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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 334x268, 24108_sil-onionstorage-tightlywrapped-02-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17720891 No.17720891 [Reply] [Original]

When a recipe calls for half an onion, what do you do with the other half?

>> No.17720902

Put it in the recipe.

>> No.17720907

Put it in a bag in the fridge and use it for other things.
Not like it's gonna spoil over the next few days.

>> No.17720909

Make twice as much.

>> No.17720913

put it in a sock and hit kids over the head with it

>> No.17720914

Cram it

>> No.17720921

fine dice and then brown it and some mushrooms and frozen spinnach for omeletes

>> No.17720923

Hide it in your wife's purse

>> No.17720924

Keep it on the fridge‘s door

>> No.17720954

Pick the smallest onion I have and put the whole thing in

>> No.17720956

Feed it to the roaches behind my counter

>> No.17720979

Incalculably based
Making too much fucking food for one person and inevitably eating it all in one sitting is how real men eat, not like these pussies eating "half an onion" and "4 peepee poopoos of shidded and fardded". Fucking grow up and eat all the food you made, coward

>> No.17720982
File: 939 KB, 1177x1177, BANANA-SHALLOTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using banana shallots for their superior flavour, more economical size, and ideal shape for chopping

>> No.17720994



>> No.17720997

Or just box it up and have it for lunch tomorrow like someone who isn't a fatasfatass

>> No.17721011

Perfect for cramming.

>> No.17721032

i just put it in anyway i like onion

>> No.17721210

Based and onionpilled. Half an onion is a ridiculously small amount of onion anyway, what the fuck would you need half on onion for?

>> No.17721221


>> No.17721222

I put it in the fridge on top of a plate. The cut part touches the plate and the skin/onion paper is exposed to the air. No need to put it in a bag or container.

>> No.17721244


>> No.17721441

Depending on what I’m making I’m either chopping it into chunks and putting it in the food, because I like barely cooked onion, or I’m cutting it into slices/rings, and adding it raw.

>> No.17721464

i just use the other half as a rubbin onion

>> No.17721466

Rub it in my eyes

>> No.17721475

Tie it to your belt

>> No.17721495

If its asks for half an onion I just use a small onion rather than have half of one stinking up my fridge.

Or I do what these fine aristrocats do.

>> No.17721508

put it into the fridge.

>> No.17721564

Cram it, obviously

>> No.17721579

>using recipees
i dont even know how to write that disgusting word

>> No.17721580


>> No.17721699

honestly, yeah

>> No.17721720
File: 2.97 MB, 4032x3024, Fat Fuck who lives in a cabin on ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incalculably based
>Making too much fucking food for one person and inevitably eating it all in one sitting is how real men eat, not like these pussies eating "half an onion" and "4 peepee poopoos of shidded and fardded". Fucking grow up and eat all the food you made, coward

>> No.17721721

I cut it into half rings for sandwiches, stir fry. Mince it for omelettes. Why are u asking this? lol

>> No.17721728

>not just offsetting the caloric surplus by not eating the next day

>> No.17721887

Put it in my stock scrap bag

>> No.17722286

maybe if your idea of a man has tits from all the fat they're putting on

>> No.17722300
File: 80 KB, 900x900, FredDurst-900x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incalculably based
Making too much fucking food for one person and inevitably eating it all in one sitting is how real men eat, not like these pussies eating "half an onion" and "4 peepee poopoos of shidded and fardded". Fucking grow up and eat all the food you made, coward

>> No.17722308

I usually just throw away the other half since onions are very cheap where I live

>> No.17722344

i put it in the frig and promise to remember it next time i cook. but then i forget and buy a new onion, which i only use half of, and put that one in the frig as well.

i have 19 rotting half onions in my crisper right now, pls send help

>> No.17722367

>4 peepee poopoos of shidded and fardded
utterly deflated when i only have enough shid and fard for 2 peepee poopoos

>> No.17722407


>> No.17722417

Eat the onion.

