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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 256 KB, 2560x1440, Basically-Best-Knife-For-You[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17714579 No.17714579 [Reply] [Original]

what does /ck/ recommend for a low-mid budget chef's knife? I just want one $50-60 daily driver, nothing special

>> No.17714661


>> No.17714688

get the Victorinox, it's solid and affordable

>> No.17714706


>> No.17714723

my bad I searched knife but not knive

>> No.17714739

Can anyone recommend a good magnet? I’ve got shit counter space but the reviews I’ve seen seem like most of them are just waiting to fall.

>> No.17714742

The Victorinox is the basic, standard knife that will work. The handle is a little bit light, but it feels good in the hand and stays grippy when wet. It works.

>> No.17714881

I need a really good steak knife. Preferably budget friendly, but I eat steaks very commonly, and my old one is crap.

>> No.17714979
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I just peruse through flea markets and buy knives and fix them back up. Had some decent success with Chicago cutlery, found a few German sounding brands, one Japanese knife.

Otherwise, I get those Kiwi Brand Knives. Cheap but reliable, easy to sharpen.

Imagine spending money on knives, lol.

>> No.17715033

>dude don't spend money on knives just spend every weekend looking through someone's old garbage they're going to throw away

>> No.17715037

time is cheap when you're a NEET

>> No.17715041

Victorinox Fibrox is the number one choice and second place isn't even fucking close.

>> No.17715074

will do lads, thanks

>> No.17715156


every opinion you give will be discarded

>> No.17715157
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>> No.17715863

Aw shit here we go again
This board really needs a fucking ‘knife pros and cons’ sticky

>> No.17716215

Victorinox for german styled knife. For japanese get Tojiro although it is a bit pricier at around 80$-90$

>> No.17717219

I went with this
for specific reasons I am looking for a 'mid term' knife and the >$75 range starts to look too pretty and nice for something I'm trying to treat well but not rely on long term
that said I was so torn between the santoku I'll probably still wind up getting one in addition to the chef knife

>> No.17717286

If you aren't spending at least 500 dollars (preferably 1000) on a Japanese knife made by an 80 year swordsmith you might as well pick up a piece of scrap metal off the ground, scrape it on a brick until shadp and wrap duct tape around one side for a handle.

>> No.17717318

Not him but what's wrong with buying something some retarded boomer does not know the value of?

>> No.17717323

It's fine to do. Your time has value though. People forget that.

>> No.17717496
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x2426, InShot_20220223_180131880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and victorinox pilled

>> No.17717529

if i was 80 years old selling anything i'd make it cheaper so i could sell it before i fucking die

>> No.17717719

12 years in and several way more expensive chef's knives later and the fibrox is still my favorite. It's not pretty but it'll get the job done no question.

>> No.17718279

I use wire to cut everything,

>> No.17718286

Maybe you just like lasers, have you tried a non-shit-tier laser?

>> No.17718347

>have you tried a non-shit-tier laser?
you know he hasn't. if he had he wouldn't be shilling fibrox

>> No.17718361

I wasn't trying to sound elitist but I guess it's inevitable. I think lasers are easymode, so high end lasers are in a sense kinda pointless, but at the same time, the value of a "nice" knife that does all the same things as a cheap knife but looks and feels more luxurious is underrated among so-called knife enthusiasts. plus if it's good grind and good metal even though that stuff matters a lot less with a laser it still counts for something

>> No.17718372

the only opinions that matter to me are those of line cooks and NEETs. everyone else does unrelated shit all day and doesn't have the time to develop good opinions. some faggot who sends emails all day about brand strategy and client retention and meeting schedules and shit, then comes home and finds he needs a knife but is too burnt out to go deep into it so he just orders a popular one from Amazon, that's precisely NOT who I want to listen to about knives

Line cooks need knives to do their work and have more experience slicing and dicing than anyone. NEETs have lots of free time to do research, and they learn which knives are best for the money because they need to get the most out of their neetbux. everyone else can fuck off

>> No.17718379

The fibrox is from the meat packing industry. It's literally a workhorse knife above all else that found it's way into comsumer hands.

>> No.17718382

you're from the meat packing industry, you pack meat into your asshole

>> No.17718437

The Victorinox is very difficult to beat for the money, but it ultimately depends on your preferences. The way your post reads though, it's hard to justify anything else. Plastic and stainless so you literally can't ruin it. Leave it in sink for a week, throw it in the dishwasher, doesn't matter. Look up how many chef's knives are dishwasher safe, even other cheap ones, basically none.

In your price range your really only have a couple options. Lowest tier stamped stainless from name brands, or higher carbon "forged" from random amazon brands or alibaba that are probably also stainless stamped blades that are being lied about and have shitty damascus engraving on the side.

Right now the Fibrox is $37 on amazon, pretty much impossible to beat at that price point. Only other option if you want high carbon is to look for chinese cleavers, maybe even go to an asian or eastern european market. Sometimes they sell very cheap cookware there, although I wouldn't chance it. One thing I will say is you definitely need a steel with the fibrox, edge retention is definitely weaker. Loses it fast, but also gets it back pretty decent when you use a steel.

>> No.17718451
File: 21 KB, 400x286, FEA2D261-02CD-4E9D-BC3A-5ADCE5309C42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m so fucking sick of you faggots and your fucking meme knives.
Pic is all you need. It cuts anything you’d need to cut. If it can’t cut something, it means that thing isn’t edible so stop trying to fucking eat it.

