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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17751698 No.17751698 [Reply] [Original]

Well /ck/? Don't fucking lie, for me its 9

>> No.17751702

only one i wont eat here is pickles. YICK!

>> No.17751706
File: 297 KB, 2000x1125, F080422WN05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Pork.

>> No.17751708

Anyone who scores over 4 needs to go back to /v/

>> No.17751724

It used to be 1-2, but I got brain damage and now everything tastes different

>> No.17751738

I'll eat everything but snails

>> No.17751743

i am not fond of liver

>> No.17751746

1, and it's fucking olives

>> No.17751753

grapes because they give me the shits if I eat too many
snails because gross
sour cream is the only food I don't like but it wasn't on the list

>> No.17751773

I'm pretty picky.

>> No.17751780


>> No.17751785

I fucking hate Nutella and I don’t like olives despite my attempts to enjoy them

>> No.17751793

1 for me. Just ketchup I won't eat

>> No.17751813

Holy right on the money. Nutella is awful and olives are objectively vile

>> No.17751815

I don't eat oysters or beets.
Anything else I'm generally ok with.

>> No.17751820

1 but its mostly because I've never been to a place that served escargot, so I have no opinion. I just won't try the ones stocked at wally world.

>> No.17751825

I got t-boned by a recreational drunk driver, was in a coma for a few weeks, and now everything tastes funny, I talk like a foreigner, and I'm probably dumber and more autistic than I was before.

>> No.17751832

Strokes will do that to you.

>> No.17751852

Based Borat bro

>> No.17751858

Two. Three if pickles solely refers to American style pickled cucumbers

>> No.17751878

1, cauliflower (allergy)

>> No.17751896

ranch dressing
raw fish

>> No.17751899

the world's your oyster dude

>> No.17751904


>> No.17751906

Don't like
>canned tuna
>Brussel Sprouts

Good as an ingredient but not plain
>cooked fish
>tomatoes (fine if pureed)

>wheat bread
>coffee (I like iced coffee)
>tea (english style tea, other tea is fine)

Never tried, but would be willing to

>> No.17751918

Just the one (nutella). Yiu can miss me with that palm oil shit

>> No.17751925

0, but there is some stuff there that I don't care much for but I'll still eat it

>> No.17751942

blue cheese
tomatoes(cooked is fine, not raw)
cauliflower(cooked is fine, not raw)
asparagus(cooked is fine, not raw)
brussel sprouts
cottage cheese
raw fish
onions(cooked is fine, not raw)

>> No.17751950

23 mostly things i dont like either the texture or the smell of

>> No.17751952

Two points, I don't trink coffee/tea. The rest are all fine except maybe canned tuna.

>> No.17751969

Only 1. Brussel sprouts... because there's no such thing! Perhaps they mean BRUSSELS sprouts (which are delicious).

>> No.17751975

It's not wonder why you fags argue about the dumbest shit. You all hate food.

>> No.17751980
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Thank you for enlightening us all on the subject.

>> No.17751989

2; cottage cheese and grapefruit

>> No.17751996

would you eat Swedish fermented fish

>> No.17751997

4 oysters, snails, liver, olives.

>> No.17752005
File: 50 KB, 449x642, 4dc6aa1bcef9c7a431429231f74e9d0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally cannot stomach any sort of seafood. Even fish sticks and canned tuna. Can't do it. I think I was traumatized as a kid when I would watch my dad and grandpa clean fish during our vacations at the lake. I know it's irrational and that I would probably feel the same about beef or chicken if I was exposed to what goes on inside of a slaughterhouse when I was young, but whatever.

I also fucking hate olives and mushrooms.

>> No.17752012
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I've tried shrimp, I'll chew slowly and just imagine all the guts getting crushed up in my mouth, it's an unpleasant sensation so I just get it over with and swallow as fast as I can without tasting it.

>> No.17752014

I'd try it if it didn't smell like ammonia. That's not comparable to something benign like chicken or an apple though.

>> No.17752019

i cant stand baked beans because of the sauce but i love kidney beans
i basically have no points

>> No.17752021

What sort of autistic buttfuckery is this?
>omg you have personal preferences? You so picky!
Fuck off, I don’t care for beef liver.
And I say this as someone who enjoys licking the stubbly armpits of a middle-aged Chinese woman at a local Asian massage joint.

>> No.17752028
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Would you eat Italian rotten cheese with living maggots in it? Uma delícia.


>> No.17752035

1/63 - blue cheese. I have a weirdly strong sense of smell though, I could probably use it for forensic investigations if rotten and moldy smells didn't put me off so much

>> No.17752052

oysters are nasty, go take your cum sippers elsewhere

>> No.17752064


>> No.17752067

i would rather eat surströmming, that cheese is literally rotten

>> No.17752078

There's nothing I flat out won't eat if you put it in front of me, and everything can be cooked well. But I'm not particularly fond of a few things
Blue cheese

>> No.17752083

Why isn't mango on the list? Who won't eat watermelon? Actually what's up with all the fruits on it? They're pretty benign.

>> No.17752089

Yeah you're right, that's a pretty obvious choice.

