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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 399 KB, 900x592, doge gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17745474 No.17745474 [Reply] [Original]

Name a good jewish recipe RIGHT NOW, or I'll SHOOT.

>> No.17745480

I've always wanted to try a roasted egg.

>> No.17745485

*POP* not a jewish recipe

>> No.17745658

american foreskins with kosher salt

>> No.17745680

>has to be a GOOD recipe

>> No.17745733

Gefilte fish pasteurized in the sun

>> No.17745737
File: 1.60 MB, 1200x1588, Stuffed cabbage rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.17745743

*POP* awful!

I'm starting to think that Jewish people can't cook, and they have no good food.

*POP* *POP* NOT jewish. Stolen from Finland.

>> No.17745747

All cabbage rolls are Finnish?

>> No.17745755

It's originally from China, 白菜卷. But the European version is from Finland. Jews claim they invented it. They also claim they invented pita, hummus, and religion. Mainly they just steal shit and say they created it.

>> No.17745764

So different cultures can't have styles and recipes that are all their own? I guess all dumplings are Chinese.

>> No.17745768

>chooses to argue instead of naming a food
Just say you are jewish, lol. This is a classic thread anyway, I might do "why don't blacks tip" after.

>> No.17745775

>Has no response
Very sad

>> No.17745791
File: 10 KB, 203x248, images (1) (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noodle Kugel. Sweet, with eggs for fluff and structure, cinnamon, and optionally raisins. Pretty much the only good thing the big nose tribe has ever made.

>> No.17745799

*POP* *POP* *POP* fucking gross

>> No.17745801
File: 12 KB, 237x250, 1640579833133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All ashkenazi food is plagiarized because they're rootless wanderer. it's the dominant Jewish cuisine so most of it is bootleg eastern and central euro food.
Isn't going to stop me from eating lox bialy and knishes from my local heeb deli that's remarkably reasonably priced.
Literally started because the jew behind it was furious that everything else was overpriced.
The schizophrenia hit just right

>> No.17745806

It's delicious with brisket anon

>> No.17745807

>lox bialy
And we have a good jewish food! Once again, it's not jewish at all, but hey, it is traditional the end the thread when someone posts Lox, pointing out that
A. It's not jewish
B. Jewish food is shit

>> No.17745823

Babka (or rugelach), chopped livuh

>> No.17745829 [DELETED] 

i wish the holocaust actually happened :/

>> No.17745900

Simon of Trent

>> No.17745905

I'm a Italki IE an Italian-rite Jew.
Italian-Jewish cuisine is good:
Jewish artichokes.
Jewish sweet-and-sour fish.
Jewish style sesame candy.
Jewish goose sausages/salumi. Goose prosciutto and goose salame are especially valued. Lamb prosciutto (called 'violin') is nice, too, but the taste is a bit too strong for some people.
Unlike most other types of Jew, we don't think the prohibition against meat with dairy extends to poultry so my family would make onion sauce, cook chicken in it then serve the sauce with pasta and topped with cheese. While onion sauce isn't Jewish, making it which chicken rather than beef and/or pork is.

>> No.17745914
File: 26 KB, 406x305, latkes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latkes with sour cream and applesauce dips

>> No.17745933

Oh, and fish. Can't mention Italki cooking without bringing up the fish. Anchovies with endive is common as is fried pilchard, roasted bluefish and cod cooked in about 48 thousand ways.
Oh, and sardine balls. Like meatballs, only sardines. They're good.

>> No.17745942 [DELETED] 

Google blood matzah (The jews don't want you to know this)

>> No.17746016

>be Italian
>mother tells you every Italian dish is jewish
>Jewish Metballs! Jewish Spaghetti! Jewish Pizza!
Many cases like this.

>> No.17746124

so that's how they managed to infiltrate every culture

>> No.17746174
File: 62 KB, 700x467, breakfast-bagels-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ham and cheese bagel

>> No.17746180

oy vey joke aside, who the fuck puts cheddar on a bagel like that

>> No.17746205

I went to my upper class Jewish friend's house on a Jewish holiday once and the food was very very nice

>> No.17746214

>wake up
>inferior cattleslaves still densely populate this earth

meals for this feel?

I'm Jewish!

I made muffin-sized individuals kugels for my step-grandmothers funeral

>Jewish sweet-and-sour fish.


>> No.17746224
File: 389 KB, 640x640, mcdonalds-bagel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a ham, egg and cheese bagel is a extremely popular combo and it's almost always cheddar or American cheese.

>> No.17746229
File: 78 KB, 693x693, 22DBB64A-B58D-4E3E-B687-F03CE26C3A25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17746242
File: 2.11 MB, 2826x3116, latkes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make!

>most jews keep kosher

does mcdonalds still offer bagels at breakfast? I know they yeeted the steak bagel for sure - i usually try to avoid them before 10:30 am

>> No.17746245

I mean the way the cheddar was put on it is weird, it's too thick, is away from the heat, and barely covers a third of the other ingredients. Then again that's probably a photographer's work and they thought it makes it look less contrived or something for the camera.

>> No.17746252
File: 55 KB, 600x683, 1650220810820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gentiles filtered by their retarded inferior taste buds

>> No.17746253

can you make my latkes a little crispier anon

my market has not had bagels since covid, which was the only breakfast of theirs I could stomach. thankfully there's still Brueggers

>> No.17746267

looks like they just lopped off two slices from a block of cheese, it can be kinda hard to get a sharp cheddar any thinner

>> No.17746268
File: 218 KB, 2568x1804, JewVGoyim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

they were pretty crispy doe :(

u gotta make bagels

random yeast dough - shape it into mini-tire, proof, boil, top with seeds or onions or whatever you like, bake

>> No.17746318

in fairness I make mine a lot more flat so there's not as much soft middle

made bagels with the old roomie years ago, I guess our oven was too shit cause they'd keep shrinking and getting a little too hard despite trying to adjust for it (did it in batches cause first time), never tried again. we dehydrated onion and garlic beforehand and topped with those, the ones that did come out good were quite good

>> No.17746452

kalergi plains are pretty good

>> No.17746466

NY pizza

>> No.17746496
File: 49 KB, 664x465, pan_fried_potato_kugel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This looks like a fun alternative to mashed potatoes.

>> No.17746604

actually a great idea going to their deli, outjew the jew

>> No.17746903

not really you can make most of the stuff they sell but it won't be easy (not hard, just time consuming for a lot of it)

they do overprice it but hey are you gonna make your own bagels