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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17788750 No.17788750 [Reply] [Original]

what's the worst dish/food someone expected you to eat?

>> No.17788792

What the bleep is that?

>> No.17788799


>> No.17788802


>> No.17788806

Why does it look like a Gremlin that's been sprinkling with water?

>> No.17788809

Sorry op I have to hide your thread, that shit is disgusting

>> No.17788811

i ordered a breakfast once and it literally had like 3 hairs on the egg (black hairs) and looked like someone had poured the bacon fat on everything
i mean id be okay with that but it was like fucking KOBRAJFS tier of oil fat the plate was brown
only time i ever demanded my money back

>> No.17788813

pretty sure the fat form the burgers is bubbling up

>> No.17788816

Are people this fucking stupid they don't know what a ground beef burger looks like cooking? Fuck off trolls.

>> No.17788820

jalapeno margarita. its just sour and spicy flavored tequila that burns in your stomach. me and my friend both dumped it while our friend who made it was out

>> No.17788831
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A clutch of nurgling buboes ready to burst and usher forth a swarm of Little Lords from His gardens beyond the wall of sleep.

>> No.17790483

anything my mom cooks

>> No.17790486

Mac and cheese

>> No.17790520

Jalapeno margaritas are based you stupid little shit

>> No.17790544
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Tomato Shrimp Salad

>> No.17790549
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>> No.17790723

well, did they give you your money back?

>> No.17790965


It's albumin, which is the same protein egg whites are made of.

>> No.17790967

Herpes burgers...my favorite!

>> No.17791042

No, they just called me a fag and laughed at my face :(

>> No.17791821

canned silkworm pupae

>> No.17791831
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Michelle Obama nuked the military food when I was in, so breakfasts were no sodium Styrofoam instant eggs and leathery turkey bacon every morning, and those were the best options
Not my picture, but this is pretty close to the every day breakfast. We didn't have the taquito tho. They've gone soft

>> No.17791832

do you deserve ice cream? do we got a fat body in here?

>> No.17791833
File: 36 KB, 700x547, 236c618c976221779e0a8d9e7408f7c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks like a gas station tornado

>> No.17791842


>> No.17791883

Watch your language you fucking nigger.

>> No.17791905

Eggplant curry while in Maharashtra, which is apparently some kind of delicacy they make like once a year. I can handle spicy food by even street shitter standards but this dish was made to be extremely spicy by their standards. Combined that with the most disgusting, over-cooked, slimey eggplant I've ever seen, worst dish by far.

>> No.17791911

Tbf those are a pretty large part of the active military diet. They sell them on most bases (at least in the USMC and Navy). They are better than 99% of what they will serve you in the mess hall and half the time you don't have the time to go sit down and eat anyway. It's pretty common to grab like 3 of these fuckers, your tobacco product of choice, and an oversized energy drink.

>> No.17791918

When I was like 13 and already cooking for myself on the reg since my parents couldnt cook, my mom bought a budget turkey load from walmart, it was store brand. Literal bone chips throughout the entire thing.

>> No.17791919

>3 tornados or 2 El monterrey burritos
>Marlboro Reds, can of copenhagen
>24 oz Monster

>> No.17791928

Actually in all reality I'd guess that most of the generalized health issues and "Early ageing" that is common amongst service members is probably a direct result of living off of junk food, tobacco, and cheap energy drinks. Live off that shit for 4 years while you work 60+ hours a week for an organization that will throw you in jail for missing a dentist appointment and yeah.

>> No.17791933


>> No.17791936

God I do not miss that shit holy fuck lmao

>> No.17791941

Yeah and one time I got sucked off by a ladyboy in Singapore

>> No.17791942

>run up and down a stadium in body armor for an hour
>refuel your body with gas station taquitos and monster
yeah not surprising people waste away so quickly

>> No.17791945

It's not gay if the balls don't touch anon

>> No.17791954
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rip it's are where it's at

>> No.17791956

They didn't sell them at the aafes, I could only get them on deployment unfortunately

>> No.17791968
File: 22 KB, 360x450, 79624566-6DC9-41B4-8EF2-931AD035B765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nasty patty

>> No.17791972

Supposedly they give them out on deployments but I only ever saw that once and they were these little half can ones. They don't just freely float around like the older vets would have you believe. Maybe it was different in the aughts but in the 20teens we didn't see them much.