But no, you lazy ass faggots are all
>fuck using a rock to cut food!
>instead, let’s grab a shit ton of rocks, and spend all day crushing them, and spend another day burning those rocks in a huge hot ass fire, just so we can get a tiny bit of OMG METAL out of them, and then spend another fucking day using another hot ass fire so we can make the metal red and smack the shit out of it until it’s roughly the same fucking shape of the rock-knife we don’t like, and then spend yet ANOTHER fucking day rubbing that metal against a fucking rock until the edges are sharp just like the rock-knife we don’t like
>and then we can use it to cut food!!
See how fucking retarded that is?

Holy shit. The copper age was a fucking mistake and it’s why we have useless lazy zoomers.

>> No.17718466

I did order the standard Victorinox chef's knife, and I just want it as an interim workhorse knife to have for several years, I'll get something really knice down the line. I have a honer, just need a sharpener, the ones on their site are overpriced and I already paid $14 more than $37 because I don't like paying daddy be*os. I'll probably buy a sentoku a tier or two higher later on, nearly bought vic.'s instead of the chefs but I want a real daily driver, and have found sentoku are a little too big for 'do literally everything'

>> No.17718493

for sure, that sounds like the way to go. It's funny though, I had the same thoughts as you a couple years ago. It's just so hard to justify spending 3-4x what I paid for a knife that literally does everything I need it to, while being completely no maintenance outside of the occasional sharpen. and yeah I hone it, but that takes all of 5 seconds and lasts as long as I need it to.

Getting a whetstone or some type of sharpener is mandatory. You can spend all the money you want on a knife, but it's worthless if it's not sharp. Hope you enjoy your new knife. I definitely wasn't blown away when I first got mine, but it is bulletproof and gets the job done. I'm sure it'll be the same for you.

>> No.17718535

>I literally spent more just to spend more
>I want a real daily driver
Motherfucker it’s a tool. Maybe if you stop paying more for retarded reasons you can afford more than one.

>> No.17718630
File: 670 KB, 2000x1440, which one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok /ck/ I've narrowed it down. which one do I buy?





>> No.17718669

you vote with your dollar anon, how much do you spend on amazon a month? do you shop at walmart?
>Motherfucker it’s a tool
yeah, that's what daily driver means dumbass, I could buy a hundred of them if I wanted to

>> No.17718830
File: 222 KB, 780x862, bongland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a joke? how long until you actually need a loicense to buy a kitchen knife in the UK

>> No.17718842

Maybe if they weren't constantly stabbing each other it wouldn't be necessary

>> No.17718857

sounds like they need a little more Laura Norder

>> No.17719670
File: 98 KB, 1024x800, Victorinox original tomato blade folded 100 billion times pikutek one edge to cut them all 100% satisfaction guaranteed no refunds you are 100% satisfied every time never dull I am not a shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bad boy.
It's cheap.
It's sharp.
It's all you need.

>> No.17719689

as soon as a certain segment of the population stop stabbing each other with them

>> No.17719703

Perfect blade to spread butter on sandwiches. Absolutely based

>> No.17719903

>I definitely wasn't blown away when I first got mine, but it is bulletproof and gets the job done.
fibroxfags are so impressed that the knife they bought for $30 is able to cut things, can be sharpened when it gets dull, etc

"it doesn't look or feel nice, but it can cut a potato in half" no shit, it's a knife

>> No.17719931

Go on korin.com
Find one you like

>> No.17719937

$50-$60 isn't going to be anywhere near mid range.
Mid is minimum $100

>> No.17720127

I can't do that low, but I'll show you some options around $80
and of course Tojiro DP

some santoku knives are also cheap:

not a lot available at this price point. things start to get properly interesting at around $150

>> No.17721525
File: 107 KB, 1242x950, EbnNenNXQAEx1oI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread's headed for the archive and shignigga hasn't even posted yet
I was wondering how his rustbucket shigs compare to other knives he's tried and what those are

>> No.17721528

This is why we need a sticky, so people stop making budget knife and cast iron threads. The exact same things get said every single time

>> No.17721852

Find a better knife for that price range, please. Durability matters. There’s plenty of dogshit knives that are just as much and often times much more expensive.

Unless you’re willing to spend 3x or more you won’t see any improvement. Even then the “benefits” are almost entirely subjective and aesthetic. So yeah it doesn’t look the best but its very durable and uses a decent steel comparable to more popular german brands. Also I said it doesn’t retain its edge well, but the softer steel hones pretty decent. Are you retarded or did you not read my post? OP asked for a knife under $60, unless he’s buying used it’s the best you can do. Fuck off please.

>> No.17722496

Amazon Basic Bros ww@

>> No.17722759
File: 14 KB, 500x500, victorinox-kartelmes-26cm-5-2933-26-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Victorinox 26cm bread knife, absolute work horse in the kitchen I work. Here they cost about 30 eu and will cut just about anything, they are harder to sharpen but even "blunt" they still cut any vegetable easily. Only for meat I prefer using a non serrated knife.

>> No.17723054

go outside

>> No.17723062

>"it doesn't look or feel nice,
Yes it does, and cuts just as well as your weeb shit

>> No.17723131

>and cuts just as well as your weeb shit
lol I can guarantee it doesn't but you can believe what you want

>> No.17723528

>on internet cooking forum talking about knives under $60
>states retarded argument that makes no sense against a knife that is likely the best you can do at that price point
>provides zero alternatives or suggestions that are "better"
>gets BTFO
>says "go outside"

wow you are really retarded huh. We're on the same forum and I can almost guarantee I have more of a life than you. I just like to shitpost during the week while I work from home, not like I have time to do much else since it's my busy season. Sorry you drew the short stick in the genetic lottery.

