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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17727307 No.17727307[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I suppose this actually is indefensibly evil.

>> No.17727311

It's pragmatic. It's simple capitalism. Immoral? Sure, but this world does not care about moral.

>> No.17727335

It's chicken. They didn't do anything wrong, so why are you calling them evil?

>> No.17727341

Show the video of the baby chicks getting shredded.

>> No.17727347

why bro humans collect in such crowds by there own free will.

>> No.17727358

I would buy industrial farmed chicken for meat.
I would not kill my chickens for meat.

>> No.17727361

This shooting spree aint gonna gather itself.

>> No.17727364

how do they sort the male and female chickens apart?

>> No.17727366

i would, hard to kill: mammals, easy insects, medium fish and chickens.

>> No.17727368

Don't show inside that building with a speck of blood on your clothes.

Chickens may be so dumb they don't feel, don't know, don't care about these conditions. But their brain programming is so fucked up they'll tear you to shreds in a matter of minutes.

A chicken pecks at your clothes, misses, pecks another chicken. Blood splatters around on nearby chickens. More chickens peck at the specks of blood. Within seconds the bloody wave of murder spreads throughout the building. Within minutes there's scarce few dying surviving chickens left, and your corpse can't even be identified.

Tell me they are not evil again.

>> No.17727376

insects, crabs:2 hours hunger.
fish chickens: 6 hours hunger.
humans: one wrong move.
mammals: 3 days hunger.

>> No.17727380

And yet the same faggots that call that evil push to kill the suburbs and make 'walkable' cities.

>> No.17727394

Do you hate walking or something

>> No.17727409

i ate a vegan burger the other day.
it did not even taste remotely close to meat, the patty of made of some walnut shit.
I ate half and threw away the rest. What a waste of my money.

I would legit kill 30 baby chickens for their meat instead of having to be vegan. any day. sue me

>> No.17727416


>> No.17727422

they squeeze them and look at the genitals

>> No.17727429

Nobody rational says it's wrong to eat meat. It's wrong to have a slave warehouse full of living creatures. It's horrifying we are genociding millions of chickens so that a flu doesn't spread and damage more of our food, nevermind they're living breathing animals.

>> No.17727439

anyone who pushes the "surburbs vs city" ditchotamy is a dumb ameriburger.
the trv answer is ruralism, cottagecore, permaculture.
50s american suburban "traditionalism" is the hellspawn of pillhead CIA lizardmen.

>> No.17727447
File: 50 KB, 600x600, pp,504x498-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its wrong
says who? entirely subjective

>It's horrifying
appeal to emotion. moot point

>living breathing animals.
you know what else is "living breathing animals?"
-the trillions of bacteria you kill every time you clean your toilet
-the thousands of insects and other microorganisms you kill with each single step on the grass
-the tens of thousands of small livestock that get killed by combine harvesters, habitat loss, fertilizer runoff just for plant food

>but but those dont count
if all life is equally precious to you then all animals are equal, big or small, ugly or cute
you dont get to feel bad for baby chicks just because they are fluffy or cute

so stop cleaning your toilet, stop stepping on the grass, and stop eating food all together, chud

>> No.17727452

Didn't read once I picked up on your autism

>> No.17727455

>has zero comeback so he just says HAHA DIDNT READ

you already lost the argument 2 comments in. what a weakling.

>> No.17727456

nihilism is so epic bacon, I love Rick and Morty!

>> No.17727458
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I second this, show the video.

>> No.17727459

this is evil but not for the reason you might expect. These chickens are injected with estrogen. The rise of sexual promiscuity wasn't just a coincidence

>> No.17727461

>another non comeback
goddamn, are treehuggers this pathetic?

give real logical counterpoints or shut the fuck up

>> No.17727462

you need to be at least 18 to post on this website

>> No.17727470

erm I couldn't help but notice you used a logical fallacy *tips fedora*
>what is irony?

>> No.17727473

are you lost

>> No.17727476

I'm not going to debate about the morality of caging animals, the only person that would be interested in such a thing is an autistic at best and psychopath at worst.

>> No.17727479

does a hawk care when it picks the innards of a living snake out? or the eagle to a fish? or any other predator vs prey siutation?

>> No.17727481

ok, lets not cage the animals, let all the baby chicks roam free outside so they can be mauled to death by a coyote or have its eyes pecked out by a eagle. Is that better? lmao

>> No.17727486

Buddy we've already established you don't understand human emotion

>> No.17727487

im not even the same guy you ape. answer the questions in >17727479

>> No.17727489

I've already stated chickens are fucking evil.
Zero compassion. The only worry is I might catch the curse from the meat.

