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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 387 KB, 1000x667, Cereal-Killer-Cafe-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17816318 No.17816318 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of Cereal Bars? Would you go to one?

>> No.17816334


>> No.17816338


>> No.17816345

>Cereal Bars?
you mean like rice krispie treats? they're alright I guess

>> No.17816347

are those cereal box zippos?

>> No.17816354
File: 90 KB, 680x714, soy face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude, why would you pay $3 for a box of cereal, when you can pay $10 for a BOWL of cereal???
>dude look at these retro boxes dude. doesn't that make you feel so much nostalgia dude?
>remember watching cartoons dude? haha those were the days dude

>> No.17816393
File: 94 KB, 224x178, Screen Shot 2022-05-08 at 2.11.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a fun concept but just too gimmicky. it makes sense for the late night crowd but I cant imagine anyone going here more than 3 times. novelty wears off. even if you're piss drunk like >>17816354 said you still have enough mental faculty to realize you're paying 1000% more for cereal
as if this shit needs more sugar?

>> No.17816415

do americans really?

>> No.17816521

I don't remember the exact number, but the price was reasonable for the neighborhood it was in (and the retail space rent businesses are being charged).

>> No.17816614

Unless it was next a bar there literally zero I would ever go to one. I don't even go to bars so yeah

>> No.17816715

I think economic collapse and the great purge cant come soon enough

>> No.17817343

>fall for the cereal bar meme a few years ago because it was a quirky thing to do with friends
>pay like $10 for a bowl of novelty cereal
>whole place is just shitty nostalgia-bait, old cartoon network on the tv, vhs tapes for coasters etc etc
>they took too long in bringing it to our table so it was already soggy
>milk was room temperature and tasted funny
>place shut down some time later

>> No.17817396

This is the dumbest business idea I’ve ever heard of.

>> No.17817403
File: 500 KB, 499x378, 5C5FBBE3-FD55-4E62-A435-7536EF3FDF2A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you’re telling me someone out there actually managed to fuck up cereal?

>> No.17817405

Never heard of this. Looked it up, and there was one nearby that closed down not too long ago. Checks out.

>> No.17817427
File: 440 KB, 1213x584, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's real. honestly more triggered by $7 soft serve

>> No.17817463

I say this with a deep and weary sigh, but when you go to the restaurant, you're also paying for the experience of going to said restaurant. The service and the atmosphere are part of the price. I'm not saying $10 is anywhere near the price point I would pay for this garbage, but if you're so unfamiliar with the idea that a venue can increase the price of something, or that having someone else serve you something increases its net cost, I've got bad news and it's the autism.

>> No.17817490
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1651869977286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah im good.

>> No.17817522

No faggot, his point is that this restaurant is doomed to fail. Not that he doesn't understand the appeal, but that the appeal is shit and unsustainable.

>> No.17817530

The original venue lasted six years and was only killed by the pandemic, and a second venue still survives.

>> No.17817594

Great two meme restaurants in the continental US, fantastic billion dollar idea.

>> No.17817640

You do realize that the prices in OP's pic aren't in dollars, right? It's a UK restaurant. Please stop living the rent free meme so hard.

>> No.17817766

retarded cityfag shit
no-one over the age of 10 eats cereal

>> No.17817806
File: 45 KB, 480x360, 1652058663482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was working for a big fintech before the holocough and there was one of these near the office
I had to attend more than one morning meeting there so we could have fun whilst we synergiezed

>> No.17817841

holy shit i thought you were talking about picrel, not a literal cereal restaurant where you pay for people to pour sugared wheat into a bowl for you. its funny how disconnected the world is, on one end you have people with 0 practical skills commuting 30 minutes to a building where they get paid 18 dollars an hour to fill in spreadsheets on a computer and then clock out to go to some novelty barcade with coworkers they hate. then on the other end you have some island tribe with a population of 50 people who chase animals to exhaustion and then eat them by a fire while doing spirit dances

>> No.17817847
File: 349 KB, 612x612, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture, i m retard

>> No.17817873

nah, i have cereal at home.

