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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17749106 No.17749106 [Reply] [Original]

What's for breakfast?

>> No.17749123

velveeta macaroni and cheese with a sliced gwaltney hot dog mixed in

>> No.17749132

Vodka and frozen pizza

>> No.17749133

i usually make eggs benedict. usually cures me too.

>> No.17749134

Chicken salad- i slept past breakfast

>> No.17749141

>gwaltney hot dog

this isn't a childhood trauma thread anon

>> No.17749144

coffee, milk and cereal, and weed fix my hangover for me

>> No.17749157

Ehh, usually gets up around 2 pm. Some soup, aspirin whatever leftovers I find in the fridge... Back to sleep.

>> No.17749171

If you can eat you aren't hungover

>> No.17749177

I used to do a packet of microwave instant oats at home, pick up a two bananas on the way to work and then have them with a couple of cups of strong sweet black coffee followed by lots of water.

Now I'm older if I get a hangover it usually means I'm beyond food and will wait it out until the nausea subsides.

>> No.17749187

McBacon + Coffee with a swig of Jamieson

>> No.17749192
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>A little over 3 weeks sober
Feels good. Not gonna give up the juice, but I just needed a break is all.

>> No.17749196
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>> No.17749201
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Good job

>> No.17749205

eggs and leftover steak from last night

>> No.17749216

This. Was my birthday yesterday, killed moat of a bottle of Kraken black spiced rum. Blacked out, called people and talked shit, got on Warzone and smacked the lobbies and talked shit, woke up and still managed to get shit done.
The only reason I remember the Warzone thing is I got on earlier today and my clan was laughing their asses off because of last night. Everyone was either a fag or a bitch. Yup, sounds like me.

>> No.17749217
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leftover arugula and serrano ham pizza.

>sing pissers
what about those of us who pee in the balcony? also im glad for you anoin

>> No.17749240
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scrambled eggs on toast with chives ate half of it, threw up and went back to bed why the fuck do i do this to myself

>> No.17749266

More vodka.

>> No.17749279

lol pussy

>> No.17749301

Tomato juice (a source of potassium!)

>> No.17749311


>> No.17749335

nothing, because you realize instead of going shopping you black outed again last night

>> No.17749344

i made a burger for lunch. and drinking gatorade to rehydrate

>> No.17749392

I've gotten to the point of my alcoholism where my hangovers consist of my blood pressure is through the roof, my right side hurts and I can barely keep my hands steady.

Don't drink kids! One the medical problems start, they only get worse.

>> No.17749454

Thanks for the copy pasta fren

>> No.17749506

>not hungover
lol pussy

>> No.17749515


>> No.17749520

You can drink fine just don't be an idiot who gets black out drunk more than once a week.

>> No.17749776


>> No.17749832

Or you could try never drinking and instead amuse yourself by actually having a personality.

>> No.17749844

A coors light and a Ruben

>> No.17749857

downing strong coffee from my french press right now. I feel like

>> No.17749861

Oh, we got an Oscar Wilde wannabe amongst us, how charming.

>> No.17749876

>getting hangovers
I've been drinking for 10 years and I have had like maybe 5 hangovers all caused from mixed drinks

>> No.17749880

Hangovers get worse as you age. If you've been drinking for 10 years then I'm guessing you're in your late 20's early 30's when the hangover is not so bad. I agree with you though, cut out the sugar

>> No.17749882
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>not drinking

>> No.17749889
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>> No.17750137

when you guys binge drink how many drinks do you have

>> No.17750144

Never count what's the point? I drink till I can't remember my own name.

>> No.17750150

On my birthday I drank 5l of beer by myself. I've drunk more but at that point I lose count

>> No.17750152

on a work day (clocking off at 4:30, clocking on at 8) it seems 7 is the happy medium. On Friday, it was, I think, around 13-14.

>> No.17750154

I also remember being a teenager

>> No.17750161

a fifth

>> No.17750167

that's 14.5 standard drinks. From memory.

