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File: 168 KB, 1000x1000, cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17821118 No.17821118 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on ordering cheese pizza? Some people don't like because it's a bland topping

>> No.17821121 [DELETED] 

it's fine

>> No.17821148

>thinly veiled CP thread

>> No.17821152

My opinion? Eat whatever the fuck you want you retard

>> No.17821157

but would you favor a more interesting topping than cheese pizza?

>> No.17821168

Yeah I love cheese pizza (ticker CP)

>> No.17821180 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 386x417, 1649000439738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking for pizza

>> No.17821194

Always one girl at the party with the child's palate who'll only eat margherita.

>> No.17821221

i like margherita although the tomato always gets cold

>> No.17821379

its a meh for me. i see it like eating a hotdog or hamburger with no toppings, just meat and bread.

>> No.17821470

except there's no meat and it contains cheese and tomatoes

>> No.17821489

look, im just saying that its highly unrealistic government officials would purchase upwards to tens of thousands of dollars worth of cheese pizza, hot dogs, pasta and ice cream just for parties.

>> No.17821492

it was $60,000 for "hot dogs and pizza" for the Obama white house.

>> No.17821499

some wagyu hotdogs

>> No.17821506

Do you guys wanna play some CLUB PENGUIN (lol!)

>> No.17821510

margherita is slightly more mature at least. the real manchildren and womanchildren eat plain cheese from chains like dominos

>> No.17821514

nah, eat this 7

>> No.17821519

>cheese pizza

>> No.17821526

Mods are asleep

>> No.17821723
File: 26 KB, 326x313, 1638937963236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only image in thread gets deleted

>> No.17821727

based. pizza doesn't require toppings.

>> No.17821779

>Carb-laden baked bread
>Fatty drippy cheese
>Sweet-ass sugary sauce
>Nope, must load it up with more other stuff, this is too BLAND
When have people become so spoiled?

>> No.17821793

when you pay more than $20 a pizza you don't want just cheese

>> No.17821807

A cheese pizza at LC never runs you more than $10

>> No.17823398

I get cheese on every pizza.

>> No.17823405

I've seen frozen cheese pizzas but have never been to a party where anybody ordered cheese pizza. I don't know what type of person would even want it.

>> No.17823418

why the fuck is the sauce sweet?

>> No.17823428

Because it's sauce

>> No.17823437

I've had a couple groups of friends where one or two were vegetarian. Rather than grab some other topping, we just ordered cheese to keep things simple.

>> No.17823468

I would order other toppings if I was ordering, but I often make cheese pizza

>> No.17823502

>What's your opinion on ordering cheese pizza?
depends on how old it is

>> No.17823509

Mushroom and olive, dumbass.

>> No.17823912

i guess people don't like to order for the simplest
since you're already paying it might as well go for a more "luxurious" topping than the one you can make at home

>> No.17823944

Margherita za kicks ass. Also, since when do children like tomatoes and spinach?

>> No.17823945

if you're not eating a school cafeteria tier cheese pizza then they can be really good.
only shit tier pizzas need to have 20 different topping piled on to make it edible

>> No.17823951

for me? it's the humble g'rita 'za

>> No.17823967

spinach? wtf it's basil mofo

>> No.17825104

Probably an american thing, they put corn syrup to everything

We can already make cheese pizza at home, so if we go to a restaurant we order something more interesting... Implying we can afford going to a restaurant

>> No.17825120

>Sweet-ass sugary sauce
Are you retarded?

>> No.17825256

cheese pizza is for frozen pizza, so you can put whatever you want on it at home. chain-food cheese pizza's like op has way too much cheese and it's not even good cheese. just a complete waste of money there. If I have to eat some I will put lots of oregano and red pepper flake on there

>> No.17825261

>cracking black pepper on top of pizza
I can't be the only one

>> No.17825284

for me it's shrimp powder and pepper

>> No.17825302

You're a fat fuck cunt for thinking toppings other than cheese makes you somehow "mature"?

>> No.17825308

That sounded fucking nasty when I first read it but now that I think about it... I do love anchovies on pizza.

>> No.17825325

>ordering minimalist neapolitan or other pizza that deliberately doesn't have extra toppings
>ordering cheese only american fast food style pizza because you won't eat any normal toppings
restrictive eating disorder, see a therapist

>> No.17825361

yeah and there are shrimp powder mixes that have chili powder and msg and all that good stuff, it's perfect for pizza

>> No.17825375

Cold pasta

>> No.17825414

Its like eating white chocolate, still rather tasty and enjoyable but there is always that feeling like something is missing or it could be better. the toppings and their flavors are there to contrast the base components (sauce, cheese, dough) and add a some depth.

>> No.17826047

lol manchild. gonna eat some chuck e cheese cheese pizza at your fwends birthday party, child?