>> No.17727491
File: 19 KB, 403x389, d6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somewhere in the distant past, your ancestors stabbed a deer, watched it drag its entrails over half a mile, slowing bleeding to death so you can exist today, crying on a mongolian basket weaving forum over baby chickens.

>> No.17727494

Are you a hawk retard? No you're a human, however you don't understand what emotions a human might have because you are autistic or have some other personality disorder.

>> No.17727501


are you a woman?

>> No.17727502

not my problem

>> No.17727505

Stop watching so many gore videos, your brain is rotten and that only happened in your lineage which explains your current disposition.

>> No.17727507

Do you have a personality disorder?

>> No.17727514

Oh this is wrong because of completely irrational emotions

>> No.17727519

Allowing logical reasoning to override emotions is what sets humans apart from animals.
You're not quite there though, it seems.

>> No.17727520

how much would chicken cost if it wasnt raised this way?because if its +100% it wouldnt be that bad but if it quadrupled the price...

>> No.17727522

Morality is inherently tied to emotion you dumb fuck. There is no such thing as objective morality. We establish a baseline for morality through shared emotion, we meaning not you because you're autistic.

>> No.17727524

>has never done any self sustaining hunting. much less bow hunting (because then you'll understand most of the time in a natural situation death isnt instant and suffering is inevitable)
>has never understood the cycle of life and death
>has never thought about what real survival in the wild means
>has never appreciated where his food comes from
>has no respect for what mother nature really is

ok, go buy your organic veggies from a supermarket and cry over things you dont understand

>> No.17727528

its 5:30 in the fucking morning. anon just tabbed out of /gif/ or /d/ or whatever fucking disgusting place, and is now in post-masturbation guilt mode. hey you stupid retard, instead of draining your balls to porn every night, how about you learn how nature works


>> No.17727537

not that anon but fuck snakes. bunnies are cool

>> No.17727540


>> No.17727542

chickens are dumb robots

what's evil is breeding humans and human reproduction / experimentation in general

there are weirdos who hoard like 12 kids in a little house and it's legal

>> No.17727544

based birdbro, ty anon. i am not even against eating bunnies. we had them for meat till like 2010, but they got too expensive and labour intense.
what i am saying is fuck snakes

>> No.17727548

> We establish a baseline for morality through shared emotion, we meaning not you because you're autistic.

The shared emotion is chicken is fucking delicious and nobody gives a fuck about it when it's alive.

You're an outlier and a weirdo not fit to live in a society.

>> No.17727583

Did the little chickies tell you that they are unconfortable?

No? Then shut the fuck up. Cattle exist to be slaughtered.

>> No.17727588

Those chickens are inherently ruined from lack of (normal) socialization or any possibility of it so they really have no future but as meat. There is an incel joke somewhere here but I hate women so I won't make it

>> No.17727589

there was no joke

>> No.17727590

They took that picture to evoke Auschwitz

>> No.17727593

imagine you have an button for ever human and you can turn it to meat lust +10000%

>> No.17727602

Tyson decided they wanted to make a billion dollars. Why are you pretending as if you have any agency whatsoever beyond condoning animal abuse from your bedroom

>> No.17727613

Is this true? It sounds plausible, like how Muslims always stampede each other when some stupid event causes them to swarm.
I'm gonna call bullshit, because its just too awesome to be true. Chickens, acting like piranhas in a feeding frenzy... any low budget film maker could pull that off with a budget under $100K? Just buy a warehouse full of chickens for filming opportunities, lots of 4K cameras and let the gore flow. The profit opportunity for such material is obvious, but to my knowledge it hasn't happened. I guess its just a plausible imagination scenario.

>> No.17727620

Hey. Check out the name of this board.
My agency is food. What is your agency spewing bullshit propaganda here?

>> No.17727621

>Sure, but this world does not care about moral.
Gtfo with your moral realism nerd.

>> No.17727630

That image breaks my heart. Go vegan.

>> No.17727633

>He thinks anything except for moral realism automatically is nihilistic
Either decent bait, or terminal retardation.

>> No.17727638

dont need to defend it, we can so we do. why do i need to care about everything with a face?