>> No.17750189

Oh wow, you've been drinking for 10 years? Fuck off newfaggot you've never had a real hangover because you don't drink. I don't mix with anything

>> No.17750208

that's because you're a weak faggot who uses (((ibuprofen))) and then has to call off work because your wittle head hurts
who am I kidding you've never worked a day in your life

>> No.17750213
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6 pakc of beer, and 8-10 drinks of hard liquor. I'm aware that I have a problem

>> No.17750222

13-16 half-litre beers, depending on when i start

>> No.17750223

a 3-egg omelet with a buttery mushroom sauce

>> No.17750229

a pint to a fifth. a couple years ago it was almost a half a night though. not sure how I survived that

>> No.17750232
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Heavy one last night, about 400ml of Wray and Nephew

Potatoes dauphinoise this morning.

>> No.17750233
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one of these. either that or a 6 pack and a few shots

>> No.17750256
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12-15 beers.
I love you guys.

>> No.17750263

I need advice on drinking beer. May sound retarded, but I have no idea how much should I have if any.
Basically up until last year I almost never drank in my life. But then I turned 30 and I started drinking 3 cans of your average 4-5% beer on weekends which was enough to make me drunk. I usually had fun doing it, made me want to listen to music or watch videos / movies.
But as time passed, it stopped being fun. Now I barely look forward to it and it feels like I'm doing it more out of habit. I don't really get a good mood when I drink anymore, and drinking doesn't relax me nearly as much as it used to. Now I feel I need to do it twice on weekends (Fri and Sat), but it only helps so much. I also usually fall asleep if I have 4 cans. But at least as time went by I almost stopped getting hangovers.
Does that mean I have built tolerance? Should I drink more or get something with more alc. %? I get a weird feeling more and more often now that I should put it off.

>> No.17750270

Literally me last week. Had a handle of vodka on empty stomach. Took me an hour to get to the toilet. Empty myself, happy back to nirvana.

>> No.17750276


>> No.17750277

If you get "momentum" when you drink then you probably have a problem. Are you Irish by chance?

>> No.17750279

Cope, lightweight

>> No.17750290

it means you need to stfu and open another beer

>> No.17750293
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Get a bac device and start from there.

>> No.17750297

what's "momentum"?
>Are you Irish by chance?

>> No.17750298

Based drink poster

>> No.17750304

>Should I drink more or get something with more alc. %?
You should ask yourself why you're doing it and why you feel a 'need' to do it first. Drinking because you want to is fine, but you don't sound like you want to.

>> No.17750305

I"m probably blowing a solid 016 right now

>> No.17750319

>What's momentum
The best way I can describe it would be when you have a drink there is a desire for another, kind of like scratching an itch- you scratch it which encourages you to repeat it

>> No.17750322

Let me guess, you got it for free and will eventually need to buy strips?

>> No.17750323

Drink more.

>> No.17750326

I only see one beer in your picture sir.

>> No.17750331

I was making a druk experiment in 2017 and like seeing the number go up.

>> No.17750335

I've got 3.5 drinks in a flask, one hidden beer, and 2 in reserve if needed- not getting the sweats tonight

>> No.17750347

Lol. Sorry son. Time to go cut my dick off and-ACK…

>> No.17750352

I got it wrong. Disregard my comment.

>> No.17750356

Good man.

>> No.17750362


>> No.17750363

are those your girlfriends or are you a troon? straight white men don't own those mitts, they don't buy boxed wine, and they certainly don't buy fucking alcoholic seltzer.
enjoy your HFCS drink bro

>> No.17750367

i cant remember
it probably wasnt good
this ride aint ending till it does and when it does thatll be that boys

>> No.17750368

I don't eat except when I'm drunk
I can't keep it down anymore

>> No.17750371

Alcoholics aren't exactly men.

>> No.17750382

well, it used to be fun like I said. I tend to get a bit stressed during working week, often over nothing. I used to drink on fridays and it immediately helped me get my mind off of things, get relaxed and forget any stressful things that happen. I also used to just drink and watch some letsplays, flicks or whatever, or old cartoons, and it was pretty fun. but now it doesn't really relax me or help me to "wind down". and I hardly feel like drinking more than 3 cans. not sure if it's volume, but I don't feel wasted after it either. I stop feeling drunk like 1-2 hours after my last can.

>> No.17750388

No sir. The alcohol content to chuggable liquid is good sir. What is a good mans drink sir? The oven mitts are from the pandemic sir and from walmart sir.