>> No.17752097

damn, now I'm craving some watermelon and mango. fucking delicious

>> No.17752099

7, most of those are allergies though

>> No.17752114
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2, fuck zucchini and Nutella

>> No.17752131
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canned tuna is plain garbage, fresh tuna is fine
snails and oysters are not even food
and i see zero reason to eat tofu or liver

i would never intentionally order or buy zucchini, brussel sprouts, beets or eggplant but if somebody served them to me i'd eat them

>> No.17752138

I will not eat bugs.

>> No.17752144

Have you had any other changes in your eating habits? Seems like I started wanting to eat all the time after and have to pay more attention so I only eat when I'm actually hungry. I also used to be pickier as a kid but the only things on the list I don't really like now are turkey and pork, for some reason they just don't smell or taste quite right and beef is the only meat I could eat with no seasoning at all and still enjoy.

>> No.17752154

I like to imagine that guy in the back left there is super racist too, but he's showing chagrin because the white folks in the middle aren't wearing hats, while the black folks are, thereby embarrassing themselves.

>> No.17752159
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>> No.17752164

>COVID made onions and garlic permanently repulsive
I still eat them to avoid being fussy but life is suffering. I went from every meal I cooked having one or both to never cooking with them.

>> No.17752170


>> No.17752172

0. i'd eat anything on that list

>> No.17752179


>> No.17752214

Same. Hate ketchup but I love tomatoes

>> No.17752237

Who wouldn't eat mango?

>> No.17752240

If you can eat it and live, it's food

>> No.17752242

I think a lot of people have only had the really fibrous varieties that they eat when underripe. I don't think many people would turn down a ripe honey mango.

>> No.17752247

>and i see zero reason to eat tofu or liver
liver is incredibly nutritious and doesn't taste bad when prepared properly

>> No.17752250
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you can eat glass and live

>> No.17752254

24. Basically all fruit, and most veg are no-go.

I'm in my 40s now, and it was worse when I was a kid. I'm extremely sensitive to bitter (supertaster) which rules out a ton of veggies (most of the brassicas), coffee, etc. Fruit is more of a texture thing. It's mostly no problem though, as I'm a decent cook and can make whatever I like, the way I like it.

>> No.17752272

I'm not trying to be a dick but I've never met a decent cook that didn't utilize fruits and vegetables. I'm guessing that you subsist on a lot of fried shit which can still be tasty without either of those.

>> No.17752278


>> No.17752298

Do you drink a lot of soda or anything else that's sweet?

>> No.17752301

In my teens, yeah. In my twenties, I started liking onions, tomatoes, and mushrooms, which is a big chunk of what I use to cook with these days. And lots of fresh herbs (my wife grows quite a bit).

I also live in Japan, so I have access to lots of variety in fish (and mushrooms).

>> No.17752302
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>ruins your dish

>> No.17752309


>> No.17752310

2, snails and mushrooms

>> No.17752312

I’ll eat all of it, but I don’t like liver

>> No.17752315

A lot? Not really. Generally one can of cola per day with lunch.

Mostly water throughout the day, occasionally soba tea. A glass of milk at night before bed.

>> No.17752329

No that's chewing and swallowing, there's no digestion. Stop being childish

>> No.17752336


>> No.17752337

Just the 1

>> No.17752338

What about eating sweets? Just curious because I know some people have less tolerance for bitterness after having a lot of sweet stuff for a long time. Sometimes just giving up the sugar for a week and trying bitter foods more let's them start to enjoy it.

>> No.17752339

I need to set a schedule to remind myself to drink water now

>> No.17752351

I like sweets, but sweet stuff isn't a huge part of my diet. I live in Japan, and most of what I eat has very little (if any) added sugar. My tolerance for sugar has actually gone down since living here (I can't eat US brownies, cookies, etc.).

>> No.17752354
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7, but mostly because brassicas give me diarrhea for some reason

>> No.17752359

there is literally nothing bad on that list. Coriander isn't even listed and I unfortunately have the infamous gene and it's literally the only thing in the world I hate...

>> No.17752360

no people really do, same as people that eat hair or toilet paper. the human body can pass just about anything, doesn't mean they're getting anything nutritional from it besides maybe a few calories.

>> No.17752366

Try eating a small amount like just a few bites and slowly increasing your intake. Sometimes diarrhea can be caused by changes in your gut bacteria with certain foods but if you give it time to adjust then it'll stop happening. Although you could just not digest them well for another reason and that won't work and then it'd be okay to avoid them.

>> No.17752371

also eggplant is there because I had a bad experience with a bait and switch with some eggplant as a kid and now thinking about it makes my stomach turn
don't lie to your kids, kids. in hindsight i should've known a chicken cutlet wouldn't look like that. kids are dumb.
currently in the middle of trying this, about two weeks in. no positive results yet. it sucks, because I used to hate broccoli. now I like it and eating it has bad results.

>> No.17752372

>white chocolate
Fuck outta here with that trash

>> No.17752392

3. Don't care for crab or eggplant, and I doubt I'd like escargot

>> No.17752416

Grapefruit - tastes like bitter piss.
White chocolate - smells disgusting.

>> No.17752443

0 easy, You didn ' include meme-rugula

>> No.17752451
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I consider myself a very picky eater but who the fuck doesn't like apples or strawberries?

>> No.17752455

>picky eater
you mean knowing what i like?
being a man of distinction?
being able to make decisions?
not giving in to peer pressure about garbage?

would've been higher but:
are not foods, they are garbage.

>> No.17752457

>recreational drunk driver
as opposed to a professional drunk driver.

