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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 1440x1084, u64t5e37zzt81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17713469 No.17713469 [Reply] [Original]

thank you but i'll be giving my money to chili's from now on

>> No.17713478

if 3% is good enough for the ones cooking the food its more than good enough for the wait staff

>> No.17713479

Lot of restaurants near me have been adding an extra 5% to your tab for employee healthcare. Quick way to lose customers, especially rich boomers

>> No.17713555

My gf left me and I don't want to go to all the old spots because I get too sad. Cuck shit but real shit.

>> No.17713570

I know that feel brother, I can't listen to a bunch of bands I used to love because we listened to a lot of music together. Shit sucks. I hope you find someone even better for ya.

>> No.17713574
File: 47 KB, 612x844, tip1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in a restaurant in a country where staff gets paid a real wage and tips are completely optional and appreciated no matter how small they are.
The tips are all written down and once in a while distributed to ALL staff based on the number of hours worked by the individual.
The American tipping system is a travesty and the food service workers who put up with it are massive cucks.

To answer your actual question; snobby waiters.
We run a very high-end and quite expensive place but we keep the atmosphere friendly and relaxed. You don't have to wear a suit and you don't have to be an expert on wine to dine here.
When we go out ourselves we look for places that are like that too. I don't know what kind of asshole wants to be all stiff and boring when he's eating and drinking.

>> No.17713578

never understood this, just pay your workers a living wage. Either you accept that you chose to open a business that exploits people or provide a living wage and benefits. Remember, ethical businesses always close their doors.

>> No.17713579

Instead of adding yet another charge why not just raise prices by 3% and pay the kitchen better?

>> No.17713586
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Obviously, but front room never wants that to be obvious. There's a reason waiters stay in the profession while back room people drop like flies.
Go to your normal places, but wear something different. Wear a suit, fuck it.

>> No.17713587

Just stop tipping waiters, that would close the gap, or tip the cooks instead as they would actually deserve it. Or just pay everyone fairly without any tipping.

>> No.17713594

why do you have to be so anti semitic?

>> No.17713635

Then you don't get to rub the customer's face in it.

>> No.17713638

This is literally humble bragging. Just raise the price of your food and shut the fuck up.

>> No.17713653

so basically it's virtue signaling to make you feel good about paying a lot?

obviously they can pay their employees whatever they want..

>> No.17713662

>We need YOU to pay OUR staff


>> No.17713665

but how else will management virtue signal that they "'care'" then?

>> No.17713673

You know it's your money that pays the staff anyway right?

>> No.17713679

Yes, but not directly like that.

>> No.17713700

>paying other people to cook your food for you

>> No.17713714

>shitty tipper
>aka these people didnt want to pay my employees for me!!! fuck them!!!
Also, that sort of public shaming should not be legal

>> No.17713752

This. Rising prices have been a fact of employment life as long as there've been jobs. But virtue signaling a cost of living rise as if you're doing them a favor deserves you to lose business to the point of replacing the management with someone less crooked.

>> No.17713777

just don't think about her bros. worked with me everytime

>> No.17713804

>people visit restaurants so often that they have favorites
lol absolutely cucked

>> No.17713823

Hahahah that is fucking hilarious
>noooo! I just wanted to not tip and brag like a badass on the internet for (you)’s! I don’t actually want people to know I don’t do it!!
Lol holy shit what a pussy ass faggot.

>> No.17713831

I think it would be illegal in japan
you're not allowed to dishonor someone like that even if it is true
(of course they are too civilized for tipping in the first place)

>> No.17713851

why does victimhood have so much cache now after thousands of years of brutal war and enslavement?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say the public school system turned the kids into fags.

>> No.17713896

prussian system

>> No.17713983

Technology. Noone has to fight/work for themselves anymore, so all that energy & effort bred into humans through 100ks of evolution has to be vented somehow as we're no longer allowed to war. I takes a considerable amount of effort to convince everyone to use force to promote professional victimhood on a species that would be long extinct if it wasn't a specialist in survival.

>> No.17713991

>>noooo! I just wanted to not tip
Did it mention "tipping x% minimum required" on the menu or anywhere for the diner to see?

>> No.17714080

Are you really so fucking retarded that you cannot figure out what you are supposed to do unless it's literally spelled out for you? That's some heavy duty autism.

>> No.17714088

So your answer to my question is 'no' I take it. Even in the US we have the laws written down somewhere you can look up, where do we look up the rules in this restaurant to not be put on the wall of shame? What is the threshold? 'Shitty Tipper' is subjective

>> No.17714090
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>never understood this, just pay your workers a living wage.

Then you have a situation like Europe, where waitstaff don't give a fuck because they're guaranteed a paycheck.

The q.t. waitress at the local bar/restaurant where my friends and I regularly go, makes a ton of cash in tips (that she can fudge on her tax return) because she's friendly and quick.

>> No.17714100

>like Europe
Europe isn't a single country, stinky burger, and has a huge variance between countries like Portugal (similar to Japan in the way that eating out is sometimes cheaper than homecooking) and places where it's impossible to open a restaurant
A staff that "doesn't give a fuck" gets fired either way and the back of the restaurants are often staffed with as many illegal immigrants as possible to reduce the costs, no matter if the legal workers earn an acceptable minimum wage

>> No.17714119

>where waitstaff don't give a fuck because they're guaranteed a paycheck.
or maybe, just maybe, they just didn't put up with your fucking bad manners and your basis of "lazy" is balanced on sucking your dick like you're the only person alive. People like you need to just be honest. You want to be fucking cunts to other people, and you want to get away with it with no consequences. That's why you enjoy the current state of the services industry. And you see absolutely no problem with getting ""good service"" through fear motivation, and building an entire sub-culture around illegally circumventing the tax system

I don't work in a restaurant and I don't give cuck size tips, but I also don't feel the need to belittle other people and terrorize them to make my PP big. I also think fudging your tip taxes is just as bullshit as e-thots not being taxed for their patreon pay piggie money, or billionaires being able to hide their liquid assets in panama

>> No.17714134

Maybe you could have a shred of common sense? If you aren’t ashamed of whatever you’re tipping, then why do you give a fuck if you’re on a board?

>> No.17714136
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If I saw that, I would deliberately give a name like Hugh Jass or Mike Hunt and just not bother tipping, paying only in exact change. Then again, I don't tip much, if at all, it's a reward, not an expectation because you as an employee chose a profession that pays 2.50 an hour and becuase the business you work at is too cheap to pay a wage. I've been lambasted, chased out, and threatened by a purple haired SJW (not even joking) and a manager actually threatened to call the cops for not tipping. I dared him.