>> No.17727641

subhuman mindset

>> No.17727643

Then go to a food thread wannabe janny

>> No.17727644

>dont need to defend it
That's fair
>we can so we do
Sub 0 IQ. If you don't want to defend it, that's fine, but for the love of god, don't try to do so anyways after, especially not with a shit argument like that. "I can, therefore it is moral" is a stupid proposition. I can murderrape babies, is it therefore moral?

>> No.17727649

>its wrong because it just is okay
give me a reason, saying "you should just know and agree with me already" is incredibly autistic and is little more than screaming your claim over and over thinking thats how you win an argument
are you a woman?

>> No.17727655

Sorry bud, iykyk

>> No.17727656

>I can, therefore it is moral
i didnt say it was moral, i said the morality is irrelevant.

>> No.17727682

Ran out of arguments? Still no agency beyond spewing extremist antisocial fringe propaganda.

Morality is defined by the consensus of the society. And the consensus of the society is industrial chicken production is okay. Only nutjobs like you protest it.

>> No.17727691

"I can therefore it is morally neutral" isn't any better.
"I can" is not a justification for any act, so just leave it out. Literally just say "I don't need/want to defend it" and leave it at that.
Making descriptive claims to defend against prescriptive accusations is retarded and hiding behind "muh realism" doesn't change that.
I'm not even sure why I am so autistically fixated on this, it just makes me seethe.

>> No.17727722

You know damn well there is tons of shit you don't agree with society on, on moral grounds or otherwise.

>> No.17727743

No, if you live in a third world country with food shortages it might be defensible in order to avoid starvation.

>> No.17727745

I wouldn't say "tons of shit". There are some differences, that's what differentiates an individual from the masses.

It's the crusader attitude that differentiates a nutjob from an individual. Going to a cooking board and protesting chicken. Hopeless.

>> No.17727749

No you have to live around rich urban culture. Like when my girl was walking our dog the other day and realized she was stepping in someone's blood. I love the city so much you will too.

>> No.17727755

What's wrong with it? Because there is a lot of them in one place? How does there being a lot of other chickens around cause more suffering a for a chicken when it gets killed?

>> No.17727756

there are nice walkable cities without dead bodies but they're in europe fyi
(inb4 schizo poltard memes)

>> No.17727779

To be honest with you I feel like all this hate on the US suburbs is from people who never grew up there or blame them for being weirdos with no friends. I grew up in a suburb, rode my bike to elementary school, played outside every day in our typical neighborhood with tons of houses that look similar, there were parks and shit there. I played team sports, did boy scouts, etc. There is plenty of community life without "walkable" cities. I live in a major US city now, where I can talk to the grocery store, I don't feel more community here.

>> No.17727781

Meat in an indispensable food source

>> No.17727787

I can therefor I do regardless of whether you think it's good or bad. I'm not trying to justify it because I don't need to justify it. I was always saying that you mong

>> No.17727790

Classic brainlet argument

>> No.17727795

it's nice when you are a kid
then it's very boring

>> No.17727800

only boring people say they are bored

>> No.17727801


>> No.17727807

i spoke to a girl who grew up on a farm and she explicitely labelled chickens as "evil" because they are extremely violent and cruel and would literally lie in wait for her so they could jump her and attack her.

>> No.17727810

cope with being a boring faggot

>> No.17727814
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Sounds like they recognized she was a stupid trouble making cunt and deserved being attacked. Chickens are perfectly harmless if you don't fuck with them like a stupid trouble making cunt. In other words, your stupid trouble making cunt friend was a stupid trouble making cunt.

>> No.17727827

now you're seething

>> No.17727828

Chickens love eating the eyes of children

>> No.17727829

>I can therefor I do regardless of whether you think it's good or bad.
Why make the statment then? What value does it have?
"People do things because they can do things and they don't do things that they can't do" is an absolutely empty statement devoid of any value.
It's like saying "The sky is blue" or "If today is wednesday, then tomorrow it's thursday". It's true, but has literally 0 value.

>> No.17727835

I'd rather be seething than be a boring faggot

>> No.17727844

OP claimed the act is indefensible and evil, he is wrong. It resolved the question. How do you not understand this?

>> No.17727863

This, i just love the HUSTLE and BUSTLE of the big city

>> No.17727881

for me, it's the local chippy

>> No.17727902
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It's hyperbole. But chickens will peck at red and they will kill chickens with open wounds till they die. They have to sell a blue disinfectant powder for chicken injuries to keep them from killing hurt birds.

>> No.17727906

She's talking about roosters and yes they'll wait to ambush you if they don't think you're in charge.

