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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 197 KB, 750x1334, CD118E7D-DB40-443A-AD8A-10C29BFB2D8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17773650 No.17773650 [Reply] [Original]

This is considered a healthy, balanced lunch for children in America

>> No.17773655 [DELETED] 


>> No.17773658

What the fuck

>> No.17773660

sugar, salt, and even more sugar but in liquid form

>> No.17773679

gonna assume the child in question is in elementary school
stuff that's relatively 'easy' to consume w/o a mess, and food that would not 'need' to be reheated

>> No.17773690

No wonder they stay poor.
They could have saved a fortune just filling a recyclable bottle with HFCS

>> No.17773693

>being so america-obsessed that you post random shit from some woman from your gaybook

>> No.17773697

Even if you’re going that route, I feel there are much better ways to do it. Shit just give them some fruits and nuts

>> No.17773702

I'm always shocked by just how much processed slop Americans eat. Do they just not have regular meat and bread and greens in American stores?

>> No.17773703

its not but it is pretty nice that she thought to give them a variety instead of the same damn sandwich every day

>> No.17773707

>this is specific to america
No it isn't.

>> No.17773715

>4 dollars a day is too much to ask for your kid to not eat literal trash
Jesus christ

>> No.17773726

What kind of question is that, of course they do. It’s just that proper nutrition and health education is pretty much no existent

>> No.17773730

My mom raised me like this and now I'm obese

>> No.17773746

do you still rely on your mom to feed you? if not, then your obesity is pretty much all your fault at this point

>> No.17773791

kek where is the fuckin food?

the balanced lunch appears to be made up of
>a soda or juice (which is also basically a soda)
>chips (carbs with salt)
>a twinkie or hostess cup

I spot some vienna sausages on the most extreme lower left but don't see any bread or single serve packets of tuna or something to prepare something resembling food

>> No.17773801

>Real Soda
lmao she even goes for the cheap generic store brands

>> No.17773804

>7 thumbs up

>> No.17773838

They're more expensive and go bad before you can use them.

>> No.17773845

I’m always shocked by how non-Americans try to act like they don’t have the same sort of food in their own countries.

>> No.17773853

>just give them...nuts

Not that simple unless you want little Braeden and Jayden and Hayden and Kayliegh and Kylie to DIE...



>> No.17773858
File: 72 KB, 828x816, 0DFF0A00-AA6C-417B-9CA5-E9A06E8EAE9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is considered a healthy, balanced lunch
>posts image where the person who made them in no way refers to them as healthy or balanced
Wow pwned

>> No.17773865

Sorry but if you’re body is so weak that it can get killed by a fucking nut, then you deserve to die. We need to stop letting people with shit genes produce more people with the same shit genes

>> No.17773871

I'm assuming they get some sandwiches to go with those snacks that are made up on the day?

>> No.17773877

Probably not considering she’s bragging about how cheap the overall lunches for the month were. If she included sandwiches, she probably would have included their price in the post

>> No.17773879

> seething amerilards in the thread

>> No.17773880

>black woman
>healthy, balanced meal

>> No.17773890

I mean the mother probably believes in her mind that this lunch is perfectly healthy and acceptable, otherwise she wouldn’t continue feeding them this garbage… right?

>> No.17773899

no it isn't.

>> No.17773918

>school lubch cost $20 for 5 days
Everyone know this nigga on free or low cost school plan.

>> No.17773919
File: 308 KB, 1170x933, 12556D70-10E2-4A96-955A-82C06130DCA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is

>> No.17773924
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Good old Dr. Thunder. Don't even know where you can get that shit any more.

>> No.17773931

>I'm always shocked by just how much processed slop Americans eat.
>A food desert is an area that has limited access to affordable and nutritious food, in contrast with an area with higher access to supermarkets or vegetable shops with fresh foods, which is called a food oasis.
>In 2010, the United States Department of Agriculture reported that 23.5 million people in the U.S. live in "food deserts," low-income census tracts that are more than one mile from a supermarket in urban or suburban areas and more than 10 miles from a supermarket in rural areas.
It really bugged me when i found out about this term and the fact that people in US have no fresh meat or vegetables sold within a walking distance.

>> No.17773954

It makes fuck all difference. Cars will be lined up past the parking lot every day at mcdonalds anyways. Those people were never going to the grocery store for anything other than beer/wine.

>> No.17773957

>$20 per week
>5 cans of soda, 5 small bags of chips, 5 dessert cake-things
There’s clearly a sandwich or something being added with that cost. 5 of those bags as-is couldn’t total $20
Sorry faggot, you aren’t going to bait me into a racism ban.
You know what you’re asking is just as silly as extrapolating her fagbook post to “all of America”.

