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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 172 KB, 1000x667, nogada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17795720 No.17795720 [Reply] [Original]

Which country's cuisine do you think is the best and why?
For me, it's Mexico. It has its flaws (limited use of vegetables, often unhealthy) but it's the most consistently satisfying in my opinion.
Very satisfying, with balanced flavors and hearty dishes.

>> No.17797136


>> No.17798593


>> No.17798625

Are you talking about americanized mexican? Food in Mexico is shit. Cheap ingredients and they have no concept of food safety. You will get sick

>> No.17799068
File: 235 KB, 1440x1080, 6614227_erizo_geoduck4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheap ingredients
Yeah no.

>> No.17799076

Unironically it's America. We have taken and improved the cuisine from about every nation and culture that matters.

>> No.17799122

Mexican food is just the same 4 ingredients arranged in different patterns.

>> No.17799135

you can say this about any cuisine
guess what

>> No.17799260
File: 234 KB, 1000x1000, citrusy-black-cod-roasted-in-banana-leaves-xl-RECIPE0818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's tex mex

>> No.17799415

damn he's right

>> No.17799469

Retards here mexican food is either texmex or shit from a shady taco truck

>> No.17799477

tex mex is the worst form of american food

>> No.17799812

Looks like shit sold to tourists

>> No.17799823

you're so fucking ESTÚPIDO

>> No.17799865

>(limited use of vegetables, often unhealthy
your perception of mexican food is, shall we say, extremely limited american dumbassery

>> No.17799908

This place in Sinaloa looks fucking incredible


>> No.17799913

How sweet is this dish?

>> No.17800021
File: 225 KB, 1024x768, 6614229_pizon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. It's a seafood dish made in a seafood region. place is anything but a tourist trap

>> No.17800031

American comfort food is the best.

>> No.17800047
File: 597 KB, 2048x1536, 798jhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More food from this place. god I swear mexican seafood is the best.

>> No.17800061
File: 1.17 MB, 1968x1592, IMG_20220429_182332__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Mexican food

>> No.17800103

that's just ceviche, there's nothing mexican about it

>> No.17800145

Almost every dish in every country has their own version of a dish from another country. From Peru, to mexico to US Vietnam and Korea

>> No.17800162

Greece. It has the best ingredients and the best dishes. Nothing is too fancy and I've never had a bad meal there even from the gas stations. Other countries do some aspects of food better like how France has better coffee but overall Greece is best.

>> No.17800195

you should feel ashamed for thinking texmex is good

>> No.17800210

It's like Japan but worse and Japanese isn't that great to begin with

>> No.17800213

damn you're fucking retarded, never been to mexico gringo?

>> No.17800220

horrible comparison. Japan is way worse and more pretentious

>> No.17800236

spain or italy

>> No.17800262

you guys are both "inoffensive cuisines" which don't fall between bland or interesting. it's a pretty good comparison

>> No.17800305


I could care less about the dishes, it's the sauces that count for me and the French have them in spades.

>> No.17800378

isn't the sauce they key component of the dishes?

>> No.17800542

Korean for having lots of vegetable options and adopting the best parts of American foods.

>> No.17800908

French cuisine. Proven by time, systematized and elegant.

>> No.17801931

France has good desserts and wine. That's it
Ask me how I know you've never made a Japanese or Greek dish

>> No.17802194

Japanese is repetitive and not too much flavor

>> No.17802238

French and nothing else comes even close.

>> No.17802253

I believe French, Italian in general btfo mexican and anything americana
Chineses dude, 4 of them are on par with the french.
It lacks of finesse though.

>> No.17802257

Based sauce connaisseur.
That's a pretty traditional take. Refined sauces kinda fell out of fashion though and have been simplified over and over again.

>> No.17802586

How does French btfo Mexican? Mexican has a much wider flavor profile

>> No.17802596

Mexican has French influence + more so imo it's better

>> No.17802632
File: 63 KB, 960x642, mykyrokka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically prefer my own country's cuisine, even though I often see Finland's food being criticized for being either bland or straight up gross. There's the several memes of Berlusconi and Macron sneering at Finnish food and coffee.
But what can I say, I love every single Finnish food I have ever tried.
I also like Hungarian, Russian, and Italian foods.
Picture is my alltime favourite food, mykyrokka. It's a very rich and hearty soup or stew we make after shooting a moose. Moose meat, it's offal depending on the moose's age, and a sort of blood cakes made from the moose blood and rye flour.

>> No.17802886


>> No.17802891

I'd try mykyrokka, anon

>> No.17803082

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.17803152

Another finn here, finnish food can be good at times but the smount of dishes is small compared to many other cultures and it’s nowhere near the best.

>> No.17803210
File: 600 KB, 800x1200, Mapo-Tofu-1200-3952 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China. Meat, rice, tofu and spice, sugary sweet and lots of heat!