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17788762 No.17788762 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17788788

Sneed oils.

>> No.17788790

It's just a new diet meme like fasting and avoiding carbs.

>> No.17788794

Nothing in excess

>> No.17788805

>and avoiding carbs
that's been a thing since like 2002. I hate to say it, but the carb-obsessed fags are here to stay.

>> No.17788838

No. Canola is very good for. It was designed to be a good oil and be very low in saturated fats.

You can't listen to fuckers here. They just want to fuck with you and act smug because they think they know shit.

>> No.17788839

I love carbs. I eat a 50/25/25 macro and the best part about it is heaping plates of pasta, and buttered toast with every meal. I weigh 145lbs and have lost 10lbs since the year started.

>> No.17788855

i'm not listening to you

>> No.17788858

canola is okay when expeller/cold pressed. Normal shit is extracted, bleached, and deodorized by an assload of chemicals. Haven’t consumed s(n)eed oils for two years now and feel great.

>> No.17788861

>good oil
>low in saturated fats



>> No.17788867

>Nothing in excess
if you feel this is a good rpactice then you should quit consooming seeds oil, since they have excessive amount of omega 6

>> No.17788961

>carb-obsessed fags
Yes you're very eager to defend your sugar and worthless wheat products.

>> No.17788982

oh look, sneed oil schizo is back

>> No.17788989
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Why aren't you fighting to save the maidens fair from Vlad's terror dungeon?

>> No.17789053

>no sesame seed oil


>> No.17789067

It's Omega-6 fatty acids you should be worried about, buddy.

>> No.17789524

Chekd and kekd

>> No.17789591

Corn oil counts? Dios mio latinx xirs what do we do
I mean lard

>> No.17789674

> Normal shit is extracted, bleached, and deodorized by an assload of chemicals.
Is there any actual evidence of harm from this or is it just "technology is scary"?

>> No.17789698

The American Heart Association has formally addressed the omega-6 inflammation theory.


>Arguments for reduced LA intakes are based on the assumption that because CHD has an inflammatory component10 and because the omega-6 fatty acid, AA, is the substrate for the synthesis of a variety of proinflammatory molecules, reducing LA intakes should reduce tissue AA content, which should reduce the inflammatory potential and therefore lower the risk for CHD.
>AA is the substrate for the production of a wide variety of eicosanoids (20-carbon AA metabolites). Some are proinflammatory, vasoconstrictive, and/or proaggregatory, such as prostaglandin E2, thromboxane A2, and leukotriene B4. However, others are antiinflammatory/antiaggregatory, such as prostacyclin, lipoxin A4,11 and epoxyeicosatrienoic acids.12 Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids are fatty acid epoxides produced from AA by a cytochrome P450 epoxygenase. Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids also have important vasodilator properties via hyperpolarization and relaxation of vascular smooth muscle cells.
>In studies with vascular endothelial cells, omega-6 PUFA had antiinflammatory properties, suppressing the production of adhesion molecules, chemokines, and interleukins, all key mediators of the atherosclerotic process.17 In human studies, higher plasma levels of omega-6 PUFAs, mainly AA, were associated with decreased plasma levels of serum proinflammatory markers
>Consistent with this, in observational studies, higher omega-6 PUFA consumption was associated with unaltered or lower levels of inflammatory markers

>> No.17789728

But no TRUE Scotsman would ingest Omega 6's!

>> No.17789896

The main proven downside of refined seed oil is that they contain transfats. Those are much worse than even saturated acid scout your arteries. You can buy some of the seed oils cold pressed and unrefined but those are a lot more expensive and have a strong taste which may or may not go well with a given dish. Another issue, though a relatively minor one, is that except for canola oil seed oils have a high omega 6 to omega 3 ratio. This is believed to be suboptimal for health although the exact consequences are not firmly established for now.

That being said child pressed canola oil is arguably one of the healthiest oil one can use together with extra virgin olive oil.

>> No.17789924

Multiple controlled, randomized clinical trials (highest level of evidence) have shown they cause increased incidence of cancer and increase mortality.

>> No.17789927

Implying technology not scary

>> No.17789934

Technology is the white man's sword.