>> No.17723541

struck a nerve?

>> No.17723542

>lol I can guarantee it doesn't but you can believe what you want

Cope harder

>> No.17723560

strike what nerve? You won't admit you're wrong and now you're just repeating things you've heard before. I get it, you lost the argument and now you don't know what to do.

>> No.17723582

I only said "go outside", this precipitated a defensive meltdown about how happy you are with your life. we both know the truth. hope things get better anon

>> No.17723604
File: 42 KB, 590x600, Tojiro DP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fibrox are good, just nothing special. Great if you're not going to take the absolute best care of your knives. For just a little more you can get this, but you better be careful with the VG-10 core edge. If you hit it on anything hard, like metal it can chip. If you don't ever do that it's a phenomenal bargain.

>> No.17723635

>defensive meltdown
writing a complete sentence is a meltdown, ok bud. My life's pretty good man, I don't need to prove it to you. You're still deflecting and not talking about the 1 thing we're trying to discuss here. We're trying to talk about knives. Post your knife, tells about why your weeb shit is so good, anything man. Why even comment, what's your purpose?

>> No.17723649

how much are those going for? they used to be real cheap, but now I've seen them for like $80+. Which is still a good deal given the quality. I wish I woulda pulled the trigger a while ago. I just have too much other shit to justify another knife and no where really to put it, and a well made steel knife is going to last like a decade...

>> No.17723654

This isn't reddit, we don't have karma here and I am not going to link you to all my posts where I've talked about things other than you and your fibrox. The world doesn't revolve around you anon.

>> No.17723666

Got em here for $86, that's the 210mm size I like. https://www.chefknivestogo.com/tojiro-dp-f-8081.html Also if you get a Lamsonsharp knife edge protector you can just store the knife in a drawer. It also doesn't touch the edge at all. I don't like knife blocks and magnets.

>> No.17723667

Maybe I'm mixing something up here, but isn't it your fault if the magnet drops because you didn't properly fix it to the wall?

>> No.17723670

>This isn't reddit,
why are you fags so obsessed with that website. We're not there! You probably used to post their all the time then your precious karma account got banned and now you cry about it on here. You're like those priest obsessed with evil gays, then hire dude prostitutes.

Anywho, I didn't ask for anything other that to contribute to this thread. Why are you such a dick? You contribute nothing and just spam non-sense that has nothing to do with the topic at hand to deflect how wrong you are about it. What does reddit have to do with knives, what does your post history have to do with knives? You seem like a miserable person desu.

>> No.17723677

Well I'm not gonna say KKF because you wouldn't even know what that is now would you. But go ahead and double down on your belief that anyone who has a different opinion has not been in the thread until you got upset, came to the thread for the sole purpose of antagonizing you personally, and will promptly leave as soon as they realize what a winner you are and what an amazing life you have compared to them

>> No.17723709

I think anon might be talking about the magnetic strength being too weak for heavier knives.

>> No.17723728

>your belief that anyone who has a different opinion

You didn't give an opinion you just twisted words I said to make a fake red herring/strawman argument, and then said it was dumb. I refuted your claim and asked you for an actual opinion or suggestion, which you have still not given. You just suck dude, I don't know what else to tell you.

>> No.17723868
File: 3.77 MB, 1920x4643, InShot_20220303_233002326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck mid-range, buy high end.
Benchmade Meatcrafter 15500.
Steven Rinella designed.
Absolutely BASED and MEATEATER pilled.

>> No.17723875

And yet here we both are with nicely julienned vegetables

>> No.17723980

dare I say based?

>> No.17724172

I've had my Wusthof for about 10 years and I love it, bought it when I was still cooking. Looks like they're up around $170 now though, I only paid about $100.

>> No.17724178

Certainly you may. Thanks!

>> No.17724200

I know I mean even my drawers are kinda full. I just feel like I have too much stuff. They're cool, but I don't really want the clutter and I got plenty of other things to spend my money. Maybe when my current stuff goes, but well made knives last a long time.

>> No.17724245

>everyone who replies to me is the same guy
the guy who said go outside is not me, I completely ignored your gay cope response

>> No.17724256

Basically every one I’ve seen has a few reviews saying the knives eventually fall off. But thanks for being the one person to reply other than mass reply fag

>> No.17724261

>my kia rio drives just as good as your lexus ls. we both got from A to B didn't we?

>> No.17724280
File: 563 KB, 2200x1467, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the ideal knife. simple, basic, japanese. no frills. no fancy pattern or rare wood handle, just low-cost performance. a true beater. you literally only need this, nothing more

>> No.17724296

how much and what is it?

>> No.17724304

>gay cope response
still no alternatives or suggestions. you might as well all be the samefag.

>> No.17724311

Heh, the guy is trolling. That's a shigefusa kitaeji gyuto. Probably around 1000-1300 usd.

You should have posted a western handle kitaeji shig, noob.

>> No.17724321

>Heh, the guy is trolling. That's a shigefusa kitaeji gyuto. Probably around 1000-1300 usd.
that's a bummer, cool lookin knife

>> No.17724347

the alternative is spend more money, doofus

I don't know what the best knives for $30 are. I also don't know what the best knives for $5 are. The minimum I would spend on a knife is just south of $100

>> No.17724363

Yeah they're truly fantastic knives. You can get a great knife similar to it for like 100-200 bucks. Munetoshi knives are really good value. Makes a highly functional knife, but doesn't spend much time on the finish of the blade.