>> No.17750390

Yes they are. In fact some of the most manly men throughout history were drunks. Many great military campaigns throughout history were supplied with all sorts of booze

>> No.17750394

not really. maybe i do get an itch to drink the next day sometimes, but I noticed it mostly happens if I don't get enough sleep.

>> No.17750409

>What is a good mans drink sir?
something dark, something bitter or something that lights a fire in your soul!
whiskeys, scotch ales, and dark rums for example are all manly drinks

>> No.17750411

Go to the gym after work or when you are feeling stressed. It helps
Dave drinking for the druk threads lad.

>> No.17750422
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Kapali in my coffee and some eggs and toast.

>> No.17750426
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Rum will always be a mans drink. Troons will never take it from us.

>> No.17750439

the explanation is that, in simple terms, "There are no Alcoholics who are addicted to being drunk - Alcoholics are addicted to getting drunk". I've never heard it called "momentum" before, but that's an appropriate-enough way to describe it.

Alcohol is a nervous-system depressant. It dulls your senses, responses, and inhibitions. But that's the effects that it has on you once it's been absorbed into your bloodstream. The PROCESS of BEING absorbED into your bloodstream, the 15 minutes or so that it takes for your stomach to absorb the ethanol and transfer it to your bloodstream, is a CONDITIONED response, which is exciting, and lights up reward-centers in your brain. This is the biggest divide. Capital-A Alcoholics find themselves drinking every drink available to them, the "one more is never enough" sensation, because they aren't addicted to having their BAC reach a certain level, they're addicted to the sensation of their BAC rising as their bodies process another drink.

Also I'm drunk off Pink Whitney and can't find enough human-social-and-sometimes-sexual distraction to fill my interminable days so I kill the time, and my braincells, by pickling myself and stuffing my body full of fatty sodium-laden meals. I want off this ride.

>> No.17750445

>Rum will always be a mans drink. Troons will never take it from us.
but troons are men

>> No.17750461

If you're happy drinking and it's just the volume that's tiresome, you could always switch to liquor and mixers, something easy drinking like bourbon and coke - same amount of alcohol, less overall volume but still a long drink. Using alcohol as a crutch can be a slippery slope though - my experience was that I was nowhere near 'problem drinking' levels medically speaking but I recognised that I was using it as a cope rather than just drinking because I enjoyed it, so I decided to cut back and found other ways to unwind for at least some of the time. I felt better for it.

>> No.17750465

because poison is better than life

>> No.17750469

Water and eggs

>> No.17750478

You send out wasted souls to be your cannon fodder, yes.

>> No.17750483

I'll add to that actually - I recognised I was thinking 'OK I need to have a drink, how can I make this enjoyable'. It was the 'I need to have a drink' part that made me think because that's treating it more like taking medicine than a social or pleasurable recreational activity. And alcohol is not medicine.

>> No.17750505

It helps the screams go away
It is medicine.

>> No.17750527

>found other ways to unwind for at least some of the time
like what? i think nothing helps anymore, I don't know what people do for it but I just can't. maybe I drink a bit too much tea so I get too much caffeine. but it's a vicious cycle of: I drop caffeine - I feel very lethargic and apathetic - I get way less productive - I go back to tea and feel better but more prone to perfectionism / workaholism / obsessing over things / etc. eventually I just start hating it again.

>> No.17750541

what do you do for work?

>> No.17750547


>> No.17750581


>> No.17750587

nothing special, i just work from home right now at some poorfag minwage job but it includes a reasonable amount of mental effort and the money is kinda tight.

>> No.17750794
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who the fuck gets hungover on fucking ANZAC day?
fucking disrespectful to your ancestors and veterans you fucking human filth
you probably didnt even get up at 4am for the dawn service either you fucking fag

>> No.17750851

is that something like Prozac?

>> No.17750859
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Australia New Zealand Army. Used to be really competent and helpful. Legendary cookies send by their housewives that were like fucking hardtack only delicious, but if you try to find a recipe now it's modern housewife coconut cookies and shit.

>> No.17750874

I had breakfast at 6 pm because of hangover
A salmon steak with broccoli and potatoes that my mommy made for dinner when I went to visit her on Friday

>> No.17750934
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I only drank half a bottle of wine. I dont have a hangover

>> No.17750939

what kind of wine

>> No.17750977

Bruh drinking beer is for troons enjoy your man tits and estrogen.