>> No.17752473

can someone explain why there's people who like spinach, lettuce, kale, etc. but not cabbage?

>> No.17752484

tuna, nutella, coconut

>> No.17752485

Hope u got a lit of cash foe your trouble

>> No.17752498

each of those taste different.

>> No.17752504

Literally just the things I'm allergic to: coconut, avocado, banana, pineapple.

>> No.17752522

Other than maybe liver and oysters this is all normal food. This shit should be deleted and OP permabanned for posting such /b/ tier clickbait garbage.

>> No.17752525

based scandanavian.

>> No.17752530

That sucks. Unfortunately you might just have an intolerance. Perhaps if you try cooking it more that might help and make it easier to digest though. Like don't stop cooking the broccoli when it's still a bit crisp, go all the way until it's soft.

>> No.17752531


>> No.17752541

I see. I find most sweets here in the US to be cloying as well. I guess everyone is just different though because I seem to be more sensitive to tasting salt and find a lot of food too salty to be enjoyable.

>> No.17752562

it's starting to seem like that's the case. I'm stubborn and will find out eventually. either that or I'll have to take some anti diarrheal medication with my beef & broccoli

>> No.17752579

If I lived in the USA, I would have milked it for millions.
Unfortunately I don't, and all I get is 40USD/week in disability checks from the govt :)

>> No.17752599

3 points (liver, beets and tofu)

>> No.17752624

2, tomatoes (fresh) and eggplant.
Maybe I'm less picky than I feel lol.
I can forgive raw fish, but that's all the tastiest shit

>> No.17752641

0. All good. I'll eat anything thats not heavily processed like slim jims or whatever, then im picky. If its unprocessed I'll eat it and enjoy it.

>> No.17752662

how do people eat fucking snails but not raw tomato?

>> No.17752679

Only tufu. But haven't tried Nutella or liver.

>> No.17752680

I have eaten and enjoyed everything in the list but I developed IBS over the past two years and can eat basically nothing anymore. Considering killing myself.

>> No.17752692

Snails are like a chewy savory item, like a thicker calamari. Very easy to enjoy imo, not sure what puts others off other than snails seeming icky I guess.
Cannot handle the texture and all the goop in fresh tomato slices. They're fine if they're cooked in something like chili, or if it's salsa.

>> No.17752710

>Cannot handle the texture and all the goop in fresh tomato slices
>eats literal molluscs

>> No.17752722

Fuck blue cheese
Fuck ranch

otherwise i'm down with everything else on there

>> No.17752733

slime, innards and waste inside a cooked mollusc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tomato snot

>> No.17752748

try ridiculous doses of vitamin d3 (gel caps from lanolin) 5,000 to 10,000 iu and 2000mg vit c for a few days. I dont know why it works but it has been a revelation for me.

>> No.17752889

I've tried to learn enjoying olives but i just cant do it bros

>> No.17752895
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10 points. I'm literally allergic to some of these and I haven't eaten some but I'm not counting those. Also liking coffee and tofu is a sin.

>> No.17752906

I missed one. Actually 11.

>> No.17752911


>> No.17752912

The only one would be oysters and mostly because I've become paranoid about seafood bacteria
Back when I was a kid I ate oysters and thought they tasted good
Honestly I really despise picky eaters

>> No.17752953

2 or 3.

I really dislike the taste of cucumber and also coconut, but only sometimes with coconut. If it's baked and golden brown, then it usually tastes OK. I like macaroons.

Cucumber however is almost like a genetic thing. It makes me feel sick. I found out a few years ago after picking it off my sandwich at a family BBQ and then bitching that it was now ruined, because I could still taste it, that my Grandmother also used to do that and would complain loudly if it was put on there and then removed when the mistake was realised, as she could still taste it too. I've never met my Grandmother as she died before I was born.

I'm lactose intolerant.

>> No.17752981
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me? 13. my waifu? 0. she'll eat basically anything.

>> No.17752987

Hard Mode

Animal brain
Live baby octopus
Maggot cheese
Live coconut worms

>> No.17752998

Yeah and was good
Nah (unless it completely fried)
Yeah and was good
Have but only chocolate covered
Would if I didnt have to worry about the lingering smell
Yeah pig brain but part of some stew
Yeah was fine
Nah bit gay

>> No.17753017
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from that list, I won't eat
>crab, oysters, shrimp, snails, pork

>eating unclean food

miso soup has tofu, that's basically the only application of tofu I've liked and would eat again

it was real in my mind :^)

>> No.17753105

14. No meat, watermelon and nutella.

>> No.17753122
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I'm alright with this.

>> No.17753128

are you fucking dumb? devein the shrimp before you eat it goddamn

>> No.17753129

>Generally one can of cola per day with lunch.
my guy that's like 40 grams of pure sugar

>> No.17753134

Only beta virgins devein shrimps, real men eat and enjoy the shits.

>> No.17753155

don't really care for ketchup or nutella but they aren't dealbreakers

>> No.17753162

I shoulda mentioned they're 250ml cans. 113 calories. Aside from that, I don't really have any additional sugar intake (food here isn't crammed with HFCS). Compared to the average Murrican, I'd say my daily sugar intake is fairly low.

>> No.17753171

Beets is the only one from the list I have tried that gives me instant vomit reaction.