>> No.17727917

You could have just said 'yes'.

>> No.17727918

kill yourself

>> No.17727925

Yes it is

>> No.17727926

There are a growing number of small chicken farms these days, it's more than a 100% difference but I don't have hard numbers for you. Like $10-15 for a whole bird maybe? That might just be my local price and she's the only free-range in the area, can charge whatever she wants for now.

>> No.17727996
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>Red skin and blood naturally draw attention. Instinct urges them to peck at red marks, as chickens find the taste of blood rewarding. Soon many chickens may be pecking at wounds on one bird. This leads to cannibalism—not as a predatory or aggressive act, but as a response to the lure of blood.
What the fuck chickens are literally the devil

>> No.17728003

Lol are you envious of seethe? Are you capable of being roused to such a state? Or do you dispassionately observe what you cannot have like a 600 pound fatty having to give way in a hallway so two regular sized people may pass?

>> No.17728007

Lol. People cant even be bothered to go get their own fast food anymore. You really expect me to believe anyone actually has a problem with someone else raising thousands of chickens at a time so that they can keep door dashing their KFC?

>> No.17728009

Retard here, in which product are those chicken actually used ? The eggs and chicken breasts I buy all have the mention "outdoor" (there's also a class associated). Circumvent-able labels, false advertising or is this meat used in heavily processed food/fast food industry ?

>> No.17728014

nothing matters right?? just drive with your seatbelt off broski

>> No.17728015

Look up the definition for free range. It can be very deceptive

>> No.17728017

I seethe a lot actually so I know it when I see it

>> No.17728213

now here's a /ck/ book i would read

>> No.17728217

Obviously my brain wants me to live, but it's not my problem if something else I never met dies, same as you wouldn't care if I died. If you think you care about animals or even people you've never known, you're are just pretending

>> No.17728404

>"living breathing animals?"
literally not an animal you fucking retard
stopped reading

>> No.17728408

>haha things are bad so we shouldn't try to improve
kill yourself unironically

>> No.17728417
File: 67 KB, 850x400, quote-the-industrial-revolution-and-its-consequences-have-been-a-disaster-for-the-human-race-theodore-kaczynski-74-94-79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17728445

They are checked when they are hatched. Males go to a different area. Most of them are killed because they are just used to breed next batch of chicken and they don't produce eggs. Males are also more violent and need to be kept in the dark or they will fight eachother.

>> No.17728446

they are basically mini raptors that evolved to be meaty and delicious

>> No.17728455

>no argument
Concession accepted

>> No.17728460

>things are bad
This has not been established

>> No.17728492

>things are
>haha we shouldn't improve them
waiting your brilliant insight that reducing pain/suffering and improving living conditions "isn't actually improvement"

>> No.17728496
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>say thing
>thing is false
>"le no argument"

>> No.17728511

>no such thing as objective morality
Imagine being this subverted

>> No.17728519

Friendly reminder that all ‘muh animal welfare/abolish meat consumption’ groups are all misanthropic manic-depressive communists that just want to reduce the western standard of living to “atone for historical transgressions and dismantle capitalism”. Vegans are useful idiot communists, and should be treated as such.

>> No.17728524

Europe is a shithole, there’s a reason why the only people who live there are the people who can’t afford to leave

>> No.17728529

Chickens aren't human. They don't feel. They just act as dictacted by instincts

>> No.17728545


>> No.17728546

>hurr all life huh then what about bacteria
well congrats you proved with yourself that all life being valuable is wrong

>> No.17728547

To the contrary, I’d wager the vast majority of people who hate suburbs are middle class kids who grew up in a suburb. What causes it is they go balls-deep into marxism, then quickly realise they aren’t the “oppressed working class” that Marx put on a pedestal. This makes them bitterly angry because it means they’ll never be the revolutionary martyrs they wish they were, so they lash out and attack the concept of suburbs as a way to work through their anger for having grown up with a normal happy childhood.
This is also where intersectionalism comes from; privileged middle class/upper class kids trying to find ways that they were ‘systemically oppressed’, just so they can larp as communist revolutionaries without having to confront the fact they are the exact sort of people Marx said should be killed.