>> No.17817910

I understand the price are so homeless people don't eat there, but I'll never pay 7$ for a bowl of fucking General Mills cereals

>> No.17817976

I'm sure their prices aren't nearly that high, and from what I've heard about this shop, it's in the UK and the cereals they feature are imported from the US and unavailable elsewhere in the country. It also allows you to try cereals you've never had before and not take the risk of purchasing an entire box if you don't like it. Of course, your post isn't meant to be rational but instead criticizing ideas you don't like as "soy". The two soyboys that run the place are probably more wealthy and famous than you will ever be, but as long as you've got an anime imageboard to whine about them on, you're coping is manageable.

>> No.17817978


>> No.17818005

Bigot, #BuyLocal #SupportLocalBusinesses

>> No.17818035

Are you 5 fucking years old?

Go to a real bar you degenerates.

>> No.17818052

The nintendo switch guy is so tiny in the collage, he's like a parrot on the other dudes shoulder.

>> No.17818065

>It also allows you to try cereals you've never had before and not take the risk of purchasing an entire box

this is fucking stupid. it's a box of cereal, not a bottle of good whiskey. what does a box even cost, like $20?

just buy the fucking box and if you don't like it, so what? just throw it out.

>> No.17818663

cereal isn't something you eat in public. it's something you eat at home, probably in the dark, while you watch tv.

>> No.17818668

I don’t want to be the cynical and bitter person that I am anymore. So yes, I’d love to try out a cereal bar

>> No.17818676

I've never heard of an adult who eats cereal.

>> No.17818688

they're stupid and no I wouldn't go to one
but if people are willing to pay money to get a bowl
then go ahead, get as much cash as you can from these people before they finally realize this is a stupid idea

>> No.17818695

Exactly what I thought too, I didn't even know this shit was a concept. Even after seeing the OP I was still confused until I got like 15 replies in.

>> No.17818701

Cereal is like 3.50 a box, not 20 lol

>> No.17818721
File: 98 KB, 844x521, soibutter and jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich restaurant?

>> No.17818727

It's $22 where I'm at

>> No.17818730

I can't imagine paying more than $1 for a box of cereal, let alone for a bowl.

>> No.17818735

>they took too long in bringing it to our table so it was already soggy

For $10 they better be pouring the cereal and milk in front of you.

>> No.17818751

I thought this was a gimmick from a movie called Flakes.

>> No.17818760

You said you have autism.

>> No.17818834

Depends, are we talking some place that makes their own jams, nut butters, and breads or are we talking some place that puts Jif and Smuckers on Wonderbread?

It's in the UK, so if they're getting their hands on shit that was never released in country then you bet your ass it's going to run $20 a box from a specialty importer.

>> No.17818848
File: 8 KB, 125x221, overconfident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only cereal bar I'll be spending time with is a Kellogg's Nutri-Grain thank-you-very-much

>> No.17818872
File: 172 KB, 1500x1500, 1643207140086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no-one over the age of 10 eats cereal
i eat a bit of cheerios and kashi

>> No.17818879

There is no continental US. Continental often means continental Europe, the ancestry of most new worlders, and USA is only a portion of the continent it exists on.

>> No.17818888

You pay a markup at a restaurant for the service and effort involved in preparing your meal. How much effort does pouring cereal into a bowl involve? Also most restaurants have a markup of around 3x, in this place they charge 6 bucks for a bowl, if it was 1.90 per serving then ok but this is ridiculous.

>> No.17818892

You don't pay a markup for service, you tip extra for service unless you're an asshole.

>> No.17818905

If it's the place in Australia, then they serve other stuff not just sandwiches, all of them of course containing peanut butter. So yeah I might drop down to try their pb burger or smoothie

>> No.17818909

I eat rolled oats does that count?

>> No.17818921

The fuck do you mean? A restaurant has to pay its staff, that money comes from your bill therefore part of the markup goes to the service.

>> No.17819032


>> No.17819050

I fucking hate will wheaton so much bros

>> No.17819054

oh, anon. in the $20 places you have to pour the milk yourself.