>> No.17791975

They sell them at dollar stores west of the Mississippi. I found them in plenty of gas stations on the east coast. Sign up for their emails. They do BOGOs on cases every November.

>> No.17791981

I was in Africa for most of my deployments, they were everywhere there

>> No.17792027

holy based

>> No.17792051

How were the prostitutes?

>> No.17792053

I'm not getting aids just for a quick lay, you gotta be out of your fucking mind.
They were all some of the sexiest women I've ever seen though. My buddies all took the gamble, but that was a bet I wasn't taking

>> No.17792070

>What the bleep is that?
Imma guess pea-burgers?

>> No.17792087
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>> No.17792109

made me kek like a retard. gj anon

>> No.17792117

yes and for some bizarre reason they acted shocked

>> No.17792145

I ate a cooked yam on an airplane when I was 8 years old, I thought it was a weird looking orange and I threw up across three rows of seats and all the way down the entire aisle to the bathroom.

>> No.17792156
File: 627 KB, 871x665, 282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mom brings out the peanut butter and mayonnaise for dinner

>> No.17792158

A couple of my mother's friends were those "salt is evil" types so eating anything they cooked was horrific.

>> No.17792197

I still find it really weird how Michelle Obama had so much influence. Regardless of what you think about Barack, he was at least elected but are the US some monarchy where the president"s wife also automatically has power? Will his children rule the country when they are older?

>> No.17792272

fat bubbling out of the meat? are you retarded?

>> No.17792285

off the top of my head: eleanor roosevelt, nancy reagan, hillary clinton

>> No.17792289

That manly bitch ruined the best meal of the day and one of the few things to actually look forward to in training

>> No.17792363

I don't know where you ate, but I could get regular bacon and eggs, and we also had sausage gravy. Normally I would have gotten fat, but this was when they ran us ragged in PT.

>> No.17792387

My fat ex ass.

>> No.17792589

what the fuck is that white shit

>> No.17792893

Holy based. Except there weren't many energy drinks for sale when I was in so
>2 tornadoes
>Marlboro menthol lights
Then off to the battery to skate all day.
Rip its were only on deployments.

>> No.17792899


>> No.17792903
File: 50 KB, 640x640, IMG_20211209_093112_458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>canned shrimp

>> No.17793170


>> No.17793474

>americans literally eat matrix food

>> No.17793492

came here to post this

>> No.17793501

This. I swear faggots here have never cooked a meal in their life that didn't have microwave directions on the back. I mean, it's fucked up cause the heat is too high, but still, it's not like it's something absolutely atrocious.

>> No.17793511

Grits. Are you dumb?

>> No.17793607

peanut butter mayo and fried bologna is so fucking good

>> No.17793622

The american dream right there

>> No.17793658

Looks like shitty grits, it's like a porridge made from cornmeal for those that don't know. polenta is kinda similar to grits I guess.

>> No.17793665

My brother thinks he's a chef because he buys expensive delivery pizzas and "spices them up" buy dumping half a bottle of oregano and half a bottle of fennel on them. Then finishes it off by caking that fake parmesan powder on them. Makes his manchild 40 dollar ubereats pizza unedible.

>> No.17793674

that's what happens if you cook a burger too long on one side all the myoglobin, and hemoglobin comes out on the top side.

weirdly the same thing happens with the fake meat burgers.

>> No.17793677

tuna casserole
tuna sandwich
brussels sprouts.

>> No.17793702

"inedible" you dumb cunt

>> No.17793784
File: 202 KB, 683x699, unedible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its in the scrabble dictionary, therefore it is a word. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.17794173

They taste worse than they look. The centuries old jokes about military food aren't unwarranted. The best is passable and the worst is, well not horribly too far off thst picture

>> No.17796136

Indelible in the hippocampus

>> No.17796158

why do non americans think they know everything about america.

>> No.17796635

Glad I never joined I guess. That legit looks worse than MREs

>> No.17796944

That's unpossible

>> No.17796950

should have went chairforce

>> No.17796958

ALL Mexican foods.

>> No.17797424

Its a word but you didn't use it right.