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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17770702 No.17770702 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't gardened before, but I'm set on trying it this year. I bought...
>20+ organic seed packs
>tons of good dirt
>seed starter kits
>raised garden beds

Going to fortify the beds with spare lumber and some metal brackets I got. I don't have the sunniest spot in my yard for this, so I hope I get some decent yields come summertime. I really want fresh veggies and herbs for my dishes. Groceries are getting ridiculous and it's all fresh organic produce that costs the most.

>> No.17770719

It's coming along pretty good so far, despite it being a wetter colder spring than usual around here.

>> No.17770750
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Thanks for asking, fren.

It's going great. I've been getting some fava beans coming in, my 450 bulb garlic patch is doing excellently. All my asian greens are coming along and the lettuce and carrots I planted are doing well.

I decided to do a large patch of 2 types of heirloom soybeans to make miso and soy sauce with and they're killing it! Very excited for a big harvest. I have about 500 plants going.

80+ pepper plants. A lot with 2 sprouted per pot. I hear it works well. Mostly hot paprika, cayenne, tobasco, and many different unique and super hot varietals. Drying copious amounts of paprika and cayenne is going to be brilliant. Also hot sauce!

I was able to germinate a bunch of summer savory, which I had never tried before and it's really delicious. Worth trying!

I decided to try for a bunch of flowers this year, so I'm doing that and 4 or 5 different sunflowers including those giant ones that have good eating seeds. Cool plant. It grows tall!

Other than that I have a bunch of other starts doing really well. Just waiting a little bit longer to put them out. The weather has been weird.

Pic is my soybean bed. :)

>> No.17770801

Look up tips from permaculture growers. They help you get the most out of whatever your environment may be. Low sun in your case. And good luck anon, keep us posted.

>> No.17770817

This is the single most schizo post I have ever seen in my entire life. Anyway, on to a real post

It's fine. Garlic's coming in real strong. Just clipped all my dead kale and resowed it. Waiting for a month to plant tomato starts to train up 10 foot tall poles.

>> No.17770839
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The man asked how my garden was doing and I responded. Thanks for reading my blog btw. Here's a large fava bean pod for your troubles.

>> No.17770876
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One of each major herb, some lettuces, spinach, 3 berry bushes and lemon&like saprolings

>> No.17770892

I like your lettuce box. Organized gardening is so satisfying. Have you been taking from the non head ones? You can usually get 3 harvest before it gets too hot.

>> No.17770922

there’s still snow on the ground

>> No.17770934

Yeah I harvest a few outer leaves every week or so, I don't know how much I'm supposed to get, I've only just started gardening tbqh

>> No.17770936

Got any starts going, brother?

>> No.17770949

Kek that's like a normal social media post. Not schizo at all
Anyway anyone enjoying this thread, there's a rolling general on /out/

>> No.17770961

>plant a dozen cute little tomato and chili pepper sprouts
>baby grasshoppers appear one week later
>buggers devour all my plants
Goddammit. Fuck those six-legged niggers.

>> No.17770962
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Thank you. Enthusiasm should not be confused with schizo!

Have a copious amount of ladybugs, friend.

>> No.17770966

There was an abandoned raised bed on my property and I threw random plants into that. A lot of stuff died, but some stuff is growing now still. It's been a fun learning experience.

I am also starting a larger project for next year when I hope to do actual in ground planting of a few hundred feet of rows. We shall see if I get there.

>> No.17770984

>dozens of ladybugs
>limp, blemished leaves
I sense the presence of an aphid infestation.

>> No.17771076
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The ladybugs came, multiplied exponentially and completely wiped out the aphid infestation over 3 weeks on my fava beans. It was so awesome to see, but now most of the last bugs have left.

>> No.17771683
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>those Zone 9 feels
It's going well. First harvest of herb garden was yesterday. Hang drying them now in my closet

>> No.17771687

>destroying the aphid (((menace)))
good for you anon those faggots destroyed my brussel sprouts last season

>> No.17771771
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>> No.17772246


I'm new to this too, second year. I'm waiting for the stuff I've sown to pop from the ground. I'm planning on getting some more spices and herbs since I only have oregano and thyme so far.

