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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 640x853, uls9w5otisw81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17781635 No.17781635 [Reply] [Original]

Set up a charcuterie board for magic the gathering night with friends, no one came

>> No.17781645

If you're going to gather friends you should probably have friends first.
Also it's magic, where is the pizza.

>> No.17781654

you seem like a gracious host anon, at least you get all that nice food to eat

>> No.17781659

Why wouldnt you ask people you invited to let you know if they were planning on coming or not? Its called an rsvp.

>> No.17781662

I get it. You bought upwards of $60 worth of cheese, cured meats, small pickled peppers, olives, French bread, fig spread because you are nothing if not sophisticated, and I get it. You spared no expense for this endeavor. And you’re no debutante. You felt it when the purchase hit your Mastercard. So you took your bounty and your finest cutting board and you arranged it with the poise of a coked up Martha Stewart. I get it. It looks really nice. Pinterest worthy, even. And you’re excited to proclaim, upon the cooing of your guests, that “it was all Trader Joe’s!” They’ll surely reply, mouths agape, “oh David and I just love TJs” or perhaps the uninitiated will say “I’ve heard of them- the one over on 86th street? I’ll have to get over there soon.” They won’t, but they’ll promise to at your next event. I get it. If you must post your ventures in charcuterie, please at least be mindful of pairings. Give us something to work with here. It is the holiday season after all, and this is the third post like yours we’ve seen today.

>> No.17781667

Your spread will garner gleeful enthusiasm on your Facebook and Instagram, but what does it say on 4Chan? We don’t know you, we’re not particularly proud of you. We’ve all been privy to many a charcuterie spread before yours and will witness many after. Never remembering yours as particularly brilliant or significant.

>> No.17781679

why do i have to see so many posts copied wholecloth from reddit. you only have to use reverse google image search to see it (manually using the full image always better than just the thumbnail). severe lack of originality 0/10

>> No.17781706



Fucking copypasta.

>> No.17781712

do cr*ckers really serve and eat cold shrimp?

>> No.17781719

why is there a brand new iphone in the top right

>> No.17781724

based /ck/ board quality assurance autist

>> No.17781726

I lurk /v/ so I'm used to OP reposting as a talking point

>> No.17781767
File: 159 KB, 900x604, ezgif-2-972601051f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man just wanted to shuffle cards with the boys and even plated Milano cookies for the occasion.

>> No.17782936

dog cunt has never had nice cold prawns. Clearly can't get any fresh seafood

>> No.17782948

>sjw: the gathering
Kill yourself cancerous faglord

>> No.17782950

N . Z . N . Z . N . Z

Honk Honk (heil hitler)

>> No.17782972

you're right
I generally don't like the idea of cold sea food either though

>> No.17785127

damn dude, thats comfy and extremely cool. n o idea what magic gathering is but willing to learn.

>> No.17785133

>no cocktail sauce

>> No.17785150

there's giant tub of cocktail sauce you cum guzzling dipshit

>> No.17785203

1. You have to go back.
2. No one is buying 'night with friends', fat fuck.

>> No.17785204

thats not cocktail sauce
please dont kill yourself

>> No.17785229

Poor guy didn't deserve that even if he is a r*dditor

>> No.17785296
File: 23 KB, 404x554, 1644856274779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17785310

I read the thread and he and his wife have a roommate :(

>> No.17785343

That sucks. Iphones are gay

>> No.17785519
File: 105 KB, 970x844, F657A364-96D9-4AFC-8D54-EEC2CB23CCE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are redditters on this board right now

>> No.17785658

Not this cracker. I love shrimp. But, I absolutely hate cold shrimp. I don't get it at all.

>> No.17785661

I don't believe you

>> No.17785666

What a shit thread. So reddit actually deserves the hate it gets? Never went there and thought it was a meme.

>> No.17785677
File: 69 KB, 1358x164, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17785715

A others have said, you seem like a great friend and even though I don’t play Magic I would 100% come over to eat and hang out and learn to play Magic:D

>> No.17787226

>finger food at MTG night
Why yes, I do love getting cocktail sauce and grease all over my $2000 deck for modern. Pass the mustard, my fetchlands are still clean.

>> No.17787251

More for you then, OP

>> No.17787265

Where is the liverwurst anon?

>> No.17787282

Gives me the fucking creeps.

>> No.17787345

Good instincts. If someone brings up reddit I know not to leave children alone in the same room with them.

>> No.17787350

>makes redditcuterie
>is STILL playing the magic the gathering
serves you right, I hope you rope, faggot

>> No.17787363

I hate when people buy shit like this because
A) you bought too much fucking food and you know you did
B) no one is going to eat any of it because they don't want too seem like a glutton
C) as soon as someone starts eating anything everyone else calls them a fat fucking pig and tries to make them uncomfortable
D) if you try to get people to take anything home they will say no to try to seem polite and it will end up in the fucking fridge for a month

they do this shit all the time at work and everyone just hovers over the food saying "go ahead an eat all you want there's plenty!" and then 10 seconds later "UHMM EXCUSE ME OTHER PEOPLE NEED TO EAT!"
thanks for reading my blog

>> No.17787368
File: 472 KB, 1536x2048, mtg abandonment night - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The husband has some pretty nice tits.

>> No.17787382

What autistic town do you live in?

>> No.17788497

what do you do if they bring up 4chan(nel)?

>> No.17789090

I don't think I've ever heard 4chan mentioned irl.

>> No.17789155
File: 127 KB, 500x279, 1513727225278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17789319

>every single God damn post is "I am coming over OP"
They are like fucking mindless zombies

>> No.17789757

We are long past 2007 anon, every part of the internet is reposting every other part of the internet.
Anything you see anywhere has been reposted everywhere else already. Just be happy that it means you can stick to whatever place fits your UI tastes