>> No.17714137

>'Shitty Tipper' is subjective.
Since you seem to have never actually been to a dining establishment (or anywhere that isn't a Cambodian rice wine imageboard), I'll explain to your autismo ass what the agreed upon procedure is when eating out, since you are so retarded as to be unable to comprehend anything that is not written down.

In America, it is expected that you are to tip about 20% of your bill to your server. We even have laws in place that deal with this exact concept, and work by assuming that they will receive this tip. Most resturants these days even show suggested gratuity amounts on the receipt. If you receive quality service and tip less than 20%, you are, objectively, a shitty tipper.

>> No.17714145

>Most resturants these days even show suggested gratuity amounts on the receipt.
Ah excellent, thank you for answering the question. So they could easily put a minimum tip amount on the receipt to avoid being put on the wall of shame, correct?

Otherwise, what if I tip 15%? Is that wall of shame territory? 14? 13? If you're going to put someone on a wall there has to be a threshold, no?

>> No.17714148
File: 94 KB, 710x512, wojack-brainy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hugh Jass
>not Hugh Janus

>> No.17714156

If they're going to publicly humiliate someone they should at some point indicate what the % tip it would be to get put on that wall

>> No.17714158
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It's not even about being mentally retarded. If a business does not explicitly outline costs on the bill, you are not legally required to pay it. But please, show me a federal law, hell where you are required to tip.

>> No.17714159

>Cambodian rice wine imageboard
posting stupid shit like this is a dead give away that you're a transplant from reddit.

>> No.17714162

why did the artisit do this to doma

>> No.17714164

Janus Painus

>> No.17714170
File: 62 KB, 1024x557, 1634558559855m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cool another tipping thread, been a while

>> No.17714175
File: 430 KB, 434x532, 1643475116061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We even have laws in place that deal with this exact concept, and work by assuming that they will receive this tip.

I asked this before, captain faggolina, show me the exact federal law stating I have to pay a tip at every restaurant I eat at, even if that gratuity is not listed on the bill.

If it's not on the bill at the end of the meal, you don't have to pay. It's that fucking simple. Social Mores and Social Expectations =/= Laws.

>> No.17714185

>So they could easily put a minimum tip amount on the receipt to avoid being put on the wall of shame, correct?
As I said, they most likely do.

>Otherwise, what if I tip 15%? Is that wall of shame territory? 14? 13? If you're going to put someone on a wall there has to be a threshold, no?
The treshold for the image that started this would appear to be a 3% tip or less, which is quite shitty.

>> No.17714188

realistically I would tip to be normal but these threads make me hate amerifat servers lmao

also going to other countries with way better food
might just be a based anti tipper if I go back

>> No.17714190

Then I will only tip 4%

>> No.17714193

legally speaking he is correct. the entire onus of tipping is 100% social pressure, there is no legal backing to it. This is because the entire practice is a work around of paying wait staff a wage. There are laws allowing restaraunts to pay wait staff under minimum wage, with the expectation they will be tipped. There is no law compelling the tipping

>A tipped employee engages in an occupation in which he or she customarily and regularly receives more than $30 per month in tips. An employer of a tipped employee is only required to pay $2.13 per hour in direct wages if that amount combined with the tips received at least equals the federal minimum wage. If the employee's tips combined with the employer's direct wages of at least $2.13 per hour do not equal the federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference. Many states, however, require higher direct wage amounts for tipped employees.

In theory a business is require to pay the waiter the difference in Min. wage if they fail to meet the amount but they would just terminate you for doing a poor job then. Also you are legally required to declare tips on your taxes, pretty much every waiter in the country is or has committed tax fraud.

>> No.17714194

Yes, you are not required by law to be a decent human being. I'm not sure what point you are trying to make since nobody has argued this, but enjoy being put up on the wall ig.

>> No.17714206

>you're a transplant from reddit
posting stupid shit like this is a dead give away that you're a transplant from reddit.

>> No.17714213

when did it become normal in the USA for restaurants to be the only single type of business to get this kind of leeway on wages for slow business?

>> No.17714214

Then you will be put on the wall, because 4 is much less than 20.

>> No.17714216

Oh my apologies, I'll tip 5% then

>> No.17714221
File: 37 KB, 1024x834, 1638754877097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


• Any preachy shit where they let the homeless eat for free. Then you get transients coming in and wanting free shit and spazing out because they want more, were "disrespected" or some other dumb shit.

• Covid surcharges, mentions of "new normal" or any charge that is just a mystery line item. Either raise your fucking prices or decrease portions, but don't be a gypsy.

• Retarded names. It started getting popular after Bob's Burgers to do funny names, punny names, etc. A cool name is fine, but don't go redditfag on me.

>> No.17714233
File: 473 KB, 320x240, grandpasimpson.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck are they supposed to know your name? Also, If I saw this, I'd Grandpa Simpson my ass out, calling them communist faggots as I did so.

>> No.17714245


>> No.17714249

>he thinks paying 1/4 of what is expected is socially acceptable
Really going hard to get as many sperg points as possible I see.

>> No.17714259

Navigating the arbitrary waters of life, my front house friend
>>Sir do you know how fast you were going?
>No sorry, what's the speed limit?
>>Really going hard to get as many sperg points as possible I see.

>> No.17714265

>How the fuck are they supposed to know your name?
It's on that magic plastic card that lets mommy and daddy get whatever they want for free little Timmy.

>> No.17714274

Entitled dick nozzles like yourself are the reason I don't go to restaurants any more. I either just cook at home now or get the occasional In-N-Out.

>> No.17714275
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Implying I use my credit card or bother with purchasing alcohol, dumbass.

>> No.17714282

>speeding laws are the same thing as social norms
I'm not even sure what you're trying to accomplish at this point.

