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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17835975 No.17835975 [Reply] [Original]

I've never had this in my life but I have about 40 cans of it (don't ask), what's the best way to prepare it? How bad is it for you?

>> No.17835981

>what's the best way to prepare it?
cut into slices and fry

>> No.17835986

Thanks, what should I expect it to taste like?

>> No.17835991

It's very high in sodium, so it wouldn't be healthy to be eating this shit every day. It's delicious though once sliced and fried/baked/grilled.
Have it on sammich, with eggs, with rice and/or veg.
It tastes like salty ham/bacon.

>> No.17836004

high sodium diets are healthy, retard

>> No.17836005
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Thanks. Gonna fry some up in a bit and have a sandwich. Nothing to put on it really though besides hot sauce and other various condiments.

>> No.17836006

>(don't ask),
I must ask.

>> No.17836014
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I have this card that allows me to buy some food but they don't approve jack shit, even typical bottled water isn't covered, but SPAM is for some reason, so I just blow it all on SPAM every month because if I don't spend it it gets wiped and doesn't carry over.

>> No.17836025

Spam will be currency in the days ahead. Keep stockpiling.

>> No.17836028

Very salty so slice them thin.

>> No.17836029

sear that shit up, it tastes like cheap bacon.
goes well with a teriyaki glaze if youre trying to put it over rice.

>> No.17836033

spam musubi

>> No.17836039

Yeah I only have done it two months now, but after I made this thread I read a bit more about SPAM and it apparently only lasts 2-3 years which is a shame.

>> No.17836042

spam is great to throw at people, just make sure to pick it up afterwards if you can and make spam musubi or spam sandwiches.

>> No.17836044

how the fuck does it only last 2-3 years when it's fucking canned and salted to hell and back

>> No.17836046

That's what all the prepper stuff I read says

>> No.17836052

Buy seaweed and nishiki white rice (or whatever sticky rice) and make spam musubi

>> No.17836080

Don't listen to the loser weebs and their shit suggestions, what kind of faggot eats spam with seaweed.

>> No.17836090

Are you OCD or autistic or something?

>> No.17836092

I have OCD but I don't see how that's relevant

>> No.17836094

And you have autism as well

>> No.17836096

Have a bad day, champ?

>> No.17836099

I'm not insulting you just observing
>clippy reddit deflection

>> No.17836136

And ywnbaw
Cope end dilate chump

>> No.17836140

Wow...are you fucking kidding me right now?

>> No.17836145

No he used 4chan deflection which is based and possibly redpilled

>> No.17836169

Did I fucking stutter mr fruitcake?

>> No.17836184

>tfw can see anons going off in my (you)s but it's all getting filtered for some reason

>> No.17836186

>not eating it straight from the can

>> No.17836189
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>40 cans of it (don't ask)
post expiration dates

>> No.17836208

>inspected and passed by department of agriculture
Well that's a relief

>> No.17836213

You lisped.

>> No.17836222

sell it to buy actual food with actual money

>> No.17836296
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I cooked up a can, pretty tasty. Didn't eat it all though, just had a few bites.

I bought all of it in the past 2 months, I just went and sorted it all away in duffel bags and cupboards, I only looked at one but it said 2025 or something.

That's probably a felony so no, and I'm happy with the spam.

>> No.17836305

there was a vice doc on how hawaii loves spam because of some historic incident, so thats where the spam sushi meme comes from
might wanna look up their recipes of making it pallatable

>> No.17836325

There was a vice doc on Hawaii water quality and it was 95% about two granola girls getting fucked by a skipper while spergs looked at bottles of ocean water.
Last one I've watched because unlike nat geo it strayed violently off topic

>> No.17836561

Cook it in a pan and it's pretty tasty. I like making a spam and egg sandwiches or with some fried rice.

>> No.17836612

cube it and use it for the meat in my breakfast tacos.

also use it for a fajita by frying it with peppers and onions and some seasoning

>> No.17836637

Use it as you would bacon. Fry it with eggs on toast etc, very tasty but terribly unhealthy

>> No.17836731

spam sushi is not a meme, it is delicious and simple

>> No.17836900

Corned beef > spam
More meaty and closer to god

>> No.17836919

>I buy spam every month
>but I’ve never tasted it
Why do you faggots have to write retarded back stories?
It’s already clearly bullshit since you’re posting a stock image instead of your 40 cans.

>> No.17836929

Never display your stash

>> No.17836934

their tone just changed from gonzo jingoism to edgy high brow political correctness virtue signalling

they hired so many young woke people that are left unchecked in their NY office...

