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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 642 KB, 1078x760, Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17733608 No.17733608 [Reply] [Original]

The fuck is with pizza in flyover land?

>> No.17733625

Not enough arugula and caviar for your liking?

>> No.17733648

If you'd rather eat that piece of shit in the OP, your taste buds are broken.

>> No.17733657

Show me one (1) restaurant with caviar and arugula pizza on the menu

I'll wait

>> No.17733666
File: 946 KB, 985x924, Screenshot_20220421-101113_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right. such pizzas simply do not exist.

>> No.17733672

if you said italians threw the cheese blobs on the pizza, people would say it's good

>> No.17733675

I used to make pizza like that when I was poor. I would take six slices of bread, flatten them with my hand then put them on a metal tray, topped with canned pizza sauce, kraft cheese singles and dollar store pepperoni, then baked it.

>> No.17733678

>flatten them

>> No.17733683
File: 213 KB, 1200x890, 4709E4E2-EF27-42BA-BC1C-3F4FB29425D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd try Ohio pizza

>> No.17733759

Wing place pizza is, special

>> No.17733801

I don't see any restaurants

>> No.17733832

That's West Virginia pizza where they add more shredded cheese after baking. Ohio pizza is just thin crust round pizza cut into little rectangles, like Donato's. It's not that great, and I usually look for Detroit style instead.

>> No.17733838

Almost any non chain restaurant that offers pizza has arugula.

>> No.17733854

Pizza is supposed to be a flatbread, no?

>> No.17733870

the beach is actually the most synonymous with good pizza so naturally flyover pizza is bad

>> No.17733875

I’m not gonna kvetch over using American slices, but at least cover the whole pizza

>> No.17733880


>> No.17733887

Lol says the dominos and Olive Garden burbcuck. Stay in your containment zones, please.
t. actual citychad

>> No.17733913

seeing this makes me think that the jews are right

>> No.17733921

i would pay money for such a pizza.

>> No.17734092
File: 134 KB, 960x1280, italian scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than being square it looks pretty similar to authentic italian pizza

>> No.17734111

Why did they leave half the pizza hanging out of the oven?

>> No.17734692

>Ohio's fastest pizza parlor! We deliver, you cook.

>> No.17734701

that pizza is fine

>> No.17734724

Mmm, Detroit style just the way dad used to make it when he got a paroled and had to work at a pizza place. That was a good 2 months. I wish I could go visit him but they moved him out of state after he went back in.

>> No.17734776
File: 232 KB, 784x1024, dpmpszhcivp81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a pizza. That's an abortion

>> No.17734939

is there a prosopagnosia for pizza?

>> No.17734949

Ohioans are truly from a different age.

>> No.17734950

At least put something on there that isn't fucking Walmart cheese slices.

>> No.17734983

>sweeping dog shit under the rug

>> No.17735088

>make chili cheese fries
>cover with cold cheese
Of course, why would pizza be any different?

>> No.17735374

>comparing garden rocket to caviar

>> No.17735409

God damn, phoneposting cu/ck/s don't even know how sliced bread works anymore.
You can't think of one reason to remove the absorbent sponge factor from bread before slopping wet ingredients all over it in order to emulate pizza?

>> No.17735410

Giant Lunchables…

>> No.17735513

that's nebraska style

>> No.17735560

Let me guess, only pizza place within 50 miles, is also a bar, strip club and gas station.

>> No.17735571

>orders shit pizza
>picks up shit pizza
>opens the box
>"yes, this pizza is shit"
>willingly accepts it
>drives it home
>opens the box
>whips out his dad's work phone
>takes a photo
>posts it on a Venezualan Bodypillow-stuffing forum
>awaits replies
fuck off with this staged shit anon

>> No.17735646

I have no idea where you came from but go back

>> No.17735668

if they wanted more cheese on it, why didn't they just put it on before cooking it?

>> No.17735893



>> No.17735925

>he gives (You)s to obvious bait posts
whats wrong zoomie?
cant stand that you didnt get the dopamine hit from that one?
whats wrong?
are you gunna dye your hair blue and write a blogpost about how your fee-fees were hurt?

>> No.17736126
File: 975 KB, 1271x800, Donatos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love ohio pizza

>> No.17736192
File: 71 KB, 1024x703, 1648915002810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17736208

Donatos is pretty gud, that cornmeal they pepper the bottom of the dough with makes it.

>> No.17736220

Detroit-style pizza is the second best regional style in America after NY. I was a skeptic for a long time, but I saw the light and I'm better for it

>> No.17736307

Donato's is shitty tier pizza

>> No.17736656

Ain't a goddamn thing wrong with slicing some fresh velveeta cheese onto a frozen pie. Those cheap sumbitches at the pizza factory don't put enough on anyways. Gotta put it on later than the frozen stuff or it'll get burnt, though.
I never touch the stuff they make at the restaurants. Too much seasoning. If I wanted to have my asshole blown out by red pepper flakes, I'd make tacos.