>> No.17714283
File: 914 KB, 1063x706, EternalAnglo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's America, and it started around the civil war. So guess.
>At least two accounts state that there was no tipping in the United States prior to 1840, Kerry Segrave writes in "Tipping: An American Social History of Gratuities." Wealthy Americans are thought to have brought tipping back to the United States from lavish trips to Europe in the years leading up to the Civil War.
>In 1915, several states passed laws prohibiting tipping, which was a growing practice but unpopular at the same time. All six of the bans were overturned or ruled unconstitutional by 1926.
>"When these states banned tipping, it was because they were trying to discourage whites from tipping instead of actually paying former slaves," Jayaraman told the Post. Of six states that made tipping illegal, five were in the South, where the idea was that only Black workers were making tips because "you only tip inferiors," Jayaraman explained.
>Tipping was codified in 1938 as part of the New Deal, Jayaraman has said, because the Fair Labor Standards Act allowed federal minimum wage to be earned through wages or through tips.
This was a compromise to help it get through congress.

tl;dr, because nobody wanted to pay emancipated slaves, who mostly found work as unskilled labor such as wait staff or porters.
I will now be going out to the store so I won't see your /pol/ shitposts or soyjacks

>> No.17714289

Social norms aren't having a wall of shame for people who don't meet your arbitrary tipping goals

>> No.17714291

Too many frequent price increases

>> No.17714299

Bitch, its 10%. 15% at most, only if you really like the place or food or the service overall.

>> No.17714300

>tl;dr, because nobody wanted to pay emancipated slaves
that's very antisemitic of you

>> No.17714304

Never worked at a resturant in my life, so idk what you're on about.
You asked how they got the names, and I told you. How you choose to pay is irrelevant to how those names got up there.

>> No.17714308

learn2read nigger

>> No.17714347

Yes, but it does not go against any norms as well. Not tipping does, and is arguably even a taboo. I see no issue.

>> No.17714359

>but it does not go against any norms as well.
I think that's arguable. The number of restaurants that have a public shaming wall I'd imagine is quite the minority. The kinds of people who work at front house in restaurants though are the types that usually can't hammer down anything but arbitrary feelings anyway.

>> No.17714399

I stopped eating at restaurants about 7 years ago. Before not eating at was cool. I see more and more people rejecting the poor quality to price ratios, tipping "culture" shakedowns, and the new dubious covid-era fees. I approve of the decline of restaurant businesses. I believe that culinary creativity and skill will increase across the board as more people generalize in their daily lives. Culturally we have forgotten how to cook. Thus shitty and mediocre "professional" cooks have become acceptable to us. Putting up with weird as fuck service industry worker social power play dynamics should end.

>> No.17714406

I only tip the chefs. Bringing me my food is not a big deal and I might as well get my plate myself, lol.

>> No.17714478

pick up an orange, fool

>> No.17714513


>your feedback is appreciated

Submit this:

>I will no longer eat at your establishment precisely because you come up with dumb-assed 'solutions' to problems which are entirely of your own choosing. Pay a standard wage and stop customers from tipping to individuals. Any 'tips' that are received are saved up until the end of the month and then redistributed equally to all staff members.

>> No.17714520

>where waitstaff don't give a fuck

Eiuropean waitstaff have something called professionalism and in fact service in Europe (and UK) is generally better than the USA. Stop with this deluded fantasy that the world is so mean and cutthroat and out to get ya you fool.

>> No.17714529

I would assume they got it from the card rather than asking everyone's names. I guess they could use the names of the person who booked a reservation but getting it from the card makes most sense
So if you don't want to be called out, just pay in cash.

>> No.17714542

>the world is so mean and cutthroat and out to get ya
It isn't?

>> No.17714556

when I make orders or reservations I always use the name Otto after Otto I, holy roman emperor and victor over the magyars

>> No.17714557

How is it that everyone who works in the industry on here works in an up scale expensive place? I find that very hard to believe. Like why even lie? It’s anonymous. No one knows you.

>> No.17714570
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Most people don't want to admit that they work in dead end jobs (although plenty of people still admit to it here on 4chan) and not everyone is a degenerate NEET loser on here. I'm sure some of them are lying but I'm also sure that some of them do work in high end establishments. There are people on /g/ that work in FAGMAN.

>> No.17714571

when i go out to eat the best thing to get is depressed.

>> No.17714574

>when the owner considers himself kitchen staff

>> No.17714588

dont have a fav place but if they fk up my food twice I wont eat there again..same goes for too much time I have to wait for my order..it can happen once, if it happens twice thats it.

>> No.17714826

That...Does not sit well with me at all.

>> No.17714841

why not raise prices by 3% instead of having this bullshit

>> No.17714855

Why? I didn't hire them. If there is an issue you want to address with their pay, that's your job, not mine. I'm just here to eat food.

>> No.17714916

Yeah that’s the thing. Don’t leave a tip where you’d find the % embarrassing.

>> No.17714945
File: 71 KB, 900x1228, assault_specialist_mkii_by_ianskie1_d60hv3f-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because virtue signaling. They want to have an instagrammable picture that can be posted on social medias that Social Justice Warriors and Yaas Queens can blab about "muh socialism" and "workers' rights"

No, it is. This user is retarded. Read the 48 Laws of Power. Nature hates a vacuum, and humans will exploit a cheat wherever they can find it.

Just use cash. A place that doesn't take cash isn't doing business with me anyways.

>> No.17714982

They killed off tipping in Ontario now, so it's quite literally not my problem

>> No.17715007

Incomprehensibly based, tipping is the most retarded thing on earth and I will never engage in it

>> No.17715027

I have 0 problem with this since it means I no longer have to tip, correct? If this means the staff gets paid fairly (and if the food is good quality) by all means raise the price 3%.

>> No.17715082

You don't like them breaking down the pricing structure for you? They could have just increased the prices by 3%, said nothing about it, and only given 2% to the kitchen staff.

>> No.17715206

why do the people who are actually making the food get paid less than the people who just carry it out to your table anyway? if they wanted to "close the gap" maybe they should force the servies to share their tips with the people doing real work that couldn't be replaced with a conveyor belt.

>> No.17715228

I used to work in BoH at a restaurant, kept getting told that tip sharing was coming soon. Never did
Regularly had FoH staff complain that they *only* made 300 dollars in tips in a night when that was a weeks work for the rest of us. Fuck those guys

>> No.17715250

They bring your food to table, how much fuck up they can make

>> No.17715316

>I don't know what kind of asshole wants to be all stiff and boring when he's eating and drinking.
I like acting fancy sometimes, and fancy equals stiff and boring with a hint of condescension to my plebeian brain.

>> No.17715362

If I'm going out to a sit down place I expect to pay a bit of a premium, so price doesn't really matter to me, it's how I'm treated and how the food is that will keep me away.
A sports bar that had decent food and good atmosphere lost my business because of that, been there many times to watch a game or race but last two times I went was just awful.

