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17724690 No.17724690 [Reply] [Original]

New York State makes better Pizza than Italy.
stay mad

>> No.17724947

Obviously because Italy views pizza as a peasant dish that is cheap to make during poverty. They dont care to improve on it.

>> No.17725033

Finnish pizza is superior to both desu.

>> No.17725046
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>new york? I prefer Chicago pizza

>> No.17725064

we all know Japanese pizza is superior desu

>> No.17725291
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>> No.17725596

maine makes better pizza than california

>> No.17726174

New Jersey makes better cheese steaks than Philly

>> No.17726215


>> No.17728107

unironically pretty much every other country makes italian food better than italians

>> No.17728503
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imagine not enjoying Pistachio and Mortadella, Pumpkin and sausage, Pizza Mimosa, and other 300 types of flavor combinations because Achmed undercooked your Margherita

>> No.17728513

stay mad mutt

>> No.17728645

good pizzas are very rare in this amerilard infested website

>> No.17728667

I consider them two different styles that can’t be matched against each other. Italian pizza is more rustic and reliant on the freshness and simplicity of the ingredients while NY style is more of a fast-food pizza with tons of sauce and cheese compared to the other. One is to be enjoyed on the patio on a warm day where the other is to eat on the go or during a night of partying. Sometimes I enjoy one, other times the other. Limiting yourself to one style is pleb tier. Except for Chicago deep dish, which is good, but not pizza.

>> No.17728677

Why do n*w j*rsey scumfags always need to cope for living between the superior states of NY and PA? If you didn’t have beaches you’d only be known as a trash dump (and still pretty much are cause your beaches suck)

>> No.17728690
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Detroit style pizza >>>>

>> No.17728699
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>thinking any other pizza matters

>> No.17728726

CT pizza >>>

>> No.17728759
File: 66 KB, 550x413, 2DCE94F2-2344-4A5E-B81D-E18B855813F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it’s Old Forge, PA, the pizza capital of the World.

>> No.17729009
File: 74 KB, 472x354, 9EBA4A1F-0E70-4218-BADA-82D6409CD2E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie man, that do be looking good asf

>> No.17729168

Found the Philadelphian

>> No.17729178

Connecticut and MD make better pizza than NY and that’s not trolling bucko

>> No.17729192

RI and CT both crush Philly when it comes to a decent grinder/cheesesteak

>> No.17729208
File: 117 KB, 1000x1000, 0f0ea0f57fb3b07feaf7cb2cba2bb3b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

connecticut CHADS rise up

>> No.17729210


>> No.17729223

not really up there often, but i'll take your word for it next time I find myself there

>> No.17729359

margherita ain't even real pizza, it's basically a type of bread

>> No.17729400

you can continue to take their word for it and not go there. frank pepes and the other "legendary" places are actually mediocre-above average for the entire region. you truly are not missing anything notable

>> No.17730609

The best pizza city in America is New Haven, Connecticut.

>> No.17730642

No shit, pizza is an American food, not an Italian one.
t. Jersey guido, have never witnessed any relative make pizza.

>> No.17730648

NJ is secretly the best state. Simple as.

>> No.17730763

Jersey barely has anything

>> No.17730777

Post it I'm unironically curious

>> No.17730779

>americans unironicaly think this

>> No.17730832
File: 274 KB, 1241x1185, 772F6D0F-17B2-4CC6-AEDB-C346289BA73D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Northern jersey in the NYC metro area is basically having access to everything in NYC, but without living somewhere that smells like sewage and being able to afford a little house or condo with a yard on a normal person’s salary. Also basically no crime in comparison, and the people are friendlier. Actual Manhattan dwellers get very salty about any reminder that they are hemorrhaging money and dodging criminals at night to be ten minutes closer to broadway.
When I first moved here I rented a 2bd condo with a yard for less than what a coworker was paying for a temporary-walled 10x8 room in a shared apartment in Hell’s Kitchen. We both worked in the financial district and it took me maybe 15 minutes longer to get to work.
NYC is fun. Living in Manhattan is just a money pit for social climber types.

>> No.17730859

Take a deep breath; you still have to live in Connecticut. Your beaches are kino NGL

>> No.17730890

Hope you're not talking about Pat's Pizza

>> No.17731057

But what is there to do in northern nj?

>> No.17731151

go to NYC

>> No.17731169

1) it's not pizza
2) the ingredient that makes the biggest difference is your sewer water from century old rusted pipes

>> No.17731536

>t. seething shitalian
why do you mongrelized retards seethe so much?

>> No.17731564
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i have yet to encounter a pizza i didn't like. all regional variances have their own charm and things to appreciate.
pizza is just really good food bros.

>> No.17731624

Nta, but the only thing I know about Pizza and Japan is that having a Pizza oven is supposedly a massive flex over there.

>> No.17731633

They probably make better NY-style pizza but not many places are really trying to compete (for obvious reasons)

>> No.17731851


>> No.17732908

what is the archetypal NY pizza, the platonic ideal? plain slice, pepperoni?

>> No.17732912

Whatever you want as long as your paying and fold the slice

>> No.17732920

>waddeva you wan so long as youse foldin tha sliiiice
just answer the fucking question

>> No.17732924
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I did faggot.

>> No.17733240

you didn't
>What is the most representative new york pizza?
>>eyyyy who givesafug so long as youse payin

>> No.17733243

you don't understand the concept of how big a metropolis is, do you?

>> No.17733267

no matter how gargantuan your egos probably not as big as italy hey
are you deflecting because the answer is plain slice or pepperoni and a neapolitan margherita shits over that by default?

>> No.17733276

I can see your neurons firing, but not making much headway on the issue.
I'm having trouble seeing what's ambiguous about
>there isn't one, it doesn't fucking matter what you get

>> No.17733308

whoever wrote the wiki article seems to think the plain slice is the most traditional, feel free to come up with a better representation than a gimped margherita with shitter ingredients if you want to grow a spine

>> No.17733314

anon i…

>> No.17733319
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>tries to tell me about my culture after looking it up on a wiki page
stupid ho

>> No.17733345

you're too cowardly to front up with a contender so I have to look elsewhere
I know a neapolitan is going to back margherita because despite eyetie moaning they at least have self-respect and standards, whereas you won't do anything but hustle-and-bustlepost as a cope because you presumably think your pizza actually is a bit shit
it seems when it comes down to it you haven't truly managed to convince yourselves that soft water makes the best dough despite all wisdom to the contrary, or that a shake of dried oregano is better than fresh basil, or that preshredded strips of cow mozzarella from a bag is better than buffalo mozzarella from the ball

stop being so spineless and you might convince me otherwise

>> No.17733351
File: 26 KB, 442x525, 62a35d10-f6bc-11eb-b21a-0f55f6ce294b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New York State makes better Pizza than Italy.
>stay mad

>> No.17733352

I'm not reading your blog

>> No.17733360

remedial copeposting

>> No.17733994
File: 176 KB, 768x768, imagens-internas-blog-pizza-brigadeiro-768x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brasil makes better pizza than the whole world.
Stay mad

>> No.17734008

The only thing New York makes better than anyone is violent crime. It's up there with Los Angeles in drugs and filth, though.