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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17720890 No.17720890 [Reply] [Original]

Lance Hedrick Edition

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/H2LQMElLoLs

Caught venting: >>17700743

>> No.17720969

I’m in this photo btw

>> No.17720988

Which one are you? I'm the one on the far left

>> No.17720990
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>1zpresso q2
>have delicious coffee every day
>makes /ctg/ fanny flustered
im thinking based

>> No.17721022
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Make me a cup of coffee, /ctg/.

>> No.17721036

>1zpresso q2
>not Kingrinder

>> No.17721055

>drink a bunch of coffee
>take a giant nasty stinky doodoo shit
>wipe ass
>no poopie on the paper
>just blood
>wipe again
>more blood
Coffees for this feel?

>> No.17721163
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Sumatra or gtfo

>> No.17721177


>> No.17721211

Is it ever okay to put sugar in espresso?

>> No.17721218
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it's your choice really

>> No.17721527

>Perfection is lots of little things done well
Fuck dude you expect me to pour water better now?

>> No.17721530

I like my coffee how I like my girlfriend: blacked

>> No.17721588

don't drink so much coffee

>> No.17721929

when i buy a new bag of beans i always make 2 shots first drink both black, the first i drink when its hot and the second i wait for it to go cold. if its good both hot and cold i know this coffee is good and then i will start adding different elements. black with sugar, milk, milk with sugar, milk+foam, milk+foam+sugar.

then i will decide which is the best drink/s and decide if its worth it to buy this coffee again.

>> No.17721939

go to a doctor.

>> No.17721946

Why the fuck would I ever go to a (((doctor)))? So that he can tell me I'm actually a woman and need to spend $400,000 on surgery to turn my cock inside out or else I'm getting locked up in the asylum forever? Fuck off

>> No.17722000

Is it actually possible to end up with a flat bed in a V60 without swirling it at the end? Or more importantly, does the bed really need to be completely flat to guarantee good extraction?

>> No.17722023

looks like another /x/ schizo escaped its cage.

>> No.17722030

You can find lots of information online that if you're using V60 or similar brewers that you must have a flat bed at the end of the brew or your extraction will be "uneven". It also seems like a recent thing as the original designers of the device in Japan didn't seem to care about having a a flat bed. Is there any actual testing on this (i.e. by taking dry residue from different parts of the brew bed) or is it just one of those things that people take for granted without giving it a thought? Who is not to say that in drip the extraction doesn't happen during drawndown but when hot water makes contact with the slurry (i.e through washing)?

I did a few brews on a V60 like brewer (Origami) without doing a final swirl/tap but just letting drain and it didn't seem to lower EY when doing bloom + two pulse pours. The one without the swirl salso eemed cleaner likely because you're not kicking more silt into the brew?

I'm undecided on this. I have had very tasty brews with uneven/pitted beds. With permanent filters like Kone & Hario Cafeor, these seem to be the tastiest.

Until the liquid drains, I see the slurry as just that, a floating/swirling mixture of particles semi-suspended in the liquid, if you pulse pour at a low water level you can see the whole lot churning as you add water towards the end of the brew.

I think it is important to get the whole bed wet at bloom, especially if using a few pulses (lots of little pulses with a coarse grind seem to do OK without a specific bloom), so that particles aren't left dry & excluded from contributing to the brew.

I think there can also be a trade off when brewing fine, or with larger brews, where silt passing through the paper causes bitterness even at normal extraction levels. Here, it can be advantageous to disturb the bed as little as possible to minimise silt in the cup/server.

>> No.17722032

>Is it actually possible to end up with a flat bed in a V60 without swirling it at the end?
>Or more importantly, does the bed really need to be completely flat to guarantee good extraction?
no but it helps.

>> No.17722052

If you want to actually read on the subject.
No ebook release so I can't snag that one for you guys.

