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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17809129 No.17809129 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, /ck/.
I bought into the meme and tried buldak.

I'm a fucking sweaty mess and I'm probably going to fart blood tomorrow.
But I'll be damned if it wasn't worth it. This shit's delicious.
How are the other flavors?

>> No.17809178
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>Artificial Spicy

>> No.17809183
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First for indomie

>> No.17809202


>> No.17809440

2nd for Indomie, the only thing I'm proud of coming out of my homeland.

>> No.17809446


>> No.17809447

hot and spicy taste so much better than the regular ones, whats up with that?

>> No.17809470

2x is a meme
curry is pretty good but I feel like I smell like curry for 24 hours after I eat it
kimchi is ok
black bean is interesting and worth a try, but not really my jam

haven't had any of the others. the regular spicy chicken is my favorite by far.

>> No.17809486

The Mie Sedaap are 10x better than these.

>> No.17809487

That ramen is fucking nasty. They taste like ramen noodles and pepper spray.

>> No.17809495
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this is the go-to. throw dried konbu and scallions into the stock and finish with some egg-drop

>> No.17809515

>They taste like ramen noodles and pepper spray.
The hell are you talking about?
They're spicy, but the sauce itself is very sweet and savory.

>> No.17809531

>curry is pretty good but I feel like I smell like curry for 24 hours after I eat it
Curry is probably going to be my next purchase.
The regular spicy was enough to keep me from trying anything hotter.

>> No.17809942

The carbonara one is breddy gud too. The others I didn't really care for
Haven't tried to 2X spicy one but don't think I plan to.

>> No.17809958

I Really like the normal(1x?) Spicy one, 2x is too hot and tastes off to me.
Shim ramyun is great.
This one is top tier tho, but the hot version tastes even better imo(not spicynes related)

>> No.17809964 [DELETED] 

you do realize that you could just buy some bulk chinese noodles and flavour it yourself, if youre going to add garnish anyway

>> No.17809975

Finally some sense.
I tried adding birds eye chili powder to the reg one.
Not the same.

>> No.17810008

the black ones are literally nothing dude, try the 2x or 3x spicy and then get back to us

>> No.17810017

Dude you can eat such spicy food!

>> No.17810056
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>> No.17810066
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This shit is awesome. Spicy but not too spicy and the noodles have an almost creamy texture.

>> No.17810072

I got a few of these and if I'm being honest, they were too spicy. Like eating fire. I had to eat a bowl of ice cream afterwards. I've find only using half of the sauce packet helps alot.

>> No.17810076

Good to decent
>2x spicy

>Quattro cheese
>cream carbonara
>3x spicy

>> No.17810255

These meme spicy noodles upset me greatly, they have no flavour or anything interesting they're just spicy pretending that they're actually spicy.

>> No.17810266

>unironically having a serious discussion about instant noodles
Holy fuck you guys need to get a life

>> No.17810275

cope seethe we are all Instant Ramen Connoisseurs on this board

>> No.17810375

Just got my "Boss" at the food bank I volunteer at to buy a shitload of these because they were on offer on amazon. Gonna make one up and give it to her because she's of the opinion that those cheap maggi noodles that you get 4 for a £1 are the pinnacle of noodle technology. Gonna blow her mind and get a source of free noods for life

>> No.17810379

Why are the beef ones so gross? if anything they should be better but I just can't stand them compared to the normal ones

>> No.17810436

The chicken part is the artificial, they just arranged the words oddly because Korea.

>> No.17810447

I like mixing it with a poached egg to make it a bit more filling.

>> No.17810449

>noodles have an almost creamy texture
That is not the texture that noodles are supposed to have though...

>> No.17810544


>> No.17810568

>try the 2x or 3x spicy and then get back to us
Why would I want to do that?
Does the x2 or x3 taste different, or is it just spicier?
I've eaten and handled much spicier. But my asshole still had to pay the consequence in the end and there's a certain point that I have to be careful about what I touch for a while.

Why would you intentionally do that to yourself if you aren't getting a different flavor out of it?

>> No.17810650

Initially indo mie did not have any of the crispy fried onion. Then competing brand Mi Sedap came along and came with a big packet of onion. Everyone flocked to Mi Sedap, which is when indomie, in response to the competition, added fried onion as well. Both are good imo.

>> No.17810817
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I know you never listen to / ck/ but I tried the cheese ones on recommendation here
fucking gross

>> No.17810820

This was my first experience with the brand. It tasted like radioactive vomit. Why the hype? Just because it’s Korean?

