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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17800253 No.17800253 [Reply] [Original]

Why are all you can eat buffets so hated? I love them personally

>> No.17800256 [DELETED] 
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Why are loving gay families so hated? I love them personally.

>> No.17800263

The worst thing about covid was taking these away from me

>> No.17800269 [DELETED] 
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Covid is a hoax.

>> No.17800281

Usually the food isn't as hot or better quality than when you order it.

>> No.17800285

quantity over quality

>> No.17800286 [DELETED] 

poor kid. he's gonna grow up abused and probably kill himself

>> No.17800289

people that go to buffets in a post-covid world are truly lemmings.

>> No.17800290

The concept of them isn’t necessarily bad but the reality of it is disgusting. You’re sharing food with strangers, food that is cooked by low paid workers with questionable hygiene standards to begin with and then the food is left to sit around for god knows how long. It’s also mostly low quality and poorly prepared, it’s basically quantity over quality, with the low quality also meaning loose hygiene standards and the chance of getting food poisoning. Yeah, it’s cheap, but there’s a reason for that.

>> No.17800299 [DELETED] 

Gay parents are not more likely to abuse their kids than straight parents.

Same sex families can be loving, warm environments.

>> No.17800307 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17800309
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>The local golden corral closed down last motnh
>nearest one is over an hour away now

>> No.17800316 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17800318 [DELETED] 

Lol that's just not statistically true

>> No.17800321 [DELETED] 

post nose

>> No.17800322 [DELETED] 

>only one single example ever

wow you sure showed me

>> No.17800326 [DELETED] 

so did one of the gay dudes sperm her up and her husband is lik e"olol ok"

>> No.17800334 [DELETED] 
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do you know what a turkey baster is?

>> No.17800359

because they're either
a. germaphobes
b. lack the self-control to not eat too much and get sick
Buffets are fucking awesome. $10 for all you can eat chinese food that's the exact same quality as takeout, $12 at golden corral for decent country food, and if you go to a nicer buffet you can just get straight up restaurant quality food for 20 bucks

>> No.17800374

>golden corral for decent country food
why are you like this?

>> No.17800793

there was a good Chinese buffet near where I live, the food was way better than it had any right to be, it had a huge variety of stuff, and all you can eat crab rangoons is always a win in my book. Unfortunately, the area around it was getting developed more and more and so the restaurant closed and they TORE IT TO THE FUCKING GROUND and built an apartment complex or something on the sacred ground that once hosted my favorite restaurant. I do have to knock it a few points though because going there so much as a kid is probably the reason that I've been fat all of my life

>> No.17800829

the food is most likely to be sub-par unless you shell out a larger sum but I find it to be somewhat comforting to go to a place and be able to eat whatever and however much you want

>> No.17800855 [DELETED] 
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100% that kid is being molested, later on in life he turns to drugs and troons out and kills himself like all of his kind.

>> No.17800862

i feel you brother. I go to buffets 5-6 times a day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert + snacks

>> No.17800876

bain-marie warmers keep food barely above 65c and slowly overcook everything.
buffets need a high customer flow so food is regularly replaced.
they are fun for a novelty of eating a bunch of different foods and whatever amounts you want.

>> No.17800884
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>go to buffet
>some jackass takes the literal entire stack of crab legs the instant they come out
This happens way to frequently.

>> No.17800896

I miss this 1 buffet near me. They had frog legs. They’re open again now, can’t wait

>> No.17800899

because of this youtu.be/--OnclX8yac

>> No.17800935

there's a couple of them not to far from me. the better ones have a higher turnover of hot dishes and can afford to serve a variety of seafood for dinner. the worst one I went to had tilapia sushi.

>> No.17800981

you gotta come in morning when they open and prepare a new batch of the food and get it fresh on the table.

>> No.17800991

>I do have to knock it a few points though because going there so much as a kid is probably the reason that I've been fat all of my life
Besides kicking you or your whole family out specifically, what in the FLYING FUCK were they supposed to do to get those points?
Learned helplessness my god

>> No.17800995

i love chinese buffets, simply because there actually are different dishes and stuff that i wanna try.

its not that great if you're going to get your favourite meal anyway

>> No.17801004

Quantity has a quality all its own. Sometimes, you just want to gorge yourself until you can barely move.