>> No.17724379
File: 100 KB, 1280x960, P1030079__70804.1462473637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was intended to lure shigman out of hiding so I could ask him a question. however there are knives that roughly answer to my description. they're generally a bit more rustic and rough around the edges. e.g. picrel is about $170 (+ shipping, duties and taxes)

alright now that I've got you, can you answer this >>17721525

>> No.17724380

Danish hands typed this post

>> No.17724395

He doesn't finish them? Does that meant there's bits of metal and chemicals on the blade and stuff? Why would anybody buy those?

>> No.17724413
File: 2.86 MB, 1200x1080, upgrade.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ancient nipponese concept of wobby sobby, a baka gaijin like you wouldn't get it. The closest I can put it is the beauty of an every so slightly clockable trans girl. If she was 100% passable she would seem ordinary and uninteresting but the hint of what she once was, juxtaposed with her feminine wiles, makes any red blooded male go wild with lust.

>> No.17724468

ok what do you suggest, name a price and brand? Maybe something you have personal experience with so you can give an actual opinion. Not that we've gotten it out of the way that there's likely not a better option at the price point OP asked, which is why I gave the answer I did in the first place.

>> No.17724481

ok, now those look pretty fuckin legit.

>> No.17724492

Where do you get something like that? I feel like there's just so much information and so many weebs that just spam "knife is better" to really know what's a good deal and actual has solid build quality. My concern with knives like that is I get it from a rando distributor, then if there's an issue I don't really have any recourse or way to get a new knife. Hell how do I even verify it was actually forged in japan and not a cheap Chinese knockoff before it gets to me?

>> No.17724500

Just spend hundreds of hours lurking KKF and you'll learn who to trust and whoms't is a huckster

>> No.17724507

>Where do you get something like that?
from the danish autist: https://www.japanesenaturalstones.com/munetoshi-kurouchi-gyuto-210mm/
>I feel like there's just so much information and so many weebs that just spam "knife is better" to really know what's a good deal and actual has solid build quality.
you just research it like anything else. look for what people say on forums. youtube videos. etc.
>My concern with knives like that is I get it from a rando distributor, then if there's an issue I don't really have any recourse or way to get a new knife. Hell how do I even verify it was actually forged in japan and not a cheap Chinese knockoff before it gets to me?
it's usually not too hard to learn which distributors have a bad reputation (eg, chefknivestogo)

>> No.17724549

Shigs are strong and rigid knives that feel very sharp and precise to use. They are also very comfortable in the hand with a pinch grip because the spine and choil are rounded and polished. Excellent balance on the blades as well.

Shigs make other gyutos feel a little clunky or imbalanced, but it's not a massive difference. They're just superbly balanced, sturdy knives with excellent fit and finish.

My old ass sabatier I have is a full flat and fairly flexible towards the tip, so it doesn't feel as precise when I'm using it. There's a bit more felt resistance when cutting stuff because the edge isn't as thin. Food sticktion is higher as well and it is less comfortable to use because the spine isn't rounded.

My advice for a more expensive knife is to just find one that has a rounded spine and choil if you want something really nice don't fuss too much about makers. Comfort is just as important as performance especially in a home kitchen.

You see on >>17724379 that's a munetoshi. Normally the ground edge part he leaves with fairly rough grind marks rather than polishing that out. He doesn't spend much time on the choil either. The knife has great fit, but not great finish, which equates to a lower price. It's a good spot to fill. Inexpensive, but solid handmade knife. I think it's a fun project to polish and finish the bits he didn't as well. No harm at all in doing it unless you're a moron about it.

>> No.17724563


>> No.17724595
File: 397 KB, 1722x1173, mac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just curious, what's your opinion on something like a mac professional?

>> No.17724627

Never used one, but they look decent enough for a western style knife. The spine and choil don't seem to be rounded, which is a minus, but they look to be kind of a mid ground between a japanese gyuto and a western styled chefs knife.

15 degree factory bevel on a 60hrc knife would need to be fixed right away. I bet it could handle 12 or 13 and feel a lot sharper. It may also need edge thinning to really perform well, but I can't seem to find a good choil shot.

>> No.17724634
File: 296 KB, 837x2511, 20220419_124518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honyaki choil I forget name of.

>> No.17724636
File: 240 KB, 760x2202, 20220419_124505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choil from decent but relatively inexpensive gyuto I forget name of.

>> No.17724638
File: 218 KB, 715x1979, 20220419_124442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shigefusa gyuto choil.

Notice the more complex shape of the blade profile and how nicely finished the choil is.

>> No.17724722

Cool, so that's what you're paying for. Must be very labor intensive to create that subtle curvature. I've heard he does it by stock removal.

>> No.17724771

Any knife with a nice set of whetstones and a quality honing rod will do.

>> No.17724814

Yep. They use these big ass grinding wheels to grind in the profiles and do initial finishing. It takes a crapload of practice to get good enough to grind complex profiles like that.

The curvature allows for a very thin edge, but retains a lot of strength and rigidity compared to a full flat or less curvy grind.

>> No.17724845

Retarded comparison

>> No.17725195

it's actually a perfect comparison

>> No.17725256

Prove it.

>> No.17725312

So is JCK really that good? It's kind of an expensive website, and they barely sell any whetstones for the nipponese knives.

