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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 93 KB, 1285x1434, 21B18131-40BE-468C-9E01-D7ED9031B50F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17790113 No.17790113 [Reply] [Original]

Y’all own a deep freezer? What you got in there?

>> No.17790138

dead bodies

>> No.17790150

pie crusts and some containers that haven't been opened in 15 years

>> No.17790152

My mom

>> No.17790155

I feel like buying one of these puts you on a list or something.

>> No.17790158

all your gay lovers?

>> No.17790162

Anyone remember digging through these as a kid and finding an old ass, forgotten, freezer burned ice cream at the bottom and being super stoked?

>> No.17790166 [DELETED] 

no, niggers from my uni

>> No.17790168

yikes bro you just posted cringe

>> No.17790186
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>yikes bro you just posted cringe
go back

>> No.17790193

kek wut?

>> No.17790208

Bulk meats, vegetable scraps and chicken carcasses waiting to be turned into stock, containers of pasta sauce, soups, and stews from when I made a full batch, had half for dinner, then froze the rest for an easy meal at a later date. A metric assload of butter.

>> No.17790213

Go back

>> No.17790581

Are you still collecting her social security check?

>> No.17790602

So that's a yes?

>> No.17790610

My cousin locked me in one when I was a kid. Doctors said I might have brain damage.

>> No.17790616

pretty much exactly like the photo. fruits, vegetables, various kinds of liquids in their unopened original containers that will expand when frozen, especially a small keg of beer.

>> No.17790637

Butter. Low carb tortillas. Vegetables. Ice cream. Mozzarella cheese sticks. Shredded cheese. Berries. French fries. Fake meat. I meal prepped 6 weeks worth of lasagna, pot pie, pasta sauce, macaroni and cheese, chili, seitan, and vegetable side dishes for a planned surgery, all of it fit, it was awesome not to cook for a while and just be comfy while I played vidya and recovered but i gained like 20lbs lol.

>> No.17790642

>Y’all own a deep freezer?
>What you got in there?
Fuck off, fed.

>> No.17790666

Every time there's a serious clearout sale on something I eat regularly, I buy a ton of it.

At the moment though, part of a moose my brother hunted that I'm keeping on ice until it's barbecue weather, thirty one pound tubes of ground beef(they were on sale for three bucks each, gonna dole them out to my family), several large freezer bags of berries my mom gave me(raspberries, strawberries, blackberries), and a few cartons of store bought eggnog I snagged during easter because I love that shit.

>> No.17790671

>ground beef tubes
>$3 dollars a pound

seed oil infused mystery meat

>> No.17790675

Frozen food, and a a shopping bag of garbage that will rot so I keep it frozen until I throw it away.

>> No.17790691

It's weird to call a chest freezer "deep". That's like calling an above ground pool "deep", when it's actually tall.

>> No.17790718

No, it's pure beef, just not particularly high quality. Fine for bolognese or tacos. Canadian labelling laws are pretty strict. You can sell something as beef when it has additives, but they'd be listed in the ingredients.

>> No.17790772

Ice and REALLY old food

>> No.17790788

>Canadian labelling laws are pretty strict. You can sell something as beef when it has additives, but they'd be listed in the ingredients.


>> No.17790960

Tons of meat and also ice cream and frozen pizzas.
Would recommend.

>> No.17791000

My local butcher sells "packs" and you get a bunch of different cuts of meat in freezer wrapper.

>> No.17791004

I always thought the deep meant long term for some reason

>> No.17791011

My gf

>> No.17791013

Why does everyone have old thing in there deep freeze / you should clean it at least evey 3 months if not more often

>> No.17791235
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>> No.17791259

Yes. Frozen food.

>> No.17791263

Meat. A lot of whole ducks and some briskets right now.

>> No.17791270

wonder of wonders, anon doesn't notice it has a temp adjustment dial for when you don't need a large amount of freezer space, but a large amount of refrigerator space

>> No.17791276

A load of Ettans Lös and Röda Lacket. Plus all the rest of my game meat from the last season (read probably 15 year old rabbits at the bottom)

>> No.17791281
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i do
9lbs ham shank.
big turkey i never intend to eat.
two milk crates full of mango that will never go away no matter how much i eat.
home grown/made tomato sauce.
a swordfish steak that was given to me in 2017 by my sister after it sat in her freezer for god know how long.
and a lot of ice build up.