>> No.17737150

Is it even cooked?

>> No.17737169

how are you supposed to pick up the inner slices?

>> No.17737232

It's fork & knife pizza.

>> No.17738318

Then why is it already cut?

>> No.17738331

I've had cold cheese pizza before, it's pretty good.

>> No.17738340

I too am retarded and obsessed and take this comment at face value.

>> No.17738559

The sauce sucks because it lacks spices and they don't understand you're supposed to throw corn meal under the dough to make it light and airy.

>> No.17738617
File: 96 KB, 720x720, 58299894-6d2d-469f-9300-8f5884e01557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is anti Ohio propaganda. We have all sorts of good pizza from Neapolitan style to NY style.

>> No.17738895

>Thinks argula is fancy

>> No.17739007

Italian pizza sucks ass

fuck italians

>> No.17739014

had a friend from Ohio and the stupid asshole called coke POP

>> No.17739166

for me its dicarlos with some pop

>> No.17739299

does amercan pizza really is look like this wtfffff???????????????????????????????????????????????????????8ny8d

>> No.17739321

pic unrelated i presume?

>> No.17739638
File: 141 KB, 675x450, whole-roman-pizza-800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have more than pizza margarita. roman style pizza is basically a thinner version of detroit style pizza

>> No.17739646

You only live once anon. You should take a vacation here and see Yellowstone or Yosemite or the Grand Canyon or Denali. Then you can try the food for yourself.

>> No.17739705
File: 164 KB, 900x805, pizzamargheritatop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'll be 100 euros you fat americano
and additional 50 euros for locally sourced UN protected World Heritage (tm) oreganos tax

>> No.17739723

Is this loss?

>> No.17739832
File: 281 KB, 1277x766, imos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside coastal faggots, real pizza coming through

>> No.17739865


>> No.17739889
File: 13 KB, 152x331, our state is more than 50 percent obese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry you're retarted but here is a real pizza made for real big boy people

>> No.17740170

lol lol no your littrally never going too find me even dead on faggayicuck soil

>> No.17740231

That's only the beginning of the problems I have with OPs pizza.

>> No.17740273

pizza cut into squares is not real za

>> No.17740481


>> No.17740550

Fuck outta here with that provel shit.

>> No.17740591

i don't eat pizza

>> No.17740708

How about penis?

>> No.17741195

Imos is one of a handful of good things about Missouri.
Lions Choice is another.

>> No.17741222

Kansas City, MO is truly one of my favorite cities in the US. Every time I drive through I stop and have a good time. Great combination of very friendly, and run down and homey.

>> No.17741230

most faggots don't

>> No.17741259

yeah real gay pizza. looks like crap. stop coping and keep your bbq. you cant do pizza

>> No.17741423
File: 69 KB, 962x992, 1601688313868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep getting cucked
>20+ euros
>'fresh' tomatoes
>four LEAVES of basil
>string cheese melted on top

I'm not wasting money on this garbage ass shit

>> No.17741430

Its extremely easy to find very good pizza in the midwest. I would take a random pizza place in Detroit, Minneapolis or Milwaukee over a random one in New York any day. Living in a tourist city means worse pizza on average

>> No.17741972

The heat from the sauce cooks the cheese

>> No.17743065
File: 71 KB, 615x648, 1_xzjrori929f61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Blocks your path

>> No.17743099

Why are flyovers so insecure? Literally everytime

>> No.17743420

Gas anglos

>> No.17743433

>good pizza
>NY style.
le kek

>> No.17743441

local place near me has a ton of ingredients, but for some forsaken reason, no fucking spinach. The place serves salad too. What cost are they saving by not adding spinach to the menu? Needless to say they don't have arugula, even though there are 25 options for toppings.

>> No.17743448

It says there are about 80 posters and theres 85 replies. Yet so many posts read the same in style and and substance.

>> No.17743452

I used to live in a town where a local pizza place has a website that hasn't been updated since 2004. They still have all the menu items listed there to this day including a "taco pizza" with no description. I got it one time drunk after a two day caffeine bender catching up on a programming project and it took maybe 5 bites to realise there was no sauce. It was beans.

>> No.17743455

t. Posts seetheposts like OP because flyover country lives rent free in his head

>> No.17743456


>> No.17743480


>> No.17743481

Anyone else notice that "buckeye" isn't used anymore? Everyone says "Ohioan" now. So retarded.

>> No.17743487

You must be American. I can tell because you are retarded