White claw and truly is based, dont need a bunch of sugar and other bullshit in my alcohol, also wish it wasnt carbonated so you dont have to keep burping.
Id prefer to slam these down rather then beer. Best is just vodka though.

Im a certified alcohol expert my nationality is czech, which is the country with the most alcohol consumed per person per year in the entire world. Post your estrogen tits fatty

>> No.17751029

I could never be an alcoholic, ive done too many drugs and know that alcohol is shit tier in comparison.

I had a drinking problem, not in the way where I want to drink every day and am addicted, but that when i would drink i would drink heavily and always end up getting super fucked up and blacking out.
Several times ive gone out to clubs and concerts only to find myself waking up in my bed not remembering anything.

The last time this happened i woke up in jail, with a bunch of bullshit charges not remembering a thing, after pieceing together the story I learned i did crazy shit, pissed on someone, called random black people in public nigger, danced with some girl infront of my gf, breakdanced on the floor, got into a fight with a 400 lb bouncer, he broke my nose and was pinning me down and i bit his neck like a wild animal.
Then I ended the night by getting in a fight with my gf and smashing some random cars window with my belt.

Woke up in jail and only learned this from my gf, its crazy because im normally a quiet chill responsible intj, but alcohol makes me a completely different person.

After this i learned to chill out on drinking and found that its way comfier to be at the right balance, not completely slammed and nauseous and stammering around.
But I could never drink every day because the effects just arent comfy after a certain point, and it has severely dominishing returns, being sloppy, disorentated, sleepy and nauseous all the time sounds like hell

>> No.17751048

Just some basic red wine, im not a wine snob at all, I will drink anything.
Split it with my gf.
For me its comfy drinking on an empty stomach for the initial buzz and then I cook food while drinking and then eat with the drunk munchies then by the time im done eating it stabilizes and I dont feel the need to drink more

>> No.17751073
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>The last time this happened i woke up in jail, with a bunch of bullshit charges not remembering a thing, after pieceing together the story I learned i did crazy shit, pissed on someone, called random black people in public nigger, danced with some girl infront of my gf, breakdanced on the floor, got into a fight with a 400 lb bouncer, he broke my nose and was pinning me down and i bit his neck like a wild animal.
Iunno, sounds pretty based to me

>> No.17751185
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A 15 pack of cheap beer is my staple on Friday night, then to get past the hangover I sip on Ceasers and whiskey cokes all Saturday until I pass out again.

>> No.17751212

Nah was not based, was facing an assault charge which would prevent me from owning guns. And I like muh guns.
I had to spend like 10k on a lawyer and I lucked out.
Only ended up getting the charge for breaking the car window and that was just because they literally had me on video doing it cause the car had a dash cam

>> No.17751221
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>The last time this happened i woke up in jail, with a bunch of bullshit charges not remembering a thing, after pieceing together the story I learned i did crazy shit, pissed on someone, called random black people in public nigger, danced with some girl infront of my gf, breakdanced on the floor, got into a fight with a 400 lb bouncer, he broke my nose and was pinning me down and i bit his neck like a wild animal.
>Then I ended the night by getting in a fight with my gf and smashing some random cars window with my belt.
Holy fucking based

>> No.17751376

bottle of wine does the trick

>> No.17751421

kek I black out in public all the time and only got arrested once. usually I do something retarded but completely harmless
>be smoking a cigarette alone
>lend my lighter to a group of people to light something
>30 min later can't find my lighter
>go back to the group and ask them for my lighter back
>they're confident they gave it back to me but they still help me look around for it in the ground nearby
>no luck
>15 minutes later, find it buried in pocket
>didn't even have any cigarettes left
that one gave me a laugh

>> No.17751444

One time I got so fucking faced that I fell off a stool at a bar and everyone thought I died. Had to go to detox

>> No.17751447

Well same here until that finally happened.