>> No.17722425

For me, it’s letting it dry out on the counter and throwing it out the next morning

>> No.17722438

Aaargh. I can't fucking stand it when my flatmate leaves half an onion in plastic bags and then lets them rot.
I suppose you could always dice up the second half, put in a container and freeze it. Then you have a non-rotting onion stockpile ready to use.

>> No.17722451

Onions don't come in halfs. I just round up.

>> No.17722480

Stick it up our ass

>> No.17722491

I cut the rest in circles or strips. Then pickle them with rice vinegar, salt, and sugar. Cover them and put un refrigerator over night. Then eat them all in one sitting. Fuck I love onions.

>> No.17722599

It keeps almost forever in tupperware.

>> No.17722609

I sometimes use half an onion if I'm using it raw. Otherwise I'll use the whole onion. In the case I use raw onion and only use half; I will use 1 and a half onions for the next dish I cook with onion. If I forget I'll just throw it away. Pic related.

>> No.17722663

Based, onion is peak veg.

>> No.17722680

This. Recipes all call for way too less onions anyways.

>> No.17722685


>> No.17722930
File: 2.41 MB, 480x270, rich-piana-busted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone has never bulked before

>> No.17722950

If recipe calls for half an onion, I use quarter and throw away the rest.

>> No.17722953

leave it on the counter
a kitchen is supposed to smell like onions

>> No.17722991


>> No.17723172
File: 205 KB, 1024x689, dYHdd54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you were putting together a team of professionals... I suppose I can take some time away from my two girlfriends to go on a mission with you. Pic-related is me. My biomass is at its prime.

>> No.17723188

based onionblaster

>> No.17723190

Depending on the recipe, use the whole thing or put in a sealable bag

>> No.17723193
File: 930 KB, 208x126, yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17723199
File: 828 KB, 250x188, Azumanga_Daioh_Osaka_Nod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more economical

>> No.17723200

throw it away

its organic matter

>> No.17723202

>can't afford shallots

>> No.17723206

>more economical SIZE
you autist

>> No.17723256

Eat it.

>> No.17723261

Don't talk shit about cabin bro

>> No.17723273
File: 1.02 MB, 1286x728, vlcsnap-2022-04-19-09h06m45s626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't put too many onions in the sauce.

>> No.17723277
File: 416 KB, 1279x676, 1358669645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17723365


>> No.17723366

put it in eggs for breakfast tomrrrow

>> No.17723391

Based brainlet

>> No.17723941

>cycling feasting like a pig and fasting like a saint

>> No.17723943

I wrap it in a paper towel and put it in the fridge. Lasts another day or two.

>> No.17723976

Insert it into my rectum

>> No.17723979

caramelize that shit and eat it, what are you, a fag?

>> No.17724198

They're small onions, look. I'm using two big cans of tomatoes anyways.

>> No.17724204

Put the other half into the recipe.

>> No.17724240

Not my problem

>> No.17724252

I throw it away

>> No.17724511

Buy smaller onions

>> No.17724519

best answer

>> No.17724520

put it into the little stone dish next to the stove for partially used onions, garlic, ginger, etc.
if I don't use it in a couple days, maybe into the fridge with the other vegetables

>> No.17724523

Stick it in a zip lock and use it in a different recipe a few days later.

>> No.17724529

Lazily dice it and throw it into the pan with my morning eggs and some leftover tomato if I have one.

>> No.17724536

Didn't say I can't afford them. Just that they are definitely not cheaper than regular onions, even if you do throw out half a regular onion instead of just putting it all in the dish.

Is caviar a more economical size than hen's eggs?

>> No.17724576


>> No.17724619

i chop it and throw it into a bag to use with the next meal. if im kinda feeling lazy just leave it on the counter and chop it up later.
if you wait less than 24 hours its fine for any non super aperance based cooking

>> No.17724623

i could buy a bag of yellow onions 5lbs for the price of 1 lb of shallots......you suck at econ.

>> No.17724629

I eat it like a bronze age celtic swampdwelling savage

>> No.17724901

based onion lover

>> No.17725009

Take little slivers off of it throughout the week to add to bagels, sandwiches, ramen, salads,

>> No.17725039

Throw it in the bin. Onions cost pennies and last forever, I don't need to be fucking around.