>> No.17836936

sushis already a shitty fad fast food item, and the only thing that redeems it, is the quality fish so go ham if you wanna

>> No.17837552

a bit of brown sugar and s o y sauce while frying will make a nice glaze like a poor mans teriyaki

>> No.17837936

Cube it up and make fried rice, that's my favorite way to eat it. Also sliced, fried and topped with teriyaki and pineapple and served on a king's hawaiian roll is pretty good.

>> No.17837955

Spam Fritters are pretty good, basically mix up a standard batter, cut spam into about 6 slices assuming it's the can size in the picture, then deep fry for a few minutes

Tasty and cheap, assuming you aren't actually paying for spam, because for some reason that shit is like £3.50 for some reason

Good thing I volunteer at a food bank and get to take as much food as I want.

>> No.17837965

The sell by date is a meme anyway, if the cans aren't damaged it'll last forever. If something can last 3 years there's essentially no reason why it wouldn't last 10

>> No.17837966

Have an attractive Hawaiian woman fry it up for you with some eggs.

>> No.17837998

>spam fried rice
>spam musubi
>breakfast sandwiches
>fry it and serve it with eggs and/or rice
>add it to mac 'n cheese
what's what I do. but there are other ways I can think that I've never had the chance to try.
>budae jjigae
>spam hash

>> No.17838655

You don't need to fry it. It's a waste of gas/elec and dirties a pan. It's already cooked and ready to eat right out of the can.


>> No.17838675

when i was a young weeb, i thought that calling spam musubi "spam musume" was extremely humorous
it was not

>> No.17838678

projecting roody poo

>> No.17838695

F off wapanese faggots

>> No.17838706
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can't beat the simplicity. Perfect meal

>> No.17838728

>double cooking spam making it hard
Double gtfo.

>> No.17838888
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Pic rel but even better with Korean fried and seasoned seaweed instead of the flat jap stuff also spam in scrambled eggs

>> No.17838893

Dice it up for fried rice.
Slices fried and put on a sandwich are good too but spam and leftover rice is a goto for me.

>> No.17839044

Spam is only meant to be eaten out of the can in a wood shelter after a long exhausing day hiking along the AT with your niece while trying to lay low for a few weeks.

>> No.17839059

Could use it on hawaiian pizza

>> No.17839086


>> No.17839126
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>> No.17839132

why are there so many fucking weebs in this thread goddamn

ended up cooking up a whole can and it was preddy gud, not something i would eat often though, i'm just buying it to prep for fun

>> No.17839176

>cooking something that is already cooked

Accusing others of being wapanese when you look so fooling yourself eh?

>> No.17839180

the texture is better when it's cooked

>> No.17839189



>> No.17839190


>> No.17839199

spam cooked vs uncooked isn't memetic, there's a big fucking difference and raw is better. like all things in life, raw is better (those who know know)

>> No.17839203

Spam is alright. If I was starving and I had a can of spam I would be a very happy starving person.
the lower sodium is preferable because regular spam is way too salty.
This is the true way to eat spam, also having it with some eggs in a breakfast burrito

>> No.17839210

This is partially true, even canned meat will eventually expire but yeah printed dates are a scam. Spam could last 10 years easily if stored properly

>> No.17839216

>t. retard with retard taste buds
If you can't appreciate a texture to a foot you might as well eat scrapple since you're a plebian dipshit

>> No.17839262

enjoy your aids faggot

>> No.17839285

>lower sodium
low sodium just means they use other artificial preservatives instead.
it's not bad to eat a lot of sodium as long as you drink a ton of water straight after to dilute it.

>> No.17839319

I fucking love scrapple

>> No.17839331

maybe I will maybe I won't, what's it to you, queer?

>> No.17839379

fried spam steaks and pineapple rings with cheese melted on top is delicious.

>> No.17839414 [DELETED] 

>saute in butter with mushrooms
>add 3 or 4 eggs and scramble
>add a handful of mozzarella (optional)
>serve with your choice of hot sauce
Feeds 3 men

>> No.17839421
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Mabe + cheese

>> No.17839432

>saute in butter with mushrooms
>add 3 or 4 eggs and scramble
>add a handful of mozzarella (optional)
>serve with your choice of hot sauce
Feeds 3 men

>> No.17839599

3 manlets*

>> No.17839612

>chop into cubes and fry with rice
>mash and mix into pasta sauce for unbelievably shitty nigger-rigged bolognese
>slice thin and pan-fry as bootleg bacon
>slice thick and pan-fry, wrap with seaweed and rice for spam musubi
>eat with a spoon and pretend you're a STALKER