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17842691 No.17842691 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about Kvass, anons. I recently became a teetotaler. My body has aged to become very sensitive to alcohol. However I do miss the taste of a good beer. Will this provide it?

>> No.17842693

if you like the taste of beer, then yeah pretty much, might be a bit sweeter than usual, but its essentially just that- fermented grain

>> No.17842704

Thanks anon. I particularly liked lagers and pilsners. Are there different kinds of kvass? Anything else I should know?

>> No.17842753
File: 255 KB, 560x636, proper kvass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one in your pic, as well as most mass-produced ones, is sweet af. Pic related is the tastiest factory-grade one i've tried. Other than that, there's draft small-batch production, but i guess it's a rare occurence outside slavlands.

>> No.17842754

It's got about 2% alcohol in it, tastes like liquid bread and yeah as mentioned is a good deal sweeter. I bought a massive loaf of black rye bread from the serbian baker a number of years ago and made my own kvass and it came out pretty good.

>> No.17842779

Yeah, in small produced batches you can find everything, from traditional pure rye bread based to malt grain mixes with added fruit pulp, blanche-style unfiltered, whatever.

>> No.17842798

GG on homemade one! 2% is way higher than it should be, though. It's possible at homebrewed if you didn't stop the fermentation in time

>> No.17842804

your pic tastes like molasses soda and little like beer.

>> No.17842846

Just drink erdinger Alkoholfrei or something, really tastes just like beer

>> No.17842911
File: 48 KB, 599x282, A7C26AEF-66C8-494C-80E3-3B40722D6807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one actually likes the taste of beer. You just want an excuse to drink something exotic to impress your aging hipster friends. Any normal person would be happy to have an excuse not to participate in the dumb beer-centered social rituals the rest of us have to pretend to enjoy. Guess what: no one gives a shit that you drink Slavic peasant bread scrap fungus water you pretentious fuck

>> No.17843001


>> No.17843155
File: 113 KB, 700x933, IMG_20190306_115355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this one when I was in Belarus and I don't remember it being very sweet, I usually hate sweet stuff.

>> No.17843278

nolol, it's yeast soda not nonalcoholic beer. if you want nonalcoholic beer, buy nonalcoholic beer. kvass is tasty though

>> No.17843283

>I don't like it so everybody else must just be pretending to like it

>> No.17843345

interesting. Yeast soda sounds up my alley thought, i love yeasts.

>> No.17843348

Thank you all. Neither of my local bevvies sells it, nor any of the groceries. Can I order kvass online reliably?

>> No.17843359

I've always hated xkcd but this is one of the worst. Fucking pedantic pseud shit.

>> No.17843367


Yeah I had kvass a few years back and I was surprised that it was practically a soda. I live in the SF Bay Area and got the first brand labeled as "Квac" in a grocery store in San Francisco. Are there other brands in the vicinity that tastes less like soda, or will I just need to order it online?

>> No.17843380
File: 899 KB, 1481x2976, kvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As other anons have said, kwas is a soda and not a beer alternative. The vast majority are very sweet and fruity with varying degrees of bread flavour. It's essentially slavic cola. I would recommend non-alcoholic beer to satisfy beer cravings and, if you still want to try kwas, avoid artificial sweetener at all cost as it is an indicator of very poor quality. Picrel is the best I have had, a perrect balance of fruity sweetness with a strong and dark bread flavour.

>> No.17843410


Is Gira accessible out in Burgerstan, or do you know that answer off the back of your hand?

>> No.17843676

Tastes good. Imagine sarsparilla/root beer with absolutely no sweetness at all. When I was in hospital there was a Russian deli across the road, used to buy this shit a lot. I was surprised I'd never heard of it before considering my family is mostly ESL Eastern Euros in Australia.

>> No.17843706

>No one likes the taste of beer
Then why would so many people drink it? There are faster and cheaper ways to get drunk.

>> No.17843710

seems likely considering that was my first try at it, i'll have to order another giant loaf of bread like that because it was damn good for soup-dipping and sandwiches too