>> No.17791360

What I’ve learned from this thread is that Americans have a second freezer in their homes for storing garbage they won’t use

>> No.17791367

You've told me that you live in a shoebox and are at the mercy of market whims

>> No.17791369
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Americans don't go shopping every days like europeons and buying bulk is way more cost effective.

>> No.17791396

I work on a pig farm so I mostly keep pork from the butcher in there.

>> No.17791437

No, if the SHTF I'm not going to have the electric power to keep my 50 pounds of costco frozen salmon from going bad for the 2 year period it will take to unload my collection of sunshine minting silver rounds for $10 less than I paid for them

>> No.17791536

My dad used to work in the industry, I'll take his word over schizo/pol/ types.

>> No.17791576

>if the SHTF I'm not going to have the electric power
you're a small minded idiot, hyper inflation is literally happening as we speak and you're thinking it only counts as SHTF if zombies are walking around.i stocked on bulk things i normally eat and since then prices have gone up 25% to 50%

>> No.17792176

2/3rds of a cow

>> No.17792185

Lots of venison, some rabbits, a goat, some animal heads I can’t be bothered to process right now, and frozen potato products.

>> No.17792190

have one in the garage
keep venison from the local meat raffle. i consider it a miss because i don't like venison

>> No.17792205
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>HA! this will show him!

>> No.17792661


I sell cold foods.

>> No.17792721

This post brought to you by schizos r us

>> No.17793111

>adjust the freezer's temperature from -10°F to -1°F as your needs.
wonder of wonders, freezers aren't refrigerators.

>> No.17793122
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yes, 30 ducks

>> No.17793179

No u

>> No.17793234

We recently got my dad one for his birthday. They plan on just putting meat and smoothie stuff in it. Boomers always have so much food on hand.

>> No.17793275

Ice cream.
Nothing else.

>> No.17793477

>What you got in there?

>> No.17793787

Various playground urchins. Also, stray doggos.

>> No.17794097

fun fact: most chest freezers consume less energy than a mini fridge, thanks to their much thicker walls.

>> No.17794296

i'm glad someone noticed that

>> No.17794303

>Mercy of the market's whims
Thanks to sleepy Joe that's also you.

>> No.17794313

It's also due to the fact that all the cold air doesn't fall out everytime you open the door.

>> No.17794457

what i learned is that europoors dont value their time and see no problem grocery shopping every single day instead of doing more important projects

>> No.17794470

Freezer's where I keep the meat. I got a lotta meat.

>> No.17794473

I was thinking of getting one to freeze meals in bulk.

It's way cheaper for me to get meat in bulk, but I dont know how long it will last.

I was also considering getting a vacuum-seal bag to freeze pre-cooked meals and meats that usually take a lot of time or cleanup.

Only thing is I live in 1-bedroom and dont know where to put it.

>> No.17794479

Kegs of homebrew

>> No.17794480

This guy DUCKS

>> No.17794528

Any reason to buy these over an upright freezer?

>> No.17794536

They can be larger than the portrait mode freezers.

>> No.17794747
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>> No.17794757

>not immediately field dressing a kill

>> No.17794852

>his neighbors don't randomly throw a couple cows legs in his shed for dog tucker

>> No.17794853
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And that is just overall, cheese i used to buy for $2.50 a block now costs $4
It has also gotten worse since January and it's going to continue getting worse with all the food processing plants burning down.

>> No.17794875

>but I dont know how long it will last.
really depends on how you seal it, i buy bulk ground beef and chicken and split it up into portions and wrap it in foil then place them in large ziplock bags to stop them from getting freezer burned, it seems to last 3 months just fine

>> No.17794885

they hold more and are more energy efficient plus are a lot colder then a upright. Also when you open it all the cold air doesn't rush out because cold sinks/heat rises

>> No.17795121

Tater tots. Lots of tater tots.

>> No.17795144

how often are you browsing around in your freezer?

>> No.17795200

you seem like an insufferable wank

>> No.17795245
File: 49 KB, 500x333, how-to-freeze-soup-lay-flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in and out of my upright every day and only go in the deep freezer once a week to restock the uprigh with beef and chicken i also make large batches of chili, split pea soup, chicken soup, beef stew, mash/twice baked potatoes, rice etc. that way i can buy in bulk and say money and save time when i want a quick meal that wouldn't be possible to trough together in a small portion.

