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17836867 No.17836867 [Reply] [Original]

Why do vegans spend so much effort trying to emulate meat instead of just making the foods they can eat taste good?

>> No.17836873

Why does anyone shill anything? You are trying to get people who don't think like you do to think like you do, that way you get to be right. You would realize this if you didn't have autism.

>> No.17836876

They're mentally ill narcissists. They aren't satisfied with making a personal choice about whether or not they should eat meat. They made that choice, and now you must make the same choice. They know normal people don't want to eat like a vegan, so they try to emulate meat in order to gain as many as possible. "Look! It's just as good as meat!"

>> No.17836880

>You didn't realise this concept like I did, so you must be autistic
Are you my manager?

>> No.17836883

Because there is no need to reinvent the wheel.
Not only does it allow for the usage of old recipes, it also helps people who normally wouldn't eat vegan shit adapt and try something new

>> No.17836895

Because vegan food doesn't taste good.
That's the point.

>> No.17836898

Soy cope.

>> No.17836899

>it also helps people who normally wouldn't eat vegan shit adapt and try something new
This would work in theory if it also didn't cost more than real meat even today during meat shortages.

>> No.17836901

The wheel has already been reinvented though. I've seen burger places serving all kinds of vegan burgers which don't emulate meat at all. The correct reason is like you stated, to help people switch to vegan/vegetarian options with the least change to taste and texture.

>> No.17836905

Lol autistic teenager confirmed
>m-my manager just doesn’t appreciate my free thinking!
Nah Brayden, you’re just useless.

>> No.17836915

>Calling people teenager as an insult
And you call me retarded?

>> No.17836928

>Why spend effort trying to emulate meat
meat tastes good. people that were used to eat meat, now crave the taste but don't want to kill animals for it. Thus they manufacture these products to cover that need.
>instead of making the foods they eat taste good
they do that too.

>> No.17836951

>don't eat processed food and red meat
>here eat this insanely processed soy sloppa

>> No.17836955

Because it's not for vegans, it's a test run before they replace all your meat with bugmeal.

>> No.17836966

Hare they even against processed anything when most vegan food is processed to hell and back?

>> No.17836968

Oh great, it's this thread again

>> No.17836975

It's the food equivalent of lesbians using strapons

>> No.17837089

Ah yes. Totally can't tell it apart from real food.
Now give me the real meat.

>> No.17837234

reminds of when ketogenic diets came back a couple years ago and you had people trying to mimic carbs in the dumbest ways, with substitutes that have plenty of carbs anyway. here's an unenjoyable pizza with cauliflower crust. tastes awful and still has 30 carbs! or whatever
people can't go all the way with anything when it comes to diet
a vegan should be repulsed by the mere thought of the texture of meat, not yearning to replicate it

>> No.17837365

vegan food isn't usually chewy
fake meat is

>> No.17837403

you can only try something new if it's cheaper than what you usually eat??

>> No.17837425

Why i would try out something that may doesn't fit my taste if i can still buy actual meat for a lot cheaper?

>> No.17837443

Yeah those and fat bombs from momblogs

>> No.17837449

because red meat is neither good for you or the climate

>> No.17837468

those chocolate things hahaha yes exactly
imagine going to those lengths to just make unenjoyable shitty food that also probably breaks your restrictive diet
honestly only women would be capable of this kind of stuff

>> No.17837476

It's not for vegans. It's to lower the barrier to converting to veganism.

>> No.17837511

and seed oils, extracted using organic solvents like n-hexane, are good for you? eating highly processed, phytoestrogenic plant protein at a premium price is good for you? growing soy in brazil, deforesting the rainforest for that and then transporting it around half the earth to use copious amounts of energy to make it palatable is good for the planet? yeah, sure.

>> No.17837551

It's the best fucking thing for me.

>> No.17837595

i'm not a vegan nor vegetarian but i like tempeh and think it's great in a lot of dishes
i find it pretty curious that it's absent from most vegan/veg discussions
i agree that it's dumb to try to emulate meat and they should just embrace natural sources and find good ways to work with them
almost as though there were some sort of (((ulterior motive)))...
also, why the fuck are my posts not showing recently? this is the second time i've had to repost something after a "post successful". fucking dogshit cumeating jannies i blame you.

>> No.17837621

>Impossible burger
So named because it's impossible I'll ever eat that piece of shit.