>> No.17728548

extreme cope
I'm shartmerican and europe is much nicer
your cope about money is because USA has very high inequality, so only a few can enjoy the nice things

>> No.17728556

>makes no case for why things need to be improved
>makes no concrete suggestion on how they can be improved
“We don’t provide solutions, we just demand them”

>make common sense argument
>”i disagree”; provides no counter argument
>implying this alone is good enough to discredit the original point

>> No.17728560

My solution to many problems is to throw the gays and the trannies into a bog

>> No.17728566
File: 107 KB, 768x562, 4AFFA423-9745-4198-95E1-08E2B30CBC52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europe is so cultured and pretty!

>> No.17728574
File: 150 KB, 750x949, 735E8358-EAD3-45D6-B8E2-956F5864C2E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle class salaries in the US are higher than everywhere in europe, bar micronations like Monaco and Luxembourg. Otherwise, the average yuro is dirt poor. The only people who say otherwise are cityfags (you) who believed the propaganda spoonfed to you by the education system, and yurotrash drunk on sour grapes

>> No.17728575

>balls-deep into marxism
no it's just people who move somewhere with nice public transit, walkways, bike paths, etc...
pretty nice just walking out the door and getting food not
>time for tendies, time to drive 10min each way for fast food

also I always thought plain green lawns were stupid
britbong style gardens are so much better. and it's more common to grow herbs

>> No.17728578

Oh boy. Romania. Truly an achievement to be better than them.

>> No.17728581

and yet the quality of life is better
you can't buy common sense and taste

>> No.17728585

People generally don't like suburbs for precisely that reason, them being good places to raise kids/retire to for a certain portion of the population makes it untenable for other types of activity. They rarely have any semblance of nightlife for young adults and simultanouesly lack the visual beauty and serenity of the countryside since if your old/have kids you don't want to be far away from essentials such as shops/schools/doctors ect.

>> No.17728590

pure schizoposting

>> No.17728620
File: 586 KB, 2048x1365, france.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it may be evil
but at least you can't say it's inhumane

>> No.17728621

Dumb post. Everyone believes what they're doing is moral

>> No.17728627


>> No.17728655

This is actually a case where 'systematic' violence is true. We don't need nor want to eat chicken prepared like this - if they took the system away I doubt anyone except a few 'enthusiasts' would care. There's NO WAY real People have such a desire for chicken that there's any need to factory farm. The process is reversed. They farm chicken (create a problem) and then sell them as food (create the solution.)
I rank this violence alongside other memetic indulgences like the expenditure of young males in wars, like the atrocious underside and repressed forces of asian societies (yet we continue to see all humans as human beings) like chattel slavery.
This is literally a physical instatiation of a 'loosh farm' if anyone is familiar with it. It's not evil, that would suggest birds are capable of human rationality necessary to call it evil. Unlike my other examples humans can't totally empathise or understand the experiences of these chickens. For all we know they are completely placated 'NPC chickens' - it suggests that the experience of the chick is absolutely irrelevant to the existence of the spectacle of such annihilation of life.
Needs to be other way around.
Most humans operate with reasoning that would suggest lacking consciousness (why else would they continue to eat factory farmed animals) which can be awakened with certain techniques; same techniques that people see in animals (humans) with 'personalities' aka, pets (living mirrors.)
Eyesores (and memesores) are bigger problems than people admit. In fact, they are the biggest problems of all time.
But, if you read my first reply, you shall see how one can systematically refute factory farming on the basis that it is itself systematically inefficient. People know it's a mistake but continue to participate, is what makes it evil. (like trench warfare / infintry lines, for example.) The three other examples you listed are bad, in ascending order or importance.

>> No.17728656

Nice looking pizzas

>> No.17728659

>implying npcs think
95% of humanity, anon.
95% are npcs.

>> No.17728698


>immediately shifts the goalposts

Define ‘quality of life’
>how socialised and collectivised everything is, of course!

>> No.17728805

what exactly do birds feel? If I tortured a lil chicken why would that be bad? Would the little guy suffer like you or me, or a chimp or a dog? What about a cockroach? Should I not torture a cockroach? Or a fish?

>> No.17728970

what cities have you even been in for more than a week

>> No.17728995

If they took the system away, everyone would care. Because everyone would be immediately impacted. "Nuh uh. Not me, I'm a vegan bro!" Great. So, I assume you grow all your own vegan food. Because the same system that puts chickens in chicken houses also allows for the industrial farming of vegetables. If equity is the end goal, industrial farming can't exist. Because the only thing that makes it financially viable right now is the insane amount of migrant workers that are used. And they certainly don't have my equality of outcome when compared to you.

>> No.17728999

My hometown that I will not name, New York, New Orleans, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Philadelphia, DC, London, Edinburgh, Cardiff. I’ve also visited many other cities for less than a week.