>> No.17773964

Yes, of course, but poor people buy shit food because they're stupid, which is why they're poor

>> No.17773966

I remember having a friend in school who’s mom packed him the exact same thing from kindergarten to senior year, pb sandwich, an applesauce cup, carrots, two boxes of apple juice, and a roll of smarties. He made it through school stick skinny

>> No.17773969

I know the nig-tier writing is a bit hard to comprehend, but she’s clearly saying the school lunch costs $20 a week, while she only has to pay $30 for the whole month

>> No.17773973

Those aren't Americans though

Doesn't exist, stop buying potato chips and grape soda with your welfare check.

>> No.17774018

I used my 150 IQ and decades of languages study to translate to english.
She is saying school lunch is $20 per week but she can make lunches for the month for $30.

>> No.17774039

Good point.
Also noticed it was posted in 2016 anyway.

>> No.17774086

For niggers, sure. It's a miracle she's even feeding them at all.

>> No.17774101
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>a problem largely absent from our country 30 years ago that has exploded in recent years can be explained by genetics

>> No.17774108

You can't make all those sandwiches ahead of time they would go stale or get mushy that's why they're not pictured

>> No.17774110

I was envious of these kids when I was in elementary school. I would trade my whole lunch for a bag of chips whenever I could

>> No.17774113

>mentions nothing about health or balance

>> No.17774139

>Got my baby school lunch packed and ready
I think you’re giving this lady too much credit. If she were to buy sandwiches every week as well, it would probably cost almost $20 a week anyway for the entire lunch, which is how much the lunch provided by the school costs

>> No.17774147

We all were bro. God it sucked to be me
>sandwich of sprouts and cucumber. no mayo, not healthy for little anon :)
>baby carrots
>whole apple
>strange nutrient loaf for "dessert" with something called "carob" in it and no added sugar
>milk from school
My mom was one of those no-fat Nazis who was seriously concerned my siblings and I would gain any amount of weight or develop bad habits. My brother and I have normal BMIs but my sister gained weight massively upon achieving independence and is 300+lbs now. I visited her in college and watched her eat a stick of butter on the couch

>> No.17774148

>many americans think garbage like this is perfectly healthy and fine for children’s bodies
>they continue to feed their children said garbage
>more and more children get fat
What’s not to understand, unless you’re implying these parents are fully aware how unhealthy these foods are but feed it to their kids anyway? Which is actually worse than doing it without knowing

>> No.17774159

>my sister gained weight massively upon achieving independence and is 300+lbs now
That’s just what most women do because they lack any kind of self discipline or control

>> No.17774161

Now I want to put peanut and shrimp shell dust into every AC system in America.

>> No.17774194

Kids need to eat. People give their children this stuff because it is convenient for the parents and their picky kids will eat it because it tastes good and NOT because they are under any delusions that it is good for them. American parents don't have enough time (read: are lazy) and can't be making bento boxes at 7 am full of expensive vegetables every day that their kids would just throw away anyways and live off of stuff in vending machines (the vending machines are also a problem)

>> No.17774196

I don't think they also all are eating sticks of butter because they hate their mothers

>> No.17774246

Your mother sounds very caring. Maybe a little excessive with the no mayo but still, she was clearly just concerned with her children's health so good on her. My mom wouldn't let us eat or drink unhealthy during the week days, only on the weekend. No pop or juice on weekdays, only water. I thank her for it

>> No.17774259

>eat a stick of butter on the couch
Dude that is when somebody has just completely thrown in the towel, goddamn.

>> No.17774310

Seems like technology is being developed that will eventually fix those things. Also, being allergic to a nut doesn't mean you can't be intelligent and contribute something.

>> No.17774330

cope more no-nutter, I hope a peanut falls into your dinner and you die right on the spot

>> No.17774350

Yes it is

>> No.17774360 [DELETED] 

Poor 'people' often say fresh fruits and vegetables are too expensive and that they'll get more out of their money buying potato chips for their kids than fruits. They're aware that fruit is much healthier and say they would buy it for their kids if they could afford them, but potato chips are all they can afford with their food stamps. They usually site this as another symptom of white supremacy, that white families can afford to feed their kids healthy meals like fruits and vegetables and all they can afford is junk food, giving white children an unfair advantage in school.

>> No.17774365

Have these poor people tried not being poor? Feel like that would solve all their issues

>> No.17774380

>it’s a nigger
imagine my surprise

>> No.17774389

lol come on man don't you have anything real that you can use to feel good about yourself?