Its happened over a dozen times with no major incidents, seriously blacking out is no joke. Just ask some of the bartards who woke up to killing someone in a car crash or waking up to finding out they attempted to rob a bank in their xanax induced zombie state and are now facing 20 years for armed robbery.
Its best to avoid this situation

>> No.17751456

Haha yeah, had to go to the hospital for alcohol withdrawal- ironic b/c I had a coming to jesus moment prior to

>> No.17751465
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Some of you guys will literally die if you stop drinking cold turkey. Isnt that scary?
Anyone here ever experience delirium tremens?
I heard people hallucinate seeing demons and crazy fucked up shit when this happens

>> No.17751486

I drank every single night for nearly a decade and experienced zero physical withdrawals. For the last few years I was drinking a bit under a fifth of vodka a night. Maybe the secret is to only drink a few hours before bed instead of throughout the day? I knew people that drank less than I did who experienced physical withdrawal in some form even if it wasn't DT tier. I've been sober since the beginning of February.

>> No.17751489

yeah I got a DUI as well it's nasty business and I'm lucky no one got hurt. I really need to knock off the excess alcohol it's not like I need it

>> No.17751500
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Never had DT, but I drove to the hospital in a manic state to get help. I have woken up with a pain in my liver- like pins and needles in a body part you never noticed before. I really hope the USA is attacked and that im drafted so I don't need to realize the disaster that is my life

>> No.17751504
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stopped drinking because i got the gastritis

>> No.17751532

I've had that shit and I'm only 23. stomach had a weird cold feeling and something down there felt like it was asleep and burning at the same time

>> No.17751535
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Sucks to have a fucked up stomach.

>> No.17751565
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i think its gastritis...id wake up after drinking and when i stood up, id get a pang in my upper stomach area for a little bit and then itd go away, it only happened when i drank alcohol, i stopped drinking and i havent felt it since, desu.

>> No.17751573

i drink a pint of vodka 6 nights a week

>> No.17751584
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I'm 28. I finally have health care that will pay for this shit. We need to change or we will end up on dialysis. I'm sorry alchy bro's I'm so tired, I cant'r keep up -

>> No.17751594

rest in rip your liver

>> No.17751600
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Could have been an ulcer.

>> No.17751606
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well it scared me enough to stop boozing

>> No.17751622

cancer runs real bad in my family I'm just hoping I get a stage 4 diagnosis so I have an excuse to off myself

>> No.17751657
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Good. Stay off the sauce, it's poison.

>> No.17751662

korean chicken with a blue gatorade

>> No.17752062

I don't respect seltzers but I don't hold it against someone for drinking them if they're going to be drinking a dozen. 100 calories vs 130-150 for a beer helps you not be quite so fat

>> No.17752074

thank you for being rational. Miller Lite is about the only viable option for the same purposes. Alkies can't judge seltzer.

>> No.17752079

Stop drinking alcohol, anon. >>17751486 here and I've legitimately dropped weight from 190 pounds to 155 simply by quitting alcohol with no other change in my diet or physical activity.

>> No.17752091
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>> No.17752176
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Back when I drank, it was on average about 8 shots and a six-pack.
I used to get that as well. Lots of people underestimate just how irritating alcohol is to the stomach, and given the fact that people tend to eat like shit when drinking as well doesn't help it either. It sometimes will creep into the base of the throat and feel like it's closing up as well. I learned after a while it wasn't a heart attack or anything, just bad gastritis causes by heavy alcohol consumption.

>> No.17752186


>> No.17752190

Does anyone else meticulously track their drinking? I make sure to point out an exact amount I want to drink (usually 15oz/10 shots) for the night, and I record the weight of the bottle in case I end up drinking more

>> No.17752202
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>> No.17752221

Back when I was a drinker, I'd only buy a certain amount of alcohol because if it was in the house and contained alcohol, it was going to get drank that night. Thankfully I still had the self control to remain at home when I'd run out.

>> No.17752224
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>drank maybe ~80 units a week for 3-4 years
>feels bad man
>swap out for kratom, get on some meds l8r
>only drank 3 times in the last month, and 2 were social
>already losing weight, sleeping better, less mood swings

godspeed and cheers, but I honestly am glad I don't go as hard as I used to. i like having the option of getting shit faced, but not feeling like it's necessary. stupidly easy and dangerous all around effective self medicator

>> No.17752230

I remember the only two times I bought a handle, I got so drunk that the next morning the hangover made me think I was gonna die. Even getting fifths was a bit much because I'd always have beer. Eventually started getting 4-5 of the $1 vodka double shooters like platinum or epic

>> No.17752253

Breaks like that are good for you.

