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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 650x650, birria-tacos-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17726588 No.17726588 [Reply] [Original]

I do not understand the hype.

>> No.17726610

It's a fatass thing. You wouldn't get it.

>> No.17726616

They'res nothing to be hyped about. It's cheap tasty greasy shit. American foodies and bloggers just needed a new flavor of the month. I wonder when they are going to make choripan a thing.

>> No.17726622

It's like a lot of trends. It was associated as a thing to have because it was considered new or hard to get. It's becoming more common now and people are already shit talking it more.

I even saw some fella here write about how "we've had these since 2019, who gives a shit?" This board is mostly people status seeking using food as their measure.

>> No.17726629

Have you tried good ones? I get what you mean about them being super overhyped but damn I love me some good birria tacos.
Makes me wonder why Taco Bell hasn't took a crack at them yet. Maybe they're not the best for a fast food place but I wouldn't know. I've never owned a restaraunt. They seem cheap, fast and easy to me.

>> No.17726634

>French dip
>French dip, Mexico

>> No.17726643

>slow cooked beef dish:
>slow cooked beef, made by brown people:

That's all you need to know

>> No.17726646
File: 121 KB, 700x1050, FAD8AF30-345D-40C4-94BE-C199FA0A2AB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choripan is fucking delicious though. Chimichurri is simply a god tier sauce that goes with so many foods.

>> No.17726669

I'm not saying it sucks. But it's cheap tasty street slop that everyone likes so I figure foodies will jump on it as the next trend.

>> No.17726717

made em for my family a few times, they love it
its not as complicated as the blogs make it
stew meat
remove and shred
dip tortillas in stew
make taco and fry
not particularly unhealthy either but meh

>> No.17726853

isn't it just a mini beef quesadilla?

>> No.17726971

another virtue-signalling /pol/tard blowing his dogwhistle in the cooking board, go figure

if you cant fathom how to make a slow-cooked beef dish to impress then you're a useless cook, its fucking easy

>> No.17727045

literally everything in one dish

>> No.17727052

It's nothing special either.

>> No.17727073

this, its tacos french dip. amazing concept and as a fatass i can truly appreciate that.

>> No.17728737

What are those deep-fried tacos called?
I had a plate of them once stuffed with thinly sliced beef cooked on a flat surface with fried onions and American cheese. That's right.
Cheesesteak tacos.
Were good.
Cheesesteak eggrolls are also good as are cheesesteak burritos.

>> No.17729027
File: 319 KB, 1200x1517, taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jaliscofags are fags and their best food in Jalisco is literal KFC or another american chain restaurant. Not even Tequila is good since they have many brands competing with each other they have lowered their quality. That being said, being said, those tacos are ok, but is not like they are god tier. Veracruz on the other hand has the best tacos and salsas. Just because the majority of Taputios live in U.S.A, they get more promoted. Jalisjotos are just following Taco Bell in their creations, but hey, mention to any mexican if taco bell is real mexican and they get ass blasted.
its a vinagreta, dumbass [insert ethnicity]

>> No.17729091

i guess if I had never had decent mexican food in my life I'd be hyped about it.

It's like if all you ever had was chipotle, taco bell, and shit tier mexican restaurants, then like yeah these are probably pretty good and a different experience. If you have a decent mexican population in your city and or are a solid cook, so it wouldn't impress you at all...