>> No.17729000

Turely the use of the word 'torture' implies causing pain or suffering, or else you'd call it cuddling or tickling or some shit. The question is why would you want to torture anything?

>> No.17729065

how is a suburb "nicer" than edinburgh
it's literally like harry potter here
and I got a chippy
you have no chippy seething amerishart

>> No.17729167

I agree it's fucked up. Bit it definitely is defensible when you bring up cheap food for the masses.

Having said that I think its pretty retarded how we produce food these days. But people are so addicted to vidya and porn and random unnecessary materialistic bullshit we have lost any connection to our food. Modern "civilized" humans have lost their purpose and lost touch with nature. OP's pic is just a symptom to a much more destructive disease. It's really, REALLY easy for someone to raise their own poultry, both for eggs and meat. And when you raise your own birds their quality of life increases dramatically.

People raising their own birds would also eliminate grinding up make chicks. People would simply raise the roosters for meat just like they did back in the day before the modern broiler was created. You can easily do this now by just supporting a small hatchery. All the small hatcheries I bought my birds from would offer male layer breeds for a cheaper price.

>> No.17729179
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Or just raise your own poultry or support a small farmer.

>> No.17729188

>it’s just like HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!
It’s pretty to look at, but miserable to live in. No property, no privacy, expensive, loud, completely reliant on public services for even basic necessities. Rather like living in a gilded cage.

>> No.17729212

All the nuggets.

>> No.17729218

looks just like a bunch of chickens to me...

>> No.17729224

>>living breathing animals.
>you know what else is "living breathing animals?"
>-the trillions of bacteria you kill every time you clean your toilet
>-the thousands of insects and other microorganisms you kill with each single step on the grass
>-the tens of thousands of small livestock that get killed by combine harvesters, habitat loss, fertilizer runoff just for plant food

>but but those dont count
yes, they dont count, they arent sentient and they cant feel pain you absolute retard
No one, even vegans believe that all life is equally precious

>> No.17729227
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But then again, who is?

>> No.17729229

i mean except for the last one i didnt read much of your autism

>> No.17729248
File: 60 KB, 964x912, 1643579641174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is factory farming supposed to evoke images of the holocaust?

>> No.17729257

They should all get a free college education and be allowed to vote.

>> No.17729300

Chickens aren’t sentient either. Meanwhile, there’s good evidence plants feel what can be described as pain.

>> No.17729334

my grandparents both survived auschwitz and both would think there was something wrong with you if you didn't eat meat.

Livestock don't starve to death.

>> No.17729530

you didn't just move the goal posts, you changed sports entirely
congrats i guess, faggot

>> No.17729547

thought this was an Auschwitz thread at first

>> No.17729564

My wife thinks I don't drink anymore but I still do. I don't think it's moral in any way but I'm an alcoholic.

>> No.17729582

>hurr ancestor go unga unga thats why I also must go unga bunga
had to be a nigger

>> No.17729600
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Everyone ate meat, It tastes good, we've been eating other living beings since we were those tiny rats scraping by the Dinosaurs. Thus its not bad to eat meat nor evil
+ why does it taste so good?

>> No.17729661
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Girardfag is that you?

>> No.17729669

>not just getting drunk as shit 24/7 and have the occasional fuck instead of settling down and hiding what you like to do
are you dumb?

>> No.17729673
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Putting your seatbelt on = fear of death, driving without a seatbelt = lust for life. It’s why we ride motorcycles etc.

>> No.17729684

>Tell me they are not evil again.
Chicken are based retards

>> No.17729717
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rly makes u think

>> No.17729728

Not my problem

>> No.17729814

This. You might seethe at Peta but they're right. Become a vegan.
Because it's impossible for those chickens to be anything but miserable when they're this cramped. You try going into a claustrophobic room with thousands of other humans. You can't stand other humans in the best of days. What makes you think chickens are any different?

>> No.17729848

>no argument

>> No.17729857

Chickens do not have the cognitive resonance to understand their situation. They are only concerned with avoiding immediate pain, and eating. They consume, sleep, shit, then die. That is all their life ever will be, regardless of if they’re in a battery or in the asian jungles where they are native.

Why should I assign human morality to a creature that, if it were large enough, would eat me alive without remorse?