>> No.17722726

Please don't

>> No.17722744
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Morning lads, how the fuck do I do latte art? I think my milk jug is too small or something or I'm just retarded

>> No.17722763
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how do you pour milk from these retarded 1 L containers?
>pour slowly
>it dribbles down side
>pour fast enough that it doesn't dribble
>it GLUGS and splashes everywhere
the first time I got one it splashed all the way to my eyeglasses

I searched online, and one tip was to pour with the spout on the side away from the glass. this works well with bottles that have a flattened rectangle shape and the spout on one side, but for square top boxes it makes no difference

if the size of the opening is large, air can get back in and it can pour normally, but many are designed by retards and have an unstable flow with a small nozzle. some attachment is needed to safely pour into my coffee without spilling. I am baffled. Why are these stupid milk packages so widespread? some are literally impossible to pour with

>> No.17722776
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No thanks, I don't want my coffee to taste like stray shaved hairs with a volatile aroma of hair gel from a hipster who quaffs himself into a gay dinosaur-man every morning.

>> No.17722788

have you tried this

>> No.17722813
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yeah that helps with cartons like in the video but not with square ones in my experience

btw here are the ones I actually own
sainsbury's is very comfy to pour with
I think the angled spout makes a big difference
then the other one is a retarded splasher that makes me seethe

>> No.17723015


Got my aeropress few days ago and still trying to figure out the best recipe.

>> No.17723304

What if you're trying to introduce a normalfag to espresso? Maybe a quarter of a spoon? Just the tip?

>> No.17723589

I'm just getting into it because coffee helps a bit with non alcoholic fatty liver disease, now I have to graze on grass like cattle and avoid anything that tastes good, fucking bullshit.
Looked into some reviews of products and options available online then ordered the following:
>Espro P3 french press
>Airscape Stainless 500g
>Lido 3 hand grinder
>3x250g roasted bean samples from a local roaster
Definitely overspent, fuck it.
I like turkish coffee as well and have a kit I received as a gift but I never tried making coffee with it myself, french press seems much easier for a beginner and doesn't require any paper filters.

>> No.17723684

>>Lido 3 hand grinder
Please tell me this is satire

>> No.17723695

It isn't satire, grinds pretty fast and the results look consistent but it is made out of plastic there are better options in the same price. Couldn't find the products I wanted on amazon, the 1zpresso q2 looked similar to the commandante C40 but seemed iffy I've read it was discontinued so I am not sure if the quality is still the same it seemed to get stuck/inconsistent resistance when I saw one guy grinding with it on youtube.

>> No.17723696


>> No.17723699

What do you hate about the product? I can still cancel it if need be.

>> No.17723707

Why would you cancel it? You clearly already decided that you like it and nothing that I can say will ever change your mind. Fuck off and enjoy your shitty grinder.

>> No.17723712

My mind can be changed if there is an accessible alternative that is better and the flaws of my choice are highlighted. All you've said is yikes, shitty product ngmi, etc... and offered nothing constructive.

>> No.17723719

No, go ahead and buy it, because it's going to be funny as fuck to see you come back here in a few days to bitch about how terrible it is.

>> No.17723721

Pay $10 more, get a kinu m47p off prima. Lidos were okay 10ish years ago before the market was so saturated.

>> No.17723723

thanks I'll have a look

>> No.17724096
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1zpresso gripanon where you at? Made any progress?

>> No.17724207


>> No.17724217

Damn, how did that happen?
There has to be a replacement, it looks so easy to snap a new one on.
Good luck.

>> No.17724340

Not my pic, thats the flair signature. Doesn't have the silicone grip so he wrapped it with yonex supergrap. Some other anon was complaining the grip on his kmax? had ripped off a few weeks so I was suggesting tennis overgrip.

>> No.17724631

Nah, I haven't done it yet. I've been busy this month. That looks fucking awesome though. Racquet grips on coffee shit is gonna be the next cool kid thing.

>> No.17725399

that milk looks too foamy to draw with, you should vaporize your milk and take some of the foam off, then stir until the surface looks shiny like fresh paint. Thats the point where you can pour it to make you fucking faggot gay ass latte art and drink a cold as fuck coffee

>> No.17725493

>vaporize your milk
How is he going to pour it into the coffee if it's a gas retard

>> No.17725900
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why is it so comfy bros?