>> No.17837680

>Seed oils
A majority of vegans are against any kind of oil. All fats should be gotten from whole foods like avocados, seeds and nuts. Nobody is forcing you to eat vegetable oil

>eating highly processed, phytoestrogenic plant protein at a premium price is good for you?
First of all, plant estrogens do not raise estrogen in males, they actually bind to estrogens receptors, preventing actual estrogen from binding, lowering your estrogen if anything. You spouting that meme shows how little you know and how much of a drone and tool you are. Second of all, nobody is forcing you to eat impossible foods.

>Growing soy in Brazil.
Which is all fed to livestock.
>Just over 70 percent of the soybeans grown in the United States are used for animal feed, with poultry being the number one livestock sector consuming soybeans, followed by hogs, dairy, beef and aquaculture.

> 70-75% of the world’s soy ends up as feed for chickens, pigs, cows, and farmed fish.

>Extensive cattle ranching is the number one culprit of deforestation in virtually every Amazon country, and it accounts for 80% of current deforestation (Nepstad et al. 2008).

>Soybean meal is widely used as animal feed, so we humans consume much of it indirectly via our meat and dairy.

>> No.17837722
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>muh soy
Another vegantard. Hey, dipshit, meat tastes good and every time you insufferable faggots make a post I go outside looking for a squirrel or quail I can shoot and kill, not to eat, but just for the pure enjoyment of knowing that some tranny vegan somewhere is seething because it is powerless to stop me.

I don't even try and debate you monke faggots anymore because its pointless, all vegans use circular logic to try and FORCE people to do what they want them to do. And then use moral posturing if you point that out any of the logical fallacies being used trans-vegan """community""".

Meat taste good, vegans can't survive without taking b12 vitamins, and vegans look scrawny, weak and like they're all auditioning for a play about Auschwitz.

And just quickly to your point about soy. Nothing wrong with soy, the plant. Its the glyphosates and other pesticides that GMO soy is made to be able to take in large quantities of, that are the problem

>> No.17837734

>Why do vegans spend so much effort trying to emulate meat instead of just making the foods they can eat taste good?

I've had this argument with a vegan I used to work with. he never could explain it in any rational manner.

>> No.17837767

Because animal murder is evil and they're trying to make a substitute for murder addicts so the evil can stop.

>> No.17837779

You are on 4chan, so yeah. Basically every other poster is always calling you a retard. Welcome to the club, now fuck off.

>> No.17837782

meat eaters have no argument against veganism other than
>meat tastes good
>i hate trannies

>> No.17837797

Seems like two pretty solid arguments to me.

>> No.17837811

I both hate trannies and think meat is murder

>> No.17837817

Why not? Why the fuck do you care? It doesn't harm you in any concrete way so fuck off you special autistic snowflake.

>> No.17837842

I swear the same autists post this shit over and over.
There's a type of vegan who are ethically against eating meat but still like the flavor. This is the product for them. Why does this trigger you?

>> No.17837849

Bro just eat what you want why do you gotta be a fucking faggot about everything? Did a vegan fuck your mom and girlfriend or something?

>> No.17837865

These two seething tranny fruitarians prove my point.

>> No.17837877
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>> No.17837879

So your argument is that it tastes good? You're no different than the fattass Americans who can't go a day without fast food. You're pathetic and a slave to your taste buds.

>> No.17837887
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>> No.17837899
File: 312 KB, 1173x656, 1637705970786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of them, yes. Meat is also more nutritious then vegetables. But considering your weak tranny brain hasn't had enough cholesterol, your myelin sheaths have withered and died off to such an extant you have to cherry pick one argument instead of trying to understand the forest from the trees.


>> No.17837912

>everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny
I eat meat and can tell both of you are closeted fudge packers. Cope, seethe, dilate, buzzword, buzzword, buzzword.

>> No.17837916

Phoneposters are by definitions faggots and transexual monsters. Sorry to have burst your bubble.

>inb4 nuh-uh im no phone poster
Image name says otherwise, newfren.

>> No.17837934

Meat is not more nutritious than vegetables and causes heart disease and cancer.

>> No.17837940

>obsessed with trannies and has a false sense of superiority about what device he uses to seethe on

>> No.17838029


>> No.17838109

because like any other leftist ideology, they must corrupt the pure.

>> No.17838116

i am a meat-eater but at least i can acknowledge that vegans have a point with the climate and atrocious conditions in which the animals live
also eating max 300g of red meat/week drastically lowers the risk for colon cancer

>> No.17838122

I've tried vegan food before. Some of it tastes good. It is not filling in the slightest though.

>> No.17838202

all vegans eat meat. the fake stuff is there so they can eat real meat but larp that they're eating the fake stuff. they can only pull this off if the fake stuff looks reasonably real.

>> No.17838213

Huh, meat does taste good and I DO hate trannies!
Well put.