>> No.17753256
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No snails, fine with everything else. Not surprised so many /ck/ock heads are picky eaters.

>> No.17753261


>> No.17753265

Only one I really don't like is liver, but I'll still eat it in pate. And most raw veggies are just tiresome, like broccoli, mushrooms, zucchini, bell peppers, etc, like you'd find on a raw veggie tray. No problem with them cooked though. I like everything else on this list.

>> No.17753273

Same happened to my friend, car accident scrambled his brain. Sad part was he couldn't tolerate vanilla anymore, said it smelled like shoe polish. Imagine losing one of the best smells in the world.

>> No.17753285

Most people who drink and drive have shit/no insurance, no assets, and sure as shit minimal income. Good job getting blood from a stone = )

>> No.17753287

Zero, come at me tastelets.

>> No.17753288
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>> No.17753295
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1, grapefruit is fucking disgusting

>> No.17753296

Blue cheese.

There are other things I wouldn't choose but blue cheese is the only one I'll never eat (again - I have tried Roquefort).

>> No.17753303

0. I'll try any food at least once.

>> No.17753306

Frog legs are okay
I love tripe
If it's fresh, the frozen stuff is like rotten onions
Never tried it but I would
Had them a few times, nothing special
Not unless starving. I'm white.
Never tried it, I heard if you rinse them they're okay
Yep, love brains they're like meat butter. If you like steak fat you'll like them.
Tastes like chicken soup
Bull fries are delectable
Why not kill it? Nah it'll get stuck in my throat
No, I prefer pecorino without worm piss
Don't know what it is, but prolly not.

>> No.17753308
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-brussels sprouts
-peanut butter

>> No.17753332


I'm autistic i know

>> No.17753346


>> No.17753349

I don't drink coffee and have never eaten oysters, yet would try them.

>> No.17753356

ranch>"bleau" *cheese

>> No.17753364

Genuinely 0, perhaps liver could be on the list but I've never had the chance to try it

>> No.17753366

13 chad here

>> No.17753440

I'll eat everything on this list but stuff like seafood i won't go out of my way to order. But again it's not like I'll turn down a free meal of seafood. Does this make me a picky eater?

>> No.17753466

0. I've already tried all of those.

>> No.17753683

Absolutely won't eat or don't enjoy eating?
Won't eat: 0
Will eat, but don't generally enjoy it: 2, white chocolate and liver

>> No.17753696

2. 'ate vinegar an coconut, luv the rest, simple as lad.

>> No.17753715

Is this a "refuse to eat", or a "choose not to eat" thing. I wouldn't refuse to eat anything on that list. I've eaten everything on there at least once. But, I do choose not to eat several things on the list. Like Nutella. It's not that I'm grossed out by it, and would act like it made me sick. I just see no redeeming qualities in it. It tastes like sweet palm oil.

>> No.17753716

Found the jew.

>> No.17753721

I'm >>17753683

We eat frogs, stomachs and intestines where I'm from. We make sausages from brain (or scramble them with eggs). I have eaten pufferfish (and posted a cooking thread for them here when I did), crickets and fertilised eggs. Got the crickets at an ice cream place in the US. If you got bugs on your ice cream it was free, choice of roasted crickets or chocolate covered ants. I hate durian.
I have family who have eaten cats and dogs. I haven't, but I'd give it a go. I would try surstromming.

I don't like live baby 'pus and likely wouldn't eat it again.
I would not eat maggot cheese or coconut worms. I've tried grubs before and they really put me off.
So that's 2 or 3 (since I probably wouldn't eat live 'pus again, but might be persuaded to do so).

>> No.17753726

3 or 4, rather. Forgot about durian. Really, really don't like it.

>> No.17753955

Can at least one of you autists with
>n-nooo not the n-nutela
explain yourself?

>> No.17753959

Oysters because I don't like them.
Escargot because they are unappealing.
Avocado because it makes my tummy hurt.

>> No.17753969

2.5? I don't like blue cheese or tomatoes, but I'll eat them sometimes, and I've never tried escargot

>> No.17753977


>> No.17754043

vgh... so based... i KNEEL!!!!

>> No.17754050

Olives and snails

>> No.17754074

The only thing on that list I don't particularly like is blue cheese. Not that I wont eat something that has blue cheese in it, but I'm not going to go out of my way to order something with it.

>> No.17754098

I’m fine with everything. I’ve always loved trying new things, the stranger the better.
I was hungry a lot as a kid, and would be extremely pleased no matter the food.
I’m surprised, in the right dishes, I’ve enjoyed everything on this list.
There are only two things here I’ve never had, but would like to try sometime: raw fish and escargot.
My all time favorite off this list is wheat bread, (artisan/home baked style, course grain, dark.) So good.

>> No.17754101

2. Mayo and asparagus.

>> No.17754113

1, snails.

>> No.17754146

>Peanut Butter
I don't want my manbooba to get any bigger
So depending on what you count I am at 1 or 2. One thing I WILL NOT EAT that is not on the list is FUCKING KALE but I do not consider that to be a "food" anyway.

>> No.17754172

have had, didnt like
blue cheese

ill eat with other things but not by itself:
canned tuna

>> No.17754218
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not sorry

>> No.17754238

rangeban the UK

>> No.17754250

Doesn't specify raw oysters. They're delicious fried.