>> No.17774399

as someone who is allergic to nuts and shellfish yeah i agree with this

>> No.17774416

No, everyone with a brain calls that 'child abuse'. Your child will be hungry and dehydrated within a half hour of finishing that.

>> No.17774420

Unfortunately, the food being served in the cafeteria is probably literal trash as well. All highly processed, full of salt and sugar.

>> No.17774431

She also forced us to practice violin 30 minutes a day every day to the point we took the things on vacations. Literally no breaks unless you were deathly ill. She wanted to make us superchildren but none of us played after we left home because we hated it. The food thing was one more aspect of control she exercised on the three of us to prove her capability as a mother to all her haters. Mom was caring but for the wrong reasons and now she's got three grown kids who don't look back at their childhoods as anything but drudgery. I'm retrospectively astonished we weren't homeschooled

>> No.17774456

She wasn't huge when I watched her do this, maybe 150lbs. She was on her way to being fat but not at the towel-throwing stage. I think it's really just that she never was allowed to eat anything she wanted so when she could decide on her own she just went ham(planet) with it

>> No.17774475

you say this but my gf is a dietician and when she has new black patients and she suggests things like cottage cheese and berries and salad and shit they will literally call it "white people food" in a pejorative sense because much like learning to swim or reading it is not seen as something black people should be doing in order to stay culturally black. A black child pulling out a lunch with blueberries and carrots at school is liable to get bullied for "acting white"

>> No.17774567


>> No.17774667

You’re coping bigly my friend, I am sorry God made you so something as insignificant as a nut making contact with you will shut down your body

>> No.17774688
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Dam anon that must feel terrible, may I please see a picture of your sister so I can get a better idea?

>> No.17774693

>Do they just not have regular meat and bread and greens in American stores?
We don't. It's a literal hell hole here when looking for those foods. It's got to the point that even small towns are having a black market specifically for meat, bread, and greens because they are so incredibly difficult to find. Did you know that only 10 farmers remain in the entirety of America? It's genuinely nuts.

>> No.17774710

This is literally why there is so many trans kids.

>> No.17774719

>probably believes in her mind that this lunch is perfectly healthy and acceptable, otherwise she wouldn’t continue feeding them this garbage… right?
remember that bell curve meme with caveman on the left and chad on the right? it's like that but those on one end know it's better than nothing and those on the other end know it's about how you use the calories, not what you consume. Neither realize how prolonged consumption is what makes it so unhealthy - they think once in a while is okay for literally anything. Then people think heart disease and diabetes are genetic predispositions rather than...

>> No.17774725
File: 2.93 MB, 540x960, gotdam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I love garbage food now

>> No.17774731

Kek. When I was a kid I had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I guess that's why I was never a fat fuck. Thanks mom!

>> No.17774740

even if she were giving them sandwiches too, it is still really bad that they are eating all this garbage on a daily basis

>> No.17774756

b-b-b-b-ased and it's OUTTA THERE!
>probably believes in her mind that this lunch is perfectly healthy and acceptable, otherwise she wouldn’t continue feeding them this garbage… right?
remember that bell curve meme with caveman on the left and chad on the right? it's like that but those on one end know it's better than nothing and those on the other end know it's about how you use the calories, not what you consume. Neither realize how prolonged consumption is what makes it so unhealthy - they think once in a while is okay for literally anything. Then people think heart disease and diabetes are genetic predispositions rather than...

>> No.17774763
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>> No.17774822
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yeah couldn't have anything to do with social media and a narcissistic society, it's the Doritos

>> No.17774826

pb&j sandwiches are basically a snack cake imo. it's a lot of sugar and only a little protein

>> No.17774828

I'd rather have had that mammy's snack bags than the horrible slop served at my public school. At least you know Doritos and Twinkies are edible.

>> No.17774864

>post by negro, many typos
No one believes you OP. You're cherry picking.
The only thing this is considered is disheartening.

>> No.17774872
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ay yo at least she trying and she got variety, shit she's in the top 90% of mothers
y'all niggas just jealous yo mama didn't make you PB&banana samiches to share with the bully so you didn't get fucked wit

>> No.17774877

i feel like that segment of society is dying / becoming infertile faster than it can breed
it should be a short lived phenomenon, no pun intended
honestly, it may just be that i'm in a fairly well to do area in the northeast, but i rarely see anyone who would be considered very obese. fat people are genuinely rare. shart mart scooter user type folk simply don't exist, i couldn't recall the last time i saw one - years.