>> No.17752365

yknow, when I was in a cycle of drinking too much too regularly, kratom was indeed the thing that snapped me out of it. numbed those "oh fuck oh fuck what am I gonna do if not drink tonight" feelings. I actually have plenty in the house, maybe 75-100+ grams. I just haven't touched it in years. But I have been deeply, deeply unhappy with my relationship with booze for a while now. And I've been putting on weight. Maybe this is the kick I needed. That's.... Y'know what. It's gonna be a good week. Thanks, anon. Godspeed to you, too.

>> No.17752578

17 rounding up

>> No.17752726

im starting to control my alcoholism. Doing intermittent fasting at the moment. Went to my grandmas house last yesterday and found a tequila bottle. Took around 3 shots on an empty stomach with OJ and then ate my daily meal afterwards. This intermittent fasting plan really helps in curtailing any excessive drinking.

>> No.17752767

another drink

>> No.17752853

I need at least >2bottles of wine in one sitting or wine and half a bottle of liquor to really get hungover. When I do though, it now takes me about two, maybe two and a half days to get back into form. my stomach just closes down to solid foods. I can go basically involuntary fast like that for the duration. Age, I guess.

>> No.17753339

bismarck herring

>> No.17754379

im hungover right now lads its 2 in the afternoon and everything is so bright

>> No.17754635

werthers toffees are kino when drunk

>> No.17754952


Basically this, once you hit 30 you kinda turn into a bitch and realise you can't/shouldn't drink like you use to. Enjoy it now

>> No.17754962

all of them?

>> No.17755009

I drink a fifth of vodka mixed with fruit punch. During the course of drinking it I also drink a gallon of water. Wake up a little slow but a few hours later totally normal. Its a nice long strong drunk and very little repercussions for it

>> No.17755020

I don't even consider 400ml that much anymore, I guess I'm fucked up. A really heavy night is a full bottle.

>> No.17755029

Lmao retard. I will concede more sugary drinks cause worse hangovers but alcohol metabolizes as sugar and I’ve had bad hangovers from nothing but whiskey straight

>> No.17755040

This describes me pretty well. Some friends wonder why I still keep drinking shortly before going to bed, I win't even enjoy the buzz but the process of drinking and increasing my level is more fun than just being drunk.

>> No.17755132
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These days, as long as I remember to take them, supplements have been a game changer for my hangovers. It doesn't prevent the splitting headache unfortunately, but it has prevented the nausea, delirious headspace, and other less than desirable after effects of over indulgance. Currently I take these about 1 hour before I drink:
NAC - 600mg
B Complex (get one with percentages in the 1000's and make sure it has the full range of B vitamins, a lot of B complex's don't contain all of them) - 1 pill
P5P activated B6 - 100mg
Magnesium - 250mg
Drank a bottle of Everclear 120 last night and all I have is a bad headache. I haven't thrown up a single time since starting using supplements before drinking a shit ton. Cheers fuckers.

>> No.17755203

Fucking this. I got so tanked on Gin and Tonic once that the ensuing hangover was so bad, I couldn't eat for like 11 hours. Even SMELLING food made me want to vomit.

Good times.

>> No.17755568

more alcohol

>> No.17755595
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Does weed prevents hangovers? i usually drink and smoke at the same time yet i only had one hangover in the 5 years I've been drinking,i usually drink a lot of water after the effects wear off because i feel fucking thirsty and usually i only drink 1 or 2 times a week

>> No.17756354

The water you are drinking is preventing the hangover

>> No.17756455

>how many
you kinda just go till you pass out, stop feeling or the bottle runs out
it varies day to day

>> No.17756543

weed makes you feel more drunk so perhaps you drink less

>> No.17756901

Yesterday was 8 ounces of Jack, some wierd beers i purchased. 16 ouncers, and then about five ounces of khalua 30% and milk and cookies.

today is some hard seltzers i bought ( figured id try something new) darnk the first one, and then mixed around 6 ounces of vodka with the second. (oh they were tallboy and a 24 oz)

not too terribly shabby. Except for the fact im an alcoholic.

>> No.17757231

well its time to start drinking for tonight