>> No.17795251

bullshit faggot.

>> No.17795285

Meat, dumplings, ice cream

>> No.17795309
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>> No.17795326

so you're actually the turbofaggot wannabe prepper LOL

>> No.17795374

Might as well call these butter freezers. Filled with impulse buy butter.

>> No.17795394

that not prepping, it's called cooking.
who the fuck makes a single serving of beef stew? And i'm sure as shit not going to run the oven for 45min for just one baked potato.

>> No.17795402

if you're cooking you go to the store, buy fresh produce, and cook it up that day or the next. pulling stale bullshit out of your second freezer is some faggot prepper fantasy.

>> No.17795404

More energy efficient by a lot. Like 5$/mo versus 15$/mo.
Don't lose all their cold air when you open it so stuff doesn't get freezer burned as soon so it keeps longer.
In the event of a power outage it keeps stuff frozen for 3 days instead of 1.
They generally last ~5 years longer.
The only con is if you don't organize properly and rummaging gets to be a pain in the ass.

>> No.17795413

yeah i get it you can run your freezers with a generator for three days after the transfer station is blown up cool

>> No.17795433

This anon thinks the power never goes out and that nobody lives more than 5 minutes from a grocery store.
Southern city dweller?

>> No.17795449
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My grandma had one and she used to keep these and the generic ice pops that came in white paper for us

>> No.17795472

>your generator will only run for so long
>this anon this the power never goes out
do you have some diagnosed serious mental retardation?

>> No.17795479

so i what just throw away a whole ham after i eat one meal? are you retarded? have you ever cooked anything other then hot pockets?

>> No.17795483

When your power goes out it keeps things frozen for 3 days, under no power.
With a generator is presumably much longer.
Or did you win this argument yet again?

>> No.17795485

yes. how fucking poor are you? i feed my leftover hams to the hogs because it tickles me

>> No.17795490

LOL try turning your freezer off for three days while you eat nothing but frozen food.

>> No.17795493

When are you gonna eat that though? How long does it last in there?

>> No.17795495

>while you eat nothing but frozen food
Why? I have a gas stove.

>> No.17795497

yep. you're a silly larping faggot.

>> No.17795504

Why would you eat frozen food?
Heat it up first, anon. I guess I could puree some fruit and freeze it into popsicles.

>> No.17795509


>> No.17795513

keep gargling semen you silly dipshit

>> No.17795516

Why are you mad though?

>> No.17795517


>> No.17795522

Boomer checking in:


>> No.17795528

Don’t fuckin worry about it

>> No.17795530

You've gotten me. I am wounded. Sitting in a mess of piss and blood. How will I retrieve the contents of my chest freezer.
I mean owning a chest freezer does kinda mean you have to own a house LMAO

>> No.17795533

Why does efficiently storing quality homemade frozen food in bulk trigger /ck/?

>> No.17795539

you need to browse away from 4chink if you are so sensitive and a silly homosexual to boot

>> No.17795542

who puts unpackaged fresh fruits, a mini-keg, canned food, and juice in the freezer, wtf. that's either a "deep refrigerator" or the most retarded stock photo without a dreamstime watermark.

>> No.17795545

what do you do when you butcher your hogs?

>> No.17795555

what's exactly is your question?

>> No.17795561

Its just 1 anon thinking hes having a laugh.

>> No.17795570

Go to the mall

>> No.17795642
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Half a cow
Angus Hereford grass-fed sweet corn finished for some mega fat caps

>> No.17795661

you just know

>> No.17795686
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>GF and me heading to store to buy a freezer on sale
>Check out other models in store
>Find a slightly more expensive model, with lower power costs and less noise
>Decide to get that one instead (we'll end up saving money on electricity over time)
>Go to cashier
>Cashier starts fiddling nervously
>"Uhhhh this one is actually supposed to be 300$ higher due to inflation, but since we haven't changed the sign yet, we have to sell sell it for sign price"
>Kek inflation
Looking forward to getting a new freezer!