>> No.17774936

>honestly, it may just be that i'm in a fairly well to do area in the northeast
anon you've cracked the case. poor people are more likely to be fat. also the northeast tends to be less car reliant. The other thing is obesity begets obesity. It's normalized in the South to a point that it's not uncommon to hear people be separated into either "skinny" or "healthy" categories when talking about their weight in a casual setting

>> No.17774978

i ate pbj everyday for lunch from middle school through high school
i still love pbj

>> No.17775005 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 968x2048, 343B0A7C-4DB7-4351-A8AD-A1FAFCDBAA49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grew up with one stay at home parent and one parent that only worked 36 hour weeks
>they exclusively fed us trash like OP photo for lunch and fast food for dinner. Would unironically eat fast food for dinner 6-7 nights a week
>always considered this the norm
>was fat as shit
>move out and stop eating fast food every day, immediately lose 60 lbs
>start cooking as a hobby and realize it’s easy and tastes far better than fast food
>actually enjoy cooking for my friends/wife and daughter
Cooking a meal is not only healthier and tastier but having your child tell you it tastes good is a great feeling as well.

Did my parents just not love me?

>> No.17775017

That what it appears to be on top of being items with long shelf lives and no prep. So the parent has to do nothing but throw it in a bag.

I was curious as to if you could do something like >>17773697 said and give a healthier option. I'm bored and said "fuck it". So I tried to come up with a way to make 25 "easy" to consumer without a mess lunches that did not require refrigeration or reheating that could sit out at room temperature for a month in their current packaging. I found it almost impossible to stick below $30 with prepackaged food. Here's what I came up with based on if you shopped at Wal-Mart

>Fruit cups w/o added sugar: two 12 packs @ $6.48 each + one 4 pack @ $2.76 = 28 @ $15.72
>Vienna Sausages: two 12 packs @ 6.24 each + a solo can @ $0.68 = 25 @ $13.16
>Wal-Mart brand cheese dip + sticks: five packs of 5 @ $1.40 each = 25 @ $7.
>Wal-Mart brand bottled water: one 24 pack @ $3.48 +a solo bottle from the check out @ $1 = 25 @ $4.48

Total cost: $40.36. About $1.62 per lunch.

Is the best lunch? No. Will the kid probably trade it for cookies? Yes. Could you go cheaper? Absolutely, especially if you portion things out in lunch bags yourself.

>> No.17775149

Calories in, calories out. I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.17775161

I hate that wire shelving that all the hebrew/chinese landlords install

>> No.17775481

The misconceptions about America people learn through the media astounds me. People eat like this all over the world. And those are the people that will post on social media. We learn in school at a very young age the basic food groups and how they affect us. Niggers, poortards, and general low iq trash folk will do this kind of thing and post it on social media. It's as if I took every shit-human post about gypsies in Europe and declared everybody in Europe was like that. Stop generalizing an entire country based off the hyper tards and negroes you see often posted.
The dumbest, poorest, most entertaining people get the spotlight. Not the hard working, intelligent people that make up the majority.

>> No.17775501

The absolute state of american critic thinking.

>> No.17775502

It's sad. Those farmers make minimum wage (plus tips) as well.

>> No.17775527

23 million is waaaay lowballing it esp when you take into account the fact that many people don't have transportation. i wouldn't be surprised if 100 million americans lacked access to quality food (i.e. do their grocery shopping at the gas station)

>> No.17775545
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>She wanted to make us superchildren

>> No.17775569

Based. All calories are good calories

>> No.17775584

>People eat like this all over the world.
lol no they don’t. a snack every once in a while? sure. but feeding it to your kids for lunch every day is pretty much exclusively american, maybe mexico too

>> No.17775597

It conditions people to seek hyper stimulating foodsuffs, which on a societal level becomes obesity epidemics that make it more expensive for all of us to live
So you should care, dumbass. CICO doesn't fix shit on a policy level

>> No.17775750

Yeah, a ham sandwich and a bag of chips is unironically much healthier than the cafeteria shit. Fat kids like myself would even get double lunch and the school apparently had no problem with that.

>> No.17775756

I became allergic to shellfish in my 20s for some reason. Shit sucks.

>> No.17775894

They won't even harvest their crops if no one is there to clap for them. America is doomed.

>> No.17775904

where im from the most common breakfast for children is bread with something in it, not the loot from a scavenged vending machine

>> No.17775913
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Americans are slowly disintegrating because of the food they eat. It's annihilating their DNA and eventually they can't consume anything else.

>> No.17775982

>junk food was invented <10 years ago

>> No.17776197
File: 263 KB, 600x304, Not even a nationalist it&#039;s just the truth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Foreigners have to make up for their inferiority somehow. It would be more shocking to find one of them not trying to rib the US.

>> No.17776362

> Month old cup cake