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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17769799 No.17769799 [Reply] [Original]

This board severely lacks in you niggers cooking. Here is some kimchi sloppa, my own kimchi.

>> No.17769821

I don't have a pic but I rubbed some chicken breasts in mayo, put them over some rice in a casserole dish, sprinkled sliced onions and mushrooms on it, poured a mixture of mushroom soup, garlic, and chicken broth over it and covered it and baked it until it was done shit was so good. Put parsley and s&p on it too. I usually add 2 cans of mushroom soup but I only had 1.
Your food looks weird I don't know about that

>> No.17769828
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>error: texture not found

>> No.17769836


>> No.17769837

I'd post my food but people just make fun of me.

>> No.17769860
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Great with Sriracha ketchup, a little fishy

>> No.17769862

>wok over glass top stove
requesting boiling vegetables in cast iron for the next one

>> No.17769873
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Washed down with some kombucha that isn't ready yet

>> No.17769904

That looks disgusting

>> No.17769912

If that's what the "cooking" is going to look like then I am quite happy with the board lacking it. I feel like I'm going to be sick.

>> No.17769914

How do you make kombucha, kind anon?

>> No.17769944
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Don't look too close at the egg making everything all slimy then. But I added to much milk to the eggs anyway and they were too soft.
Make some sweet tea, then dump some store bought kombucha in a jar with it and put some breathable seal on it. Wait 2 weeks and that's the gist, you can second stage with bottling and carbonating, which this is quite close to being ready for. But on the off chance you aren't retarded and asking about the flavors, it's mainly mango peach tea bags with one or two earl gray, and Im debating what flavors to add, otherwise its really good with the bergamot

>> No.17770353

The n word really wasn’t necessary in your post, friend.

>> No.17770376

>being afraid of criticism from a bunch of faggots that cop out and eat corporate garbage fast food
the board was born on shitty creations and bad presentations

>> No.17770603
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And yours was more warranted on this mongolian basket weaving forum?

>> No.17770616

Not afraid, but what's the point of sharing if everyone's just going to say stupid things?

>> No.17770617
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Tired and this is what I felt like making. Potatoes and peas with cumin seeds, herbs, and a splash of lemon juice. Pretty good and filling.

>> No.17770623
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Made some pudding from the DND cookbook yesterday. Was a bit lumpy, but delicious for a first attempt.

>> No.17770633

What do you mean DND cookbook

>> No.17770641

What the fuck
You owe an apology to Koreans everywhere

>> No.17770647

Some jackass at Wizards of the Coast decided to play chef instead of fix his fucking game in a gimmick cookbook for the ages (of darkness).

>> No.17770664
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I’ve been trying to use cookbooks to get more of a variety for my fiancée and I. Got pic related, The Complete Cooking for Two cookbook, and the 2019 edition of Joy of Cooking, couldn’t find a cheaper version of an older book.

What’s /ck/‘s verdict on cookbooks anyways?

>> No.17770686
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just chicken cutlets and mushypeas, fried the spare egg mixture. Used way too much butter for that but just wanted to get rid of what i had left.
Whats the warning signs of unreuseable olive oil?

>> No.17770763

all recipes are online
old cookbooks are still valid, the basic ingredients didnt change
i guess you're paying for a nice thing to have, to look at and be seduced/motivated by the author to try something "thematic" and or niche

>> No.17770786
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>take subhuman turd world shit
>elevate and perfect it
>make turd worlders seethe in secret envy

>> No.17770805

dnd is for fags and trannies

>> No.17770810

its actually for satanists, according to your grandparents

>> No.17770819

>This board severely lacks in you niggers cooking.
every time I post things I cooked people call me a fag for taking pics of things I cooked and tell me to go back to instagram

>> No.17770821

>keeps a jar of weed next to his pots
DUDE LMAO we get it, but weed and munchies are a fucking meme

>> No.17770825

What does that have to do with my pudding? It was very delicious, but I left it on the heat for too long.

>> No.17770871

you have to fail spectacularly or have some weird gimmick hidden in the pictures
i got a good thread going with nothing but boiled pasta because i didnt clean the stove beforehand

>> No.17770884

Yes, and?

>> No.17771004
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OP here, here is the recipe I upscaled for a larger amount, but I add a spoonful of this to whatever and it's good. Makes good kimchi too. However I recommend using less or the exact amount of fish sauce and less shrimp fry, mine came out a tad fishy, but still great. Good looking food faggots

>> No.17771023

Next time cook your eggs separately and then add them back in at the end so that you don't get some weird, textureless custardy slime.

>> No.17771031

>80 grams fish sauce
do yurobongs really?

