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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17802918 No.17802918 [Reply] [Original]

What are you cooking your mother for mothers day?

>> No.17802937

Oh no...

>> No.17802938

I've been doing nofap all week to save myself for the day. I don't think there'll be time for food.

>> No.17802947


what do you have planned for your mom, man

>> No.17802954

Nothing, she doesn't like the food that I cook. She's the whitest woman in the world and I cook very ethnic food.

>> No.17802962

Get some marinated chicken, drop in some carrots and onions in a chili colorado sauce and add that to some rice

>> No.17802969

I'm going to make cheese blintz with raspberry coulis and a bunch of bellinis

>> No.17803024 [DELETED] 
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sydney is best mommy hands down, all other mommies wish they could be sydney.

>> No.17803032 [DELETED] 

She's too young to larp as mommydom

>> No.17803049

fortunately, my mom is dead
good riddance
for mother's day, I will put a spoonful of her ashes in the toilet and take a shit on them

>> No.17803160
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Never met real mom, hate my fake mom and haven't associated with her since fake dad died (who I did like), so nothing. But I did celebrate Cinco de Mayo today in a depressing way to match the rest of my life.

>> No.17803269

Fuck I forgot about sinko the mayo

>> No.17803434 [DELETED] 


>> No.17803463 [DELETED] 

Give me sauce on that old hag

>> No.17803476

Moms dead. I am probably going to spend the day jacking it to step fantasy porn.

>> No.17803520

buenas nachos, essay

>> No.17803529

When's mother's day?

>> No.17803541

Nothing. I got them tickets to see Van Morrison and my sister is paying for a nice dinner.

>> No.17803546

Bro if I could I would take you out for lunch and buy you a hooker to cheer you up.

>> No.17803564

tragic but lol

>> No.17803587
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also dead mom, prolly gonna bring some flowers to the grave and think of her today.

>> No.17803619

what are you busy or something?

>> No.17803628

what does the nofap have to do with this my brother?

>> No.17803667

i dont have a car and my village doesnt have a trainstation, so it depends if my sis can get me as she uses our car. I'm a student in a city, tho it's only 50km away, and I could def walk to the grave as its only 5km.

>> No.17803673

I think right now my mom is sitting on my sisters shelf in an urn, but she might still be packed away as they just moved. Wish she had a gravesite I could visit.

>> No.17803674 [DELETED] 

fucked a chick who looked like young version of OP's pic related. she was pretty weird desu and had serious daddy issues

>> No.17803687

maybe she's in her panty drawer... you should probably go... sniff around and see if you can't find anything in there

>> No.17803694
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>had serious daddy issues

>> No.17803714

ehh, my moms also in an urn, just in one of those slots at the village church.
I would prolly break down every week if i saw the urn with her pic, so i think its better that way

>> No.17803768

shes 29 anon

>> No.17803787

I like older ladies. She's still got 1 year of utility left.

>> No.17803839

i don't celebrate birthdays or holidays. no, i'm not a Jehovah's Witness

>> No.17803891

I was considering bringing an assortment of offerings including chocolate, 'za, and tobacco to leave at her unmarked grave.
I don't consider it an insult to have never commissioned a headstone, shit's expensive. As jewy as she was, no doubt she'd agree with that assessment.

>> No.17804055

I'm cooking lunch for my grandmother, my two aunts and uncles and 6 cousins who are attending and my mother and sisters
Making a quiche, roast lamb, some salads, focaccia and a lemon tart
No I'm not paying for the ingredients

>> No.17804118 [DELETED] 

Can I atleast get a name pls?

>> No.17804136

no offense but that's a pretty gay spread

>> No.17804145 [DELETED] 
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women are holes for mens pleasure

>> No.17804150

she's dead, cremated and sitting on a shelf at my brothers house with googly eyes on the cremation box.

>> No.17804185

Well I'm an MtF so...
Also it's mother's day

>> No.17804214

With the way she's been acting, probably a pipe-bomb

>> No.17804219

Fish, if I catch any

>> No.17804235

i dumped my mom’s ashes in a lake that she liked and it’s a pretty peaceful spot

>> No.17804245

Same here, I'm glad it's in another state

>> No.17804254

home depot won't let you dump ashes in them and neither will the food stamp office.

