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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17820666 No.17820666 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here own their own cooking related business? I'm playing with the idea of pre-made meal kits or personal chef-ing but figured I'd poke /ck/ and risk being called a faggot

>> No.17820690

>I'd poke /ck/ and risk being called a faggot
i hope you don't called that, it's 2022
i say chase your dreams. you love food. you want to make a living involving your love of food. fuck it, fail it till you make it. what are you interested in specializing in? health? nutrition? tasty comfort food meals? unfortunately you will probably need to create social media to branch out so just know it won't be easy unless you don't mind being niche and doing it as a side-gig.

>> No.17820737


>> No.17820746
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>> No.17820756
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Everything is centrelized these days and with the incoming economic crash starting a business is a deathwish but hey, don't let me talk you out of it. Better men with better ideas have tried, which is fine if you're cool with being that one dude everybody knows who is chasing a pipe dream while wallowing in poverty. It's sort of depressing seeing him that way but you admire his heart, which is not entirely a bad thing i guess.

>> No.17820779

I had a food truck from 2017 to early 2020, and then pandemic bullshit killed it entirely. My city soft-organized the food trucks to this large park where it was its own thing. Every truck got a time slot during the week and it was just killer business. The city would set up entertainment, so the park was an attraction and very popular. It was easy to do $1k/hour on park night, which also built you up a customer base that would seek you out the rest of the week. Then lock down and social distancing and all that bullshit happened, and the city shut the park attractions/foodtruck timeslots down, followed by general distrust of groups and it was a grand month to even break even. Sold the truck and had to get a job at a walmart just to keep a roof over my head. Feels utterly terrible.

>> No.17820799

that sounds like it was a lovely setup. what city?

>> No.17820802


>> No.17820807

You had me up until this. Decent bait.

>> No.17820808

We were in socal, so the potential for business was very high if you were on top of your shit, but also explains why the pandemic and its consequences were so bad.
fuck off dumb faggot

>> No.17820812

Which food truck?

LAfag here

>> No.17820820

Believe what you want. Our average order was slightly more than $16, which is nothing in socal, and only about 60 orders/hour. I had a second cook and we just slammed orders out.

>> No.17820987

That's pretty badass. I'm here in Florida so most people are used to going back out to eat again at food trucks and with the lack of hard long-term lockdowns a lot of them were able to survive the pandemic.

very doomer and condescending at the same time, quite the combo.

The idea I have at least when it comes to pre-made meals is keeping it simple meals in idea but executing it well that's a step or 2 above "chicken with sonny's BBQ sauce with potatos and unseasoned broccoli"

The only things that makes me slightly hesitate is the possibility of food-product shortages en masse that would really mess things up for many food-based businesses out there.

>> No.17821015

Pointless when other companies already do it. You can't compete with HelloFresh. Need be different

>> No.17821019 [DELETED] 

A chef is the head of a professional kitchen. The word you're looking for is "cooking".


>> No.17821628

Market saturation really shouldn't be as much of a deterrent as people make it out to be. You're right being different is important but it's a fine line between being different and being pompous/"creative" if that makes sense.

>> No.17821695

You get what you deserve.

>> No.17822576
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Get a few freeze dryers and vacuum sealers and make some MREs for the civilian market.

>> No.17824017


>> No.17824433

>I'm playing with the idea of pre-made meal kits or personal chef-ing but figured I'd poke /ck/ and risk being called a faggot

I always wanted to be a chef, but was always overweight. Everything I ever did (e.g. short stories in gradeschool) always involved food and my mom yelled at me every time and mocked me. She was, of course, an obese white trash lady.

I would say follow your dream---the only way to know if a business can be successful is if you start it. Would you buy the product?

Also, don't listen to any demotivating faggots on the Internet.

>> No.17824437

>Pointless when other companies already do it. You can't compete with HelloFresh. Need be different

You dont compete with some abstraction, you compete on different values. You probably cant compete on price point, but maybe you can compete in some other way.

Things like catering, etc. are actually sort of difficult to do, not because they are hard, but because people are utterly stupid.

t. worked in non-profit sector organizing things like volunteer sandwich making.

>> No.17824535

op i would buy your civilian mres enmasse

>> No.17824537

>its 2022
OPs fine but youre a faggot anon

>> No.17824551 [DELETED] 

Yeah okay retard

>> No.17824972


OP here. I think I'll seriously look into this, great suggestion. Thanks.

Thanks to you too I don't let doomers get to me with their verbal sloppa

>> No.17825047

Just don't go to crazy with those MREs, keep them simple and affordable, manly advertise them to hikers first and preppers second.

>> No.17825235

oversaturated markets. hikers and campers already have food, preppers want to stock full ingredients, not single meals

i'll buy enmasse because i'm a piece of shit who doesn't want to cook every day and has had enough of frozen meals and sandwiches. i want a whole turkey dinner in a bag like uncle ben rice

market to your very own peers, the untapped market of lazy internet users