>> No.17729902

tendies go into the oven

>> No.17729955

I grew up around chicken
They are fucking assholes

>> No.17730011

>Why should I assign human morality to a creature that, if it were large enough, would eat me alive without remorse?
Vegans don’t even bother trying to refute this argument, which goes to show how right it is

>> No.17730021

Please demonstrate how all other classification systems are wrong and bacteria are actually animals.

>> No.17730033
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they were bred for a purpose, who am I to deny them that purpose

>> No.17730519

I think the answer is a middle ground. We can have more cottagecore, we can have more walkable cities, and we can retain some of our car-dependent suburbs. Easy.

Most American cities need to be more... Traversable, with bike lanes and banning cars from some streets pedestrianizing them.
Some suburbs need to upzoned if they're not situated well. Not all, because I think our suburbs are iconic and people still want to live that way. But essentially the "little boxes" are our pods.
>Living in them with no sense of local community,
>nothing to do nearby (*especially* when there's no river/lake to play in)
>bland walking experiences --moving on monotonous pavement past house after evenly spaced house
>needing to get in you car to do literally anything
This is exactly kind of soulless bullshit 4channers generally hate but somehow it becomes acceptable when it's >muh suburb

America 100% needs more villages with cute little cottages on them. I'm thinking more like Englands rural areas, which are so different from Americas.
Debate my well-adjusted takes if you disagree!

>> No.17730532

But then you're an adult with a car

>> No.17730546

>chickens will peck at red and they will kill chickens with open wounds till they die
Chickens have red things on their heads. They're not constantly pecking each other in the head. Your statement doesn't make sense.

>> No.17730550

>Why should I assign human morality to a creature
because it can feel pain. anything else is irrelevant.

>> No.17730556

chickens are dumber than plants believe it or not, and if they were actually stressed out by those conditions the meat would get tough and shitty

>> No.17730559
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everyone becomes a moral anti-realist all of a sudden kek

>> No.17730590

there are genocides currently happening in the world as well as first world governments sponsoring and funding the mass killings of unborn children and you niggas are worried about chickens

>> No.17730599

>first world governments sponsoring and funding the mass killings of unborn children
We are overpopulated as it is

>> No.17730607

>there are genocides currently happening in the world
you can care about multiple things at a time, anon
>mass killings of unborn children
if fetuses should have the right to life, why not animals?

>> No.17730614

>all these anons calling chickens evil
LMAO just walk away like they can’t even fly how overweight are you, bunch of cat fags in this thread I bet people who wave to you when they’re walking their dog triggers you losers

>> No.17730617

So what, you're never bored? Not even when you're stuck in the waiting room for the dentist? How about waiting for your girlfriend to finally be ready to go out? The fact is that some experiences are boring. If your some kind of psychopath who really never gets bored that fine, but you need to realize that you are in the minority.

Probably an accurate portrayal of many of white women on Twitter, but your conjecture just a bit too widly. um like >>17728590 said lol.
>The VAST majority of people who hate suburbs...
>[they] quickly realise they aren’t le “oppressed working class” that Marx put on a pedestal. This makes them bitterly angry
Just projecting at this point lol.
>This is also where intersectionalism comes from; privileged middle class/upper class kids trying to find ways that they were ‘systemically oppressed’,
Yeah hard agree there actually.

I think this is a really valuable post and I don't see people talking about why suburbs are good very often. I also hadn't considered that they're relatively good for child rearing bc I think villages and small towns are superior. But those are so different I guess it's not really a fair comparison.

>> No.17730641

Chickens are bred for us to use them for food. If the entire planet decided to stop eating chicken and eggs tomorrow they would basically go extinct. What, you think they would go frolicking in fields and settling down and loving life if they weren't killed for food? They are barely aware of their own existence.
A child being conceived and then murdered because a woman doesn't want to face the consequences of her actions is not the same thing as chickens being used for food.

that's a myth but go off and live in the pod i guess

>> No.17730857

If you make abortions illegal then it also has to be illegal for dads to abandon their family

>> No.17730864

why is that evil?
animals are animals
factory farming chickens provided cheap accessible and plentiful food for man, that is moral
morality does not apply to animals

>> No.17730868

You make the mistake of thinking we care about dog meat.

Though desu I don't care what animal it is you shouldn't boil it alive. This includes lobsters.

>> No.17730872

Ah yes because the jews were all super fat and never worked before they were killed.

>> No.17730876

Most modern convenience is built on blood & suffering. It's up to each of us to decide what to tolerate. Cutting out everything unethical would mean leaving off the grid in a hut.