>> No.17819061

it just means "not hawaii", you sperg.

>> No.17819064
File: 249 KB, 659x461, 1239239248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to one of these in spain and it's a stupid fucking concept. only reason I went there was because a girl I really liked wanted to try it. To my suprise they had a very decent lunch menu that had some nice alternatives to the diabeetus cereal bowls. Went with the club sandwich which was nice, too bad the girl broke my heart about a month later.

>> No.17820448

>high fructose corn syrup
>ultra-pasteurized milk-like product

MMMM breakfast of champions!

>> No.17820461

checked and this. Cereal is such a lazy food it's synonymous with depression. Putting on clothes is more work than they spent "making" my food.

>> No.17821826

Fuck no listening to a bunch of other people SLURP CHOMP SMACK
You couldn't pay me to

>> No.17821876

Europ is western asia

>> No.17821892

fpbp, this looks like a place for people with childhood mental health issues, like trannies and furries.

>> No.17821898
File: 511 KB, 3000x1465, CinnamonToastCrunchBarSmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked them a lot when i was young

>> No.17821902

literally only makes sense as a buffet, and i don't want to eat that much cereal anyways

>> No.17821997

I didn't even realize people could seethe this hard over fucking cereal

>> No.17822010

damn gonna go buy some fignewtons now

>> No.17822301

Disgusting. Took my child once for the novelty, never again.

>> No.17822373

"specialty importer"

>> No.17822633

Now that abortion clinics are off the list these are next on the fellowship's list.

>> No.17822662

absolutely retarded idea, how many different ways can you eat corn and wheat? Reminder that cereal was invented 150 years ago with the explicit purpose of discouraging masturbation and sexual desire. It's literally "Low-T" the food

>> No.17822685

>It also allows you to try cereals you've never had before and not take the risk of purchasing an entire box if you don't like it.
I'm certain that you would be saving money if you were to buy a box from the grocery store. In fact I'm so certain that I'm not even going to look it up

>> No.17823029

imagine not knowing about this then running into one stoned out of your mind

>> No.17823034 [DELETED] 

I'm not a manchild.

>> No.17823052

That is honestly such a good question hmmmm i dont know wow im stumped

>> No.17823060

>not caring about Black owned
>not caring about LGBTQ+ owned
Fucking yikes. Reported for transphobia and racism.

>> No.17824442

I'm starting to think that cereal is degenerate. Really. Even if you dont have the time to make a proper breakfast you could still have something normal like buttered toast or some fruit or something. Why would you eat grain flakes like some kind of livestock animal? And then when you just add all the sugar and corn syrup to it, its basically just candy for breakfast.

Seriously just have some toast or something, I don't get the appeal of cereal.

>> No.17824455

To me it would seem like insane combos of different cereals + other sweets would be the draw but every picture I've seen of people actually eating at these places is just them with a normal bowl of w/e

>> No.17824487

>older than 12
>still eating cereal

>> No.17825172


>> No.17825179

>The two soyboys that run the place are probably more wealthy and famous than you will ever be, but as long as you've got an anime imageboard to whine about them on, you're coping is manageable
money and fame doesn't buy happiness nor dignity

>> No.17825187

its hilarious how so many people ITT think not eating cereal makes them superior. fuck off already

>> No.17825192

Unalive yourself anon if you are serious. Troons are a cancer on society. Proud Black American btw

>> No.17825197

Are any of these places still in business? It was a dumb idea 8 years ago, and surley the coof killed any that were left.

>> No.17825205

>And then when you just add all the sugar and corn syrup to it, its basically just candy for breakfast.
not everyone is American, although I suspect these shitty cafes all are.

>> No.17825216

>t. consoomer mutt soyboy that suckles goyslop from the tit of the jew

>> No.17825440

seems like a gimmick for those eternal children hipster types on par with board game cafes or barcades. would be better to offer a cereal menu at a more conventional hipster eatery cause i couldnt imagine ever convincing my friends to make a special trip to this place.