>> No.17796283
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SHTF larpers never think that far ahead, they're into their prepper youtube clickhole so deep that they wouldn't question the narrative any sooner than they'd question if the sky is blue

Whoever came up with the idea of selling useless shit to gullible rubes buy telling them that it's their "golden ticket" to non-loserhood was a fucking genius I'll say that much

Like imagine instead of fixing your life you agonize for all your waking hours over which survival knife to buy or what the silver to gold ratio in your "stack" should be

>> No.17796323

Fake: Niggers going to uni

Gay: Anon has black men in his house

>> No.17796433

Not a prepper but a innawoods kinda guy, these niggas should have solar plus a battery pack so you can run that shit of the grid.

>> No.17796452

Hundreds of plastic containers filled with my unvaxxed cum
Also frozen peas and fish sticks

>> No.17796455
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>> No.17796463

Kind of empty cuz I tend to Cann more of my food then I freeze

>> No.17796496

Another European. I'm considering buying a chest freezer as the fridge in my rental apartment is shithouse for anything besides drinks and butter. I do like to buy fresh and local, and I grow most of my herbs myself, but wife and I are planning to have another kid and meal prep/not being able to shop easily in those early days has got me considering the deepfreeze life.

Also - are there recommended brands for frozen produce? I bought some frozen goods from Cora and Auchan and the quality was pret-ty poor.

>> No.17796507

I'm actually Canadian so I'm not sure what Brands you'll have access to

>> No.17796512

I have dyslexia and I misread numbers ignore me

>> No.17796675

Ice packs

>> No.17797012

Unforgivable. The french and english gave me hope you were in continental Europe. Pretty stupid of me to forget Canada (though I've only ever been to West Canada and forget that they speak "french" in the east).

>> No.17797021

All packaging in Canada no matter where you are have to have French and English

>> No.17797045

>fake meat
Kill yourself.

>> No.17797052

Interesting. I had no idea. I was only in Vancouver for just under a week and it was in and out of a hotel. Plan on driving across Canada some day, east to west.
>I police what other people eat because I'm insecure about society.
Chill out, bud. We're talking freezers here. Yes, tofurky is gross but nobody is making you eat it, except in your imagined cultural war that keeps the American public's attention off actually pressing issues.

>> No.17797062

You should go for it it's a beautiful country everybody sits on the plains regions but they're absolutely gorgeous.
>I haven't tried the tofurky thing yet I seen it at the store and did a double take.

>> No.17797090
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Most Packaging how's French on one side and English on the other.
If you're in a province speak more English the English side faces out on the shelves and vice-versa for French

I guess that's pretty good design but I've never thought about it twice before now.

>> No.17797138

I drove Montana once, and was impressed by the openness once I came out the eastern side of Glacier. As an Australian I can appreciate some wide-open plains - there's a shift of perspective when you encounter natural environs that have an insane scale to them.
I like that. It was funny for me arriving in Europe as there'll be 3-7 languages on products and none of them are English. Having reversible sides is cool if your country has only two primary languages.

>> No.17797159

deer and ducks and rabbits. That is my wild game freezer. Sometimes my wife throws some of her store bought bullshit in there

>> No.17797165

>preserving food you cook and eating leftovers = prepper
This is why you're poor. I too freeze shit and eat it 6 months later.

>> No.17797196

Dumb fuck

>> No.17797222

That's pretty cool

>> No.17797237
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you still thinking SHTF means all out apocalypse but it doesn't, Wilma ripped my roof off and left us without power for 30 days along with everybody from Miami to palm beach around 7 million people. If i didn't have a generator and deep freezer i would of had 10lbs of rotten meat and no trash service to come pick it up

>> No.17797415

as opposed to?

>> No.17799006


>> No.17799153

Bump what?

>> No.17800551

the thread

>> No.17800582

around 230# of bluefin tuna..
[rant] kids are tired of eating it. neighbors have already gotten a share. friends have their share. I'm 100 ways in on how to cook tuna. already have 2 shelves of yellowfin tuna sitting there. thinking of giving away chunks of tuna on ND app.. its gotten that ridiculous for me.

>> No.17800901

Three deer. Homemade sausage. Homemade ground meat. Frozen steaks I dry aged. Jerky.

>> No.17800911

>Y’all own a deep freezer? What you got in there?

some random ass meat and frozen slop chili meat that i should probably eat already

>> No.17800930

There's probably a lot of meat that has been sitting there for 2 decades. I was thinking about this recently, and I wonder if it's still safe to eat.