Now if it's a pop in and out spot the price, and food matters. If prices go up too much I'll just look elsewhere, if food quality drops same thing. There was a place I used to go to all the time but then the usual guy I guess quit and the new guy fucked up my order every time I went there. Not going back.

>> No.17715401

Waiters ad waitresses are parasites, and they frankly ruin my meal whenever I eat out with their presence.

>> No.17715412

My % that wouldn't be embarrassing is whatever gets me on the board + 1, are thresholds a difficult concept for plate bringers?

>> No.17715420


>> No.17715432

Just add it to the net price. What the fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.17715441


>> No.17715447

bruh here in sweden we don't tip and the service is just as good as the states. We don't fall for the scare tactic of "work hard or else you'll be a failure forever"

>> No.17716246

The wall does not break any societal norms. There is no shared opinion that walls of shame are bad, while there is a shared opinion that not tipping is bad. Not following any norms is not the same as purposefully violating preexisting ones.

>> No.17716277

>front of house gets minimum wage
>chefs out back get $80k/year

>> No.17716286

>that sort of public shaming should not be legal
its not legal
it's defamation

>> No.17716294

>waitstaff don't give a fuck because they're guaranteed a paycheck.
ive experienced the opposite
every country with tipping that ive visited the waitstaff are stuck-up annoying cunts that passively-aggressively harass you every 2.5 minutes trying to fish for tips

when you have waitstaff that get a normal wage like everyone else they can just focus on actually doing their job well instead of "what ass-sucking can I do to make an extra $1?"

>> No.17716355

I would guess americans would figure out a way to tip their cooks by now.

>> No.17716370

>6.50 is a shitty tip
wtf what are you expecting for bringing some food to a table

>> No.17716373

I don't like being doxxed, zoomer. I'm not some faggot that had my real name and address plastered over social media my entire life.

>> No.17716388

>because you as an employee chose a profession that pays 2.50 an hour and becuase
Friendly reminder that if a waitress doesn't make enough in her 2.50 plus tips to equal minimum wage then the employer must make up the difference. Even if you tip 0 dollars, a waitress is always guaranteed minimum wage.

>> No.17716396


>> No.17716429

Because only the people that work in places worth mentioning actually comment. Hundreds of thousands of people post here. I'm unemployed right now. Are you also gonna comment on how it's weird only neets comment?

>> No.17716447

Telling the truth isnt illegal. Reconsider voting in the future.

>> No.17716570

Why make a wall of shame of the times their service was dog shit and list the customers name but not the waiters? Kinda pointless IMO.

>> No.17716605

So you'are a cheap asshole, noted.

I'm taking this is bait.

>> No.17716612

The problem is that a lot of tip-based employees can potentially earn shittons more than any meager minimum wage, not all of them of course, but enough of them combined with the people/companies who run the restaurants have a stronger say than those who would prefer a flat wage.

>> No.17716636

Any tip at all is a charitable bonus

>> No.17716643

just charge more for the damn food then. this is just stupid.

>> No.17716645

Not saying you shouldn't tip, but in my region 18% is a "Good" tip, and 20% and up is a "Great" tip.

It might be higher in places like california with super high cost of living, but 20% isn't the "minimum".

>> No.17716649

Why not just change the prices ? Or give menu without prices and charge whatever the fuck you feel like to customers.
>"I'll take the $8 burger"
>"It's $8 for the food, $5 to cook it, $6 to bring it to you, another $5 for employees healthcare, $10 for employees house mortgage, + tax + tip"

>> No.17716659

That won't work anon, because the Tip culture still exists, and so long as the "pay your employees correctly" requirement isn't enforced on EVERYONE, people will just get confused and think the resteraunt charging more is being greedy (And think they still have to tip there due to culture), and that single business will end up going out of business.

In order to fix this, wage laws would need to be changed so the staff would have to be paid minimum wage BEFORE tips to bind everyone, to start to change the tipping culture to be like europe.

>> No.17716661

fuck waitstaff

>> No.17716671

Just ban tiping in your restaurant. "Staff can't accept tips". Write tips and taxes included on your menu.

>> No.17716673

then they get fired for forcing the employer to dig around their bellybutton to come up with some pennies to cover the waitertress

>> No.17716686

>Had an italian place I really liked
>On the pricey side ($25-$30 a person surrounded by $5-$10 a person restaurants) but the food was phenomenal
>Owner died in an accident
>Owner's kid takes over
>In a couple months everything on the menu has had its price hiked 10-20%
>The portion sizes got smaller
>Last I heard they stopped using the fish market two blocks away and started ordering bulk frozen fish from sysco
>Final straw for me was when the sauces had either been made with water instead of stock or were outright watered down, couldnt tell which

>> No.17716694

>Underperforming employee gets fired for not doing a good job.
Wow, that never happens in any other business!

>> No.17716695

they should just make it so tipping is done anonymously. it could be a jar by the door or something. the only reason I tip is fear of getting my food spit on.

>> No.17716703

>the only reason I tip is fear of getting my food spit on.
What? First, you tip at the end after your food has already been prepared and eaten. Second, the tip goes to the waitstaff, not the cooks in the back room.

>> No.17716707

yeah, i get it, but “insert woke multinational or Portland coffee house that pulls this kind of shit” wont go out of business by increasing menu prices by 3%

>> No.17716709

>The American tipping system is a travesty and the food service workers who put up with it are massive cucks.

No, they make way more from tips than they would a regular wage. Waiter faggots prefer the tipping system. They are parasitic scum and tax cheats.

>> No.17716710

>get the fucking MAGA assholes who refuse to tip
>Get narcistic sociopaths who literally get off on abusing workers and obviously don't tip for that reason
>get church crowd who are both pissed they just wasted time at church and also feel self righteous because they just came from church and don't tip
>End up with no money in tips because you got shitholes for customers

>> No.17716715

Most people go to a resteraunt more than once anon; The people working there remember the customers, so if you're not planning on never coming again, its a precaution.

>> No.17716717

It's pretty dismal on a $200 tab. Assuming about $20 per person, that's a table of 10. 6.50 is less than if each person pitched in $1 for a tip.

>> No.17716721

If you're that fucking unlucky, you deserve to get fired for that too. If those are really such blatant trends, then other waitstaff would see if too.

>> No.17716722

tipping in restaurants should work the other way round - I'd rather tip the guy who cooked my food than the disinterested surly wagie who brought it all the way from the kitchen to my table. I know which one is doing the actual work in that scenario.