>> No.17725358

Sharpening is very personal. Having a narrow selection of stones is a sign that the people running the shop have strong personal views on knife stuff and aren't just selling "what the market will bear" like CKTG. Same way a knife maker who sells stones probably just sells one stone (the kind he likes).

To me that's a good sign. Never bought stuff from them though.

You want a wide selection of stones you go to a stone dealer not a blade dealer.

>> No.17725372

Not really. I just checked and they're selling their own brand.
I did buy one knife from them. It's alright, but it's nothing special.
Would be cool if they sold good cutting boards too.

>> No.17725377

why would I waste mental effort giving an argument to you? I would be casting pearls before swine

>> No.17725591

their prices seem pretty competitive

>> No.17725616
File: 1.30 MB, 4032x1816, 20220419_182322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got one on sale for $35 and tried it out. Can absolutely endorse. This is my first actual chef's knife and I can't believe I waited so long using shitty Walmart knives.

>> No.17725707

Spend the extra 20 bucks and buy a henkels or wustoff 8" but make sure it's the one with the BEEFY bolster on the bottom so you can use it for cracking bones n shit, I use mine for oysters and lobster when I buy them. If it's gonna be your daily driver get one with a scalloped blade, that way you can use it for slicing too. Don't fall for the meme and get a Japanese blade, the lack of a pointed tip bites you in the ass more than you think, I used a vegetable cleaver at my prep cook job for years and it's just handy to be able to open packages with the knife you're already holding rather than having to play around with it. Go for the more slender pointed models if you plan on using it to break down meat, like boning a chicken or pork butt. Other than that if you haven't already get a sharpening stone or ceramic file set, if you hit it every time or every other time you use it you don't have to spend 20 minutes sharpening it when you actually need it super sharp.

>> No.17725821

no its not, cars dont perform the same due to be a complex machine, knives all do the same thing, if you sharpen your knife correctly its the exact same as any other. some will need to be honed slightly more often, this does not matter if youre not a lazy retard

>> No.17726008

all the complexity resolves into simple effects: the wheels turning, the tires gripping the road, the suspension keeping the tires in contact with the road, etc.—and ultimately the effect is A to B. the final effects, with normal use, of the kia and the lexus, are the same. of course one does it more elegantly, and is a more impressive machine, and may also be a more dependable machine for the long haul, but that doesn't make any difference as to whether it achieves A to B. we both got to work on time so what's so special about your lexus?

knives are simpler devices for sure. and if we simply want to know whether they can julienne a bell pepper, there may seem to be no difference between the shigefusa and the fibrox: yes it can, and yes it can. but that tells you nothing about how elegantly they do it, which is the important difference. the fibrox cuts, but it is not a joy to cut with. it does not cut beautifully, it does not cut admirably, it does not cut thrillingly... but it cuts, sure. you have a perfectly ground, finely finished, delicately tempered carbon steel honyaki knife and I have a fibrox, both of our peppers are julienned, what's the difference?

>> No.17726117

>but it is not a joy to cut with. it does not cut beautifully, it does not cut admirably, it does not cut thrillingly
Yes it does. Sharpen your knife

>> No.17727718

Never used a shig I see

>> No.17727730

>go to kitchen supply store
>buy a large french knife for $10-20
I own the same shitty Johnson-Rose french knife from 2014 and it still performs great.

>> No.17727732

It is entirely possible that we work in the same kitchen.

>> No.17727802

>french knife
We kicked your ass in the judgment of paris

>> No.17727947

You a trojan?

>> No.17727961

Don't need to because my knife is sharp and comfortable

>> No.17729391
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>tfw these knives probably underperform for their price
I feel so stupid for wanting it

>> No.17730661

Just buy it, what's stopping you?

>> No.17730692

looking for a stone in the 6000 range that is affordable, consistent, good feedback. anyone tried the suehiro 5/6k? any good?

>> No.17730713

I have this sinking feeling that it will do a mediocre job of cutting, which will mean that I'm a retard who bought something for the looks

>> No.17730811

Well, tosa isn't normally the go-to place for high end, and for the price you may be right. On the other hand, stereotypes aren't always correct. The grind looks decent from what I'm seeing, much better than what I'd expect from tosa, and not out of line for the price, though still I'm not used to seeing that kind of price tag on a knife from that area. Not to mention the handle is quite a bit nicer than what you'd expect. The lamination is attractive. Not flashy but definitely there. Personally the bunka/santoku/kiritsuke meme doesn't do it for me, but to each their own.

For what it's worth KKF seems to think the brand is alright.

>> No.17730826

For what kind of knife?

King S1 is a classic among old timers.

>> No.17730862

Actually the Hattori gyuto I got from JCK isn't meh at all, it's great. Just prepped some stuff with it. Extremely comfortable with a front blade grip. Though I'm still not sure how the good balance justifies the 300$. You could probably find good balanced knives for much less if you're willing to give up the natural meme wood handle.
Maybe in the future I'd also get a Deba or a Chinese cleaver from the same place. I know they're totally different tools and I don't especially need either, but it could be a fun purchase

>> No.17730900

would use it to keep the few gyutos i use regularly sharp but also my straight razor and i occasionally sharpen my parent's stainless knife as well

>> No.17730911

Shapton kuromaku 5k is pretty nice.

If you're looking for good feedback get a japanese natural medium to hard koppa(odd size).
A decent one should be like 100-200 bucks and with correct technique will get you to a comparable 5k grit.