>> No.17754267

pretends to be chocolate, is actually haselnuts, sugar and oil

Aggressive taste I can't stand

I can handle small portions of fresh coconut (as in still warm from the sun) but I live >1000km from a coconut tree so I'll pass.

smell like shit, taste like shit, the texture is shit. Hell even the fucking shape is morally offensive. Hard pass.

>> No.17754287

I have preferences. I prefer not to eat asparagus because then I have to smell rotten pee during the next 12 hours, for example, but I love the flavor and sometimes eat them anyway. However--

>dark chocolate
This is not a food item. It's a type of poison. The bitterness hints at potential medicinal properties. Under no circumstances will I put it into my body, at least without a prescription from a physician, or at least a witch doctor.

>> No.17754297

>Hell even the fucking shape is morally offensive.
Were you raised Amish?

>> No.17754300

Anyone who scores over 0 is a tastelet

>> No.17754382

Everything but
Allergic to actual nuts like hazelnuts. Peanuts, cashews and other legumes and seeds are fine.
>oysters and snails
Never seen in stores or those few restaurants I've been to.
It's just whole load of nothing on its own and if well seasoned and spiced what does it do over your choice of meat? Pointless product.

>> No.17754551

Not necessarily true, plenty of functioning alcoholics drive drunk all the time and even if they don't directly cause a crash they will be at fault.
Garnishing wages is a good result either way though

>> No.17754563

How do i take the vegetable pill
Im fine with broccoli but salads and shit don't get me very far

>> No.17754581

One. I really dislike peas.
Really surprised sweet corn isn't on there either, sweet corn is disgusting.

>> No.17754620

Sorry guys

>> No.17754640

It helps if you just cut or prepare the vegetables in some way so they don't take forever to chew. Like big chunks of carrot in a salad kind of sucks, if you finely grate them they have a much better texture. Slice onions as thin as you can so they aren't so harsh. Remove the fibrous part from celery unless you're using the small inner stalks that aren't as fibrous. Peel and maybe remove the seeds if you're using the bigger tougher cucumbers, or just use the small ones that are more tender. And obviously vegetables are very low in calories so don't be afraid to add some chopped boiled egg, mixed nuts, shredded cheese, etc. to actually make the salad more filling.

Start making your own dressings too, since most premade ones aren't that great. It can even be as simple as mixing prepared mustard with olive oil, that'll taste better than most premade dressings. Another good one is yogurt or buttermilk with minced/grated garlic, black pepper, and a little parmesan.

>> No.17754652

Escargot is just about the only thing on the list that I don't eat regularly but I've tried it. I won't seek it out but I will eat it.

>> No.17754783

Either 1 or 2 because I’ve never eaten ranch dressing so I don’t know if I would find it disgusting or not (the other one is ketchup, way too sweet).

Not a big fan of white “chocolate” either but if someone gives me some I eat it.

>> No.17754799

2 snails and blue cheese. My grandma said she hates anyone who likes blue cheese. Later on every nigger I meet loves it. I miss grandma

>> No.17754832

there are 8 or 9 that I don't eat often and would probably not order somewhere, just because there is always something else that I'm more in the mood for, but the only two that I don't eat at all are raw fish and snails. There's nowhere I go that serves snails anyway. I just don't like raw fish.

>> No.17754837

Coffee Beets

>> No.17754844

2, liver and tea

>> No.17754850

You must be 18 to post on 4channel
If you are over 18, kys

>> No.17754869

2, canned tuna and cauliflower

>> No.17754872

I'll eat all this stuff except the meat/fish

>> No.17754894

I’m trans btw if it matters

>> No.17754919

They let you out already, Chris?

>> No.17754922

>You don’t know what you’re missing JIDF

>> No.17754935

Same. Only thing I can’t stand, and I’ve tried it more than once, with each time making me wretch. Last time was my Ukrainian friend’s mother who made her supposedly exemplary borscht. I had to grin while trying not to puke the stuff up.

>> No.17754938

3 here. Only disgusting subhuman bugmen eat things like snails and oysters. Ranch dressing is a hard no for me it smells like vomit

>> No.17754945

Another sensible person with good taste

>> No.17755048


>> No.17755112

Not >>17751706 but I've tried pork quite a few times. Even slow cooked a whole shoulder. It's meh. Char siu is decent. Don't eat pig anymore. It always felt dirty. So I guess I'm only on 1 point

>> No.17755138

If its rude not to eat it then I'm a big fat zero
If it's something I dont have to if I dont want to then its a four

>> No.17755158

rich faggot who grew up on fancy tendies and poptarts

>> No.17755166

>Canned Tuna
>Sourdough bread
>Brussel sprouts

>> No.17755174

I once ate a sheep testicle in a chinese restaurant

>> No.17755186

liver and zucchini. i might eat liver in a pate, but just fried by itself is too much for me.

>> No.17755191

Pork, Zucchini

>> No.17755193

- coffee
- ranch dressing
- nutella
- white chocolate

I wouldn't refuse any of these things when I'm over for dinner at a friend's house and I don't really hate anything on it... but caffeine makes me a bit physically uncomfortable, sugary shit was never my thing and Ranch dressing is just generally a bullshit product.

>> No.17755199

>American style pickled cucumbers
gherkins? There are a ton of varieties of pickles bro, the US doesn'thave "one style"

>> No.17755208

Im American, and 99.5% Ashkenazi Jew, according to my 23andme. Fortunately, I was adopted and raised in Montana by white people, not even circumcised.

