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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17780189 No.17780189[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Friends, parties, social experiences, sexual experiences with women my age, all the things a normal, developing brain needs. I wasted all 4 years of high school and college hiding from everyone on my computer, now my chances are gone. People my age are getting married, I have no outlets to even meet women or make friends. My life is over, I wasted it. Every day is the same, I work, come home and rot. I wasted my life.

>> No.17780193

food and cooking

>> No.17780196

ok, but what does this have to do with food

>> No.17780197

If you're still alive, there's still time.

>> No.17780198
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a pizza bowl from marcos would cheer you right up, no carbs! its keto friendly!

>> No.17780200


>> No.17780216

It gets harder to socialize when you get older. If you had trouble making friends amongst your peers in education, how the fuck are you going to make friends as a weird awkward 30-something year old? People that age have moved on from partying and are preoccupied with careers and families, and younger people don't want to hang out with some old weird sperg. And don't even get started about the dating scene.

>> No.17780217

lol I was a party animal since I was high school age and all through college. Its not good for a normal develping brain at all. I feel sorry for my future wife she will never be as sexy as the freshmen sluts I fucked in college. I am also a functioning alcoholic and its only a matter of time before I get a DWI and lose my job over it probably.

>> No.17780218

I hate women so much, it’s unreal

>> No.17780223


imagine being these faggots lol

>> No.17780226

Elementary school girls can consent.

>> No.17780231

Hobbies. Gym, hiking, books, art, cooking, whatever.

>> No.17780234

I think the board you want is /adv/. You're not really asking for advice, but it's where people go to moan about their lives.

>> No.17780235
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>> No.17780254
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Yeah you're right you should just kill yourself you fucking weak faggot. If you were my bro and you were saying this blogpost to me in person I'd crush my fucking skull into your nose just to see if there was a single bone in your body.

>> No.17780258

imagine thinking this shit matters

also... food and cooking?

>> No.17780270

Children can consent?

>> No.17780280
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>> No.17780282
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Have you considered transitioning?

>> No.17780287

Fuck off groomer scum.

>> No.17780290

This thread fucking sucks. I'm repurposing it.
Decide faggots, do beans belong in chili? Justify your answers and kill those that disagree

>> No.17780296

I sometimes forget that I lived OPs picrel because of seeing pussies feel sorry for themselves for not even trying.

>> No.17780299

Like kids pussys?

>> No.17780313
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yes beans belong because it gives the chili better texture and some variety

>> No.17780318

Scrambled eggs is great in chili.

>> No.17780323

Your life isn't over so make something of it now. Also what do you like to cook?

>> No.17780324
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>> No.17780329

I did that too OP. It is kind of sad because a lot of people come out of their shell at university, get their first girlfriend, and so on. I had a friend like that. Absolute neckbeard shutin until he left home for uni and then, boom, multiple girlfriends, massive social circle, etc. Meanwhile I spent my entire time playing online games and left uni a virgin. I was convinced too I'd wasted what should've been the best time of my life but then after wallowing in misery for a few years I moved, got a job, got a gf, and I'm somewhat normal and happy now, so don't give up.
It is true though that, for some people, their late-teen/early-adult socialization is crippled by the internet and it stays with them forever. Even now I feel uncomfortable around new people because I was so late to learn how to socialize as an adult. And after a certain point it becomes impossible to ever be a natural at it like others and you're stuck as a weird person forever.

Cooking too

>> No.17780331

Yes. Now fuck off. With CHILDREN!

>> No.17780345

faggot i came here to see food

>> No.17780346
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I suggested that an adult consider transitioning and you sperg out. Meanwhile there's some guy posting about children's vaginas and you're ok with it. Why are rightoids like this?

>> No.17780348

Fuck off groomer.

>> No.17780350
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>> No.17780355

Find other weird awkward people to hang out with I'm 28, spent 10 years after school as a recluse getting stoned. Now Im moving in with my gf and have new friends in a new town and just finished a year of tertiary schooling. If you assume it can't get better then it never will. If you try then you have a chance

>> No.17780359

Go back to r9k faggot, that's what it's for

>> No.17780361

They can consent.