>> No.17789940
File: 18 KB, 260x346, 41yU2pu7jeL._SL500_SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Atkins would like a word

>> No.17789942 [DELETED] 

Yes see >>17789924
Search up recovered Sydney Diet Heart Study or Recovered Minnesota Coronary Experiment for the relevant papers. Not they are called recovered because the findings that they kill people were hidden for decades and possibly wouldve never been published

>> No.17789961

>>17789674 #
see >>17789924
Search up recovered Sydney Diet Heart Study or Recovered Minnesota Coronary Experiment for the relevant papers. Note they are called recovered because the findings that they kill people were hidden for decades and possibly wouldve never been published

>> No.17789969

John Rollo would like a word

>> No.17789988

What are you supposed to cook with that's affordable in large amounts?

>> No.17790006

Most seed oils should stay in seeds, and then you eat the seeds. You naturally get a good balance of unoxidized PUFAs and a nice bunch of antioxidant cofactors like vitamin E, lecithin, selenium etc. As that big-titty big-assed goddess Nature intended.

>> No.17790015
File: 50 KB, 600x608, 3B641E3D-136E-484B-9759-51666F9742CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saturated fats are bad

>> No.17790017
File: 47 KB, 683x1024, 0D046BE8-AAAD-4E6C-B2C3-8C9265D51E9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t use avacado oil!

>> No.17790156

Thanks, Aristotle.

>> No.17790347

the american heart association takes money directly from grain and cereal companies, thats why their seal of approval is on sugary kids cereals

>> No.17790388

The american heart association was founded for the sole purpose of marketing liquid oil products. It's literally an ad agency

>> No.17790572

Let's not pretend that the meat and dairy industries aren't economic titans that fund and shill their own research and have their own lobby groups handing out bribes

>> No.17790589

when those industries have something similar to the AHA shilling bs studies as health science and propped up by the NIH and subsidized by the governement you might have a point

>> No.17790595
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Let's not pretend they don't try hard to shill their shit the AHA. The AHA just has to have some justification for their recommendations, and most evidence, as the international community of healthcare and nutrition scientists agree, supports unsaturated over saturated fats, including seed oils, even if they aren't ideal foods.

>> No.17790600

let's not pretend that the AHA does not sat exactly what the grain producers pay them to

>> No.17790614

Ah yes, the absurdly wealthy lentil farmers laughing from their billion dollar mansions

>> No.17790633

kellogs, post, general mills, monsanto, the ABCD collective

nice try vegan scum

>> No.17790643
File: 52 KB, 812x463, meat industry advertisement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drops of rain in the ocean

>> No.17790651

and they all use seed oils in their garbage food, you're not very bright

>> No.17790655

Ah yes, I love to order the Seed Oil Burger™ from Burger King. Tastes like canola.

>> No.17790665

enjoy lol

>> No.17790683

No people are retarded.

>> No.17791829

Is it like the American Diabetes Association that tell you to eat CARBS?

>> No.17791846

Just because you know that you're paranoid doesn't mean that people aren't out to get you.

>> No.17791853

The US government wants you to live shorter lives. easier to make money when your citizens are rotating door.

>> No.17791857

Same reason your guys's booze is dirt cheap

>> No.17792040

Yes, they really are that bad for you
You can always tell when you look at someone that they consume seed oils

>> No.17792175
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They literally tell you to eat a quarter of the meal in CARBS.

>> No.17792768

Diabetics can eat and should eat low-glycemic carbohydrates. Diabetes itself increases your risk of heart disease so they're wary of trying to recommend people eat low-carb diets that already aren't sound in their heart-healthiness.
You don't improve your carbohydrate metabolism by not consuming carbohydrates. Eating more fat just makes the underlying problem worse.

>> No.17792776

They seem to be recommending whole grain alternatives to the wonderbread, fries and mac'n'cheese that a pointlessly capitalized CARBS brings to mind, and preface the entire thing with "There is no single 'magic' diet for diabetes."
This diagram seems to be designed for the people who exacerbated their diabetes through neglect. People who would say aloud to others: "I don't want to do math or give up potato chips. My blood sugar's under control."
Coming from a family, and at least two cultures where diabetes seems to spring up whenever we follow a Westernized diet, I've been told from early childhood that I'll need need some carbs (sorry, CARBS) fairly regularly to keep things in balance - that a sustained absence, or chronic overabundance tends to throw our systems off to a point where it never recovers. When I was losing weight in university, my mom gave me shit for cutting out starch and sugar as completely as I could: "What if you get used to that, and you can't eat talo anymore? Half our family can't have milk in our coffee, and half can't have sugar. You can still do both, so don't fuck it up!"
Anyway, tl;dr, stop capitalizing carbs like that - it signals your intent to get nuts about it.