>> No.17725933

take some fish oil and tumeric pills. you have hemorrhoids. that shit works, takes about 3 months though. I am living proof.

>> No.17725942

Looking good anon ;)

>> No.17726091
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Is it worth it? I'm looking for a temp control gooseneck but this might be too expensive.

>> No.17726112

No complaints with mine.

>> No.17726118
File: 135 KB, 719x1280, 1621599102875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tempted to take the peetpill, I see fresh roasted stuff at kroger all the time. fresher than a lot of cafe offerings around here, even.

>> No.17726353

No trouble with mine.

>> No.17726363

I have trouble and complaints with mine.

>> No.17726406

I like it!

>> No.17726824

it razed my crops and killed my children

>> No.17726883

Bros, what do we think of SMEGs? Are they overpriced luxury tax? Or do they actually make a decent cup of coffee? I'm asking because I can get a discount at a SMEG showroom, but know very little about them aside from them being pretty showpieces.

>> No.17726887

I've got some discount SMEG for you right here *unzips dick*

>> No.17726919

You can just get a normal variable temp kettle and then use it to fill a gooseneck up when needed instead of paying what amounts to a luxury tax

>> No.17726927

Based retard

>> No.17726947

Is a PuqPress worth it? I’m looking for a perfect tamp but this might be expensive.

>> No.17726970

What is your current setup

>> No.17726997

Today there were weird small chunks and also more blood

>> No.17727019

What should I put in my morning sip to make it taste better? I'm out of honey and don't like sugar

>> No.17727021

keep trying out different amounts of beans, different grinds etc and find the one thats best for you

>> No.17727027

Go low carb and low fiber. Also look into protease enzymes. God speed

>> No.17727041

any gas heavier than air will pour perfectly well you stupid cunt.

>> No.17727042

The key word in this case is
the coffee as a milk vapor would just float on top

>> No.17727044

If I say I like Bonez coffee would I get laughed at by coffee snobs? Asking for a friend.

>> No.17727054
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>"World's Freshest Coffee"
>Flavored dark roast
>$15 per 340g

>> No.17727056

I've also been farting constantly recently, yesterday it was once every 10 minutes for the entire day. And they all smelled fucking foul too like actual sewer shit. I'm not afraid of a little blood though so I think I will be fine.

>> No.17727084

I'm not a coffee guy at all and just drink whatever my girlfriend makes me but I'ma take that as a yes lol.
I'm a beer snob (kinda, as in I have the knowledge but know better than to spend $9 on a craft beer I've already had at a bar so I get domestic) so I wasn't trying to become a coffee snob. Then I'd start getting way too close to being a hipster.

>> No.17727095

What does your coffee taste like? Describe it.

>> No.17727102

Burnt water

>> No.17727126

What do you mean? It tastes like coffee.

>> No.17727131

cmon bro, you can't do me like that.

But memes aside, any opinions on smegs?

>> No.17727141

I have no idea what a smeg is man

>> No.17727248

What's smeg, man?

>> No.17727336

think about ease of cleaning and maintenance when buying a cofe machine, don't want mold growing on moist internal surfaces

>> No.17727700

Probably alright? They're a big expensive brand name

>> No.17727704

what happun?

>> No.17727720

excessive channeling

>> No.17727731

Rebadged DeLonghi iirc

>> No.17727765

Is that what the fat little dyke was shilling?

>> No.17727834

sounds like frothed milk, which also pours perfectly well into coffee.

>> No.17728052

Pleasantly acidic/sour, but there's still some of the bitterness that won't go away. Just working through a bag of yirgacheffe. It tastes nice

>> No.17728060

it was actually so nice that I'll make another.

>> No.17728068

coffee makes me sleepy, idk why
energy drinks and caffeine pills don't make me sleepy so it has to be something to do with coffee rather than caffeine.

