

hello fellow adhd friend

>> No.17845705

>pill pushing
That's the US. In the rest of the world it doesn't work like that.

>> No.17845848

Coffee only starts giving you energy 30-45 minutes after drinking it, before that it can make you drowsy because it stimulates the regions of your brain responsible for sleep.

>> No.17845909

Cofe with tramadol is the patrician choice.

>> No.17845925

How much you drink? I learned that the best way to avoid bodily mood swing by just drinking an expresso in the morning and thats it, if I drink more during the day I get sleepy.

>> No.17845972


>> No.17845979


>> No.17846110
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>> No.17846137
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>> No.17846395

My Mom likes to drink coffee just before going to bed. She says it actually helps her relax and go to sleep which amazes me as someone that just doesn't drink coffee.

>> No.17846618

Caffeine and other stimulants mimic deficient neurotransmitters in ADHD patients. If you want to feel alert, you need to take more