>> No.17804318 [DELETED] 

penis sorry i mean penis sorry i mean penis sorry i mean penis sorry i mean penis

>> No.17805414

pls anyone?

>> No.17805417

Sydney Harwin

>> No.17805426

A fun day.

>> No.17805589

Do you mog your sisters?

>> No.17805695
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She still loves you

>> No.17805708

Sydney is annoying because when I bust she returns to looking like a crackhead but when she gets me immersed I start to find her attractive. Why can't she just be more attractive stupid whore.

>> No.17805762

>mfw love her sister stuff but all she does is her meth-mom
feels bad

>> No.17805842

mummychads we stay winning

>> No.17805873

Her solo works suck

>> No.17805930

First of all yanks are freaks for spelling mum as mom. Second of all I'm married with a 1yrold so it's my wife I'll have to cook for. Probably a prawn pasta I guess

>> No.17805952

is she single

>> No.17805996

gotcha cuck

>> No.17806012

a mum is a type of flower dipshit

>> No.17806217 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17806239


>> No.17806338


>> No.17807603

I seasoned sirloins and letting them sit for the next two days. It's a meal for three, so if others come I don't know what they'll eat.
Probably buy some cookies too.

>> No.17807636

You and your mom and a fried could top dinner off with a MMF threesome

>> No.17807644

Why is your brain like this?

>> No.17807673

I fucking caved again and bought the newest Mommy and Son video.

>> No.17807693

High test.

>> No.17807778
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Honey brick toast

>> No.17807833

I’m a mom … I’m so stressed out from work I wish I could just OD for Mother’s Day.
I’m going to go with my family to church instead and pray to God to please save the program I am running and let us be in the black… we are so tight on our budget right now and every moment is anxious and painful. I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t sleep.

>> No.17807978

mothers day was two months ago
i made her a curry

>> No.17808000

Ah yes the rare fem that stops lurking to post on ceekay. Sorry you are feeling so anxious. Remember that work doesn't really matter and your family loves you. My sister just died so mothers day is going to be spent comforting here on my side. Don't take the easy way out anonette there are lots of people around you that can help you. I just had a shitass stressful day at work (already took bereavement) and now I have to go to ceremonies all weekend. It's sad. I wouldn't wish this on anyone so be safe out there anons.

Sydney is trash btw

>> No.17808011

Jesus she's sounds more manly than you, get yourself together faggot

>> No.17808021

Who is Sidney?

>> No.17808039

Why don't Zoomers read the fucking thread?

>> No.17808050

Kill yourself

>> No.17808073

This has been answered like four times in this thread, its the porn star in the OP

>> No.17808087

Nothing cause I hate her and everything bad in my life is directly caused by her actions.

>> No.17808088

A fuckton of crawfish, this is like the 7th year in a row I've done it for her.

>> No.17808164

Only digging yourself deeper faggot. Bigger pussy than an actual pussy Holy shit. I hope your dad doesn't know

>> No.17808446

My mom physically abused me raised in a cult that fucked me up until I was into my 20's, so that bitch ain't getting shit. Also I moved from Florida to Montana so I literally live across the country lol

>> No.17808457

>My mom physically abused me raised in a cult
Tell us the story, you are the most interesting person in the thread automatically

>> No.17808462

braised shortribs with polenta

>> No.17808488

>not moving to American Samoa

>> No.17808522

Why do eurosharts lack the mental capacity to understand things being different in different places?

>> No.17808645

No way, I'm way uglier than they are

>> No.17808660
File: 77 KB, 828x996, 909F50C8-CC25-4065-AD11-4B365C7F8EED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matzoh ball zoupe

>> No.17808666
File: 34 KB, 482x382, kitchensofthegreatmidwestcarrotcake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Mother's Day I made my mom this carrot-cake from Kitchens of the Great Midwest

>> No.17808676
File: 83 KB, 633x467, kitchensofthegreatmidwestcarrotcake2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll check myself.
In this recipe, I interpreted "Salad Oil" to mean olive oil, and used Neufchatel in place of cream cheese, because it makes the contrast of the cream-cheese frosting more pronounced.

