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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17779736 No.17779736 [Reply] [Original]

What's the broscience verdict on salt/sodium these days? Is it really as unhealthy as mainstream health says it is? Basically anything over 2 grams of sodium a day is said to lead to heart disease.

>> No.17779743

iodine deficiency is globohomo jewish subversiveness

>> No.17779744

Living in a post industrial society is plenty unhealthy as it is.

>> No.17779756
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I fast until 4pm every day so my sodium intake is a non issue. I'm probably deficient if anything.

>> No.17779764

>fasts until 4 pm
>eats 40 mcnuggets and 2 pizzas
not so fast, fatso

>> No.17779770
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salts not the problem, seeds oils are

but people who eat out often are definitely eating too much salt, carbs and fat - along with the seed oils it's the perfect recipe for heart disease, there is a correlation with seed oils and type 2 diabetes as well

if seed oils went away a big chunk of health issue would probably go away too

>> No.17779775

>eat out several times per week
>buy food that is canned, boxed, bagged, bottled, or jarred
>eat too few fruits and veggies
>avoid cooking meals yourself

>> No.17779778

Yes it is super unhealthy but the effects are largely transparent when you are young. Which is most of /ck/
Keep tabs on your blood pressure. If its always in healthy range, you can probably get away with being irresponsible with sodium. But the older you get, the more its going to affect you negatively.

>> No.17779788

No I eat pretty healthy. Omad fewer than 1000 cals. Unless I'm lifting then it's 1,500 cals and a bunch of eggs.

>> No.17779835

Is olive oil ok? I only use extra virgin olive oil, butter and lard for frying.
I did get peanut oil once because an Asian I knew got anal about me using olive oil for stir fry.

>> No.17779844

>fewer than 1000 cals
The fuck are you a manlet?

>> No.17779850

If you answer yes to any of these questions you need to get off my board stat

>> No.17779876

Nope, but I do have a pretty hefty cheat meal on the weekends. I actually have a good bit of muscle and still have some excess fat and I've been doing this for like three years.

>> No.17780136


>> No.17780161

the whole salt bad thing started 400 years ago when a french doctor conjectured that his clients that ate a lot of salt had heart problems so salt bad.

the problem is that they also drank too much, ate too much, and probably had other habits that were not healthy.

but lets blame salt.

>> No.17780166
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why are they putting flouride in the salt?
i think it's dumb and retarded to use flourided salt instead of toothpaste

>> No.17780184

>fuck off I'm not eating a pound of fucking vegetables every day
and the solution is "drinking more water"
outside of absolutely ridiculous amounts of salt intake simply drinking water regularly will flush it out of your system just fine
that or exercise to sweat it out but you can't expect that from anyone in the modern day

>> No.17780716

every offering must be dealt with salt.

>> No.17780767


>> No.17780791

actually drinking too much water will result in flushing out sodium and other electrolytes, if your urine is clear, you shouldn't be drinking any liquids

drink when you're actually thirsty

>> No.17780802

none of that has anything to do with sodium's effect on drawing fluid into the vasculature. Sodium ions are not inherently bad. Some French fuck 8000 years ago probably didn't understand ions and polar molecules

>> No.17780817

theres no way youre gaining or even maintaining muscle with 1500cal a day

>> No.17780864

>and the solution is "drinking more water"
Your body doesn't immediately flush out the extra salt as soon as you drink some water. During the time that your body is processing it, the salt can still be having a negative effect on you. That doesn't mean adding salt is always bad, especially with plant foods since most of them have very little to no sodium at all and you do need some for optimal health. But that doesn't mean it can't be beneficial to consume less salt, especially since a lot of people eat too much premade food that's usually very high in salt.

>> No.17781380

This graph makes it look like humans are consuming too much fat in general, and seed oils are typically a proxy for ultra processed junk

>> No.17781401

>Eat out several times a week
Maybe twice a week at most
>Buy cans, boxed, bagged, bottled, or jarred
Yes to all
>Eat too few fruits and veggies
I don't eat them at all
>Avoid cooking meals yourself
As if I couldn't dump salt into food myself

>> No.17781671

>heart death down
>veg oil up
olive oilchuds how do we counter this...