>> No.17716723

>Read the 58 Laws of Power.
you are so cool and tough. you are mowing down alien communists with your epic spacer assault ride. you are the imperium. you are jordan peterson. you are powerful. i love you. i'm going to kiss you. i'm on my knees for you. unzip your space marine jeans

>> No.17716728

sorry, meant to type rifle. i was distracted, quivering in my boots at this guy's masculine aura

>> No.17716730

How do you figure?

>> No.17716748

in the US you will find stark differences between states that have "at- will" employment vs contract employment.

states with at will employment generally all pay waitstaff 15 bucks an hour.

but small town shitholes that only know employment through tradies tend to go with contract employment.


>> No.17716750

Not so simple there anon, you're also discounting the server maintaining constant attention on your table to anticipate refilling your drinks or bringing more things like bread/butter out as your party depletes them.

Not saying the kitchen staff doesn't also need to be compensated, but there are still many things a waiter/waitress provide for your dinner experience.
Nothing worse than having a shitty waiter who barely refills your drink as you eat your meal so you're having to eat a salty/spicy meal while sucking the dregs of your ice as it melts because they're too busy watching another table.

>> No.17716782

>poor fuckers in the kitchen doing work all day cooking cleaning and maintaining the hot as fuck kitchen with barely a moment to even check their phones
>paid slightly above minimum wage, no tips

>entitled limp wrist faggot waiter who gets passive aggressive against anyone who even so much as looks like they don’t tip, and if they do poor service and get a poor tip they will perpetuate the cycle against the customer with continued poor service to spite them
>also gets tons of free time and spends have their shift scrolling on twitter complaining about tips
>gets hundreds of dollars in tax evaded gratuity tips and never fails to complain to kitchen colleagues how they didn’t get $300 in tips last night

>> No.17716786

>The people working there remember the customers
Have you ever worked retail or food service before? They legitimately do not unless you're exceptionally shitty, and leaving no tip is, again, at the end of the meal so you would not be remembered until it had happened a few times.

>Most people go to a resteraunt more than once anon;
Not really, no. Most people eat out multiple times a week, but at different places. For reference, there are 24,000 restaurants in NYC. Someone could eat at a different restaurant every single night and it would take them over 60 years to get through them all.

>> No.17716790

the easiest way to kill a restaurant business is to make the waitstaff and cooks hate each other

>> No.17716798
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I don't really see anything even close to that when I look at the data. States with at will employment tend to pay their waitstaff the least based on what I could find.

>> No.17716818

I work retail asshole, yes, we do remember customers. If they're not regulars, sure they'll fade into memory. But if they're a regular who comes to that location every week/2 weeks, yes, you will goddamned remember them, other employees will remember them, and you will have conversations about the various people who come there.

>> No.17716823
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"Can I get you the ususal then, hun?"

>> No.17716835

Cool, and how many times have you spit into a customer's food? Or if you're retail and not food service, how many times have you spit into their bag or stolen their cc info or given them incorrect change or don ANYTHING to a customer you disliked other than maybe being a bit curt to them?

>> No.17716866

because the goal is not to actually help the employees, but to show the customers how much they "care"

>> No.17716870

My takeaway from that would be that there's no correlation at all.

>> No.17716871

Alright, so we See you're moving the goalposts here on your initial statement:
"Service people don't remember!"
>Get told and proven to be an ignorant idiot full of shit
"I know! I'll move the goalposts and instead state "Well nothing bad will happen!"
So yeah, your argument now is "They can't spit in my food!"
You go on there champ, lets see how well things turn out for you. As I don't work food, I can't say yes/no there, but I wouldn't put my faith in it.

Secondly, as for what have I done in retail to assholes, since I CAN talk about that?
Lets see, there's been about 10 times in the past month when I've used corporate policy to deny people asking for discount prices on products that don't apply for that product when for other people who aren't assholes I just use the "Give customer money" code (Yes, stores have those even if its not called that, since corporate just tells employees to literally bribe customers who get pissy) to just give them a discount when they ask.
So yeah, I know of a few backlashes for assholes where I work at least.

>> No.17716873

just make sure you remain fixed on the fact that they never speak about you or think about you at all

>> No.17716878

What is the point of calling it some gimmicky name and making a poster about it? If they had just made the menu items slightly more expensive they'd accomplish the same result without making customers feel like they're having extra money taken for weird reasons.

>> No.17716879

>deny people asking for discount prices on products that don't apply for that produc
So... When people are shitty you just actually follow policies? Wow. I'm so scared. You really showed me that not tipping is terrible.

>> No.17716888

"official" policy, when 99% of the other people just get the discount money anyways even if they don't apply.
Generally unless its a super huge amount people will ignore what the actual written stipulations are and give a customer a discount or markdown to make them happy, as the job of retail is to satisfy people and have them leave happy.
If a salesperson is being a hardass and holding to the fine print, its usually because you've earned it.

>> No.17716900

I'm going to gamble here and say that the amount I save by not tipping will more than even out with whatever sale you're trying to push over the course of a lifetime if I eat at a place multiple times. And if I eat there only once, then it will definitely cancel out.

>> No.17716906

In San Francisco, waiters get a minimum wage of $16.32 (higher than all but one country in the world), and are expected to get given about 20% of gross sales on top of that, the prices of which are already tremendously inflated because the real estate is some of the most expensive in the world.

In California, it is infinitely better to be a waiter/waitress than own a restaurant. But somehow, people do it even though almost all of the profits flow to the waitstaff. (waitstaff take 20% of gross after already getting paid, where the average restaurant is lucky to break even.)

>> No.17716908

Look, we've already established that you're an asshole that doesn't tip.
That's cool. Just don't be a regular at a resteraunt and you're golden. But most people frequent resteraunts bi-weekly or even weekly if they like them, and that's generally who'll be the one's worrying.

>> No.17717102

> There is no shared opinion that walls of shame are bad
What does that even mean? Have they done studies?

>> No.17717119

kek just projecting your hatred of everything the tv told you to

>> No.17717180

Is this even legal?

>> No.17717190

If they get the names from credit cards, no. If the names are voluntarily provided by some other means, yes.

>> No.17717192

My local coffee joint started charging an extra 4% like that so I stopped tipping them.

>> No.17717199

Wait so you have to pay for the wages of THEIR employees? Wtf is this weird champagne socialist Marxist capitalism bullshit?

>> No.17717209

Wait this restaurant actually doxes their clientele? Wtf how are they not sued for this shit?

