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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 336 KB, 1270x915, azteccannibalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17794075 No.17794075 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone into forbidden foods?

>> No.17794079

No I am not a subhuman, I would not consume humans unless I had absolutely no other choice

>> No.17794421

Can't very well make it without getting v&, but I've always wanted to try soma. Like a mix of cannabis indica, psilocybe cubensis, amanita muscaria, and ephedra sinica, all basically mixed into a yogurt or milk. Supposed to be a pretty sweet high that feels super spiritual, you know, the basis for all the wacky shit Hindus believe.

>> No.17794440
File: 73 KB, 1200x368, dt890803dhc0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh I got a Dilbert for this

>> No.17794443

Is that some pozole?

>> No.17794455

I wanna try dog meat. I could just kill a stray or adopt one I suppose. Any chinese people here can tell me which breed is the best?

>> No.17794478

>8th thread this week
is this a fetish of yours?

>> No.17794487

I spread ChapStick on Club crackers. It is pretty good with Ritz but never Saltines

>> No.17794495

For me, it's semen from mature transgirls.
It's high in estrogen but that only makes it more sexually appealing.

>> No.17794537

I feel like those drugs wouldn’t mix very well, would probably give you a bad trip

>> No.17794540

Is that a bhang lassi?

>> No.17795391

I had it once.
It was braised in soy and leeks.
The meat was dry and stringy like overcooked chicken but had a red meat taste.
I remember taking a picture before I dug in. I'll post the pic when I find it.

>> No.17795544

You can get it in switzerland too
At least in sausages iirc

>> No.17795559

Idk if its forbidden but whale is hella good

>> No.17795586

You forgot dried poppy sap..

>> No.17795605
File: 1.36 MB, 1046x1161, P_20180811_195756_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the ribs.

>> No.17795627

Pitbulls whelps are given away for free.

>> No.17796250

Oh yeah that too. Might sub that in for the ephedra

>> No.17796712

i don't peel my carrots

>> No.17796716

You're better off buying fresh one raising it on sweet potatoes and stuff

>> No.17796753
File: 429 KB, 640x629, C2D52E57-144A-400A-8C6F-1121C4CE001D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it’s largely arbitrary—I eat plenty of other animals—but the idea of eating dogs is still upsetting to me. Over thousands of years, we essentially bred them to love us. Betraying that feels like a mortal sin—like treachery against a guest in your home.

>> No.17796755

I dont get it

>> No.17796759

Jesus Christ, man. Too far. Reported.

>> No.17796761

I would consume you without a second thought, which gives me the upper hand.

>> No.17796874

Jesus christ that looks greasy. Is it gamey at all?

>> No.17796938

Pibbles are the $1/lb literal dog meat you get at the local carniceria. I would imagine Golden meat is like prime wagyu, and Malteses are akin to veal, but I don’t eat doggos so idk

>> No.17796942

Imagine the cuisine and local delicacies of a society that actually doesn’t run on progesterone

>> No.17796948

I prefer that with some playdoh puree and suppository sprinkles

>> No.17796967

If you're going to eat dog, you'll want dogs bred and farmer for eating, not strays.
Wikipedia had a whole section just for breeds to be eaten.

>> No.17796996

can i bals

>> No.17797239

no meat should be "forbidden" as long as it was humanely raised and killed

>> No.17797245

ye, im really into ephedrine erm... tea

>> No.17797254

And a ching chong bing bong to you sir

>> No.17797292

He though Dilbert said "cannabis" since they sound similar, so he found a local medicine man to provision him with the Devil's herb.
He asks if he can eat the loser because weed makes you hungry.

>> No.17797419

Kill yourself!

>> No.17797497


>> No.17798003

god dilbert fucking sucks
I assume retards on here pretend like they find it funny because scott adams is a schizo

>> No.17798161

he said humanely killed tho

>> No.17798176

To be fair it takes a certain level of intelligence to appreciate it. If you only use your computer to email photos of your cat it might not be for you.

>> No.17798592

oh I get it, it's like rick and morty

>> No.17798978

nah, you're just retarded

>> No.17800463

It was a little gamey, not overpowering though. The saltiness from all that soy sauce covered it up pretty well.

Yeah. They probably added a lot of lard to make up for how lean the meat was.

Not until I tick off cat, whale, and Scandinavian shark meat, anon.

>> No.17800809

>Can't very well make it without getting v&
I'm fairly sure there are places in the world where all those ingredients are legal (not heroin though)

>> No.17800812
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>>17794075 >>17794079 >>17794421 >>17794440 >>17794443 >>17794455 >>17794478 >>17794487 >>17794495 >>17794537 >>17794540 >>17795391 >>17795544 >>17795559 >>17795586 >>17795605 >>17795627 >>17796250 >>17796712 >>17796716 >>17796753 >>17796755 >>17796759 >>17796761 >>17796874 >>17796938 >>17796942 >>17796948 >>17796967 >>17796996 >>17797239 >>17797245 >>17797254 >>17797292 >>17797419 >>17797497 >>17798003 >>17798161 >>17798176 >>17798592 >>17798978 >>17800463 >>17800809
when lab grown becomes readily available, how many of you are going to try lab grown human flesh?

>> No.17800952

I've never even thought about that possibility, lab grown human flesh

>> No.17801171

Once to try it.
I'm too scared of prions.

>> No.17801196
File: 197 KB, 1400x1330, 1643049676618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are not gonna make it when the supply chains break

>> No.17801227

Why don't we focus on making meat that people already find tasty, OK? Growing it in a lab removes the macabre spectacle of eating people anyway.

>> No.17802554

ohh no we a got a dumb dumb everyone

>> No.17802666

Dogs are man's best friend. You don't eat your best friend unless you're in a plane crash or something. It's almost as bad as cannibalism IMO.

>> No.17802677

All animals are the same if you can eat a cow you can eat a dog etc etc

If you can't eat a dog you definitely shouldn't be eating pig are much more intelligent than dogs.
Cows are literally the biggest puppies to

>> No.17803039

Why would I want to eat a muscle that's never been used? It's going to be disgusting, like eating a fetus.

And it's dystopian as hell. Want to get into food production? That'll be 100 million dollars plus tip! Haha you didn't think you could compete with the global food monopoly by doing something like buying a cow or raising chickens, did you?

>> No.17803124

>extremely-online retard who fetishizes cannibalism in peacetime
>socially viable and a competent enough worker to survive chain collapse

>> No.17804177

I will give you an example. When saying "a cup of coffee", few people pronounce the F and it ends up sounding like "a cup o' coffee" or "a cuppa coffee"
It's the same with can o' balls. It sounds like cannibals

>> No.17804200

>lab grown human flesh
That's no human flesh since it didn't come from a human.