>> No.17781737

Just don’t eat out. Simple as

I pour entire boxes of old bay on every dish I eat

>> No.17781766

the dip at the end of the graph marks the introduction of statin drugs and other medial interventions, like valve replacement surgeries and stints

>> No.17781770
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why would a salt shaker be advocating for this

>> No.17781821
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What chu mean?

>> No.17781831

I'm so far from having a fuck to give that it's honestly quite hilarious.

>> No.17781832

Bullshit you lying faggot.

>> No.17781896

Take the Salt Pill

How to Heal Disease With Salt: The Forgotten Wisdom of the Ancient Mariners

Salt: The Answer To Everything

>> No.17781908

If I don't eat a fuck ton of salt every day I get dizzy

>> No.17781913

he doesn't want to get eaten duh

>> No.17781919
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>> No.17781926

From what I've read in the brosphere, the sodium/potassium ratio is more important than absolute sodium intake. The vast majority of people are not getting enough potassium, so they're getting too much sodium by ratio. Therefore, eating less salt is not quite the solution, but the salt shaker guy is still mostly right even if he's not telling the whole story: you should eat plenty of vegetables (good source of potassium) and avoid processed foods (usually very high in sodium), but if you eat a healthy diet with mostly whole foods you don't really have to worry about it.

>> No.17781935

sound more like he doesn't want to be loved anon

>> No.17782060

>at least one pound of fruit and vegs a day

lolowut, I'm not even sure I eat a complete pound of food in a day

>> No.17782072

>sodium/potassium ratio
sodium/potassium/magnesium/water to be more specific as thats your electrolyte balance

>> No.17782245

Yeah, I love that graph for not really showing what people say it shows. The two lines they're comparing aren't even that correlative.

Also, a big thing that's rarely discussed is is that factors like that are multi-causal. So, cancer and heart disease are things that happen to you if you live long enough. People started living longer, analysis got better, so numbers go up. Diet is important, but genetics are probably more so beyond not being grossly unhealthy.

>> No.17782252 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17782266
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>Hyponatremia is a low sodium concentration in the blood
>Mild symptoms include a decreased ability to think, headaches, nausea, and poor balance.
>Severe symptoms include confusion, seizures, and coma
>Hyponatremia is the most common type of electrolyte imbalance

>> No.17782285

Oh, also, the best somewhat subtle problem with that graph. The consumption axis is per Capita. The heart disease deaths are raw deaths. So, it doesn't also show that the population increases 5x-6x times during that time period. If they did, the increase in heart disease deaths becomes much flatter. Though, not entirely flat.

>> No.17782286
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>> No.17782605


>> No.17782712

This is true for certain cancers but not others. Some are effecting younger and younger people, and at increasingly greater rates. I only know this because I have lung cancer at 35 and never smoked in my life, and apparently the type I have is becoming more common and doctors have no idea why. I'm sure it's due to the awful standards we've imposed on ourselves, but this is most certainly not a natural occurrence.

>> No.17782802

You gucci broski. If you want a pufa free neutral oil, can try coconut oil (triple filtered for no coconut flavour) or avocado oil as well. Olive oil isn’t ideal for stir frying due to low smoke point, gets very acrid in flavour after being exposed to high heat

>> No.17782889

What's that funny little fellow pointing at?

>> No.17784023

>400 years ago
>ate too much
I call bullshit

>> No.17784134

Salt is fine if you drink water. If you drink crap and eat salt all day its bad for you.

>> No.17784148

but what time do you STOP eating? like you start eating at 4pm, when is the cutoff?
i enjoy fasting buy have found that my body wants to devour more calories before the cut off time and its "too late"

>> No.17784153

i derive from salt solely from the blood of animals and maskoids