>> No.17730933

>Personally the bunka/santoku/kiritsuke meme doesn't do it for me
I have a 240 gyuto, and it's nice, but I like the feel of shorter knives. I feel closer to the tip, total control. maybe it means I am effeminate, I don't know. I also never rock chop so I don't like a lot of curve

the bunka shape seems like a meme to me too, I should have posted the santoku, which is more likely what I would purchase

>tosa isn't normally the go-to place for high end
exactly. it all just smells fishy to me. if they're as good a deal as they look, why are they still in stock everywhere?

>> No.17730937

that sounds really nice. ive never used a natural stone before.

>> No.17730961

Here's an example of a koppa. The odd shape cuts the price anywhere from 30-70% over a full sized one. 3x8.5 rectangle is standard and get insanely expensive.

You get used to the odd shape pretty quickly even when honing razors.

Just be warned there's a learning curve to using them, but I had fun through the process. They're a pleasure to use.

>> No.17730971
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Forgot pic. My b.

Jnats produce an unbelievable edge for straight razors, but it took me hours to get that HHT passing edge that feels like a dull blade on my skin.

>> No.17730988

Does the danish weeb flatten them before shipping or is that on the user?

>> No.17730992

can i still flatten these with sandpaper

>> No.17731062

It depends on the stone. They're flat enough for knives, but ime not flat enough for straight razor honing. I am highly autistic about stone flatness and will almost always flatten new stones I get just to be on the safe side.

Yes sandpaper will work fine. You will need to keep it under running water to avoid clogging and use 600-1200 as a finisher. I use a high precision diamond plate.

The danish weeb has really good tested stones and a nice return policy, but you pay a premium for that.

Tomonagura on etsy has inexpensive jnat straight razor honing kits. He puts up one-ish a week and they sell pretty quick. The stones work perfect for straight razors and will be essentially overkill for knives.

>> No.17731133

What do you think of aoto stones? The danish weeb doesn't have any but I've long desired one even though I've renounced all irrational stones and gone shapton glass I still want one

>> No.17731251
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I've only tried this aoto. It's a kouzaki and some Japanese villager coated it in legit urushi and hand wrapped it with string to strengthen it, probably a long time ago. Very cool.

Its a fairly soft stone and has a somewhat gritty and clay like feedback. Works medium speed and kicks up a good bit of mud. Made a sharp and very toothy edge on my white#1 gyuto.

I prefer suitas or sunashi if I want speed, but I also prefer harder stones that are considered more difficult to use on knives.

Worth getting one? Hard to say, but it did put a very aggresive edge on my knife pretty quickly with relative ease.

>> No.17731283

Damm that's hot. Any sauce recs? I was looking at aft

>> No.17731335
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Not for aotos. Tomonagura on etsy randomly posts gems like that kouzaki, but they get snapped up fast(by me). I completely trust him and everything he sells. He has an extremely informative youtube channel on straight razor honing and a sweet website on sharpening stones. Lots of unbelievable jnats to gawk at. Tomonagura.com

The only other place I've gotten stones from is the danish weeb and can vouch for the good quality, but they are pricey. He can be pretty helpful if you're looking to spend money as well.

Don't do ebay or at least do a ton of research on particular vendors and the type of stone you're looking and then still you may end up with fakes.

A frames seems cool, but his website pisses me off because he keeps all his sold shit up and you have to click on it to find that out, so I haven't bought from him. Lol

>> No.17731674

what do you finish your straight razor on?

>> No.17731725

love getting my knife sharp but I hate getting iron all over my hands. especially knowing how bad it is for you

>> No.17731748

Just wear your dishwashing gloves bro

>> No.17731759

Ultra light and watery tomo nagura(base stone slurry), nearly zero pressure on a very hard jnat. After that I use a strop, of course.

With jnats a common way to hone a razor is by using a progression of 4 mikawa shiro naguras and finishing with a tomo nagura all on the same hard to very hard base stone.

>> No.17731767

is it safe to use used knives? how do you sanitize them?

>> No.17731774

handle goes to shit though, how do you fix?

>> No.17731790

Yes. Soap. If you like restoring stuff you can get rusty or damaged japanese knives for cheap on ebay. You just need the tools and skills to restore them properly. I've gotten some great knives that way.

>> No.17731835

The same way you'd sanitize your own I'd imagine

>> No.17732788

Throw it out and buy another

>> No.17733030

>I completely trust him and everything he sells
by principle i dont blindly trust people that sell me shit on the internet, look how it blew up in jarrods face.
Im only honing for a year, but have never seen as much snake oil as in this niche

Anyway, anon wants to sharpen a knife, and a stone that does a good finish on a razor will absolutely suck free hand sharpening a knife.

do you use a linen strop after your tomo progression?

>> No.17733035

who is jarrod?

>> No.17733130

fibroxers be like "my fibrox is still my favourite knife after 12 years" and forget to mention they have had 12 fibroxes in those 12 years and 11 of them are now in a landfill

>> No.17733309

>handle goes to shit though, how do you fix?
they have a lifetime warranty. My handle is fine after several years, it's textured plastic that's dishwasher safe how is it going to shit? Idk what you're doing to your knife.

>> No.17733318

not true, at all. Do you just like making shit up?

>> No.17733325

it's 100% true, and it looks like I struck a nerve

>> No.17733336

This obviously. Victorinox are pretty much what chefs use in restaurants since they’re cheap but well made.

>> No.17733365

someone with internet authority that sold expensive useless hone gear aimed at newbies.

