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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17724421 No.17724421 [Reply] [Original]

>Everything food related has already been done. There will be nothing new. No more innovation.

>> No.17724431

deep sea food

>> No.17724455


>> No.17724461

What about tomato ketchup mixed with peas?

>> No.17724475

dat anglerfish gumbo

>> No.17724487
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Buy a Paco Jet and make all your food as quenelles

>> No.17724496

Never seen a earthworm burger yet!

>> No.17724553

food is infinite. there will always be something new to do with fusion, even if we have discovered every possible technique

>> No.17724561

Never been to McDonald's?

>> No.17724568

But I haven't tried all the food. Therefore the quest continues.

>> No.17724578

I'm a grownup, so not in like 30 years.

t boomr

>> No.17724586

>haven't been too busy to get food anywhere but the drive thru for 30 years
Neets aren't real adults.

>> No.17724597

True if big.

>> No.17724621

oftentimes I try and look up to see if people have come up with recipes or combinations of things I think would be good and there is nothing there. Nopal cactus pad pie with prickly pear topping, pumpkin and emu pot pie, pineapple cherry vanilla honey cola, yuenyeung fried chicken, etc.

>> No.17724628

Pumpkin and emu pot pie is the only one I would consume.

>> No.17724652

where the fuck am I gonna get an emu, man

>> No.17724665
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I put Gjetost on the pizza. Get FUCKED OP.

>> No.17724695

But food is incredibly generational and constantly changing and innovating. Have you ever seen a cookbook from 30 years ago, or 50 years ago or a century ago. They are called line cooks for a reason and that kind of thing leads to a lot of innovation. On top of that people are constantly moving to different parts of the world and adjusting their tastes for the tastes of the places they move, different parts of the world have revolutions in craft foods and suddenly it's easy to get some weird ingredient everywhere on earth and people are using it in pies, sandwiches, noodles, rice bowls and tacos. In the next 30 years China is gonna have an explosion of upper-middle class haute Napa Valley style outposts beyond Guangzhou and Shanghai that will take the current Chinese Street Food to its healthy and flavorful conclusion and that will spread like Covid. You've got a huge exodus from the Pierogi Belt into Western Europe and possibly South America. There is a big influx of MENAs and Indians into the American South that is gonna lead to some interesting things in Louisiana and Texas as well as the rest of the South, and there is a health food revolution in the United States that is only gonna accelerate as fast food starts to trend towards health consciousness.

On the other hand, Frito Lay will always find a new way to pop corn, wheat, rice or who the fuck knows chickpeas into some chip that travels the world and recrusts every fried food for a solid decade.

>> No.17724696

Emu paradise

>> No.17724707

why yes, emu paradise, where the noble emu may roam wild and free but to be caught and butchered for only to fulfill the whimsies, and stomachs, of man

>> No.17724708

Chef Bill and Klaus have plenty of innovative menu ideas for all of us very soon.

>> No.17724710

say la vee

>> No.17724711

Originality is meaningless. Execution is the only thing that matters.

>> No.17724712
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Oh shit does anyone have the original version of this meme (in OP) and maybe tell me the source please? I've been looking for it since for-fucking-ever son

>> No.17724718
File: 721 KB, 1920x808, R[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I searched for "alien mouth Ripley"

>> No.17724721

The alien did nothing wrong.

>> No.17724724

I feel like there is still a but of head space in the blended meats and water, and the use of loam/top soil as a flour substitute departments

>> No.17724737
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Awesome, thanks man, God be with you

>> No.17724742
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I don't like ants.

>> No.17724748

There is nothing infinite. We live in a finite universe. Even human imagination is finite. It can only produce based off limited input.

>> No.17724832

there are bounded and unbounded infinities. mathematically, an unbounded set would just be every number forever in any number of directions. a bounded set could be say, every number between 1 and 5. this may seem finite, but it is in fact infinite because you can split the numbers from 1-5 up infinitely small. when talking about potential of a thing in the physical world, you are generally looking at a bounded infinity. there are clear constraints on what that thing can do (natural laws, circumstances, and so on). But, you can make infinitely small choices within those constraints. In food, there are a finite number of possible ingredients, preparation methods, etc. but an infinite, or virtually infinite number of permutations using the limited supplies. Take any crazy thing you've just made, then add one more ingredient. Then change your cooking parameters slightly. Then dye it purple. Then put it in a blender. You could do this forever. Bounded infinity. all of existence works like this

>> No.17724843

No you're wrong

>> No.17724849

pretty sure I'm not wrong

>> No.17724855

You are though. You admitted that things within material reality are finite. Abstracting numbers infinitely does not change that. "Nearly infinite" is finite. Show me food dish with infinite permutations and I will concede.