>> No.17780364
File: 905 KB, 4672x2232, D5606CE2-57AA-4BB0-AE0A-BA575AB86162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dear god I want to savor a stink hole like that

>> No.17780373

Who cares? Those girls aren't in middle school.

>> No.17780375
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>Why are rightoids like this?
hey now don't link that shit to us, 99% of the horrors that get posted here are reddit invaders trying to shit up the board so they can screen cap their own post and be like look how bad 4chan is.

>> No.17780376

This anon is on to sometching

>> No.17780379

Children can consent as early as they understand the word.

>> No.17780384

You'll meet someone at work to fuck. You'll also meet best friends through work and go to their parties. You'll be aight

>> No.17780387

its saturday night and im feeling myself, so imma treat myself to a half gal of chocolate milk

>> No.17780389

But anon, there isn't a middle school within 12 miles from where I work.

>> No.17780401

Don't act like this "all gnc people are sex predators" shit wasn't a rightoid move to distract from their insatiable lust for child rape

>> No.17780421

Off topic threads are cancer and against >>>/ck/rules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.17780444

>just make friends through work
The best you'll do is you'll go to slightly awkward after-work drinks every couple of months for a couple of hours. People at work have moved on from their party phase, this meme that you can try a do over of your awkward youth in your late 20s and 30s is just a massive cope.

>> No.17780468
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this is a bannable offense

>> No.17780471

You and me, like so many from our generation, are just fucked. There's not much else to say about it. We had below average social skills and made some social mistakes. This caused us to not develop properly, so now we are stuck going through life behind. When I was a senior in highschool I had the social awareness of a freshman. I didn't understand how to present myself and only then started to realize the importance of it. I didn't go to college right away either and when I went they switched to online only. I don't even have people to reach out to. I've just been left behind in life. I'm not even worried about lost time since I have no options and can barely see a decent future for myself.

>> No.17780480

none of that matters as much as you think it does. you should be worrying about getting right with God, not about whether you missed out on fooling around with girls in high school

>> No.17780494

Kids. Middle school age.

>> No.17780499

>Admitting to reporting

>> No.17780522

I want you to seriously consider taking your own life. Not in minecraft.

>> No.17780544


>> No.17780551

Antis must depart Earth.

>> No.17780556
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Wtf is this picture suppose to represent also good job jannies

>> No.17780564
File: 1018 KB, 2400x2400, 365 root beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck why is everyone talking about pedophiles and stuff in here

what does the op have to do with pedos? im serious here, did i miss something?

>> No.17780588

Literally the only women I have interacted with in the past 4 years are my mom and cashiers/waiters. Hitting on cashiers is a fast way to get on the sex offender registry. What SPECIFICALLY did you do to meet a woman?

>> No.17780595

I knew them as a teenager and I treated her like a human being, and we realised we liked each other. Outside of her I haven't talked to any non-family/non-work females

>> No.17780600

>knew them as a teenager
Yep, I'm fucked

>> No.17780602

those girls are probably 18-19 across the board and those groups of sorority girls routinely drag 17 year old cusps along with them. bachelors and friends pay for a decent little house right outside a campus and just fuck girls drunk on the cheapest garbage imaginable. i like to think that accounts for the pedo discussion but I know it doesn't.

>> No.17780616


>> No.17780620

Alcohol threads get immediately deleted but this shit stays up for hours

>> No.17780621

Go to where the people are and meet someone

>> No.17780629

Middle school doors are locked except for the front office.

>> No.17780660

That's not even the same side lol

>> No.17780676

We need to lower the age of consent. We'll start with lowering it to 14 for a few years to get people used to the idea, then once people get addicted to fresh teen pussy we can lower it to 12. Then it's only a matter of time before we can watch porn with 8 year olds legally and also fuck them

>> No.17780698

Attaboy. You are a good son.