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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17831598 No.17831598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How come we don't talk about this guy anymore?

>> No.17831604


>> No.17831605

We will in 2024

>> No.17831607

This site was taken over by reddit magatards and he made a video about "orange fool" so obviously the retards lost their mind. Next question.

>> No.17831611


>> No.17831640

/ck/ lost interest once he came out of the closet, to be expected

>> No.17831652

I hate that people need to insert politics into literally everything. The guy is a historical reenactor with a cooking channel, it should be about historical cooking. Yet he simply cannot resist making a video about "orange fool." Completely ridiculous.

>> No.17831673

>i hate that people need to insert politics i don't agree with into my trad e-celeb larper

>> No.17831682

QRD? I assume this guy made a video complaining about Trump but all I know about him is that he makes videos about old cooking recipes usually.

>> No.17831683

fewer cooking videos and the fat guy has no charisma

>> No.17831688
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<---- this is you

>> No.17831689

He didn't. He did a video where he makes an 18th century dessert called orange fool and it sent the trumpfags over the edge

>> No.17831690

He made a video about a drink called an "Orange Fool" when Trump was running. He had to make a video saying "This channel is completely apolitical that was just a coincidence".

>> No.17831696

He made an orange fool recipe just after Trump was made potus ....... 5 years ago. This really upset the MAGA types.
It was a fairly innocuous, throwaway jest.
Bunch of snowflakes.

>> No.17831699

Because trannies always impersonate magatards so the threads immediately go to shit.

>> No.17831712

Are these "trannys" in the room with you right now?

>> No.17831724

i'm replying to one right now

>> No.17831728

The dessert was from an 18th century cookbook and just happened to be called orange fool.

Retards like you can't think beyond contemporary politics because you're an NPC

>> No.17831735


>> No.17831754
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>> No.17831781

He knew what he was doing and is such a smug dickhead he genuinely assumed his youtube viewers were 100% with it, when all people wanted to do was watch this faggot larp and cook old recipes.

>> No.17831797

If I had to guess, he's probably a boomerservative who gets upset that there's no more dang civility in politics :(

>> No.17831802

Same response every time. You fags constantly cry about dogwhistles yet deny when fags do it.

>> No.17831813

hilary clinton

>> No.17831822
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>> No.17831825

He never made any political references. You retarded /pol/dditors simply can’t comprehend that people exist who don’t care about politics so when you see some vague connection between something they say and some political implication, you throw a tantrum. If you truly didn’t care about injecting politics in non-political media you wouldn’t even bat an eye over this. What you’re trying to say is that you don’t want people to say things you don’t agree with, because you’re a fuckhead who can’t turn off the “muh politics” signal in your tiny, smooth brain.

>> No.17831831

He doesn’t even write his own videos. Someone else plans what his content is going to be. It was a coincidence, you sperg. Though who am I kidding, you believe the earth is flat and that the elites run pedo rings out of pizza shops so how can I convince you of something less retarded than those?

>> No.17831834

The Algorithm has forsaken him

>> No.17831836

it's to be expected from a female majority board, they don't call it co/ck/suckers for nothing

>> No.17831837

And just who are “we”? You realize that not everyone who thinks /pol/yards are morons are lefties. I lean right and voted for Trump both times, but I can’t stand the retards on that board and I believe that this video was a coincidence. Yes, the left whines just as much as you guys, we know. It is possible to be rational and lean right, you know.

>> No.17831881

except the US "left wing" is hard right (including discriminatory hiring practices and censorship of library stock), and the US "right wing" is behead-those-who-insult-islam tier.

>> No.17831900

You fucking retard. Authoritarianism is not inherently right wing.

>> No.17831957

Yeah, he heard about this """controversy""" and posted a video saying it was just a dessert he was featuring, it had nothing to do with Trump, and he was surprised when it turned political. I feel bad for the guy.

If you Google "orange fool dessert," you will see that it is in fact a very legitimate dessert. Jesus Christ, I cannot believe that people would be so sensitive and triggered to try to destroy a cooking channel because the guy featured a dessert called "orange fool" without thinking that it could somehow be misinterpreted to offend people.

>> No.17831961

>he came out of the close

>> No.17831966

its literally just a meme pushed by one guy and now you’ve parroted him, like all memes

>> No.17831969
