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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 124 KB, 750x350, vegetable-garden-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17720886 No.17720886 [Reply] [Original]

Are you making a vegetable garden this spring?
What are you planting? What is reliable? Anything new?
Is this the right board to post this to?
Going small my first time, got 3 types of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, jalapenos, cilantro. pic not me

>> No.17720959
File: 133 KB, 958x1280, IMG_20220419_074630_698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a garden but I'm teying to grow some bad boys.
This is Alfredo, the lettuce.
I'm also planting basil (for pesto), parsley, and strawberries. Also mushrooms

>> No.17720963

nah take this to /vp/

>> No.17720985

There's a general on /out/

>> No.17720986

>the lettuce
what kinda lettuce is that
thinking about basil/parsley too. Guess herbs grow quicker than veggies anyway so can do them whenever.

>> No.17721000

It's the one that's a small ball, you know? The one used for McDonalds and generally burgers as well. I'm not sure of the name

>> No.17721008


>> No.17721009

it's completely fucked

>> No.17721016

nope, gonna be planting all sorts of flowers this year, mostly pink flowers.

>> No.17721018

I have a raised garden bed, I'll probably plant cherry tomatoes, strawberries and peppers. I might try growing tobacco too. I want to get some fruit trees in this year as well.

>> No.17721019

yeah, every year
bell peppers

>> No.17721063

that thing has bolted

>> No.17721101

Maybe I should do berries too. I like them a lot.

>> No.17721112

they take a couple years to get established, cept maybe strawberries if you prune off the runners

>> No.17721259

I'm growing three Costoluto Fiorentino tomato plants, three Thai pepper plants, three Serrano pepper plants, three Cayenne pepper plants, a patch of scallions, a patch of assorted mint plants, two basil varieties, a sage, a thyme, a rosemary, and an oregano.

There's room for another herb, but I haven't decided what will go in that spot yet.

>> No.17721284

Yeah, have a few types of chilies, onions, some herbs, zucchini.

It's not going that well, but the herbs and onions and zucchini seem to being well.

>> No.17721356

Your lettuce has bolted and will not be good to eat. It happens when it gets too hot. Pull a leaf off, milky fluid will ooze out.

I'm growing a bed of 100~ garlic heads half soft half hard neck. Have a bed of asparagus and will be doing 3 beds of indertminate tomatoes mixed with sunflowers and herbs. After that I have 3 more beds, dunno what Im doing yet. Usually do a kale bed.

>> No.17721375

>100 garlic heads
what's the plan for those?

>> No.17721376

I started carrots, parsnips, and broccoli but sadly something ate the leaves and then something else dug them up. Now I started new ones, protected.

>> No.17721418


>> No.17721455

Last year I did 300 in the same space. About half to 1/3 were too small to keep. This year, I went all out with fertilizer and spacing, so hopefully they are all pristine heads.

With just 100, I plan to mostly keep them for myself. If you store them right, they last for over a year. For me, I have been growing garlic from my own stock for a few years. Basically since you asked, the plan is to take the biggest best cloves, replant those as next years crop, and eat the rest of it over the year.

I am too lazy to grow those

>> No.17721634

>With just 100, I plan to mostly keep them for myself
You use almost two whole garlic heads per week?


>> No.17721644
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>buy potting mix to make a comfy garden
>shit has safety instructions
>says I can get legionnaires disease and all kinds of infections from it

>> No.17721653

I grow herbs and some lettuces in pots as I am a lowly rentoid

>> No.17721660

Ignore those if you have an immune system

>> No.17721669
File: 7 KB, 276x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs your garden

>> No.17721671

I do actually, yea. Some variance, like tonight I used a whole head on one plate of butter shrimp, might go a week not using any. Honestly it's just really satisfying planted the massive cloves in the fall and eating the smaller portions of that head all winter.

Yea imagine that, eating cow and chicken shit my make you sick. Just wash your hands after using it, don't eat a mcburger with compost hands.

Just find the right spot in your apartment where sun hits, or chance putting out potted plants outside. Herbs gonna save you the most cash anyways.

>> No.17721677
File: 551 KB, 1832x1374, IMG_20220416_162957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My garden expands every year. Running out of spots that get sunlight on my little property.

>> No.17722644

The usial Tomatos, Chili, cucumber, garlic and chives. But this year, I also planted physalis and pepino.

>> No.17722653

Sorry mate. I was hungry

>> No.17722654

Sadly I love in an apartment and none of my windows face the south so it's hard to grow anything inside.

>> No.17722655

This year's plants
>roma tomatoes
>super sweet cherry tomatoes
>japanese cucumbers
>straight eight cucumbers
>sequoia strawberries
>peach leaf blueberries
>habanero peppers
>jalapeno peppers
>fresno chili peppers
will post pic tomorrow if thread is still up

>> No.17722781

Chilli, tomatoes, squash, basil and peppermint

>> No.17722800

I used to rat sand as a kid. Every "sick day" I took from school was me playing hooky. I've suffered illness 4-5 times in my life and they've probably all been foodborne. Imagine being so weak you let another person's sneeze affect your life hahahahahaha holy fuck thats pathetic

>> No.17722806

>Fisher Price farm equipment

>> No.17722810

You need more beans and potatoes, dumb fag

>> No.17722811
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>tfw everything you touch dies

>> No.17722857

Wow thanks anons, didn't know that was a thing. How do I remediate that? It will be a tree now? I thought it was happy for how fast it was growing

>> No.17722868

You cannot remedy that plant. Bolted plants are not good to eat. Did you have a sudden heatwave or did you transfer it outside too fast?