>> No.17772254

schizo already ruining a good thread

>> No.17772582
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Ruining? Maybe you're doing the same by being rude? Post your garden, and actually contribute positively, friend. Here's my garlic patch. I'll give you 12 bulbs of garlic if you would like. You can choose which varietal even!:)

I always love posting my soybean children. The soy sauce and miso is going to be so delicious and unique.

>> No.17772791

got some lovely garlic i need to start growing that and rosemary cuz steaks

>> No.17772799

VERY nice
VERY nice

>> No.17772930

Why not use that garlic all throughout your garden as a defense, instead of having it all in one patch?

>> No.17772975

It's my first time growing it. Wanted to keep things simple. That isn't a bad idea tho. Maybe I'll try something like that with my onion starts.

The only thing is you start garlic in october and it finishes in june/july, so it would take a bit of planning and would make watering and mulching a lot more annoying. Garlic likes a pretty thick layer of mulch.

>> No.17772990

Anyone one of you /gard/anons have wild passionate earth shaking sex while rolling around in your garden?

>> No.17773023

I've never had any problem with growing it all throughout the garden.

>> No.17773213
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Very nice. I'll give it some thought for next season.

Here are some eggplants for the advice.

>> No.17773747
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Eggpants are great. In case I wasn't super clear, I didn't mean like garlic being placed throughout the garden with one in isolation. I meant in smaller patches. Here's some separating some lettuce and a patch of carrots, radishes, and onions.

>> No.17773757
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Here's the other side.

>> No.17773902

Very nice. I have an extreme gopher problem, so I'm limited to my 10 16x4 raised beds I built. I'm a bit jelly of all your growing space!

>> No.17773920

Blasted pest! I'm only growing in about 150 square feet right now, 700 by the time summer rolls around. I would love to, by next spring have a 5 to 20 acre place to call home and live off of.

>> No.17773934

I'm keeping it small this year since I fell off of gardening for a while, just some peppers and rosemary. I don't think my tabasco is going to make it, a storm beat it to shit right after I planted it.

>> No.17773976

I've got 13 acres that's a giant field of hay that gets bailed up each year and I'm seriously considering laying tarps for like a year on a quarter acre+ at first, setting up easily accesible water lines and going big with some crop or crops, but I'm still too much of a noob I think. Quinoa could be cool. Scaling up that big sounds like an enormous amount of work compared to my measily 640sq ft of garden beds.

>> No.17773990

I don't know, at particular stages, sure. But you could manage a quarter acre or more with ~20 hours a week of work. You certainly have to enjoy the hobby in that case.

>> No.17774099
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Anyone else torture their pepper plants? Trying out some training techniques normally used to grow cannabis into bushy plants.

Hmm. I do enjoy the work and I think it would be a worthwhile skill considering how society is trending. Definitely in the books.

>> No.17775050

Yea, I've had 3 consecutive seasons of mild peppers. This year I'm doing the following
>tons of peat moss in soil
>periodically adding Epsom salt
>water stessing and heavy watering only when wilting starts

>> No.17775323

Because that doesn't work.

>> No.17775330

Where do you live?

>> No.17775367

I need to fill about 50 5gal buckets with soil for some plants I'm sprouting.
Topsoil is no good for growing right?
Do landscaping places usually sell black dirt?

>> No.17775472

Wards off pest in my garden.

>> No.17775633

I've had to move around 3 or 4 times for work. I'd probably have started one if I hadn't.

>> No.17776094

Epsom salts are great for chili peppers. They gobble up magnesium like nothing else, and most garden soil doesn't have as much as they want.

>> No.17776183

Do you spray it on the underside of the leaves, or directly into the soil?

>> No.17776255
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I think the toms are doing aight, probably gonna see how they are Sunday and replant in some pots.
I don't own any outdoors, but my parents' place has a garden I'll probably throw some seeds down on if it ever stops fucking snowing.
Rest sprouted a little and prompted hibernated (died) when it got cold last week.

Hottest jalas I ever grew were my ash tray a couple years back. I'll have to look into what you're doing because I don't smoke anymore.

>> No.17776292
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Got cherry tomato, chilli and chives
Small balcony garden as I'm renting 1st floor apartment.

>> No.17776616