>> No.17838224

I'd rather just eat a blackbean and mushroom patty than this cope shit if I want to do vegan. Imitation meat tastes like fucking chemicals.

>> No.17838229

It's crazy how vegans will spend hours upon hours in the lab trying to make meat substitutes tasty, but when it comes to milk it's just "put nuts and water in a blender, that's the best we can do."

>> No.17838240

vegetable shortening is probably the worst thing you can eat for heart disease

>> No.17839177

>causes heart disease and cancer.
It doesn't

>> No.17839243

But plant-based meat that tastes like meat is vegan food, goofy.
This, I enjoy the flavor of a burger, I enjoy variety. Stay mad

>> No.17839255

>almond/oat milk, lightly processed vegan alternative to milk
>omg its such a simple recipe, vegans are so stupid
>plant-based meat, heavily processed & lots of ingredinets
>omg its heavily processed, vegans are so stupid
dumbass lmao

>> No.17839272

It doesn't taste like meat. It tastes like what it is. Processed vegetable paste.

>> No.17839303

vegans are always stupid regardless of how much effort they put into their shitty recipes

>> No.17839306

Making plant-based meat alternatives with seitan (wheat gluten, for neurodegenerated carnivores) is a practice that goes back over a thousand years in China & asia. It's not new

And we spend zero of our time emulating meat, just buy it at the store, LOL stay mad

>> No.17839312

If you can't make good vegan food, you are shit at cooking.

>> No.17839318

This seems more like corporations trying to market overpriced, overprocessed crap to a demographic that stopped buying that garbage

>> No.17839325

that's just you bud. I make good normal food, don't give a shit about the considerations of veganism and you can keep seething and coping

>> No.17839446

Because no one likes the poos even vegans but to be fair vegans don't like anyone.

>> No.17839781

>Implying mass manufactured products are created by their target demographic

>> No.17839787

You could start by trying to understand the reasons people chose not to eat meat but you're probably not interested in that.

>> No.17839922

I love that people think that someone who choses a plant-based diet intrinsically hates meat eaters.

My dude, I couldn't give less of a fuck what you eat. Do what makes you happy and feel good, that's all anyone should do.

Vegans who preach at meat eaters suck. Meat eaters who feel the need to constantly joke about killing a cow to anger vegans suck.

Go kill a cow, I couldn't give a fuck. We're all trapped on this fucking rock that's slowly lighting on fire, nothing matters, who cares

>> No.17840371

>Why do vegans spend so much effort trying to emulate meat instead of just making the foods they can eat taste good?
cuz being a vegan isnt about being a vegan
its about pretending to be morally superior to the people around you and guilting them into feeling bad after you virtue signal to them
t.I live with a vegan who eats eggs and cheese daily

>> No.17840375

>because red meat is neither good for the climate
>grows a shitload of almonds instead
lol you retard

>> No.17840384

Lots of people like the taste of meat but not enough to kill an animal for it.

>> No.17840389

>not enough to kill an animal for it.
thats why i just pay some other cunt to do it for me
thats how the economy works

>> No.17840405
File: 38 KB, 381x266, nice try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an "impossible" taco once and the idea that it tastes anything like regular meat is so wrong that your taste buds are fucked or you're a shill for Big Soi.

>> No.17840428
File: 705 KB, 2318x2888, soyboy fried plants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17840430

>Why do vegans spend so much effort trying to emulate meat instead of just making the foods they can eat taste good?

This is something white vegans do. Indian vegans just make food that's tasty. For the record, I am neither Indian nor vegan.

>> No.17840942

anon's master class in economics just ended vegetarianism

>> No.17840967

Why would we be mad? If you want to limit your life experience that's up to you. But the reality is that humans became humans because we because carnivores in the ice age. The ice age created modern humans. Without meat we'd just be cave apes no more intelligent than gorillas or niggers.

>> No.17841066

Why do you care
Why are you spending that much time and effort trying to understand the mindset of a group of people you don't belong in and shouldn't care about
Why are you making this thread every other day

Your regular ground meat is not going anywhere. If there's anything, the growing availability of alternative products should translate in a slightly lower demand for real meat, meaning lower prices. You should be stoked that some people are switching to fake meat.

>> No.17841979
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impossible is not "vegan" anon they are corporatists that want you to eat bug meal while they eat steak

>> No.17842385

Nice made-up person retard

>> No.17842733

>food they CAN eat

>> No.17842776

did you know that you can troll the jannies by reporting post that don't break any rules, if they decide to get a power trip, and unlawfully ban you, you can bring balance to the force