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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17755499 No.17755499 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think about meal replacements?

>> No.17755506

Until recently it was widely accepted that crap like this is for people who can't eat solid food, like the elderly and the sick.

>> No.17755518

>Emphasis on "until recently"

>> No.17755635

isn't that the brand for horse fuckers?

>> No.17755647

Disgusting Inhuman Garbage,
If you consume this and arent OLD you dont deserve human rights but I guess neither do the elderly.

>> No.17755658

Basically nobody "eats" this garbage, its just marketing. Soylent has been around forever and I've only once ever seen someone get it, and that was just for the novelty

>> No.17755666

Who are you quoting

>> No.17755676

Why not just buy baby formula? Put in a shot of olive oil and any other seasonings to spice it up.

>> No.17755735
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<Here's your "meal replacement", sir
it basically still is baby formula isn't it?

>> No.17755753
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>> No.17755760

I think I like eating meals, and I'll stab anyone that tries to take my meals away from me

>> No.17755764

You VILL eat ze "protein" shake

>> No.17755772

Come again?

>> No.17755805

A guy at work brought this for lunch once. ALL of my coworkers started taking the piss and I never saw him eating it again after that. There's still justice in this world lads.

>> No.17755818

Lol I tried this one out for a bit. This was before I was diagnosed with IBS but it turned out the huge wheat content made me swell up like a balloon and gave me horrible watery sharts. I stopped eating it after a couple days. I still have and wear the shirt that came with it though.

>> No.17755885

I think it's a great idea. It's healthy, cheap (compared to eating out) and quick. I don't really care much about flavor and I hate cooking so I eat a couple of times a week for dinner. Can't argue that it's worse than fast food.

>> No.17755914

Huel doens't have wheat (at least in its current form), it's mostly oats and pea protein. Definitely gives some stinky farts for a week or two, though.

>> No.17755926

It relies on the assumption that we not only fully understand what is needed for a complete diet but that said diet can be assembled from separate components and supplements instead of whole foods and cooking. One look at the state of nutritional science will tell you that we are nowhere near that level.

>> No.17755956
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>> No.17755990

some girl got paid to sponsor it for her social media but turns out she fills her Huel thingy with horse cum for patreon or whatever.

>> No.17756013

You know you're right, it must have been the oats. It's been a few years so my memory is foggy. I remember it did taste ok though, I had some of the flavor powder they sell and I enjoyed drinking it.

>> No.17756033

Been eating it for like 4 years now. It’s cheap and convenient.

>> No.17756048
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Picrel was from a time when I could look at stuff like this without thinking "is this conditioning me to be a dehumanized pod person?". Good times.
Fucked up my eating cycle though, I've never eaten normal breakfasts again. Haven't had any in years, but I just don't get hungry in the morning.

>> No.17756063

That's kind of hot in a weird way.

>> No.17756513

Really wouldn't call Huel 'cheap', it's definitely one of the costlier meal replacement shakes.

Their recent "hot and savory" shit is even more expensive than the powder. Still sitting on the fence about this, i like the concept in and of itself but supposedly one bag only holds like four full meals in it, which is overpriced as all hell

But yeah there's better deals out there than huel for sure

Couple useful comparison sites i've found are;

>eatcomplete dot co

>> No.17756589

When I was fat as fuck I'd have a protein shake for breakfast instead of food, but no fucking way would I drink a shake in place of every meal every day

>> No.17756596

There is only a small use-case for them in my opinion.

>> No.17756611

I wish meal replacements weren't garbage.
That's what I think about it.

>> No.17757765

If I was a super busy Silicon Valley faggot, fasting would probably be better than soylent.

>> No.17757768

I think it's really cool and exciting
I'd never use it though and I love cooking too much to ever give it up

>> No.17757770

dis my favrit maymay

>> No.17757771

>It's healthy
it's filth

>> No.17757773

Jesus fucking Christ, why does nobody else understand this? In order for us to completely replace food, we need a complete understanding of nutrition. We're nowhere near that.

Common fucking sense on 4channel. Never thought I'd see the day.

>> No.17757778

Most people I work with eat it, some people almost exclusively. Personally I use it for breakfast on work days and post workout shakes.

>> No.17757794

Not really the use-case I had in mind.
I was thinking more along the line of manly sick and recovering people who are having trouble with getting their daily nutrition from solid food.
I have seen a few people who meal shakes quite literally saved their life.

It is also useful for people who are in a lifestyle that needs abnormal supplementation of something in their diet. Like body builders who need absurd amounts of lean protean to full muscle growth will minimal fat gain. Or ultra endurance athletes who can't stop for a meal but they do need to refeed to keep going.

I have also seen research of it being a effective part of treating certain eating disorders, but anecdotally I have heard from a few people that said it personally didn't help them much.

The average keyboard jockey doesn't really need them and I doubt they would be of any benefit compared to just normal meal prep or having ready made actual food on hand.
Like maybe some trail mix or sandwiches or something.

>> No.17757816

This is some retarded american pathology where they're conditioning the society to abandon cooking altogether and only eat takeout and disgusting shit like this. No whole foods for the goyim, you can only eat pre-approved slave gruel or uber eats. It's everywhere if you think about it, from the induction ovens being unusable to push you towards ordering food, gas ovens being banned or at least villified in the name of "green energy" even though they don't even use a lot of gas, to tv shows glofiying this kind of diet and marketing pushing some real world soylent green equivalent. Worst timeline.

>> No.17757842

Absolutely based, I've only had keto chow + whey for the past 10 months. Very good for body recomp. Drop 5g of creatine in right before consooming

>> No.17757852

To my knowledge there has literally been nowhere where gas ovens have been banned nor are they villified here in the US.
Induction ovens are far from useless.
Fast food has ads because it's what is called a "value added product". There is no conspiracy to get people to not cook.

For fuck sakes, TV isn't real life. Stop watching TV, especially if you can't tell the difference between tv and reality.

>> No.17757853

meant to reply to

>> No.17757858
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No thanks, I enjoy cooking.

>> No.17757862

The point is to normalize it and program everyone subconsciously. "Stop watching TV" is not a solution, people are going to keep watching TV and they are going to keep being exposed to these talmudic ideas. That's the goal, to slowly condition some percentage of people over time until they keep exerting pressure on those that eluded the system.

>> No.17757866

I am telling you in particular to stop watching tv because you can't tell the difference between real life and what's on TV.
Not as a solution to your crazy conspiracy theory.

>> No.17757867

I don't even have a tv.

>> No.17757891

take your fucking meds faggot
>mummy the computer is talking to me again. it's a globohomo plot to...

>> No.17757893
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, gruel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just eat gruel, it even rhymes with huel


>> No.17757897

If I wanted to eat gruel I would eat oat gruel or wheat gruel.
Barley gruel is some prison shit.

>> No.17757898

>If I wanted to eat gruel I would eat gruel or gruel.
>Gruel is some prison shit.

>> No.17757903

Do you also think all sodas are the same because they have a base of cannonaded water and liquid sugar?

>> No.17757904


>> No.17757910
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>> No.17757913

Cute girl and comfy channel.

>> No.17758184

i like ready to drink versions for lunch

>> No.17758193
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>> No.17758197

>cannonaded water
do americanos really??

>> No.17759389
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>> No.17759619

QRD on induction ovens being unusable?

>> No.17759724
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It's like a protein shake for faggots without the proper whey protein.

>keto chow