>> No.17730878

>Conveyer belts are... LE BAD

>> No.17730887

Nothing wrong with eating meat. The problem is capitalism and globalisation

>> No.17730895
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>Males are also more violent and need to be kept in the dark or they will fight eachother.

>> No.17731042

use your legs fatass

>> No.17731060

He's right, you pussies are mas because you know it.

>> No.17731592

>If you make abortions illegal then it also has to be illegal for dads to abandon their family
You do realize that a whopping majority of pro-life people are also Christians who would agree with this, or did you really think it was about muh womens rights?

>> No.17731610

>So what, you're never bored? Not even when you're stuck in the waiting room for the dentist? How about waiting for your girlfriend to finally be ready to go out?
Honestly, no. I never feel bored. Even if I'm by myself with literally nothing to do I just start thinking about stuff. I'm starting to realize a lot of normalshits don't have the ability to form their own thoughts or imagination hence why they constantly complain about being bored.

>> No.17731636

Nope just a requirement for a world with nearly 8 billion people. Same reasoning for why everything is carb-based. To make sure we have enough food for every person on the planet we have to maximize space which fuels degradation. We are far outside the walls of The Garden desu

>> No.17731639

The Day of Reckoning, by Patricia Highsmith.

>> No.17731689

not my problem

>> No.17731718

This is way i 99% of the time only buy free range outdoor eggs

>> No.17731753
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So what? Why should I care?

>> No.17731941

Rural and suburban pheasants will never understand the hustle and bustle of the coop

>> No.17732033

I suppose you should dilate.

>> No.17732043

Really? You do things because they're moral and not the path of least resistance? I know I don't

>> No.17732046

The path of least resistance is moral, in a utilitarian sense

>> No.17732211

Bacteria are not animals. They are bacteria.

>> No.17732253

>no deadbeat dad has ever called himself a Christian

>> No.17732278
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I think meat is truly a necessary evil until humanity figures out Star Trek food replicators.

For instance, say this happened:
>"I wish everybody became a vegetarian!"
I believe mass starvation would occur due to farming fruits and vegetables being too slow of a process. Chickens are bred to get plump and be slaughtered in mere weeks and they yield several pounds of meat per chicken. You can't get the same yields with fruits and veggies. There wouldn't be enough food to go around if we ALL became vegetarians.

>> No.17732346

>bacteria are animals
Did you fail biology in high school?

>> No.17732382
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Agricultural without animals depleted the soil. You need them to process wastes and inoculation soil and eat pests.

>> No.17732528

yeh about a chicken burger

>> No.17732620

Only africa, south america, and asia are overpopulated. But the depopulation schemes seem only to exclusively target europe and north america, for some reason

>> No.17732621

>They're not constantly pecking each other in the head.
they want to though. it drives constant reassertion of the pecking order

>> No.17732668


Fuck off cocksucking bitch faggot. Chicken are under the domain of Man like all fucking animals.

>> No.17732670

the rooster dindu nuffin. he wuz a good chicken in school trying get his life around. we need more programs to stop dis from happening.

>> No.17732774

Yeah, you're right. But financial viability isn't an honest bottom line, it's an accepted standard of living. And, if that standard of living is accepted, then it's counter-standard shall become valid 'for consideration' by proxy. The rest of history could be powered by industrial scale death, if we wanted. But one could ask themselves, why allow it at all? Is it worth a billion meat grinder deaths just for a fat tummy full of McSludge? At the end of time, when we have exhausted our death anxiety binging on KFC, we die anyway. Why waste that food?
Why contain it?

>> No.17732802

This is the most naive thought terminating cliche anon. Of course "the world" cares about it. Free range chickens are a huge deal. Are you a third worlder? That would explain your mistake and also why you think morality doesn't matter.

>> No.17732841

Nobody asked or cares what you do, check OP before you post next time. this thread is for discussing morality of industrial chicken farming, not for sharing personal anecdotes of whether or not you eat chicken.

>> No.17732917

>being pedantic and ignoring rest of the valid points

>> No.17732945

What valid points?
I should stop cleaning my toilet because there's bacteria there?

>> No.17732972

>I should stop cleaning my toilet because there's bacteria there?


>> No.17733000

Do you want white countries ending up like Africa?

>> No.17733006

>You do realize that a whopping majority of pro-life people are also Christians who would agree with this,
Pro-birthers dont give a single shit about kids once they are out of the womb.

>> No.17733015

That might be because we have good education and a good job and don't need any more people here.