>> No.17755230

Literally only grapefruit. I'm 1.

>> No.17755237

fresh, small raw oysters are excellent and extremely good for you.

>> No.17755924

Nutella can fuck off, the rest of the list is somewhere between ok and delicious.

>> No.17756016

What a coincidence, same here

>> No.17756022


>> No.17756034

escargot is absolutely delicious if you get it from a good place, although like a lot of foods it's treated more like a vessel for garlic butter than anything else
doesn't taste like a whole lot on it's own, but has a softer texture than you'd expect

>> No.17756040
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so this is the power of a 1 pointer

>> No.17756046
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you didn't really define the rules clearly.
pic related are foods I would only eat if I were starving and nothing else was available.

never had snails but not averse to trying them.

brussels sprouts smell like death.

>> No.17756049
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>> No.17756053

0 if it's "will not"
2 if it's "would rather not, but would eat a portion to be polite at a dinner party"

>> No.17756059

I’m not a child so I don’t eat ketchup.

>> No.17756086


>> No.17756090

whats wrong with blue cheese?

>> No.17756279

Beets and grapefruit.

>> No.17756739

I got a score of 1 (escargot)
Tried eating it one time and when I chopped a snail in half I could see distinctly each organ. Absolutely disgusting. Doesn't even taste good either. It's usually an excuse to eat a bunch of garlic... Garlic is good, snail is not.

>> No.17756794

4. Fuck seafood

>> No.17756799

>blue cheese
i will not eat ze mold
>cottage cheese
literally makes me gag
I'm allergic to hazelnuts
anyone with a brain (i.e. not French) should be able to tell that snails are not meant to be eaten. God did not put us on this earth to eat fucking snails

>> No.17756831

only 2
snails and oysters

not for me

>> No.17756839

Will not eat under any circumstance:
>cooked fish
>raw fish
Will eat in some dishes/contexts, but not all or by itself:
>canned tuna
>cottage cheese
Will eat without hesitation:
>everything else

>> No.17756852
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>believing in god
>having a brain
there's no saving you, nigga

>> No.17756894

Got a score of 2.
Don't like Brussels sprouts and cottage cheese.
Cottage cheese because it's bland and salty with a texture I find unpleasant. It brings down anything it's combined with and is unpleasant on it's own.

Brussels sprouts have a bitter flavor I dislike and make me gassy, bloated, and if I eat enough of them they give me the shits. I don't like them and can't digest them. I have shit them out seemingly only very partially digested. Why put myself through that kind of pain for something that doesn't even taste good?

Not a fan of asparagus but I tolerate them if served.

>> No.17756895

i was using it figuratively, but even if i did believe in God it would still put me far above the level of a reddit atheist like you

>> No.17756906

2 for me.

Pineapple always gives me canker sores, like every single fucking time. I love the taste though.

And I think I'd have to draw the line at eating snails. I guess if it was completely soaked in butter I could keep it down.

>> No.17756925
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I think this is reasonable. Really, snails, liver, and oysters are the only WIL NOT EAT options. I can eat coconut or beets, but I will not do so by choice.

>> No.17756947

Sobertards stay losing

>> No.17756953

>Canned Tuna
>Ranch Dressing
>Mushrooms (blegh)

Do with me what you will.

>> No.17756956

Three for me. Oysters, raw fish, and snails.

>> No.17756973

just blue cheese and white chocolate

>> No.17756991

2 cucumbers and sourdough. Cucumbers are just unripe pickles though, I’ll smash the fuck out of some pickles.

>> No.17757029

I will eat anything on this list

>> No.17757056


>> No.17757073

>ranch dressing

>> No.17757078

muslims are not welcome here, this is a christian-only image board

>> No.17757084

i have standards

>> No.17757093

Properly prepared shrimp are all meat with no "guts".

>> No.17757116

>i have standards
I'm sure you only fuck the prettiest goats

>> No.17757118


>> No.17757123

Oysters and canned tuna. Cooked fish depends on how it's prepared and what type of fish it is. I don't like Nutella (reddit food), but I wouldn't spit it out or anything.

>> No.17757137

>>tomatoes (fine if pureed)
This is me
Chunks of tomato are incredibly repellent to me, but I love tomato based sauces, ketchup, adding tomato paste, etc.

>> No.17757148


>> No.17757279

Zero. I dislike white chocolate but wouldn't refuse it if offered.
Anything above 0 and you're a petulant child. Grow up.

>> No.17757347

cottage cheese

>> No.17757410

Sorry to hear that, I despite alcoholics

>> No.17757412

Just blue cheese, and I tried so hard to like it

>> No.17757425

I will eat goddamn everything on that list
its not even hard
cant believe so few people answered zero
what the fuck is wrong with you, nothing on the list is scary
this is entry level eating, you cant even graduate until you appreciate everything on the list, even if its not a favorite

>> No.17757428

That list is a joke. Aside from liver there are no offals.

>> No.17757442

2. Canned tuna and oysters. They both taste like I've just gone facefirst into a tide pool. If there was some way for them to taste less bad, it'd be 0.

>> No.17757450

nutella and white chocolate

>> No.17757455

0, maybe 1 with snails as I haven't tried them yet, but I would try them.