>> No.17717249

Wait staff/servers/waitresses/waiters/hostesses etc are basically food prostitution. You're literally paying and tipping for the adrenaline rush of feeling good about giving money to someone bringing your meal and maybe deluding yourself that they're your "friends". Convince me otherwise. The whole restaurant industry is a scam.

>> No.17717255

>Culturally, we have forgotten how to cook
Thanks, feminism!

>> No.17717267

I'm pretty sure I would be rock hard walking down that staircase listening to women insult me

>> No.17717344

>Blaming the customers for your shitty service aka your job

>> No.17717363

They have so many customers it'd be hard for them to remember who the fuck you are. Unless you did something notable like puke all over the dining floor or something. No way the cookstaff would know what you fucking look like. Waiters would also probably not remember you unless you touched their butts or whatever

>> No.17717371

>where waitstaff don't give a fuck

Who gives a shit?

>> No.17717378

Why go to a restaurant if you don't get to feel like a pampered lord?

>> No.17717392

to eat food thats different then the shit cooked at home

>> No.17717397

Yeah but it's a given but that most people eat out for the service in addition to the food. Otherwise we'd always have take out n delivery instead of dining in.

>> No.17717444

You can get business cards with any name on it you want. If they pull it from there it might not even be their name.
My friend got a personal business card and put my name on it as the LLC as a joke so what would they do then?

>> No.17717531

Maybe its time to stop doing that.

>> No.17717540

I think Covid is killing the dining in experience for most people, it's gonna get worse now than before if restaurants add these stupid 3percent hikes. Most businesses will survive by delivery not having a place to dine in. Good cause wait staff are literally fucking cancer for the food sector.

>> No.17717541

>brag about being a shitty tipper on 4channel
>get angry at the possibility of being publicly exposed as a shitty tipper

>> No.17717544

I get carry out and then eat in my car in the parking lot

>> No.17717591


>> No.17717608

>we value our kitchen staff that's why we're going to make you pay them instead of giving them a raise ourselves :)

>> No.17717651

Amazing how America is the only country that is so blatant in telling restaurant customers that they, not the business, are directly paying the employees and nobody seems to give a shit.

>> No.17717667

it only caught on so that business owners could get away with paying freed slaves $0 to work

>> No.17717689

Get a better paying job, faggot. Get some skills that are more than just bringing out a dinner plate.

>> No.17717728

voting's compulsory here so i'm gunna donkeyvote specifically to piss you off anon

>> No.17717869

You have access to the internet, there's no excuse to not know how to cook

>> No.17717871


>> No.17717898

We went to a Thai place last week where the bill came to about 48 quid, and we left two pound coins to round it up to 50.

Seems fair

>> No.17717907

You know they need the customer to cover all expenses plus pay a little more than that, right?

>> No.17717941

goddamn they can fucking afford it. what's their major malfunction? I can get that someone like me who lives off cheese might not patronize the place but some of these people have timeshares and yachts. are you fucking serious?

for me it was just mask policies. I have assburgers, anything covering my face will make me hyperventilate.

>> No.17717962

4chan honestly put me off going to restaurants ever again. I know the "stories posted here are exaggerated" blah blah, but reading enough of them, I just end up with the conclusion it is absolutely not worth letting strangers handle my food.

>> No.17717977

>I'm pretty sure I would be rock hard walking down that staircase listening to women insult me

Yeah but how would you handle the deafening silence when you reach the bottom?

>> No.17717995

Tipping culture is capitalist as fuck you lazy retard

>> No.17718180

Yeah I get that but the business should pay higher wages to the back of the house instead of taking it from tips or charging customers even more. It’s all so they don’t have to pay.

>> No.17718189

>Living in San Francisco
It's your own fault

>> No.17718201

The things that get me to stop visiting a restaurant are rising the prices but yet also cutting the portion size and / or quality. I understand places need to raise their prices to counteract manufactured inflation and so forth, but don't charge me more for less. Also, bad service. I'm pretty patient and understanding having worked public facing jobs myself, but when the wagies are so lazy and inept they can't be bothered to get basic shit right or pay enough attention to know what I ordered, I usually dont return.

>> No.17718207

Yeah I've been going less and less, given the service has been getting worse and worse for a higher and higher price.
If I go at all nowadays it's because it's a holiday or I'm out with friends.
It's just not worth it when I can cook for myself.

>> No.17718227

Women are trash

>> No.17718305

The only congratulations I require are my own.

>> No.17718324

If they kept must wear mask things on their buildings after states lifted the horrific mandates. I fucking hope you go out of business and lose your house and have to go into a medicaid shithole and get abused by the staff when you get old you stupid fucking pussy wops.

>> No.17718326

When places beg for money to say that they donated it it makes me want to bomb their headquarters and put their board members heads on pikes in front of the ashes. Their children too.

>> No.17718342

Yeah, that shit bothers the fuck out of me.
Pick whether you're a charity or a for-profit business, please. There are tax credits for donations as it is.

>> No.17718346

fuck cuck chefs LMAO

>> No.17718360

I really don't care if you believe me or not, man.
I don't read the fast food threads, but I would assume there are people who work in that industry posting in them.
This thread is about "real" restaurants where the food is brought to your table, though, so you're going to get replies from people who work in those places.
I'd tell you exactly where I work if it weren't for the fact that we are a very small staff and I'd practically be doxing myself.

>> No.17718368

I just want to eat somewhere that I don't need to be seated next to some smelly rube who doesn't appreciate good food and wine. A dress code ensures that even if they have no taste at least they have enough self awareness to concern themselves with how others see them

>> No.17718374

no they don't you lose

>> No.17718381

he mad

>> No.17718396

lol you fucking mingebag

>> No.17718429
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Our prices keep out the "rubes", anon.

>> No.17718530

relax bro he said it was a Thai place

>> No.17718556
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This is clearly more of a dumb entitled young cunt thing than a melanin one

>> No.17718585
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>dat wirr be $49 for rice an coconut milk, stupid white monkey

>> No.17718606

So the restaurant is just admitting that it underpays the cook staff?

>> No.17718678

>then you have a situation like Europe, where waitstaff don't give a fuck because they're guaranteed a paychec
do burgers really believe this

>> No.17718763

we get it you work a job where you rely on tips to not make minimum wage

>> No.17718977

>baker refuses to make a cake for gays
based based this is his right to refuse service to whoever he wants
>manager asks you to wear a thin piece of cloth over your face
kill yourself this is HORRIFIC!