>> No.17801020

It was a joke, buddy. Chill out, touch some grass, it's not learned helplessness, I don't actually hold it against the business for me being a fat fuck

>> No.17801052

Sorry, I know several family members with that mentality so it didn't come off as a joke.

>> No.17801062

>Anon thinks he can eat more than he paid for
you didn't take the orientals guile into consideration
every bite is masterfully spiced with MSG, soy sauce and salt so as to force you to order more drinks

>> No.17801078


>> No.17801097

water is free

>> No.17801230

Because it's tremendously wasteful and the public can't be trusted to enjoy a buffet in a sanitary, dignified manner.

>> No.17801235


>> No.17801244

A lot can go wrong concerning the contamination of pathogens and cross contacting allergens. Much of it relies on the customers following the rules and the staff keeping a close eye on the buffet. Since there are a lot of brainlets out there it's worth considering the possibility of one misusing the buffet counter and raising the chance of food-borne illness for everyone.

>> No.17801340

>t. rajneeshi

>> No.17801416

Not everyone is a little faggot bitch like you, though.
I bet every time your little tummy feels a little icky, you claim it’s “food poisoning”.

>> No.17801427

>calls others faggot bitch
>unironically uses the term ‘icky’
Faggot bitch detected.

>> No.17801432

>i love eating piss, shit, saliva, bugs, flies and rat shit
sorry but too much information bro, we don't need to know your fetishes

>> No.17801439

The why aren't there Jewish all-you-can-eat buffets?

>> No.17801552

restauranteur isnt a jewish profession you dunce

also kys with your cryptonazi post

>> No.17801560

Because whole ass families roll through with their 5 to 6 disgusting kids and they just let them run wild. Shit is disgusting.

>> No.17801565

>I miss this 1 buffet near me. They had frog legs.
The one I used to frequent had both this and cooked baby octopus.
I brought a friend with me once and he "dared" me to eat them.
Idiot had no clue it was the whole reason I was there to begin with.

>> No.17801570

>so as to force you to order more drinks
Stop drinking soda, anon.
Also, where the fuck do you live that you don't get free refills? Soda is cheap as fuck. Who the hell is charging you extra for something that costs only 25 cents to produce?

>> No.17801574

because fatties on fatchan like to pretend they’re skinny and they try to shame other fatasses. plus they are afraid there won’t be enough for them to eat so they try to drive other lardies away

>> No.17801580

Lol fuck off you paranoid schizo, there’s probably worse caked in the carpet of your hovel.

>> No.17801587
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>in a post-covid world
Look, faggot.
The buffet is just as "dangerous" now as it was 3 years ago. The risks are the same now as they were before.

Covid didn't magically change that.

>> No.17801594

listen up you fat fuck, water aint free, except you have to take your meds, and even then its frowned upon to ask for a free drink.

also drinks is how eateries make their money, its considered good manners to buy their overpriced drinks.

>> No.17801597

I went to one for the first time since covid just a few days ago although they've changed from it being a buffet as pictured.

It's now table service but you order on an app and the food is delivered by robot.

Drinks were brought by a human.

Everything was much fresher and tastier than last time I ate there and everything came in nice sized portions - maybe 3/4 cup of rice and the same with whatever main I ordered. Want more? Order it again.

Also good was that it was plated nicely instead of just throwing it on as you walk around.

It all worked quite well for what it was.

>> No.17801600

>restauranteur isnt a jewish profession you dunce
Who's the cryptonazi here Adolf?

Seriously though, why isn't there a Jewish Deli buffet? Sounds like a great idea.

>> No.17801601

>listen up you fat fuck, water aint free
Again, where the hell do you live? I asked you once already, you queer, now answer the question.

It's fucking water. Where I live, it literally falls from the sky and a restaurant would go out of business immediately if they tried charging people for it.

>> No.17801609

For me it's variety over quality. I still eat a normal amount, but I just like trying a bunch of things

>> No.17801612

Vegas buffets are true culinary kino

>> No.17801615

its because TIPPING IS FUCKING MANDATORY you imbecil
>infinite refills
yes, you also have 1 gallon cups, as if you needed to share it with your horse

>> No.17801618

ok fatso.

>> No.17801623

>Again, where the hell do you live?
Lol faggots like that never say, and are further proof as to why /ck/ needs flags.

>> No.17801629

>yes, you also have 1 gallon cups, as if you needed to share it with your horse
Your jealousy is transparent.
I'm well-hydrated, but you're salty as fuck.

