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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17756031 No.17756031[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Here's your raw fish gaijin-kun.
That will be 10 Billion yen.

>> No.17756440

I sometimes buy raw tuna from the asian market and eat about a pound of it to celebrate
I fucking love tuna sashimi

>> No.17756449

30 years of the Lost Decade have hit them hard.

>> No.17756458

is he still alive

>> No.17756654

Yes he will be 97 in October. Japanese diet and eating mentality is for real. Consider practicing hara hachi bu for long life.

>> No.17756683

>10b yen
What is that like $5?

>> No.17756693

no its 78 million dollars

>> No.17756698

imagine being 97 and reflecting to yourself: "i made sushi my hole life. shit."

>> No.17756727

He thinks of it as his art form. He expresses himself through it, the way a carpenter might express himself through building a coffee table. Not everyone can do "great" things. There was only one Alexander, one Julius Caesar, one Napoleon. Most people don't want to be them though, they want to live quietly. Do you think if instead he had become some corporate banker or lawyer that he would reflect back and think "I was a lawyer my whole life, GREAT!". Do you think you will? Of course not. Anything the little people do is stupid. You will be just another nobody toiling away. He found a purpose. It must be nice to have found a joy in life that you can pursue humbly and quietly and be passionate about (and charge $400 a head for) and live long and be content and rest happily at the end. I envy him.

>> No.17756734

As opposed to what? He chose a craft and literally became a master in his field and opened the most renowned sushi restaurant in the world. While also having a family and raised 2 boys to be succesful businessmen carrying on his lineage. What will you be known for?

>> No.17756753

Guys, he literally slices bits of raw fish and sets it on top of rice, he's not composing the fifth symphony.

>> No.17756755

image being 40 and reflecting to yourself: "i'm a virgin. shit."

>> No.17756762

i dont have to imagine it soyboy

>> No.17756763

What do you do?

>> No.17756771

I'm a NEET

>> No.17756772

son you need to stop randomly projecting on an anonymous image board

>> No.17756781

i'm not reading your blogpost but this fish cutting nipper is 97 and 100% thinking back and thinking: shit.

>> No.17756791

his claim to fame is that a half-nigger kenyan visited his restaurant once. woweee i bow to your life achievement nip.

>> No.17756804

everyone knows you read the whole thing you fag

>> No.17756811

heh. nope. what a silly faggot i can tell you're retarded within three words.

>> No.17756825

his claim to fame is three michelin stars dipshit, literally the highest accolade a restaurateur can achieve.

>> No.17756829

>hands over fifty dollar bill
Keep the change

>> No.17756842

I kneel

>> No.17756844

what the fuck are michelin stars? the only reason anyone knows about this slant eyed autist is because some american nigger stopped by

>> No.17756864

i looked through the guide and i don't see it

>> No.17756929

they were revoked a couple of years ago because the restaurant is now closed to the general public (apparently amerimutts would make reservations and then not show) but before that he had held them since 2007

>> No.17756935

>“We recognise Sukiyabashi Jiro does not accept reservations from the general public, which makes it out of our scope,” a spokeswoman for the Michelin Guide, said as it unveiled its latest Tokyo edition.
>She added: “It was not true to say the restaurant lost stars but it is not subject to coverage in our guide. Michelin’s policy is to introduce restaurants where everybody can go to eat.”

>> No.17756939
File: 227 KB, 1100x1016, JohnWayneHonkler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine. It's the salmon that frequently has tapeworms in it.

>> No.17756943

>apparently amerimutts would make reservations and then not show
ah of course. do nippers have shame? why would you reveal you're a pathetic chinkoid faggot at 97? just hold out a couple more years dude

>> No.17756946
File: 65 KB, 700x366, michelin-restaurants-in-the-world-og[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Michelin’s policy is to introduce restaurants where everybody can go to eat.”

>> No.17756955

imagine not committing sudoku after that and living the last moments of your life in circling dementia fueled utter shame

>> No.17756968

i'm guessing the old fish cutter passed everything to his son and then the tire company said "lol naw"

>> No.17756971

absolutely inconsolable seething samefag lmao

>> No.17756979

Makes sense. It's a travel guide, after all.

>> No.17756994

explain how it's samefagging you silly assblasted retard?

>> No.17757013

imagine being this upset over an old japanese man putting fish on rice

>> No.17757021

this whole thread is about it why would you need to imagine anything?