>> No.17757467

>it's usually an excuse to eat a bunch of garlic
mostly the butter lol. tasty little morsel yeah

>> No.17757468


>> No.17757471

>canned tuna
>tomatoes (will eat cooked, but not raw)
>white chocolate

>> No.17757507
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I will never eat any flavour of seed oil

>> No.17757542

10 but I'm agreeing with >>17751706
Most pork I'd too salty however Sausage is one of my favorite foods. I like most of all Sausages except for Smoked Country. And my bacon needs to be thin and extra crispy like paper.

>> No.17757568

I didnt count Mayonnaise on mine, but honestly Mayo is the biggest fucking waste of calories. It turns your food colder and milder and its basically flavorless and adds 100 more calories to your food. However if you hate Mayo you should mix it with a more spicy sauce. It'll make it milder and your sauce will have a better consistency.

>> No.17757639

Good luck eating brussel sprouts when there's no food called brussel sprouts, dumbass.

>> No.17757838

>it always felt dirty
Said the mudslime

>> No.17757871

1, i guess
i've never had snails and don't want to, but probably could handle it

>> No.17757882

"WILL NOT" in caps is too dramatic
Only one I firmly don't like is oysters but I'll still try them again, maybe I'll change my mind or a different preparation will be nice

>> No.17757889

If you will eat sea molluscs there is no reason to not eat land molluscs

>> No.17757894

1, no tofu. And Nutella if it's not in a cake or ice cream.

>> No.17757900

"Will not eat" is stupid because you can just eat stuff you don't really prefer so 0 for me
If it was "what you don't like" for instance I'm not really a fan of ketchup, raisins, or beets, and i'm mildly allergic to avocado

>> No.17757909

Nutella is fucking disgusting. So is ketchup, vile american sugary shit

>> No.17757929
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1. Tomatoes - I love tomato sauces, and bisque, but just tomatoes themselves is gross. Too watery.

2. Coffee - I've always hated coffee. Had a bad experience with it when I was a kid and that mostly put me off it. I gave it a chance a bunch of different ways as an adult, but my opinion didnt change. I just dont like coffee.

3. Raisins - I just dont like raisins.

4. Cabbage - I hate the taste and smell of cabbage. There might be one or two methods of preparing it out there that I dont hate, but im just not interested in looking for them.

5. Cauliflower - I can't get past the briny taste of cauliflower or broccoli. I just hate them both.

6. Grapes - I just dont like grapes. I dont know what it is.

7. Ketchup - I figure I'd love Ketchup, since I have a sweet tooth, but I don't. I fucking hate Ketchup, and all the shit it's supposed to go on/with is made so much worse by it.

8. Mustard - Same with Mustard. I hate that Mustard taste.

9. Eggplant - I dont hate eggplant as much as a lot of other things on this list, but I have to be in the mood for it, and i'm so rarely in the mood for it. I'd rather eat most anything else.

10. Nutella - Don't like it. Hate the taste.

11. Liver - Maybe I just haven't had it prepared right, but as with Eggplant, there's so many other things Id rather eat.

12. Oysters - Blech. I'd rather have Scallops, or crab, or shrimp, or anything besides Oysters.

13. Brussel Sprouts - Hate the smell, hate the taste. Hate it. My dad used to love Brussel Sprouts, and it always grossed me out whenever he made them.

14. Raw Fish - I just don't trust anything that isn't cooked, and I really dont care for that raw taste.

15. Broccoli - See cauliflower.

16. Pineapple - I hate the taste. Just hate it.

17. Snails - Tried em once. No thanks. Rather eat anything else.

18. Coconut - I hate coconut even more than I hate pineapple. Shavings taste like old stale mushy pasta. Just plain gross.

>> No.17757946
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I fucking hate cauliflower so much it's unreal.

>> No.17757955

No we were poor but ate garden vegetables and either chicken or wild game.

>> No.17757967

2. oysters and tofu

>> No.17758143
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I expected some wild shit but those are all pretty normal ingredients, maybe the oysters and escargots are weird to some people I guess.

>> No.17758167

yeah, but also kinda explains a lot about ck. >80% of people posting on here literally won't eat basic ingredients. Sure if they had some very strong tasting/smelling ingredients I could see people not loving it, but even then to never eat something is fairly extreme, especially with how ordinary this list is.

Whenever you see a garbage hot take, just remember there's people on here that won't eat a grape or tomato lol

>> No.17758199
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>Whenever you see a garbage hot take, just remember there's people on here that won't eat a grape or tomato lol
In retrospect this explains a lot actually.

>> No.17758206

>just tomatoes themselves is gross. Too watery.
Out of all common vegetables that you can buy in the store arguably the difference in taste between the store bought shit and homegrown becomes biggest with tomatoes.
Tomatoes are harvested green for shipping, they are bred and genetically modified to look and smell insanely fragrant, but as a result they are watery and tasteless.
That's also why it is preferable to buy canned if the fresh ones in your store are shit. This issue doesn't exist nearly as much with other veggies. At least the canned ones are harvested when ripe.
A homegrown (or locally grown) tomato in normal soil tastes completely different. Since they are also one of the easier vegetables to grow I can only recommend giving it a try eventually.

