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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17825975 No.17825975 [Reply] [Original]

>Search recipe online
>Author starts telling their entire life story.

>> No.17826036

thats why you use a recipe manager faggot

>> No.17826044

whats wrong with the author telling their life story?

>> No.17826065

>Search recipe online
>All the comments are people talking about how they changed the ingredients

>> No.17826086

I've got no time for your blog post. Just give me the goddamn recipe.

>> No.17826105
File: 158 KB, 239x372, C3D6219C-21BC-4B0A-BD6D-A406DCA585CE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask grandma for recipe
>she starts telling her life story

>> No.17826109

>search recipe online
>press "go to recipe" button

>> No.17826117

Having to read several pages about the 2008 Italian holiday in Tuscany of a rando foodblogger where they discovered the most amazing pasta dish at a little mountainvillage and how the night went is cancerous though.

>> No.17826131

>ask grandma her life story
>she tells me her recipe for upside down pineapple cake

>> No.17826184

You’re probably just memeing but as a real answer, it’s to put more keywords into the page so that their blog can show up more often on searches

>> No.17826351
File: 204 KB, 1148x1080, 1648471494535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cook recipe from memory
>the food tells me my lifestory

>> No.17826492
File: 355 KB, 500x692, E9CA745C-1BF8-436F-A1F3-CBD7811A9186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google my name
>computer tells me my life story

>> No.17826621

>name of the recipe is bolded and keeps showing up with the exact same wording over and over
They never even try to hide it.

>> No.17826643

Well anon, are you going to share the recipe?

>> No.17826651

dont be a stupid retard and scroll 2 inches down
people are kind enough to share their recipes with you, dont act like a spoiled kid.

>> No.17826961

>Noooo you must listen how my week long trip to Italy was in excruciating detail!
I don't give a fuck dude. Just give me that sauce recipe.

>> No.17826967
File: 139 KB, 333x551, 22FF0991-A21F-42E5-9C3A-1AE1D87BB772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google someone’s life story
>get a recipe

>> No.17827006
File: 80 KB, 1273x527, 8127354817541875481754981754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel ya ma man.

>> No.17827019

Your fake story sounds pretty cool, I'd be excited to try to recreate that pasta dish.

>> No.17827181

maybe stop having the same humor as reddlt and twitter

>> No.17827185

it's for search engine optimization

>> No.17827194

here's how to boil water

well my grandpapi used to live on a farm and he raised emus....[useless shit]
he loved how the emus reacted to him [more useless shit]

water in a saucepan or pot
turn on fire

>> No.17827304

Ok. And you know that the people visiting your site that are using some algorithm, are there for the recipe, not your blog. So put it at the top, or have a hyperlink to take them down to the recipe. And if they care to read your blog, they still have that option.

>> No.17827367

There are browser extensions that will jump right to the recipe when you load the page. Skips past the blog garbage. Recipe Cart is a good one which works in both chrome and firefox browsers.

>> No.17827371

>watching a video instead of reading a written recipe

Your first mistake.

>> No.17827374


>> No.17827461

>cook dinner without a recipe
>its a chapter of my autobiography where I am cooking dinner

>> No.17827702

Anon, that's commonplace even in written recipes

>> No.17827743

It was the mid 1990s, a time of comingled fear and exaltion. A new millennium was approaching. The future was coming with all that entailed. Hope. Uncertainty. Yes, and the Y2K bug-- due to take effect a year before the technical change of millennium, yet somehow emblematic of it all. The possibility of disaster, and the strength of mankind to avert it.

It is into this world I was born.

I was a tiny baby. Smaller than the rest, as if physically withdrawing from the world that had been thrust upon me. But I grew fast. Grew large, showing the world I had the mettle to face all of its challenges.

My father did not live to see it. He was killed before I was born, crushed beneath a falling cargo box, his body blooming into a crimson flower seeded by the cost-saving initiative of a quickly bankrupted engineer. My mother's sorrow was not eased by the financial return on his loss, and often through life I would come upon her weeping, holding the photo of him that became her constant companion.

>> No.17828441


>> No.17828465

Because I didn't Google "Stupid bitch pretends her journalism degree wasn't a waste of her dad's money".

I googled "How to make a black forest cake".

>> No.17828474
File: 519 KB, 1440x1011, Screenshot_20220511-073438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And for today's special, we have "Redditor from Reddit takes a break from Reddit and goes to 4chan to whine about Reddit" with a side of "Trying way too hard to fit in".

>> No.17829351

>normie humor gets called out
>a-a-a-a-actually ur the n-normie!

>> No.17829543

That's not how you use a search engine. The most effective search term for what you want is

"black forest cake" +recipe

>> No.17829549

Have you ever tried using AllRecipes on a phone? There are enough ads to make the site unusable. Not to mention the recipe is 45% down the page.

>> No.17829564

i'm not a zoomer to browse the internet with a fucking phone, and when I do I use a browser that blocks ads
this fucking place is lost

>> No.17829566

Ad blocking killed internet independence.

>> No.17829570

Sorry, I liked askjeeves format of finding information better.

>> No.17829584
File: 1.15 MB, 1328x1901, Screenshot_20220511-142616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah, my fine sir, I see you have an eye for excellence. Indeed, our dish is simmered in a bold blend of "doubling down" and "transparent denial". A fascinating combo that would cause the heads of most patrons to spin, but surely a man as refined as yourself can appreciate irony this ripe.

>> No.17829597

Google also upranks based on word count. Which is still SEO of course. This is why whenever you try to google a tech question these days you just get dozens of ai generated word salad pages. The internet is truly shit now.

>> No.17829637

It's one of my biggest gripes, even on here. Like when someone ask for a recipe that exist in 100k locations on the internet already.

>> No.17829668

stop clicking on recipe results from momblog.blogspot.com then retard

>> No.17829676


>> No.17829703

>Everyone I hate is a zoomer
Calm down, grandpa.

>> No.17829760

Can’t just post quality ahegao like that and not include the source, fampai

>> No.17829767

Post phone, guarantee you have a smartphone

>> No.17829791

I feel like those two positions are opposed. The reason people ask for a recipe here is because you have a chance to get a real recipe from a real person that has been made before. Searching for it given the state of the internet requires dredging through garbage results hoping the one you find is real.

>> No.17829830

Norway has a government sponsored recipe site, matprat.no. It has no ads and no life stories. I use it for everything.

>> No.17829846

Not everyone wants 5000 recipes for rotten shark marinated in urine

>> No.17829894

Different country, fren

>> No.17829912


>> No.17829936


Then shut the fuck up, use better sites and contribute to them.

>> No.17830008

Do you know who the "people" here are? Wake up Peter Pan!

>> No.17830045
File: 44 KB, 627x769, fat pepe jazzy scooter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>have a hankerin' for smothered pork chops
>google amanda bynes side boob