>> No.17771117
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Then it's not sloppa.
I'm in the US and the book is by Californians so take that as you will, it has good info but I tweak recipes after I try them. Here is a dnd photo for everyone talking about it, it's cringe

>> No.17771144

Jeebus, WHY?

>> No.17771184

It's what I had, and with sloppa anything goes.

>> No.17772578

if liking D&D makes me a fag then pound my ass anon

>> No.17772584

jfc that looks gross

>> No.17772595

the only thing you "elevated" was your blood sugar m8

>> No.17772603

Jannies regularly delete posts of people cooking

>> No.17772632

in the end, they were proven right, except it wasn't even satanists, it was actual demons (trannoids)

>> No.17772680

The secret is to let neither fags or trannies anywhere near your gaming table

>> No.17772686

post that webm of you making meatballs

>> No.17772689

Tell me youre white trash, without telling me youre white trash

>> No.17772818

>its actually for satanists,
He said that
>dnd is for fags and trannies

>> No.17772823

hwo much eggs did you put in with that kimchi

>> No.17772843

i wont make fun of you!

>> No.17772892

a bunch of white and beige shit mixed together... and then a bit of parsley :)

>> No.17772903
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You should do it anyways, here's some miso soup I made with noodles I made that people here decided revealed a lot about my sexual preferences

>> No.17772923

4 eggs, 3 small potatoes, an onion, and garlic.

>> No.17772951

If you're someone who is actually in a wheelchair, and you had the option to be anything you want in a fantasy RPG... why would you still choose to be in a wheelchair? It makes no sense

>> No.17773059

it's probably part of their identity and they are comfy with it. Obviously some people hate the chair but many especially the ones who have been in it their whole lives don't. Wait till you find out how the deaf community feel about cochlear implants

>> No.17773194

Abstract it even further: why do wheelchairs even exist in a fantasy universe with literal magic?

>> No.17773210
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I also made this stew last Saturday from the same cookbook.

I did not mean to derail the thread.

>> No.17773255

because the fantasy world serves to entertain people who live in the real world and it would follow that something such as disability might be of interest to someone in their fantasy world even if it's not necessarily a required element in a "i ain't gotta explain shit it's magic lol" kind of place

>> No.17773593
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err.. looks great?
anyways, heres something I cooked up for you OP

>> No.17773601

GTFO newfag

>> No.17773719
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Two faggots and bread horn and squash cheese soup? Thanks

>> No.17773728

i thought kimchi was a condiment, not a cooking ingredient

>> No.17773753

Guess again retard

>> No.17773755

it's a condiment, an ingredient, and a dish onto its own. expand your mind. Why would you think otherwise? Also
>you can't cook with condiments

>> No.17773756

Well you shouldn't think too hard then

>> No.17775191
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Bump with salad, so I can eat it with kimchi

>> No.17775352

*gasp* i never

>> No.17775371

Did you make the flatbread too?

>> No.17775383

Nah, there was no time for that and I have never made bread yet. Might make some the next time I make the stew.

>> No.17775389

im too retarded to consistently take pictures
i do cook i just cant prove it

>> No.17775393

We get it you’re a straight edge faggot that gets automatically triggered at the mere sight of a harmless plant. Maybe you should go back to the land of soy you little cock gobbling fruitcake.

>> No.17775399

Cutting, just made chicken thighs with chef john's dijon mustard marinade. Used skinless boneless instead. It's kind of annoying how condescending he can be over shit like that. Also carrots and broccoli on the side. Good shit for the next 4 days.

>> No.17775401

sup henlips

>> No.17775403
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>> No.17775419

fuck you nigger

>> No.17775421
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if you can find a copy of this snatch it up right away

>> No.17775436

it's about being severely mentally ill and cramming as much irl into every hobby as possible until everyone is as miserable and twisted as you are

>> No.17775606
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This is my latest chilli.
>tfw an only garlic spoonfull

>> No.17775703
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Made this a while ago

>> No.17775811

I'm trying to go mostly vegetarian but I convinced my girlfriend that I can still eat tuna and I eat these raw tuna steaks for protein while I fuck around with curry because it's really forgiving.

Using that peanut butter powder almost works (it's not as great as peanut butter) to add some flavor but it's typically just onions to start (I cut 'em like noodles and brown them up in oil with salt and MSG at first) then ginger (You have a choice here - you can not add ginger and be a little bitch or you can add more ginger and have good curry) red peppers, usually mushrooms (in b4 mushrooms don't go in curry. Literally you can put almost anything in curry). After it cooks down a little I open a can of coconut milk, add the curry power (I add more Turmeric, Cardamom and a little Hungarian Paprika to it because I have the cilantro thing and most 'curry powders' have too much damn Coriander in them). If you have Chickpeas (or Garbanzo beans) add a can now. This will be most of your as liquid as it's gonna get so if you like it wet (because you're Hitler) add more coconut milk or broth or water. After it gets to a good look cut up some broccoli or green beans* and float them on top and cover for like ten minutes until they cook up and give them a stir. Add peanut butter (or powdered crap) and honey to taste, a little salt is fine too but it will probably be unnecessary with the peanut butter.