>> No.17800937

>Safe to eat
Provably, as long as it doesn't smell rancid. It's unlikely there will be much nutritional value to the meal, however

>> No.17801007

Honestly who the fuck wants to eat frozen food? Not only is it a pain in the ass to thaw, but its always degraded in quality. Now consider the additional costs, and remind me... why the fuck are you doing this again??
Its only justified for special case scenarios, which dont apply to most of you assholes. If there is a market nearby, YOU DONT NEED ONE

>> No.17801021

Everyone I know has always called these 'chest freezers'. Mine is used to store shit that doesn't work well in the upright freezer, shit like turkeys, hams, and rolls of ground beef or pork.

>> No.17801023

Freezing technology has improved pretty markedly in the last 10-15 years. Additionally, how remote you are, how much food you can reasonable cook if you're buying in bulk for cost reasons, how frequently markets are open and what selection is present are all factors that may push someone to consider this option. Obviously fresh is generally better, but it's not always the case. It's silly to think that this entire board is homogeneous when this thread alone alludes to at least 3 continents.

>> No.17801026

It must be nice to have so much free time that you can go to the store every day. I get 2 hours, per day, to myself maximum. I spend 8 hours sleeping, 12 hours working, and 2 hours on activities vital to life (cooking, eating, bathing, exercise, etc). The other 2 hours are literally all the recreation time I have each day.

>> No.17801065
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This Faggot

>> No.17801671

Stuff I find on sale

>> No.17801715

enjoy your shit life and an eternity of frozen food
sounds like you are being punished for something
fuck you, Im sure you deserved worse
I hope you spend your precious free time on 4chan arguing for the merits of that second freezer

>> No.17801759

Yes we know you foreigners flood this place because you're obsessed

>> No.17801791

Shit the fuck up you dirty foreigner.

>> No.17801847

*would have

>> No.17801849

Live bodies.

>> No.17801862

I have a small freezer. Got some mushrooms and fish there (perch and srwakwmelt).

>> No.17801870

I'm retarded and typed the captcha there.

>> No.17802044

>Honestly who the fuck wants to eat frozen food?

mostly all of my frozen foods my family has gotten has been free from churches especially during the fake corona pandemic

>> No.17802054

This isn't about politics. The fake meat is gross and you should be so ashamed in yourself for buying it you should end your own life.

>> No.17802254

>The European Commission should swiftly suspend the import of Canadian horsemeat to the EU given serious traceability and food safety concerns, warns Dr Joanna Swabe.
>Each year, tens of thousands of horses from the US, where there is a minimal regulatory burden with regard to veterinary medical recordkeeping, are transported to Canada for slaughter for human consumption. These animals have not been raised for food production, but have been instead kept for companionship, recreation or sport.
>Their meat is then exported primarily to France and Belgium to be sold and distributed across the EU. It is a lucrative trade in horsemeat that revolves around a reservoir of cheap horses and comes with health risks and animal welfare concerns.
>Last spring, a long awaited Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) audit of the Canadian horsemeat industry once again confirmed Humane Society International/Europe’s serious concerns about the reliability of the controls over both Canadian and US horses destined for slaughter and export to the EU.
>In light of the most recent FVO findings, MEPs have asked the Commission how they plan to prevent the import and placing on the EU market of Canadian horsemeat that does not meet EU food safety standards.
>In sum, the Commission seeks to bring the requirements related to veterinary treatment of horses in line with Canada’s residue monitoring plan. However, up to 70% of horses slaughtered in Canada originate from the US, where there is no residue monitoring plan for horses and no mandatory lifetime record-keeping for veterinary treatments.
>The Commission should really suspend the import of Canadian horsemeat, in line with the precedent it set last December for Mexican horsemeat – also largely derived from horses of US origin.
Sorry leaf, you're little more than a (cum)dumpster for your southern big brother's garbage. It's cool you put all your fancy labelling and certificates on it though.

>> No.17802279

he was talking about his family

>> No.17803122

To be fair we don't eat it we sell it to euro trash for a markup

>> No.17804828

Mostly ice cream

>> No.17804864

I eat it when I feel like it, it lasts longer than it takes me to eat it

>> No.17804873


>> No.17805088

Okay, wtf is spanish rice

>> No.17805109

do you have an internet connection? okay can you open this website called google.com? can you type in the search bar what you want to learn about?