>> No.17733373

>it's 100% true
>just trust me bro
>don't worry about the lifetime warranty
>don't worry about the thousands of good reviews and first hand experiences in this very thread
>just trust me bro they're bad

Alright man whatever you say.

>> No.17733386

Well the thing with tomonagura is I've been through his extensive body of work online and through my own discernment I've come to the conclusion he's an honest man selling good product. Watch some of his youtube videos and you'll see.

Jnats are a bit different, but relatively speaking you're right.

If you pull up a good bit of slurry with a tomo and keep it kinda thick it isn't too bad in terms of speed, especially with very high end stones. You just need the skills to keep your angles consistent on the hard stones or you may regress in sharpness.

Generally speaking you want a soft to medium soft stone when sharpening a knife. They will kick up a lot of mud, which means faster work and less chance of fudging the angle.

I have a 80k kanayama and will do like 25-30 on the linen, 60 cordovan, 20, on the suede, then another 30-40 on the cordovan.

>> No.17733819

but i know where my knives have been though
got one used and the handle looked like it was kinda dusty or something and when you run water over it it looks ok but then when it dries it still looks dusty. it looks like this:
i think it might be minerals or something

>> No.17733828

can someone give me a quick rundown on the pros and cons of different handle types or link some resources that discuss it

>> No.17733839

Basically they hardly matter if you are holding your knife correctly

>> No.17735163

since i see other guys talking about straight razor sharpening: how many steps and what grits do you guys use before stropping? i see people using wildly different numbers of steps and grits

>> No.17735270

That's a big question. I'll keep it simple. It depends on what feels best for your face. Every stone synthetic or natural provides a different feel and you either get lucky and find what works well for you quickly or you need to try various stones/methods.

Some think 8k is fine, while others go to 16k or even 30k before stropping.

I'm the jnat guy and use 5 slurry stone progression to get where I want.
Botan, tenjyou, mejiro, koma, tomo.

This creates an edge that passes the hair hanging test. The cool part with jnat honing is that the blade is incredibly sharp, but feels soft or dull on my face and produces very minimal to zero irritation.

>> No.17735274

You must be fucking shit at sharpening if you kill a knife a year. I’m pushing 50 and still use fibroxes I trained with as an apprentice.

>> No.17735296

Chinese cleavers are stupidly fun to use. Even more so when cooking for guests at home because you whip them out and people think you’re gonna go full-on Friday the 13th, then you bust out a beautiful chiffonade or some perfect batons/matchsticks.
Can’t beat them for stir fries, being able to prep and then use the flat of the blade to effortlessly transfer ingredients to your mise or the wok is super practical.
After my 8” fibrox and my paring knife, my chinky cleaver is my next most favoured blade.

>> No.17735351

>The cool part with jnat honing is that the blade is incredibly sharp, but feels soft or dull on my face and produces very minimal to zero irritation.
if I were to guess I'd say that a toothier edge, even at micro-level, is scratching the surface of your skin as it shaves, or possibly the cuts might have more friction and pull slightly on the hairs as it shaves

obviously I don't know but it's interesting to speculate about

>> No.17735356

so far the finest stone i have is 6k is that good enough for a last stone before stropping?

>> No.17735433

I really like the handle and the balance on the wuesthof classic. I got mine for 90 euro, so it's probably out of a lot of people's budget, but I'm quite pleased with the build quality and steel

>> No.17735464

Well, if you set your bevel really really well you could get away with it, but it won't be close to the best you could get. Also strop the heck out of it.

It is interesting. It may have to do with how the friable abrasive slurry kinda "softens" the edge at a microscope level.

A lot of people say that 16k or 30k synths produce an edge that feels too sharp.

>> No.17735609

I stuck the cheapest magnet bar I bought off amazon to the steel hood over my oven out of curiosity and it stuck to it so violently it would have amputated a finger and I had to slowly work it off over several minutes

>> No.17735617
File: 1.89 MB, 3024x3024, cutters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cut more shit in 2 hours than anyone ITT does in a week and you fags are talking about what stays sharp, lmao. I might sharpen my viccies twice a year. OP, just buy whatever looks cool and get a honing rod with the rest of your budget.

>> No.17735623

>completely shiny everything
Nice larp, at least buy something used from the thrift store next time

>> No.17735645

It's called "not letting stainless steel air dry" your dumb ass should try it some time.

>> No.17735837

thanks, what kind of jnat would be good for finishing a straight razor after a 6k synth?

>> No.17735854

that's cool, so you use one super hard natural stone and create different grit slurries with different naguras? sounds a lot more convenient than flattening/cleaning several different stones every time

>> No.17735871

Shit I did the same thing on my fridge. Couldn't feel my finger tip for a week.

>> No.17735884

After 6k I would do tenjyou, mejiro, and tomo naguras on a hard to very hard stone.

The danish weeb has some nice looking aiiwatani stones that are in that hardness range and quite inexpensive. Good for a first jnat.

Get a hard nakayama koppa if you want to ball out, but not necessary for a first stone by any means.

For the naguras I would wait until the tomonagura shop on etsy opens back up in a couple days and get a matched set of the tenjyou, mejiro, and a tomo if you wanted. Getting a koma nagura will eventually get you a better edge, but hold off until you're more experienced. They're pricey stones.

The other way to go about it is to just get the aiiwatani or another hard to very hard stone and use a very fine diamond plate to pull up a slurry.

Basically you work the hell out of the slurry and get a feel for when and how much to dilute itbwoth water until it's basically 100% water and you're using almost no pressure on the razor.