>> No.17719014

The more shit I see talking about how tipping is obligatory, the more urge I get to not tip waiters at all. I can kind of understand tipping the back of the house since they slave over a stove actually doing work, but the pack mule expecting something like 20% instead of almost a flat fee into their pocket is retarded.
I spoke to a wage friend about it also who was very vehemently against abolishing tipping in favor for a higher base pay and the reasoning was that he and every other waiter/waitress he knew was actually fine with the system because it brings in insane money if the restaurant is a busy one.
It's max jewing but somehow they have some sick mental gymnastics where the asshole in the situation isn't the employer exploiting them, it's the customer who should pay an absurd fee because they decided to buy the pricer entree and alcoholic beverage that night.

>> No.17719017

Their delivery guy fucking killed a guy from my workplace because he was a fucking indian driving wrong-way and my guy on motorcycle had no chance in a frontal collision

>> No.17719121
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>having invited some friends, bill is like $300
>give the waiter 50 fucking bucks on top for simply bringing the food to the table
>that's somehow not considered a "great" tip by burger standards, technically not even a "good" one
Holy shit I know if I lived in the US I would refuse to go to any restaurant out of spite and principle.

>> No.17719232

>he believes in the binary dichotomy

>> No.17719333

yes, get out of my fucking restaurant you black cat. take you bad juju with you

>> No.17719337

>contempt for the clientele
>in a skilless job a literal retard can do
Yeah I wonder why you’d get fired. Surely its because of the customer.

>> No.17719346

How is he going to buy coke with only $50? he was expecting at least $70

>> No.17719354
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Americans will defend to the death their incredibly fucked up tipping system and also mutilation of their babies dicks. What a fucked up third world country.

>> No.17719356

>call them a nigger
>they prove you right
every time

>> No.17719373

this guy's a pussy. i'd walk it even if there's no compliment to be found by the bottom stair

>> No.17719394

All of us would, half this website is just insulting each other.

>> No.17719407

but workers already have their income, why do they need to receive extra for performing what they're being paid to do?

>> No.17719411

it’s gonna be a long fuckin staircase

>> No.17719437

I did curbside delivery for carabbas for a few weeks last year
I ended up doing 100% of the work and answering all the phone calls while 7 girls stood and watched me because I was "in training"
every time I got a tip I had to go inside and give it to one of the girls because I wasn't allowed to take tips until I was done training
then when I got out of training I had to spliut tips between those girls
THEN they did a shit test on me over the phone and when I fucked up an order they put me back in training so I couldn't get tipped again
this is the only resturaunt I've worked for and I quit as fast as I started
why are they incapable or paying their employees?

>> No.17719450

The whole restaurant experience is so irritating now that I'm waiting until the inevitable big shift when most of them close before I start going out again. Get robots, eliminate tipping, whatever just figure it out.

>> No.17719451
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tips are not mentioned anywhere in this

>> No.17719516

NGL it's really amusing how badly restraunts are at managing themselves. Like just adjust prices to COGS, no one needs a speech. That being said, you dipshits continue to complain about how expensive everything is, BUT KEEP EATING OUT

You can only choose 2
>quality of service
>continuity of service
>even price indexing
>speed of service
>ingredient quality
>product quantity

>> No.17719561

>never understood this

Right, it is because you are a child with no experience in the real world.

>> No.17719568

If any item on the menu has mayonnaise I won't go. I'll check and walk out.

>> No.17719580

Unfathomably based. Fuck sushi

>> No.17719717

No because I live in a country where all of our taxes create a social security net so people who are already poor, such as restaurant workers, don’t have to be exploited by bad bosses and a bad system. We also have better labour laws that don’t allow such low pay. Enjoy the hellscape known as the United States

>> No.17719727

But being upper middle class in the US is pretty godly. If you can get over the moral issue that you actively exploit people, it’s a really nice place to live

>> No.17719735

Why not just tip 3% less?

>> No.17719772

you sound like a beta

>> No.17720489

I can get all 6, it's only faggy waiters that feel entitled to shekels because they brought out a Pepsi.
Need more conveyor belt restaurants like the autistic nips do, cut out waiters and kick them to the curb.

>> No.17720539

wouldn't work in America people would just steal food that aint theirs

>> No.17720570
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>Enjoy the hellscape known as the United States
you better believe it

>> No.17720647

>where waitstaff don't give a fuck
they give a fuck if they want to stay employed. Also I hate fake smiles so theres less those.

>> No.17720658

I would pay to have seven girls watch me work.

>> No.17720669
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>americans still can't grasp that waiters can be paid a living wage AND still receive tips
>like every other country in the world

>> No.17720701


I fucking hate this style of europoor the most. Lmao everything you like has been a disaster and only was even possible because your daddy America pays for all the military protecting you. I hope your shithole gets invaded by Russia next and America does nothing. You will probably wish your politicians didn’t just use the tax money to buy votes from poorfags

>> No.17720717

I've been to france, italy, and england, and yes, your waitstaff literally don't give a fuck

>> No.17720732

dont get it, they are mad because the white couple had their tables cleaned out first? who cares about this kind of thing

>> No.17720744
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>> No.17720765


>> No.17720788

I propose the following:
-cook staff gets paid a total salary
-wait staff get what they get
-tips collected by the wait staff will be put into a total and then divided equally to every wait staff member
Call me the Lenin of restaurantour

>> No.17720791

My actual favorite closed down years ago, and similar places just aren't the same.
Other than that, a lot of fast food places I like can't keep a full crew that's trained and I don't don't want to sit or stand in line for fucking ever.

>> No.17720805

make a restaurant and then you make the rules, otherwise you're just a pink faggot jawboning

>> No.17720843

>imagine saying this like you're proud of it
Please just kys instantly

>> No.17720848

They're supposed to but it doesn't always happen

>> No.17720869

>don’t tip
>”you shouldn’t be going out to eat if you can’t afford to tip!”
>”you shouldn’t be working for optional tips if you can’t handle when someone chooses the option not to tip you”
This didn’t happen but it’s irrefutable

>> No.17720871

Not my responsibility to make sure everyone's employer is following the law. Do I have to make sure that every retail employee I interact with is getting at least minimum wage and is properly compensated for overtime and sundays or holidays too and then give them money out of my pocket to make up for it if they aren't?

>> No.17720882


>> No.17720901

oh, do YOU own a restaurant?

>> No.17720908

This implies they are hired as minimum wage workers. As long as they make minimum wage through tips they shouldn’t be expected to be given any more than that.
Therefore, 20% is often overshooting it the majority of the time

>> No.17721583

Anyone who rides a motorcycle is basically saying that they're fine with dying pointlessly in a car accident and they're willing to take the risk.