>> No.17724862

I would but it would take forever to make :^)

>> No.17724866


>> No.17724870

every single human will die before we even scratch the surface of the tastes possible

>> No.17725072

Carpe emu

>> No.17725073

nopal tastes like lime, a fruit mix+ cola is totally reasonable, and coffee marinaded chicken has been done for a long time.

They're raised for meat all over the US, ask at a farmer's market or butcher shop.

>> No.17725095
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>Europa has unknown food
>glacial lakes too
>magma worms may exist
>crispr will allow humans to eat any element ever and survive in vacuum

>> No.17725219

No, it hasn't.

>> No.17725225

what a time to be alive

>> No.17725229

wrong i invented curry pizza like 5 years ago
and also creole tacos

>> No.17725475

The distinction between finite but arbitrarily large and infinite is only important to mathematicians, and you're not a mathematician, you're a faggot farming (You)s online by shitting out bad takes.

>> No.17726152

Good movie too, Alien 3. Check it out sometime.

>> No.17726396

Never had poopoo and liver flavored chocolate sausage

>> No.17726574

There's an obscure Filipino dish I recently learned about that's a beef stew made with pineapple juice/chunks, fermented shrimp paste, chocolate, and curry powder. Anything is possible.

>> No.17727995


>> No.17727999

We're literally working on printing impossible meats at the moment

>> No.17728005

Pineapple use with meat for its protease enzyme is nothing new and neither is the shrimp paste for unami. Chocolste and curry is also very overdone.

>> No.17728011

Tide pods

>> No.17728018

low iq

>> No.17728021
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Polish bar food staple.

>> No.17728026

Once vat-grown meat technology matures, we'll start getting new types of meat normally not obtainable due to scarcity or the species being extinct, or entirely new invented.
Triceratops steaks anyone?

>> No.17728057

thats what the italians thought before a lil negro named christopher columbus (ever heard of him lol) discovered just a little thing called the TOMATO??Q!!!
its called black swan i think someone needs to read some taleb

>> No.17728074
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You can have your damn replicator meat, just let me have the real thing.

>> No.17728135
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Miss me with that eldritch shit bro

>> No.17728143

No, but this is true with music. Everything good sounding has been done, which is why music critics have resorted to crowning retards having an epileptic fit on a piano in the middle of a construction zone as "avant-garde".

>> No.17728145

zero-G cake

>> No.17728157

This guy gets it. There are Jamaican Jewish fusion restaurants. New innovation is still out there.

>> No.17728342

Good post

>> No.17728750

That's OK, I like what we have.

>> No.17728754
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>> No.17729076
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I beg to differ
Go crazy anon

>> No.17730110

I do too

>> No.17730676

Have you ever had a sea salad? Have you ever had a sea baked potato that knocked your socks off? Get ready. You're gonna.

>> No.17730751
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Just you wait till globohomo rolls out the tasty bug dishes, faggot

>> No.17731550

I can't wait.
Soon we will be eating cloned meat from Kim K ass. Imagine the smell

>> No.17733481

That's not innovative though

>> No.17733799

This and frozen mammoth. I heard some natives found one in Russia, roasted it for themselves, and gave some to their dogs

>> No.17733829

Found some
>However, there is another tantalizing accounts which is chronicled in the book Frozen Fauna of the Mammoth Steppe by a zoology professor from Alaska named Dale Guthrie. According to Guthrie, his team did indeed eat a 36,000 year old steppe bison known as “Blue Babe” which was found in 1979 near Fairbanks, Alaska by roasting the neck with vegetables. According to Guthrie, the meat was not very tender but it was edible.

>In fact, Dmitry V. Arzyutov, a historian at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, wrote earlier this year that Russian paleontologists he interviewed about woolly mammoths “had tried to fry mammoth meat, but it had turned into a smelly liquid.” Not that this has stopped certain mammoth hunters. In the recent woolly-mammoth documentary Genesis 2.0, one expeditioner even chews raw Ice Age meat on camera.

>> No.17734221

that's what they say about music and yet we still dont have folkgrind or sludgegaze

>> No.17734261

>No more innovation.
I've never seen oatmeal made with coffee.

>> No.17734275

Right. ALL the food/ingredient combinations and cooking methods have been tried now. Not. Literally impossible.

>> No.17734599
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, gouda-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food has been perfected hundreds of years ago already.

>> No.17734661

Learn French.

>> No.17734679

>flavor crystals
>pockets of mysterious fluid
Aged gouda is unironically the best cheese though