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File: 148 KB, 800x533, sardine-school-fish-underwater-inside-giant-sardines-bait-ball-67190154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17816542 No.17816542 [Reply] [Original]

Why are deens always wild caught? Why isn't there a market for farming deens?

>> No.17816550

no point since fish isn't food.

>> No.17816569

>why aren’t people investing stacks of money on farming operations instead of just taking them from the ocean?
Because there’s no shortage of deenz, thus no need to go to a farming operation.
Nobody is going to plant an apple orchard when there’s a nearby forest of apple trees.

>> No.17816576

bro there's so much of them it's not even worth trying. They are pretty much bait for nearly every other fish in the oceans

>> No.17816586

and some anons

>> No.17816635

wouldn't they be cheaper to produce without the associated costs of maintaining boats and hiring a crew?

>> No.17816644

Sardines are already cheap as fuck.
If there were financial incentive to farm them, people would already be doing it.

>> No.17816648

How would it be cheaper to build new infrastructure to farm them? Do you realize what kind of investment that would be when it already exists as the ocean?

>> No.17816650

nigger how do you think ocean fish are farmed?
In fact, how do you think these fish companies work?

>> No.17816664

>In fact, how do you think these fish companies work?
they get in a boat and drag a net around the ocean until it's full.
then they need to haul the net up and sort through all the fish that nobody wants to eat to keep the ones that actually sell

seems like it wastes a ton of fuel and labor to do all that. would be more efficient in the long run to just have some kind of saltwater pond, where only one species exists in it.

>> No.17816699

You should think about this a bit more. Think real deep and hard about what you just wrote.

>> No.17816728

Fish hatcheries exist. Just eat them instead of setting them free.

>> No.17816745

I thought they had to ban catching them for half the year because they were running out. I watched a documentary on spanish sardine canneries because I'm sad and because apparently hitler liked them, and they have to freeze a shitload of them to continue producing cans all year

>> No.17816758

It's really not that expensive to get a crew to go fishing. I live in the second biggest fishing port in the UK, selling insurance to these guys and give them a thousand a week and they think they're rich. Then they go drink it all and go out the next week. Then their shrew wives force them to pay rent, and they go to their captain for a loan, which he always gives them because he can get almost 100k per week from the catch if they're lucky

It's pretty funny but per policy, we have to work out costs per body part they can lose. It's weird to see lost limbs as a financial thing, but there we go

>> No.17816763

they catch about 6 million sardines a year, but for some reason their numbers stay they same. you're not allowed to talk about in europe.

>> No.17816791

>Drinking and chatting with fellow fishlads
>Going out on expeditions to go catch fish, doing manual labour and enjoying the cold ocean
>Trying not to lose limbs and dodging wires to keep it all goin.
>Come back, hag of a wife is bein' a bitch but you love her anyways so you pay rent and go ask the cappie for a loan.
>Cappie gives you a loan, which you pay off with a voyage- before starting the cycle all over again.
Fishing for deenz is maximum kino, why wasn't I told about this before??

>> No.17816809

do you wear a little hat?

>> No.17816823
File: 24 KB, 556x174, deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro there's so much of them it's not even worth trying

>> No.17816835

There has to be a financial pathway for farmed fish to be economically viable. Many fish have life cycles that cannot copied in a way that can be profitable.. halibut in the Pacific Northwest is a good example.

>> No.17816836

No, fortunately there's no hat folk round these parts. Honestly if we weren't run by the government it'd never be a sustainable business, People lose fingers all the time and get like 200k for it, and have only paid like 3 months worth of insurance. I'm basically there to ensure they don't starve if they go blind from a winch taking their eyes out. I've handed over so many millions of pounds to people that an actual jew would probably kill themselves

Honestly it's pretty much like that, it's a pretty based existence. I was on board one for most of my teenage years, I only got out because my girlfriend at the time's dad died out at sea and she guilted me into getting a proper job

Honestly any job where buying a gross of 1l bottles of rum on a regular basis and getting to drink them while doing it is going to be fun. I actually might get back out there, come to think of it. I'm pretty sensible and never got legitimately blackout drunk like half of them did, so I'm pretty sure I'd never lose anything

Then again, that's probably what most of them said

>> No.17816840

is it a good job for someone who doesn't really drink?

>> No.17816846


sounds like losing a finger is actually the way to go

>> No.17816855

Probably not as fun, but I guess if you can stand it yeah. It's hard work, I mean seriously hard work, and I'd honestly say about 30% of the drinking is to stop the pain of hauling shit in, but if you can do it, yeah. I mean if you don't drink, and I'm assuming don't have a wife because 4chan, you could get pretty rich quickly. Some of the more sensible ones retire at 45 and live off rental properties they paid the mortgage off on years ago.

Depends on the insurance policy, but a finger isn't really all that much. It goes up obviously the fewer you have, because that is obviously more life altering if you only have 7 fingers as opposed to 9. Still, even on the most basic policy we have it's 40k for the first one

We also don't really ask all that many questions because it's really difficult to fake losing a finger after all, so I guess you could always go out there for a few weeks, cut one off and profit. I wouldn't give a shit because it's not my money, after all. Others might, but It barely matters because noone in our insurance place could really tell if you lost one being pulled into a winch or you cut it off.