Check out tomonagura on youtube if you want some great videos on jnat honing.

>> No.17735914
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Yes, exactly. The naguras can be thought of as a progression of "grits" but it's more complicated than that because the different naguras break down at different rates, have varying starting "grit", breakdown to different fineness, have different innate speeds.

You can actually feel the change when a slurry breaks down and if you're really in tune when you should go to the next nagura.

So a tenjyou may start at 2k and work down to 3k. The next nagura, mejiro, will start at 2.5k and go to 4k. You have to work the slurry to make it finer.

Here's my box of naguras. Each one has its own character and may work better with certain blades or with certain naguras than others.

>> No.17736002

Apparently also called "never using your knives" because the markings are still pristine and the edges don't even look like they've touched an abrasive, ever

>> No.17737413

It is a little sus, but he does have a knife pouch thingy, so he must mean business.

>> No.17737448

Victorinox is the king of budget cutlery. They have decent quality unlike other budget knives that are made of the shittiest steel on the market.

>> No.17738036

imo, buy a cheap hanging strop and the herold red and black paste. thats 25$ investment and the black paste is really good at what it does, it is actually kind of unfair how well it performs compared to >100$ stones.
Try it out, if it aint for you theres still enough time to waste a grand in stones

>> No.17738859

I have one of those. The IKEA 365+ chefknives are unironically really good for their price. Comfy handfeel, good profile and geometry and the blade takes and holds and edge very well, better than Victorinoxes IMHO. Easy to touch up with a smooth steel too.

>> No.17738870

>it's a phenomenal bargain
No it isnt. Tojiros are overpriced as fuck nowadays and they are made thick as shit behind the edge so the manufacturer wont get flooded with returned knives that were destroyed by stupid housewives trying to chop through chicken bones with them.

>> No.17739753
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>> No.17739864

>carbon steel: I like to spend more time fucking with my knives than actually cooking

>> No.17739879

>no wooden handles
>carbon steel
You live a life of lies and failure

>> No.17739896

All of those are trash and you work at chipotle.

>> No.17740073

if you want a full size chef knife for $70 with a wooden handle, you're probably getting a shit knife. by all means go ahead and get a wood handled victorinox, but it's not going to cut any better than the $30 one

>> No.17740119

carbon steel is just nicer to cut with. and the upkeep really isn't that bad once you're used to them, which I am. wipe after use and once in a while I clean it up with some lightly abrasive powder. no big deal

only downside of carbon steel imo is the smell of iron

>> No.17740128

>stainless steel: I like to spend more time grinding away carbides on state of the art synthetic super stones than actually cooking

>> No.17740241


>> No.17740257
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Be quiet, nigger

>> No.17740725

cope. a good edge on german stainless takes ten seconds on a rod. no big deal.

>> No.17740744

Creating a ragged burr isn't sharpening, though it may feel like a sharp edge if you run your finger along it

>> No.17740757

It's what I got. It's done what it needed to do. I've since gotten a better knife, which has just given me further appreciation that the victorinox was quite solid for it's price point.

>> No.17741189

>it may feel like a sharp edge and cut like a sharp edge but it's not actually sharp unless its real shirohagane pure carbon steel traditional hand forged honyaki wabi sabi polished spine and choil sharpened on a variety of natural stones from mines shut down decades ago that now cost $800 from resellers due to rarity
ok man

>> No.17741251

what kind of shitty rods do you use? let me guess, you don't properly maintain that either?

>> No.17741395

x50crmov15 cope

>> No.17741873

I have that same mac and it's a solid workhorse, but I would be worried about dropping it or someone else misusing it. The Victorinox on the end is way more durable but I don't feel as precise. Haven't tried the wusthof but hear good things and main con I've heard is heaviness

>> No.17741876

Also wanted to add Mercer as a solid low -mid choice

>> No.17742239

a ruby rod certainly shits on your 10k natural stone lineup.
Mate you are out of touch with reality

>> No.17742761

I don't use naturals, and your garbage rod shits on my stones in the same way that a microwave dinner shits on real food. Because it's shit, used by shit people who don't know any better

>> No.17742765
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>weee weee my rectangular abrasive is bedder than your round abrasive

>> No.17742819

Yes, it is

>> No.17742968


Why don't you two try saying something more that "yes it is!" And "no it isn't!" It makes the argument a lot less retarded and a lot more interesting.

Post your sharpening kit and or one of your knives, bitches.

>> No.17743008
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No need to be rude

>> No.17743017

Niiice, but Debas are cool too. Unlike a Chinese cleaver, a Deba is designed for breaking through small bones. It's a knife shaped axe.
For a while I wanted to get one of the Kiwi cleavers from Amazon that were posted here at some point. Now they no longer sell them. Ah well.

>> No.17743077


>> No.17743203

Hey mouth breather, rods don't sharpen. Your retarded comparison is gay.

>> No.17743226

You're screeching at me like you disagree with me but I'm literally telling you that raising a shitty burr isn't sharpening.

>> No.17743308

There's that fag talk again

>> No.17743315

Yes, I'm bisexual, what are you going to do about it?

>> No.17743921

>rods don't sharpen
there are different kinds of "rods" aka steels or hones. And the cheap ones that come with a lot of knife sets absolutely do sharpen, they have very sharp striations and work like files on cheap soft steel knives. But they produce a really shitty, short-lived edge and will mess up the profile of your knife over time. I use stones and a smooth steel, much more effective and much less wearing on the blade.