>> No.17721594

Yep, a little place called Subway. Ever heard of it, bitch?

>> No.17721730

I find anything above 10 embarassing

>> No.17721739

This but for all vehicles

>> No.17721775

>duhhhh without tips da waitinx has no in-sent-iv to do a good job :)))))

How about getting fired for shit work you pigger

>> No.17721807

>front of house doesn’t do anything that can’t be done with a plate on a roomba
>back of house makes the food

Anon, you open a restaurant without kitchen staff and I’ll open one where there aren’t any waiters and we will see who is more successful

>> No.17722501

Paying a lot for mediocre food and unproperly cooked beef.

>> No.17722506

>Eiuropean waitstaff have something called professionalism
European here.
No they do not.

>> No.17723249

Tourists get the rope.

>> No.17723263
File: 105 KB, 945x545, literally you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-muh zommers
Imagine being a poorfag with no real accomplishments apart from being born before an arbitrary year

>> No.17723288

>Culturally we have forgotten how to cook
Just because you're a social reject in the current era doesn't mean the current era is bad.

>> No.17723292

They don't give a fuck because they serve amerilard in tourist traps that will never manage to complain because they don't know the language.
Or maybe it's just plain cultural barrier. As a French person, I was uncomfortable around american waiters that kept pestering me about everything. I just need my food to be delivered at my table and if I need some shit I'll ask. Fake smile fake kindness, all they want is money.

>> No.17723345

>calling other countries shitholes
Lel. Finland for example has accomplished all the things mentioned in the post before and they have a large army compared to the size of their country. We also have less niggers.

>> No.17723352

It should be straight-up illegal to add random charges on top of the list prices. US is fucked up as usual.

>> No.17723362

Anyone who expects 20% deserves 0%.

>> No.17723401

>We also have less niggers
you have finns, we'll call it a wash

>> No.17723435

That's a pity

>> No.17723478

Imagine being so used to plastering your name and address on everything that you think it's okay for everyone to know everything about you. I'm calling you a zoomer not to pull rank, but because millenials and everyone before that were told from minute one of the internet to not share anything about their real life no matter what. And then you fags came along addicted to social media from the day you were born.

>> No.17723573

I like my American tipping culture because $30+ an hour from tips while not driving away business with high prices. People are less reserved with their money AFTER the meal.

It just works

>> No.17723777

imagine living in that homeless infested shithole.

>> No.17724037
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This is based though?
Cooks deserve more pay than the fags running around holding plates and getting groped.

>> No.17724104

This, unfortunately

>> No.17724111


>> No.17724152

You're literally proving the picture correct, dumbass.

>> No.17725147


>> No.17725152

I didn't go to tourist traps. I actually speak french quite well, and was in the farmlands of Nice and more. No, your waitstaff is far more cantankerous than our's. Maybe it is cultural, but we enjoy having waitstaff ask us how we are doing.

>> No.17725532
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When the food is bad. I don't even know how to tip, so it's not something I think about.

>> No.17725649

People like you are why I have fantastic job security selling ingredients

>> No.17725757

Tip should not scale to price. If I order a $1000 bottle of wine, do you deserve $100 for bringing it to me?

>> No.17727079


>> No.17727105

Why don't places in America just pay more and adjust the cost of meals for that?

>> No.17727119

If you tip in civilized places (Japan, Europe etc.) you are considered rude because you're implying that the establishment doesn't pay their workers or that they are poor. The jewnited states actively engaging in that is just beyond disgusting and proves them as the humanoid filth that they are.

>> No.17727278

european here. yes, they absolutely do. they do not fuck around with fake niceties, they do not put up a friendly facade, they just do their job. you know like a professional would. I'm not there to make fake smalltalk so you can trick me into giving you a better tip, just bring me the fucking food so i can talk to my friends.

>> No.17727296

It's half of minimum wage. They want guests to pay their wage since the establishment is too cheap, there you go, work two tables in that hour and there's your pay.

>> No.17727310

the people who dine in high end restaurants with strict dress code are the types who sperg at you for not wearing masks or having yourself vaccinated. It's not a class thing. It's a control freak thing. They're salty because they will never get promoted as managers in their own shitty wagecage office job

>> No.17727998


>> No.17728024

I have no favorite restaurant but I will sure as hell never step into one that enforced higher corona restrictions

>> No.17728069 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 1170x2532, 9F3B0427-53E7-4F9F-9FCF-4E2310DFAD16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, my country is getting invaded but at least I know when Muhammad throws a grenade at me I don’t have to pay for the hospital bill. Unlike the United States where victims of your subway miss fire will be in debt forever from their hospital bills.

>> No.17728085
File: 304 KB, 1170x1725, 70610F49-8DB9-4DD0-9CEF-B16FDBB736C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, my country is getting invaded but at least I know when Muhammad throws a grenade at me I don’t have to pay for the hospital bill. Unlike the United States where victims of your subway miss fire will be in debt forever from their hospital bills.

>> No.17728095

Yeah I’ve been to the states like six times, it is really nice, I loved montana and Colorado the most but for some reason your government really hates your poor people. The ones that make basic society operate, they can’t get paid well, access to things that’ll improve their lives like education or healthcare and then everyone shits on them for being poor.

>> No.17728098

That's because corpos run the government here, not the other way around, just as God intended.

>> No.17728114

you guys have been infected with a mind virus that affects how you view reality

>> No.17728117

Because it lets you falsely advertise the prices to bait people into overpaying.

>> No.17728120

Yes the horrible virus of everyone deserves help when they’re at their lowest point in their lives, how will we ever move on.

>> No.17728133

this. the REAL problem with society is that we just don't help people enough. how does nobody except europeans from the past 20 years understand this?

>> No.17728159

Pretty much this.

>> No.17728167

I am not a lonely simp who needs to pay women for kindness and attention lmao you should seriously consider suicide

>> No.17728277

Yep. Tipping the wait staff just encourages them to be annoyingly "friendly" cunts. Tipping the cooking staff encourages them to make the food really nice. I'd rather tip for good food, fuck service.

>> No.17728367

Everyone evolves at a different pace, amerisharts are clearly just underdeveloped

>> No.17728518

The Land of the Fee

>> No.17728693

I hate Canadians so damn much.

>> No.17729270

Holy fucking based

>> No.17729402

the free time means you aren’t getting tips lol

>> No.17729464

Your name is up there isn’t it