>> No.17811020

Samyang Carbonara is better

>> No.17811044

The Save-on has been out of indomie for the last six months. I berated an employee when I saw her put a "on sale" price tag on the empty shelf spot where they should be. How can the be on sale if you don't stock them?

>> No.17811078

asians in general suck at using cheese

>> No.17811530
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Piss off then to your coffee thread then

>> No.17811809
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Just got some of this gonna have some tonight

>> No.17811814

i almost threw up eating this, it was like a mouthful of vomit but i had to finish it cause i hate wasting food but the carbonara on the other hand is absolutely delicious

>> No.17811824

Big fan of those

>> No.17811862
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The quattro cheese one is better.

>> No.17812182
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why samyang noodles are so spicy, just made jjajang one and haven't had that hot for long time

>> No.17812288
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man i miss this one

>> No.17812320

Meh, I prefer the basic ones. I don't really like spicy stuff as much as some of you seem to, and I just prefer the oil they put in the normal flavour

I do wish the normal ones came with the crispy onions though, that'd be baller. I know I can grab a box of those for super cheap though, so maybe I actually should next time

>> No.17812573

the cheese and carbonara flavors are great too
amazing flavor packet, but the noodles could be better

>> No.17812920

They're spicyer than what they claim. It seems they don't understand that SHU is different between peppers and sauces.

>> No.17812951
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I've got a drawer full of those, but I can't eat them because I'm on a diet.

>> No.17813064

This. It has this strange artificial taste which stays in your stomach for eternity. I kept burping that taste for hours.

>> No.17813354

buldak tastes like shit. sure, it's spicy, but other than shitty deep fried noodles, the flavouring is just bitter and shitty. meme brand.

>> No.17813566

>the flavouring is just bitter and shitty.
What in the fuck tasted bitter to you.

>> No.17814530

Black one is the best anyways kys

>> No.17815013

yea this is one of the worst things I"ve ever eaten
calling it cheese might as well be a lie
I couldn't fucking taste the cheese at all through all the heat and spiciness.
Might as well have thrown out the packet of cheese flavoring since it accomplished nothing.

>> No.17815050

Found this one last night,
This is why monocultural societies with a high level of trust can have nice things and the rest of us can’t.

>> No.17815057

You’re in here by choice, stop REEE’ing you autist.

>> No.17815535

I'm sure being ethnically homogeneous has nothing to do with it, in fact they should import more based blacks and muslims, they'll assimilate into the mono-culture perfectly

>> No.17815537

This stuff is disgusting

>> No.17815561

What, instant noodles in general?
Yeah, they're pretty unhealthy for you but they're still pretty fun comfort food.

>> No.17815594
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I just barely managed to finish my batch of this disgusting shit yesterday. Tried pic related today. My fucking god the difference is like night and day.

>> No.17815952

You should fuck her

>> No.17815996

You should definitely fuck her

>> No.17816103

Take her on a date then consider fucking her

>> No.17816121

the jjajiang version is easily the best of their entire range

>> No.17816196

Ever thought about fucking that cunt?

>> No.17816842

She's literally twice my age though, it'd be weird

>> No.17816864

baka pussy

>> No.17816983

What do you guys have with your noods? Eggs? Veggies? Rice wine? Nothing?

>> No.17817005

Older the berry...

>> No.17817017

the 2x ones was the most painful culinary experience that I've ever had
awful every step of the way

>> No.17817108

I usually go with an egg, a sliced carrot, then 100g of whatever meat I smoked earlier that week.
Gotta have protein and fiber with the carbs.

I'll grab a beer if the noods are spicy, but whiskey otherwise.

>> No.17817272
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this shit is great, but it's always so fucking expensive, like $3 a pack, i live near a couple of asian super markets and they are always sold out.

>> No.17817325

ive tried these ones, they are great but 2 dollars a cup

>> No.17817348

This is my favourite type. I eat about one a week right now. I don't eat a lot of noodles, so that's a lot for me.

>> No.17817367

HAHA mista lee, funny piksha, i buy noorder nao

>> No.17817371

ahahahahahaha don't you have some tv show like the mandalorian to have enlightend discussions about

>> No.17817384

I used to love eating the classic and 2x spicy, however they have kickstarted my crohns disease after eating them for breakfast multiple times a week and now I can't take spice at all sadly

>> No.17817693

What? You've never heard of a milf before?