>> No.17722870

No because I'm not a schizo doomer.
The Jab is safe and effective.
The inflation is transitory.

>> No.17722879

For me, everything I touch gets consumed by fungus

>> No.17722881

I live in quite a warm climate so it's probably not fit for it. I'll try to move the few other ones I'm growing to a more shadowy spot and use cold water to water them. When can you tell when the lettuce has bolted? I did what you said, pulled a leaf and a white substance oozed out. I tried eating the leaf and it was quite bitter. Will other plants suffer the same fate? I'm trying to grow strawberries.

Sorry I never planted stuff before.

>> No.17722913
File: 70 KB, 640x914, 1621618018991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*teleports behind you*

>> No.17722917

Also, will I have lettuce seeds at some point now? Can I plant them and get normal lettuce?

>> No.17723350


>> No.17723593

Did potatoes last year dumbo

>> No.17724720

that's a good squash cat

>> No.17725177

I can't have a garden. Deers, rabbits and squirrels would ravage my plants.

>> No.17725181

Put some chicken wire around it

>> No.17725190

It wouldn't stop the squirrels though. Those rodents have been terrorizing my plants for years.

>> No.17725235

this sounds like a brand new problem that humans only just now began having...

>> No.17726731

for aesthetics:
>giant sunflowers, watermelon

for value:
>berries, peppers, tomatoes, herbs

planning on doing the brassicas and aliums once the summer stuff dies or must be moved indoors

>> No.17726760

^normally I try to grow a shitload of stuff like various squashes, beans, onions, brocoli, etc but this summer I really decided to focus on a narrower set of high value stuff that can be preserved well.

>> No.17726800

There's nothing special about where you live. Everywhere has pests. If you want to do gardening, learn to deal with it. Some of it is better fencing, some of it is planting enough to absorb some loss to critters.

So, I'm trying to do in ground planting next year and am preparing for it. I have really basic and high salt soil (Arizona is like that) and read a paper out of the university about using grape pomace to help with that. Went and talked to some of the vineyards around here and they said I could take as much as I want once they do their pressings in the fall, so that will be a fun experiment.

>> No.17726839

Have you considered land mines?

>> No.17726907

Any particular gardening guide you use or just general YouTube and stuff? Garlic is what I want to grow most, also general herbs and if possible, red cabbage.

>> No.17727357

Was thinking of setting up an aquaponics system and having a few fish which I could cook later on.

>> No.17728506

you sound like you think like a retard

>> No.17728988

I learned primarily from MIgardener since he lives by me. James Prigione and Selfsufficient Me are good channels too, but very different styles with the last guy being in Austraia, so none of his advice is applicable to me really.

Garlic is hands down one of the easiest plants to grow. You just have to put it through a cold phase, which confuses newcomers. Garlic has to go through a period of time right around freezing temps to understand that it can grow when it gets planted in warm soil. Lots of people think cold/snow = dead plants but garlic can take temps down to damn near below zero without and negative side effects

>> No.17729004


Is fresh garlic from the garden better than store garlic?

>> No.17729015

Gotta make those kids earn their feed

>> No.17729023

Yes, but there's more to it than that. Everyone who grows garlic does it to cure it. So when I pull it up, it's fresh and it smells and tastes better than store/cured garlic while it is still soft and fresh. This is only for a week or so, maybe longer if you fridge it but I don't bother with that. I think experiencing fresh pulled garlic flavor/scent is a really nice experience, but it is nowhere near as dramatic as fresh, homegrown tomatoes are.

Anyway, it cures after about 6 weeks, then you cut the leaves off and polish off dirt and take inside to store like ordinary store bought garlic.

>> No.17729083

I really like tomatoes so I planted one. It started wilting immediately. Apparently plants are more needy than dogs and require a large upfront investment in raised beds, PH correct soil, and fertilizer.

>> No.17729133

>can't grow tomatoes
they're literally one the lowest maintenance plants anon

>> No.17729230

Did you water it in in the early morning or afternoon? When I was a gardening noob I transplanted stuff midday and watered it in and it struggles and usually dies.

>> No.17729606

you need to harden them for a few days before you plant them outside.

>> No.17729922
File: 3.74 MB, 4028x2426, Raised beds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! Can't cook well at all though. Only just found a few cabbage recipes after I harvested 5 cabbages.

>> No.17729946

Why is there a dish washer and an American dick in your vegetable garden?

>> No.17729983

>dish washer
do you mean cabbage-powered brapgenerator?

>> No.17730620

Nice beds man, where are you at generally? Where I live metal is viable but it costs a lot. I get snow so I can't do cement, do you have any info on how your metal beds hold up year round?