>> No.17816866

>It's pretty funny but per policy, we have to work out costs per body part they can lose
It’s not uncommon for jobs that are statistically dangerous.
When construction companies bid on major projects, they always factor in what the payout would be for the injuries statistically likely to occur for a project of whatever size/scope.

>> No.17816871

how much would six months of insurance be?

>> No.17816937

how do i get into selling insurance to financially illiterate alcoholics? i don't have a little hat either

>> No.17816987

Live near a fishing port, find the local insurance company and apply. If you don't smell terrible and aren't noticeably drunk in the interviews you'll probably get in

It also helps that I'm not awful looking with a good haircut and the staff is mostly 40+ women. I'm not bragging or anything, because I'm around average, but that's enough if you pretend like you could imagine fucking some of them.

Depends what plan. The most expensive we have is £520 a month, which would be about 90k a finger
Cheapest is about £122 and barely worth getting. 20k for a finger, 100k for a leg. I generally advise they go for the upper midrange, because it ensures they can at least buy a house if they lose an arm and live off government benefits pretty comfortably

We also generally "advise" them to buy a house with a company and nominally pay rent on it, to themselves, so if they are crippled they can get government money to pay them the nominal cost of their house. Realistically anyone who owns a house should really do that and get an extra £800 a month off the government, but most aren't aware it's an option

I'd estimate approximately 5% of the houses in my town do this shit by now, it's a pretty good scam that's been going the last few years. Sometimes they get audited but the really smart ones swap houses so they can't be tracked

>> No.17816995

>buy a house with a company
expound please

>> No.17817014

I'm guessing you just set up a Limited Company, have the company purchase the house, then you as the individual pay rent to your Limited Company

>> No.17817030

It sounds like I need to just work on a fishing boat for six months but I live in the north west of england so nowhere near any fishing ports

>> No.17817031

well how much is a "house"? it doesn't seem plausible unless you mean like a cheap 1 br condo but even then

>> No.17817038

Come on retard

>> No.17817044

The house is bought by a limited company, owned by the fisherman. They pay rent to the company, then by a sheer coincidence, they happen to get paid the exact amount of rent by this company.

Then, since this is the UK, they get government bennies to actually pay this rent. Essentially, this means they get an extra bundle of money per month for free by the government, because you aren't supposed to get money to pay for a house you own, but this gets around it. If they're sensible, they pay rent for a friend's house, and their friend pays for theirs, but that's optional if you don't fear reprisal from the government.

Move to either Grimsby or Brixham then, lad. It's slightly more difficult to get on a ship if you aren't some distant cousin of the captain in brixham but it's still eminently doable

>> No.17817054

yeah but you need enough cash to buy a house in the first place. how much is this house that you're talking about?

>> No.17817061

in grimsby you can probably get yourself a 4 bed detached house for £150k

>> No.17817066

>It's slightly more difficult to get on a ship if you aren't some distant cousin of the captain in brixham but it's still eminently doable
why are all the exciting jobs like this
i was looking to work on the railways not too long ago but because my dad, uncle, grandad, mum, and aunty aren't railwayers it makes it quite a bit harder to get your foot through the door

>> No.17817084

I'm in Brixham so about £250000. That's approximately what you get for your arm, so it's up to you to decide if it's worth that.

Or, since you can earn well over £10k a month, just save up and don't lose body parts. There's so many millionaires around who you'd never be able to tell, because they wear their granddad's boots and jumper. Fashion isn't a concern round here, being able to stand your round is. Or, alternatively, deal crack or heroin. Either way.

Nepotism is rife in the UK, even if most places say it isn't. Just try getting into the fucking civil service without a family member in there

Still, it's doable. In Brixham there's plenty of ships around from non-"natives" so it's easy to get in

>> No.17817186

who get's my arm though? i'd give it up i guess

>> No.17817279

the sea if you lose it on deck during a storm

>> No.17817324

what if they sew it back on?

>> No.17817395

then it's yours

>> No.17817410

do i get paid still?

>> No.17817413

>Nepotism is rife in the UK
Too true, I did hundreds of job interviews and got one offer to be a shelf stacker. Family member sent my CV to his boss at a construction company, I was hired within the month in to a career. It’s unreal.

>> No.17817785

it's because you're an anglo cuck faggot. all the muzzies and kikes have no problems finding jobs.

>> No.17818061
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1646201043497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wouldn't they be cheaper to produce without the associated costs of maintaining boats and hiring a crew?

what did you mean by this? do you think the fish fly to the cannery?

>> No.17819185

You get a lesser payment, since reattached limbs as a general rule aren't as strong as normie limbs

>> No.17819281

Fuck you not my problem. I'll be dead in 10 years anyway, why should I give a shit about what happens afterwards.

>> No.17819641

>Why are deens always wild caught?
they're not

>Why isn't there a market for farming deens?
there is

>> No.17819645


>> No.17819675

>farmed fish
No thank you

>> No.17819681
File: 151 KB, 294x293, 1_xArgOOR3fQR3pNNGU-vBjw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> farming deenz in isolation from modern society and its discontents