I made the recipe once for my own mother, and, later after talking about it, one of the residents at the building I do maintenance for, a grandma insisted I make one for her (and she bought ingredients for me to make it so I had to)

>> No.17809036

"Mum" is such a faggy fucking word, my God. I remember my brother started using it after he moved to Australia, and he sounded like such a fucking asshole. Thankfully I don't interact with him anymore.

>> No.17809050

she intentionally od'd in 2018. she's getting high on prescription meds and being a mean old bitch in heaven now

>> No.17809066
File: 1.68 MB, 1230x713, Mothers Day Meal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is getting a nice New York Strip w/ a sweet potato with some marshmallows on top. My mother in law is getting a nice Salmon filet cooked on a cedar plank and a deadly dose of anthrax.

>> No.17809076

It's not gay. It sounds wonderful and refreshing if you live in a hot climate.

>> No.17809081

Why bring that shit here? Are you bummed out because the focus isn't on you for 10 seconds? Fuck off.

>> No.17809088

Breath deeply. None of it matters. Just do a good job and let the chips fall where they may. Even if things don't work out, you'll be fine. Happy mothers day and I hope your project works out.

>> No.17809096

I've gotta work sadly so I'm going to send her a boquet of flowers and a gift card to one of her favorite restaurants

>> No.17809110

I haven't spoken to my mom since she kicked me out for transitioning.
I'm hoping my bf and the furbabies get me something though since I am technically their mommy.

>> No.17809127

Technically and scientifically, you're a dude. Also you don't have kids, you have dogs. Happy nothing day.

>> No.17809136

Your life sounds sad as hell.

>> No.17809137

You're not smart.

>> No.17809143
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I genuinely can't imagine a life as pathetic as yours to be unironically posting about this on a Friday night

>> No.17809144

You're not wrong. Doesn't take even a tiny bit of intelligence to know you're not a woman or a mother. Glad you can see that.

>> No.17809152

I'm not an Amerifag. It's daytime on my lunch break. Imagine spending your Friday nights on the four chins. Talk about sad.

>> No.17809157
File: 29 KB, 738x415, images - 2022-05-07T124746.310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine working.
Imagine being on the Chan during lunch.

>> No.17809165

>I'm not an Amerifag
I don't believe it, only Americans can be as sad and pathetic as you

>> No.17809167

Is picrel you at the first and last job you'll ever have? Or won't they even accept you, like everyone else?

>> No.17809174

>Pointing out having dogs doesn't make you a mother is pathetic.
Pretending dogs and people are interchangeable isn't pathetic.
Okay. Gone beyond the point of reasoning. Your mum kicking you out had nothing to do with being a trooner and more to do with avoiding being stabbed.

>> No.17809196
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>thought mother's day was next weekend
>didn't got my mom anything
What do I get for her?

>> No.17809241

Nothing. I'd love to but she's the pickiest person I've ever met and mostly eats fast food.

>> No.17809271

Lamb steak
I ended up eating most of it lol

>> No.17809275

my mother... in a casket at the morgue

>> No.17809278

Based reality checker.
Cringe gaslighting enablers.

>> No.17809279

Oh yes, get that big booty mommy some nuggets and tendies so she doesn't forget to rub your tendies (in mine craft)

>> No.17809283
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>> No.17809286

Yeah I live in Australia
I thought what I posted would be classic mothers day food though
Well they called the food I was making gay so idk, I'm a bit confused desu

>> No.17809290
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>> No.17809293

Not even what I'm talking about. Responding to that post was very stupid.

>> No.17809298

You have to massage her feet now, bro.

>> No.17809538

deep dicking, you've already touched her cunt once before

>> No.17809615

Nothing, my mom is trans (mtd) so I kicked her out of mothers day.

>> No.17809623


>> No.17809716

Just looked this woman up and she has the most agonizingly lubricious tits.
Now I may never be happy.

>> No.17809901
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She wants some freshly baked sourdough, so she's getting some