>> No.17792808


>> No.17792834

except that one dude who only eats 30 eggs every day

>> No.17792858

This guy gives a good explanation.

>> No.17793048

>regurgitating vegan propaganda

>> No.17793055

Vegetable oil is literally more unhealthy than lard. Heart Attack Grill isn't doing it right.

>> No.17793120
File: 156 KB, 720x695, 1592223453370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't improve your carbohydrate metabolism by not consuming carbohydrates.
Yes you do; carb restriction alleviates carb-induced insulin resistance, retard. You do not know a single thing about diabetes.

>> No.17793135

is air frying/oven for fries the only way to go at this point?
the only time i use sunflower oil is literally just for deepfrying 2-3 time a year, i already substitued the rest with either butter or olive oil on a pan long ago

>> No.17793157

Yeah that shit all sounds complicated, I'm just not going to binge eat like a fat ass

>> No.17793177

>You don't improve your carbohydrate metabolism by not consuming carbohydrates.


>> No.17793183

>carb restriction alleviates carb-induced insulin resistance
How would it possibly? You're arguing that "if you just don't eat carbs, your carb problems are solved." That's like saying you can fix a broken car by just not driving it ever again.

The reason a diabetic can't metabolize food correctly is because fat has blocked off the cells that insulin is meant to push glucose into. This comes from either having a lot of body fat or from eating a lot of dietary fat, the mechanism of both being too much fat in the bloodstream. Eat less fat, lose weight, and eat more slow-digesting carbs, and your insulin sensitivity increases. Your body starts to work correctly again.

>> No.17793224

>because fat has blocked off the cells that insulin is meant to push glucose into
Post more this is good stuff.

>> No.17793252


>> No.17793290

He refers to a single study in this and while it's a newer study, it reminds me of an older study done by the same industry-funded scientists. Off the bat the diet data shows from the fiber content that the carbs they used were refined, which may have been on purpose because they knew from older studies that this would lead to differences in circulating saturated fat levels
>The decreased accumulation of plasma SFAs and 16:1n7 after the LC diet was likely mediated in part by decreased DNL. However, the LC diet also contained significantly higher amounts of palmitic acid and other SFAs from high-fat foods meaning that in order to explain the lower proportion of circulating SFAs, clearance must have been increased. As expected, the LC diet significantly increased the rate of whole-body fat oxidation, which clearly includes the preferred use of SFAs for fuel. Thus, the combination of greater fat oxidation and attenuation of hepatic DNL explains why a higher SFA intake is associated with lower circulating SFAs in the context of LC intake.
They're saying the low carb group had less insulin-wrecking saturated fat in their blood than the high carb group, likely because feeding diabetics refined carbs increases synthesis of palmitic acid, a long-chain saturated fat. It's ironic, especially if someone were trying to cite this to make a point about saturated fats not being bad for diabetes.

Same authors from a few years back:

>> No.17793328

Bro, what do you think they are frying your burger in?

>> No.17793347


What about this one:

>Consistent with the perspective that MetS is a pathologic state that manifests as dietary carbohydrate intolerance, these results show that compared with eucaloric high-carbohydrate intake, LC/high-fat diets benefit MetS independent of whole-body or fat mass.

>> No.17793351

Its what gave putin abdominal cancer and Parkinsons, isn't it?

>> No.17793371

That's the same study. That's what the other paper, which is an editorial, is referencing.

>> No.17793376

>seed oils
Ukraine is pork and lard country. Even their national candy is salo dipped in chocolate.
t. tobacco industry

>> No.17793386

I was going to say - the yellowed, weathered complexion probably has a lot more to do with tanning themselves with vodka and tobacco than anything else.

>> No.17793389

they do produce a shittonne of sunflower oil.
No idea if they actually use any of it or just export it

>> No.17793408

For me it's butter

>> No.17793424

Butter is the reason you look so sallow?