>> No.17805136
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>> No.17805145

once at a friend's place we unplugged his deep freezer and for something else and forgot to plug it back in. he said his basement was uninhabitable for several days. i still feel terrible about it, even though it was an accident. i completely forgot until he told me. i think a shit load of frozen meat expired

>> No.17805560


long grain rice
tomato sauce
minced garlic
chicken broth
garlic pepper + salt

Begin by browning the rice in the oil (we use about ⅛ but it depends on how much you like). Add the minced garlic and sauté for a minute before adding the tomato sauce, chicken broth (or water and bouillon cube) and spices.

>> No.17805580
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>What you got in there?
oh you know the normal things

>> No.17805669
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I cleared out my archival meat this weekend so my freezer feels very empty

>> No.17805725
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>all the food processing plants burning down
as in plural, recently plural, out of ordinary for a two year time frame?

>> No.17805745

I really need to get to the bottom of mine.
My inner Jew won't let me pass over a good sale on meat so I keep buying even though I have plenty.

>> No.17805792

18 Food Processing Plants Have Burned Down In The Last Several Months so yea i would consider that out of the ordinary

>> No.17805885

lower amounts of workers and raising costs of living means people are working even harder than before for less money and going postal/sabotaging more often best I can tell
the amount of irate ex-workers we had before covid i wouldn't have been surprised if someone showed up with gas cans during the night, little less with what conditions in these places are like now
but even non-foul play will go up since less workers means more tired people which means more accidents from carelessness as people stop giving a fuck and start spraying water at plugged in machinery more often and the like
a lot of these plants were death traps balancing on a razors edge of safety to start with

>> No.17806151

no onion?

>> No.17806163

i do put onion in mine

>> No.17806166
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>> No.17806187
File: 440 KB, 1024x1536, 1024px-Two_Harbourfront_after_Typhoon_Mangkhut_201809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered not voting for nihilistic sociopath religious maniacs? If a shit hole run by godless slant eyed bugmen can make it through 180mph sustained winds and have their subway system and schools fully operational again in a matter of days, surely the USA #1 Best American country in the universe should be able to manage something a little better than 30 days with no electricity.

>> No.17806188


>> No.17806197

oh come on how is this not suspicious

>> No.17806209

>110 industrial facilities in the entirety of north america experienced a fire or accident of some kind in the last 3 years
Bruh, do you ever look at the fire department activity in your area? In my city alone there's like 15-20 responses each DAY. Why do you think commercial property managers are up everyone's ass ass with fire safety inspections and fire drills all the time? Shit happens sometimes when you're attempting to manipulate matter with machines, chemicals, and heat on a massive scale day in and day out

>> No.17806211

Uhh… anywhere I can download that file?

>> No.17806255
File: 71 KB, 987x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh Florida recovers from hurricanes better then anywhere on earth and Miami Dade building code is some of the most comprehensive in the world.
most of those houses were built in the 1960's and they're still there they just needed new roofs.
The thing about hurricanes is they spawn dozens of tornadoes which cause major damage and its not exactly easy to rewire a state the size of FL

>> No.17806260

a small fire is one thing but a whole plant being engulfed is not

>> No.17806825

>chinks definitely better than Americans
>believe the lugenpress from China
Pack your shit and move there retard

>> No.17806991

I love my freezer. I keep a lot of meat and frozen peas and broccoli there.

>> No.17808272

Only meat

>> No.17809519

don't we all

>> No.17810583

nice depth

>> No.17811168
File: 279 KB, 1942x1038, Screen_Shot_2021-03-01_at_2.28.39_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is like the obese former high school jock who hasn't moved on after getting the touchdown in the sportsball game decades ago

>> No.17811753

2 chest freezers couldn't tell you what all is in them, lot of meat, some cheeses, lot of stuff, we normally end up with a couple of deer per year, last couple years we've gone and pooled with some people we know to get pigs because they aren't going to use all the meat so we help butcher and process it, so got some of that still left.

>> No.17811772
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>> No.17811780
File: 3.45 MB, 4032x3024, 20220507_140529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally have rats in mine

>> No.17811951

>America is still the best and makes all other countries green with envy
No doubt

>> No.17813127

had this happen with mulch once, got like 40 bags of the stuff at 7 or so bucks cheaper since they didn't replace the sign.

>> No.17814190

Entirely filled with frozen fish