>> No.17801632

yeah sure, i always wanted a diverse selection of bagels

>> No.17801641

Look faggot, get yourself sterilized so you can't infect another generation with your stupidity

>> No.17801643

You could make one, but you'd have to charge 175 dollars for admission. All the primary ingredients are expensive as fuck (such as the meats), all the dishes with cheaper input-costs are labor-intensive, and if you're going to locate it in a part of town where people would actually want something like that, your rent costs are going to be absurd. Basically all the historic Jewish delis in my city have closed for the same reasons, much less an "all you can eat". Just go to a cafeteria-style one and order to your hearts' content, you're going to be paying upwards of 30 dollars a person anyway.

>> No.17801705

>you'd have to charge 175 dollars for admission.
eh, maybe it could work in Vegas

>> No.17801732

175$? What do you need 150$ for? I can't believe the chutzpah to charge 125$ to eat at your establishment. At most I'm willing to pay 75$, not the 100$ you dare to ask. Here's 50$, give me back half, and let's talk about the 25$ you still owe me.

>> No.17801784

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.17801792 [DELETED] 
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because HURRR CHINA BAD sheeps

>> No.17801795

Let them cope fag. You're not perfect either.

>> No.17801800

Aw sweet a new wojak!
Thanks anon, I absolutely love having this never ending fountain of complete eyesores!

>> No.17801805

Golden Corral is gross we've established this because of that guy that posted his breakfast the other day

>> No.17801808

>Unfortunately, the area around it was getting developed more and more and so the restaurant closed and they TORE IT TO THE FUCKING GROUND
I know that feel man.
The Chinese buffet I used to go to was called Oriental Moon. They served king crab, and I was fucking obsessed with it.
It got turn down and replaced with a CVS.
It's been nearly 20 years, and I'm still upset.

>> No.17801827


>> No.17801829

>he eats his carpet
why are you doing this?

>> No.17801831

I like them, but I never eat enough to feel like it was worth it. I'm basically their ideal customer/rube.

>> No.17801861

Be fucking grateful. My local GC has raving reviews, 4.5/5 stars with over 2000 reviews. Went there and it was absolutely repulsive. No seasoning, not warm, every dish was incredibly disappointing. There was not a SINGLE dish, apart from their bread, that was remotely salvageable. Truly horrifying experience.

I don't care that the average costumer was minimum 400lbs and/or octogenarian. To think that place got that many good reviews in the same time period that I went made me lose hope in all humanity.


>> No.17801880
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>> No.17801894
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>> No.17801898

The patrons

>> No.17801909

Are you a boomer? Only retard boomers who get their news from television or hysterical obese leftists were genuinely scared of the WuFlu

>> No.17801946

Don't understand golden corral.
All their food is so mediocre. There isn't an item on their line that I can't personally cook cheaper, tastier, and healthier.

It takes a lot for me to go "all-you-can-eat" and come out feeling like I got ripped off.
But GC manages to pull it off.

>> No.17801970

Back like 30 years ago my mother and step father would as a special treat take my siblings and I to the Adam's Mark hotel in St Louis for the weekend, and we would have the Sunday brunch. It was the highest quality buffet I have ever been to yet. Made to order crepes, made to order omelets, made to order pasta, with a live jazz band playing. Then we would work off our brunch swimming in the pool at the top of the hotel. Was a lot of fun.

>> No.17802104
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>The bread still comes out good.

>> No.17802139

because I have standards.. simple as

>> No.17802796

That's the good type of buffet, not this cheap american-chinese buffet trash. Surprisingly a lot of quality buffet places exist in asia as well, where it's the same type of made to order dishes and prime ingredients.

>> No.17802810 [DELETED] 

Every Chinese restaurant in the US cuts corners and serves up the equivalent of nuclear waste on a plate.
>mystery black garlic sauces
>oily and greasy
>cheapest cuts of meats and seafood sourced from who the fuck knows where
>produce is toxic shit covered in pesticides
>unhealthy cooking oils

FUCK Chinese food, there's a reason why Chinese males have the same body types as baby seals and Indian women. Fucking shits have 0 standards.

>> No.17802895
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>he doesn't live within a half hour drive of Shady Maple Smorgasbord where Amish cuties operate a buffet with several cooking stations for meats
Why even live?


>> No.17802951

Look faggot, covid doesnt exist, the vaccine will literally kill you, you're now infertile and go test for AIDS.