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17840101 No.17840101 [Reply] [Original]

>grow up being treated like an outcast by my brothers for not liking pineapple pizza
>thought for years that pineapple pizza was a popular variety and that it was normal to like it
>feel completely vindicated now knowing that normies hate pineapple pizza as much as i do

I am so glad pineapple pizza fags are getting fucked in the ass for liking that shit.

>> No.17840160

op, you're a faggot.
pineapple pizza is easily A tier.

>> No.17840165

i fucking hate normie memes. LE PINEAPPLE IN PIZZA! LE MILK BEFORE THE CEREAL!!!

fuck off.

>> No.17840195

I know a bitch named cindy too.

>> No.17840205
File: 67 KB, 658x897, 1635750028349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost 40 and have never met anyone irl who hated pineapple pizza. Yeah, it's not everyone's favorite - but neither is pepperoni, despite being the "most popular". Hating on Hawaiian pizza is one of the true examples of a popular food becoming an internet meme. It's like pretending to hate bacon or avocados because of the "online fanbase", when literally everyone else in the world has been enjoying those things for decades before the internet even existed. I hate zoomers so god damn much.

>> No.17840217

>if you hate something you are just pretending so you can feel cool

I'm almost 40 too and I hate avocados, pineapple on anything or by itself, and I find bacon mediocre.

>> No.17840308

pineapple with breakfast bacon, jalepos, and chicken...beware! each bite will cause pleasurable dampness in the loin region of your body.

>> No.17840322

OP your brother is a dick but pineapple and Canadian bacon on pizza is mid tier. Not good, not bad.

>> No.17840338
File: 754 KB, 1171x1732, Tacos-al-Pastor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at best I tolerant of pineapple pizza. I do like pineapple on al pastor tacos. Maybe a hawaiian pizza with al pastor meat would be good.

>> No.17840345


>> No.17840369


You’re a fucking faggot.

>> No.17840376

Pineapple on pizza is garbage.

>> No.17841602

>normies agree with me
Get the fuck off 4chan, you raging faggot.

>> No.17841609

Fuck you. It's been years sense I lost.

>> No.17842223

It's easily one of the most popular toppings outside of Italy. More popular than anchovies, which are popular in Italy.

>> No.17842298

Now hold your fucking horses. Avocado is not universal and eternal. You don't have to 'pretend' not to like it. Stop putting it on literally fucking anything & everything. Fuck you.

>> No.17842817

>have pizza party
>1 pizza pineapple pizza
>first gone
>your assumptions were originally right, you shoulda trusted your gut that you're a picky freak

>> No.17842831

>no I would never mix pineapple into spaghetti, that's disgusting!
>wait, the noodles are replaced with bread? Oh, in that case A+ fine dining patrician's choice sir, here's some reddit gold

>> No.17842850

I've made spaghetti with grilled pineapple chunks. Wasn't bad. Not my finest work either to be fair.

>> No.17843148

it's usually for people who eat like a child or eat like a garbage truck. fuck pineapple pizza.

>> No.17843251

If you gate pineapple pizza or candy corn you are ab npc, simple as.

>> No.17843555

hating pineapple pizza is a retard meme and OP is unsurprisingly a faggot

>> No.17843606

I'm almost 40 as well and thought people loved pepperoni pizza and only recently realized people just tolerate it. Seems like people prefer vegetables of some sort or just cheese.

>> No.17843845

How about you pack yourself a nice ham and cheese spaghetti for lunch you fucking retard

>> No.17844238

I always thought pepperoni pizza was the worst and always thought it was just that thing that nobody really wants but everyone just assumes is the one thing nobody will complain about because it's just something you're supposed to like.

>> No.17845290

i'm curious what do you like

also pineapple+jalapeno enjoyer here

>> No.17845294

>>feel completely vindicated now knowing that normies hate pineapple pizza as much as i do
idk if it's a good thing that you're bunched in w the normies.
>pineapple pizza is easily A tier

>> No.17845296

literally every pizza place on earth has pineapple pizza

>> No.17845437

pineapple is good on pizza.

the problem with 'Hawaiian' pizza is the shit, stinky-feet ham they put on it.

>> No.17845469
File: 17 KB, 200x198, 87654561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pineapple on pizza? Haha ewwww youre comitting a sin!! gross. Pepperoni NY Slice for me, or a good brick oven margherita
>Medium steak? haha ewwww you ruined it, you committed a sin! Blue with salt and pepper only for me. I want to hear it moo!
>Folgers? Haha ewww, you committed a sin! It's fresh corundum kenyan with a pour over for me! I want to taste thr beans, not the burn!
>American beer? Haha ewww you committed a sin! It's scotch for me, or a good ahoppy IPA! I want to actually TASTE my drinks, makes me feel like I'm in Scotland, love the peat!
>chili with beans? Haha ewww you committed a sin! Beanless chili for me. I want to be authentic!

>> No.17845553

Are there people who do this? That's just weird.

>> No.17846926

I FUCKING hate you too. and iw ant to BEAT YOU UP! tough guy you in Colorado?? Cause ILL drive to the college right now and beat you up for that.


>> No.17848277

it's the pineapple on pizza lovers who always bring this shit up. and while every pizza place worth a dollar has it as an option, not every pizza place has margherita as an option.

>> No.17848287


>> No.17848294

Milk first.
Then cereal.
And finally, the bowl.

>> No.17848498

then bowl...

>> No.17849613

Hoppy IPAs are American though

>> No.17849644
File: 79 KB, 749x512, pineapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17849653

>being happy you're a normalfag

>> No.17849680


>> No.17849696

All IPAs are hoppy That’s the point you retard.

>> No.17849698

>Hoppy IPAs are American though

>> No.17849707

is not an imageboard
You'd know

>> No.17849738
File: 107 KB, 588x800, 1627455104208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy have I got news for you about the history of India and the people that sailed there

>> No.17849825
File: 101 KB, 755x629, C7nAJ0OXQAEUl1u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People arguing about A tier pizza meanwhile not single mention of the S tier pizza and pinnacle of Swedish cuisine, the banana curry pizza