>> No.17728071

pour over?

>> No.17728083


Also, I just discovered used coffee grounds get mouldy. What the fuck.

>> No.17728115

Waaw, the second one is even more frooty because I've done the pressure thing differently.

>> No.17728281

Did you bloom before infuse and pressure ramp?

>> No.17728423

On both I did 15 seconds on low pressure. The first one I squeezed only gently at less than 6, the second one I went hard and I think it went beyond 10 at some point and then I was like "oh shit" and eased up.
Not sure if it's proper blooming, since this is just a Flair, but it's good coffee.

>> No.17728432

15 seconds before seriously pressing it out, I mean. The whole thing took more than 15, but 15 seconds was the start/preinfusion phase.

>> No.17728449

Get your iron levels checked. Tannins in coffee fuck with your iron absorption, and if you have a deficiency it can put you to sleep

>> No.17728570

With my flair I pour the water in and let it bloom for about 30s give or take, then I’ll pull down to about 3-4 bar..just till I see the basket fully about to drip and hold it for right there for another 10-20 seconds if possible before hitting it up to 6-9 Bar gradually decreasing the pressure by feel

Seems to give the tasty balance i like, while also letting me deal with my good/bad puck prep

>> No.17728577

Cool, I'll try just leaving the water there for a bit.
It's great how you can play around with variables like that, but a downside is that it'll never be consistently the same shot even if you keep a log and write down everything.

>> No.17728676

yeah with water in the chamber it’s most likely touching the puck so I start a timer when I start pouring and let that bloom for 30 seconds. With no pressure it just apppears nothing is happening but after the bloom time, I pull down levee until I see the basket fully saturated,..then I’ll try to hold that until I either feel see more and more drips or feel the resistance falter..then I’ll gradually/quick pull to 6-9 depending on roast really..6ish for light..and I’ll feel the resistance and see the flow and try to keep the flow and pressure equal until I get whatever ratio I’m going for

>> No.17728685

as in after bloom, I’ll pull to 3-4 bar and hold that for awhile, then pull to 6-9 bar and respond to what I feel in the arm, and see from the naked portafilter/scale/sep

>> No.17728694
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>while also letting me deal with my good/bad puck prep
This is where the "lever magic" comes in. By not shoving a 9bar cylinder of water directly into the puck at the start, you're letting those potential channels and uneven flow through the puck even out. They just kind of work.
> never be consistently the same shot even if you keep a log and write down everything.
Thats why the SEP is so based. You pull a god shot, you star it in the app and write in as many parameters as you want in the log, then set it to show on the background. Gabor added a "profile drift indicator" in december to show you how far you've strayed from your reference.

>> No.17728794
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Anybody keeping tabs on this? Does it look worth the price? I've been using a Flair for about 3 years.


>> No.17728821


>> No.17728859

It looks very worth the price. The owner and a couple employees hang out on EAF discord and give updates over there. Last I heard they're currently setting up the shop to start manufacturing.

>> No.17728888


>> No.17729601

>shotgun a cup of dark roast
>do an hour of cardio
>take the biggest dump of my life, totally uplifts my mood and leaves me feeling physically lighter
thank you coffee

>> No.17729614

I like Tim Wendelboe's.

>> No.17729650
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>> No.17729764
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>> No.17729940

For that price, you can buy an entry level espresso machine that isn't mr. coffee tier. If you really want to do the manual thing, I used a flair for 3 years and got good espresso out of it for like $150. There's a learning curve on any of these things. Expect to suck for like a week or two.

>> No.17729966

kek someone's mad

>> No.17730178
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Today for my coffee I had a caramel ice capp from tims

>> No.17730193


>> No.17730448

Is there a pressure profiling attachment? That kind of feedback is one of the best things about a flair.
Otherwise looks really cool, would be a nice upgrade. If you're wealthy, you could also get one of those 3k swiss olympia creminas

>> No.17730499

Of course. They also just have an adapter for the sep to screw on if you already have one.

>> No.17730591