>> No.17757026

Your on /ck/, what did you expect?

>> No.17757031

He can't keep getting away with it

>> No.17757035

quit being poor

>> No.17757042

im not imagining a retard seething about it, thats right in front of my eyes. im trying to imagine being that retard, imagine that that is my life. its not a pretty picture.

>> No.17757059

i doubt you hafta imagine being retarded that's for sure. but i can make sure you're a faggot as well as a retard.

>> No.17757060

He doesn't have any stars because of some rule you can't make reservations directly with them, you have to go through some hotel consignee or something

>> No.17757065

You dumb racist nigger gorilla

>> No.17757068

sure man that's totally why. no other reasons whatsoever.

>> No.17757076

yes, thanks. ask your ancient alzheimer riddled nipper what he thinks of niggers lol

>> No.17757080

At least he's not a racist nigger like you

>> No.17757090

Arigato nah senpai kun nauroto sensei daisuki nande many in nori-ru weegian kuron dah?

>> No.17757091

he's even worse. he's a tiny japanese grifter who sucks nigger cock for clout. i'd rather have a beer any day with some convict rapist nigger than this autistic nipper

>> No.17757133

skill issue :(

>> No.17757211
File: 534 KB, 1080x1035, 20220426_012634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His sons are the ones who buy the fish from the market. It says so in the video I just watched. He just cuts the fish and places it on mounds of rice without leaving the restaurant. You celebrate anything that appears Japanese and kawaii or noble. This man gets too much press just for being old. The real unsung heroes are the builders or the world - ironworkers, miners, oil riggers, boilermakers, plumbers. They don't get time in the limelight because their trades aren't related to traditional Japanese culture and it's not cutesy wootsey colourful happy sushi snack time after playing at park with new school friends YAY!!!

>> No.17757260

so heckin cool man! you love nigger cock as well? how about we share sum good old bbc wadaya say pardner?

>> No.17757284

based and manual labor pilled

>> No.17757324

I went to a very expensive sushi restaurant when I was in Japan on business. It was a waste of time and money (company money thank goodness). The raw fish tasted like slightly fresher and smoother raw fish than what you get at shitty suburban jap restaurant and you still dunk it in soy sauce to taste anything. Oh ya, the wasabi was already on the rice (guess it took the sushi grandmaster a 20 year apprenticeship to learn how to combine ingredients)
All the nips and gaijins at the dinner were fucking raving about it though. They all cummed in their pants when we got served this yellow sea urchin mush (???) which smelled and tasted like the grime at the bottom of a fishing boat

>> No.17757326

>You celebrate anything that appears Japanese and kawaii or noble.
kek no I don't you fucking projecting faggot. He sits back now as a fucking nonagenarian sure but he built his business himself and honed his skill over decades. You shit on anything you can because you're deeply troubled about the content and trajectory of your own miserable life. Get a grip and grow the fuck up.

>> No.17757332

>muh trades
lol kys cuck. cooking is a trade btw

>> No.17757336

Cooking is a trade women do, are you implying this man does work women are capable of? Yikes. And here I expected an argument from you

>> No.17757339

>cooking is a trade women do
>overwhelmingly male dominated industry

>> No.17757342

>You shit on anything you can
I wasn't shitting. I meant the world's laboring tradesmen (not cooks or other trade, but the ones I listed) do harder work than him

>> No.17757352
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good cuck. dont worry you are a real tough macho man though. everyone thinks you are alpha and nobody laughs at you.

>> No.17757359

>cooking is not labor
>t. never worked in a kitchen in his life
Don't talk about things you know nothing about.

>> No.17757369

inferiority complex: the post

>> No.17757371

>His sons are the ones who buy the fish from the market.
who do you think bought the fish from the market for the first 40 years?

>> No.17757400

>is on a cooking board
>doesn't know what Michelin stars are
It's like being on /tv/ and not knowing what the Oscars are. You don't have to follow them but not even knowing what they are? Truly the level of stupidity on /ck/ is astounding

>> No.17757424

His son is 70 and will soon be allowed to cut fish. No more sweeping the floor.

>> No.17757427

those filthy scamdinavian spreading their shitworms

>> No.17757486

maybe some day his son can serve cut fish to some other nigger presiden

>> No.17757927

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?