*There's an optional hardcore step for you /ck/ - If you get Thai chilies and add them when you add your green beans you get bonus points. If you keep the seeds in you get extra bonus points.

Tastes delicious. Is 100% vegan, almost impossible to fuck up and you can change it up for your tastes. It has about 500 calories per serving (10 oz) alone so it's incredibly dense too. Throw it on rice or add chicken if you want to be-fowl it.

Sorry guys. My girlfriend is vegan and she is changing me slowly.

>> No.17775827

My good man. People always crack off about how "Betty Crocker" means boxed cake mixes, but that is THE definitive book to teach you how to cook. It details everything from spice pairings to butchering and it does it in a way that caters to barely literate housewives.

>> No.17775829

Nothing more pathetic than letting someone else control the way you eat

>> No.17775833

I have about 500g of prime beef mince, I have to cook it tonight, what should I make?

>> No.17775852


No, I don't enjoy our practices either it's just there isn't a great way to get protein that isn't animal reliant. My brother works in a pig killing farm but he lets those pigs live a good life (The bacon is 20 bucks a pound it better be a good fucking life) and I don't really think I need meat. Blaming her is a cop-out but there's something to be said about admitting to being vegan - it makes you a pussy. Great thing about relationships is you sometimes get to use your other as a reason to cushion your response instead of taking it alone. I for instance don't like fireworks because I've got a little ptsd, it's not really bad but I don't like fireworks. My girlfriend does not either and she has used me to get out of going to 4th of July because her brother is a pyrotechnic guy.

>> No.17775854

A very modern couple

>> No.17775877

God you are pathetic.

>> No.17775920

I don’t know if I can find an older edition of this book, the one edition that people recommend for the Joy of Cooking is double the price for a shitty, torn legs version.

Facebook Marketplace is not available for me anymore either as I don’t have a Facebook.

>> No.17775971
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basic spaghet I made the other day

>> No.17776019
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>> No.17776083


Cool Anon. I just broke up with my girlfriend because she's trying to change me and I can't have that.

Her stupid fucking cat's in here still though cause she couldn't get out fast enough. might throw it in the toilet and see if it won't drown when i sit on the lid. I hate that fucking thing.

Thanks for the courage mate ordering some Maccas on Uber now.

>> No.17776349

how do you make it? give me a retard friendly guide
where is the dish from?

>> No.17776366
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Reposting these from a month or two ago. Basil pasta ravioli with mushroom and ricotta filling. Best thing I've ever made. Basil pasta is really good, the flavor comes through but it's not overpowering. Made several dozen and froze most of them for quick and easy meals in the future. Will be making again on a regular basis.

>> No.17776375


What fat did you use to hold them together? Was it just egg or something else?

>> No.17776376
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I need some practice on shaping the ravioli. But this entire batch of several dozen had zero ruptures or leaks.

>> No.17776402

The filling was a mushroom duxelle mixed with ricotta, parmesan, and a marsala wine reduction, no additional fat.
The pasta was a standard egg noodle with some of the liquid substituted out for a bunch of food processor-pureed basil. I think it was 2 eggs, 3 cups flour, 1 cup pureed basil, bit of salt, bit of water. Dough felt great and didn't tear at all going through my pasta roller which was surprising considering all the chunks of basil. It's a soft leaf I guess.

>> No.17776413
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Mmmm, that sriracha sure is spicy!!

>> No.17776417
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>> No.17776434
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Jerk chicken breast and some zucchini. Wanted thighs but they were sold out.

>> No.17776445

Looks good. $4.25/pound for boneless skinless thighs at my local grocer. More expensive than every grade of ground beef they offer which has never happened. Zero bone in skin on thighs available. Shit sucks

>> No.17776450
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Yeah. It's hard times with meat but we'll get through.

>> No.17776457

Heh we always do
..old friend

>> No.17776461


Sounds good. Pasta roller broke on me so it will take a moment to get to your level but is sounds pretty good.

>> No.17776464
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Braised short rib with potatoes.

One day at a time, pal.

>> No.17776469
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You're poisoning the children with the soot from that charcoal. You don't get that from a clean burning fuel. You should sit down and think about what you have done.


>> No.17777700


>> No.17777711

You can make a post about noggers, but even name trümf gets you banned?

>> No.17777815

It's about content, and /pol/tards severely lack in content, whereas co/ck/s can make food and post it and have it be fun