>> No.17758209

everybody above 2 should leave

>> No.17758248


>> No.17758255

Never had ranch, nutella is disgusting, I don't see the point in eating cucumbers (just drink a glass of water nigger) and bananas always tasted bland to me so i don't like them. Other than that I'm down with everything on that list

>> No.17758258

5, I don't eat garbage

>> No.17758263

just tastelette things

>> No.17758280

Lol at ck gatekeeping food preferences like this board has ever been host to people who actually know about food.

>> No.17758283

i won't eat canned tuna. i can to be polite if the situation deemed it necessary but i would avoid if possible.

>> No.17758288

Ok newfag

>> No.17758340

Can't stand peanut butter or coconut. Haven't tried snails or oysters but I probably couldn't stomach them either. Don't really like tomatoes, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, olives or pickles but I'll still eat them if they're part of a meal or a sandwich or something.

>> No.17758381

Too sweet its just nasty candy spread
Just dont like it simple as
>Raw fish
Probably gross
Yeah no
>Brussel sprouts
Just dont like it simple as
Just dont like it simple as

>> No.17758389

grow up I have eaten fish that I personally gutted myself

>> No.17758394

>Eat coffee
>Eat milk
>Eat vinegar
>Eat tea
>Eat sysauce
Wtf? If you mean eating something that contains them, I would eat them
And that's about it

>> No.17758399
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Anything higher than 5 and youre a child who shouldnt post on here

>> No.17758408
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>> No.17758410

this alone outs you as retarded

>> No.17758423

I've never had any of these but
would try
probably not
idk what that is
i guess if it was professionally prepared
absolutely not
not really but only because its probably awful since its carnivore meat
>animal brain
>live baby octopus
>maggot cheese
absolutely not
>live coconut worms
absolutely not

>> No.17758433

Onions should add flavor, not texture.
I wont be caught eating an onion dead

>> No.17758450
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How are there so many people that won't eat crab? Why? It smells good and tastes good. Its texture is like chicken but softer

>> No.17758451

confirmed tard sticking to his guns, love to see it. Not to mention it doesn't say you have to eat those foods raw or by themselves.

>> No.17758454


2, Escargot (fuck that, can't get over the thought of eating a slug) and raw fish.

I want to like sushi so badly but every time I have it, it taste awful. I've never had oysters but I'm open to trying them at least once so that's potentially a third one.

There are other things on the list I'm not a huge fan of, but if I'm hungry and it's in front of me I'd eat it. White chocolate being the one I like the least.

>> No.17758461


He literally has a traumatic brain injury.

>> No.17758473


Would Try

Would Try

Want to try

Would try from expert chef

Everyone should try. They taste like nothing, the exact same texture as a cheese poof but smaller.

Hard no

Just to say I have I'd try it if the opportunity presented itself.

>Animal brain
Hard no

Kind of want to but at the same time I think I'd be too disgusted to keep it down.

I'd try the rocky mountain oyster variety

>Live baby octopus
Hard no

>Maggot cheese
Hard no

>Live coconut worms
Hard no

>> No.17758481

blue cheese
canned tuna

>> No.17758483

Ive ate everything on this list

>> No.17758489

Well I have a rule of try everything at least once if served, and the few I'm questionable on i haven't had yet, so 0 for now, may change in the future.

>> No.17758566


yes, tasty
yes, tasty
yes, curious
yes,curious apprently very tasty
>Animal brain
yes, very curious, fried pig brains looked delicious in this one video i saw
if cooked well definetly
>Live baby octopus
>Maggot cheese
>Live coconut worms

aren't the bottom ones big health risks?

>> No.17758574

Mentally stable children aren't traumatised by such a natural part of survival.

>> No.17758606

Fucking zero. Nothing on this list is even somewhat off-putting.

>> No.17758643

I did a thorough job here:
When I was a child (let's say till 14) I tried to avoid /begged to my mum not to cook: 28

I literally refused to eat: 15

By my early 20s I refused : 8

One year after I moved to my own household: 0 (in case "raw fish" means sushi or similar and not some disgusting live animal)

So yeah, I was a picky child

>> No.17758744

1, eggplant

>> No.17758843

1 - Grapefruit
Tastes like death, and I don't like the possibility of something that can fuck with medicines going in my body

>> No.17758929

Ranch dressing is why the world hates us
If I were meant to eat snails, then I'd have feasted on them by now

>> No.17758940

Who let you out from the box, Gimp?!

>> No.17758997

I'm sitting on 5.
>Canned Tuna
>Cooked Fish
>Brussel Sprouts

>> No.17759368
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red - will not eat
orange - I will consume them, but don't care much for it
yellow - will eat but with a caveat
for example I like onions, but they have to be carnalized or cut small and cooked in a dish, same with tomatoes. no raw onion or tomato. I don't like plain mayo but things like chipotle mayo or flavored aioli I usually like. mustard only on burgers w/ ketchup and only a few lil drops of mustard, if the burger doesn't have ketchup on it then no mustard I only like it paired with ketchup.
shrimp I eat every now and again, but basically only if it is fried.
with milk I do not just drink milk, only like maybe 2-3 times a year I will buy/make chocolate or strawberry milk. I'll use it for cereal or in cooking but I don't just pour myself a glass of milk to drink. cooked fish should probably also be yellow I guess. I only recently started eating fish and I only like salmon that is seasoned and with lemon, tastes like chicken basically.

>> No.17759372
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wrong pic i'm retarded