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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17712730 No.17712730 [Reply] [Original]

>In a recent paper published in Food Safety, Magazine, researchers from the University of Sydney and the University of Massachusetts identify potential food safety and nutrition challenges of processed meat alternatives.


>> No.17712752

>a diet that requires nutritional supplements to stay alive is not nutritionally complete
Wow, who knew?

>> No.17713486

Wow eating a pound of concentrated soy a day is actually a bad thing what a shocker

>> No.17713554

I don't know any vegetarians or vegans who actually eat the faux meats, they use tofu/black beans/falafel/whatever instead.

>> No.17713568

i do. I know its probably not good nutritionally lmao. to the retards itt do you think your double quarter pounder is healthy? ay fucking dumbasses

>> No.17713595

meat and animal fat is ""healthier""""" than concentrated vegetable fiber, dye and seed oil

>> No.17713620
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>> No.17713844

I have a theory that chronic seed oil exposure is what's behind a lot of some vegans' weird behavior. I think it causes them to act sort of strange.

>> No.17713895

Of course processed food is bad, even if its vegan. These foods are meant to be occasional treats, not daily staples. However it is still more sustainable than meat production. Cooking at home with whole food plant based ingredients is almost always going to be healthier than what they come up with in a lab. If you are going to even attempt veganism, you need to learn (and relearn) how to cook at home.

The problem with many vegans is that they typically fall into 3 categories. First are the junk food vegans eating oreos and fake meats like this article describes. 2nd are the malnourished types that literally starve themselves because they don't understand that fruits and vegetables have a lower caloric density. 3rd are the ones who take the diet to the absolute extreme and are the typical frugivores or raw vegan types who don't want to cook anything. However for some reason some people tend to thrive on raw diets.

Anyway, meat causes heart disease and cancer faggots. Stay mad and seething faggots. Heres hoping you aren't a poorfag, because pretty soon "they" are going to price meat out of the market for you.

>t. vegan

>> No.17713926

I hope eating meat becomes too expensive for most people to afford, so they actually start rioting for real

>> No.17713945

Really does make you think how 99% of vegan threads are made by non-vegans. I bet there's a huge overlap between them and people who make tranny hate threads on /gif/.
Imagine wasting your free time obsessively thinking about people you hate. Absolutely rent free.

>> No.17714149

Didn't the founder of the American vegan society die of a heart attack?

>> No.17714176

veggiebros are used to vitaman deficiencies and salmonella sufficiencies though.

>> No.17714211

>Salmonella sufficiency

>> No.17714240
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Forgot my reaction image

>> No.17714270

I was fed mainly vegan and corn when I was younger. Barely any meat and proteins. As a result, I now look feminine as an adult male. It sucks but I'm not a bitch mentally so I deal with it like a man. I'm also 0% gay but whenever there is a lesbian butch or gay man in a group they compliment me a lot and want to fuck me. Never eat that vegan crap and eat lot of meat.

>> No.17714284 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17714565

My aunt has a story about she went to a Thanksgiving dinner with the extended family of one of her close friends. Part of the family was vegan and they had a "vegan" toddler. During the meal when the turkey came out, this child literally leapt up onto the table and dove onto the turkey, ripping chunks with his hands and desperately shoving it into his mouth.
I am a libertarian, I believe adults should be able to do hard drugs and even commit suicide if it's their choice. But when you impose your mental illness on an innocent toddler you should get the death penalty.

>> No.17714628 [DELETED] 
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based as fuck and absolutely true, thanks for hte post king

>> No.17714676

>Anyway, meat causes heart disease

>According to the WHO, getting rid of trans-fat is key to protecting health and saving lives as the intake of hydrogenated oil causes, annually, over 500, 000 deaths from cardiovascular disease....Industrially-produced trans fats are contained in hardened vegetable fats

>> No.17714677

They're not really bros. According to the alphabet mafia, they're real and valid women.

>> No.17714740

I tried going vegan for a while. Seemed good at first. Mostly eating beans, rice, fruit, peanut butter, coconut, etc. and I like that stuff anyway. But after a while it felt like my blood sugar was crashing after meals, and I was starving even after getting more than enough calories.

I'd still switch to lab-grown meat as long as it's just as nutritious though. I'm not too happy about animals having to die for optimal health so a proper alternative is something I'm interested in. I could probably still eat vegan once in a while but that doesn't seem to work long-term for most people either so there needs to be a better alternative. And just telling people that meat kills you doesn't help, since even if it's true most people don't care that much.

>> No.17714877

>im not too happy about animals having to die for optimal health
Be honest with yourself. You don't care that the animals are dying so much as you want the animals to be treated properly when alive.
No one like factory farms except rich assholes and retards who don't realize there are other (better) ways to eat meat.
We have been taught there is only one way to get meat, through the supermarket or through a restaurant. But let me tell you something; I buy meat from those places maybe... idk... once a year if I see a REALLY good sale. And yet my 2 chest freezers are so full of meat that I have to eat it every day. And the best part is I know 90% of animals I am eating didn't come from factory farms.

You just have to look for other options and start connecting with people. Especially food producers


>> No.17714931

Why was there less heat disease and diabetes in the past when meat and saturated fat wasn’t deamonized?
Also did you know that one of the original funders and advocators of veganism and vegetarianism as the seventh day Adventist church?

>> No.17715056

I was vegan from 14-21. At 21 my digestive system was failing and I weighed 155 at 6'3

My diet was overwhelmingly grains and these processed meat substitutes. Went on a science rampage after that and found all the truths about hwo bad seed oils are. Still post on this board and weverywhere else from time to time, but all the old resources I studied have been purged from the net so its's just a 'trust me bro' conversation every time

>> No.17715102

>No one like factory farms except rich assholes and retards who don't realize there are other (better) ways to eat meat.
I'm going to pick a bone with this statement. Factory farming is the development that allows poor and middle class people to afford meat today. Meat used to be a luxury reserved only for the wealthy, but today there is enough cheap meat for everyone. I grew up poor and my mother is not a retard for buying $0.79/lb ground beef at the grocery store rather than feeding me exclusively lentils like some kind of street shitter. I am glad she prioritized my health and wellbeing over that of some fucking cow.
Now I live on my own and make good money and can afford to waste money on pasture-raised organic nonsense, so I do. But most Americans really do not have the disposable income for this, let alone really poor countries like those in Europe

>> No.17715103

I'm a sociopath. I don't care about the plight of the animals as long as I can make my burger. Take your pussy shit to reddit.

>> No.17715122
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The smears against us are getting more and more ridiculous

>> No.17715140

Back then I was still using spray on canola oil and stuff. Bad, bad times. I was using vegan butter spreads to eat on my bagels too. Horrible, horrible shit.

>> No.17715179

>Be honest with yourself. You don't care that the animals are dying so much as you want the animals to be treated properly when alive.
Sort of. It's obviously not nearly as bad if an animal is treated well and slaughtered properly so it never knew it was coming. On some level that seems better for an animal than how they live and die in the wild. But sometimes knowing billions of animals are slaughtered every year still bothers me a bit.

>> No.17715423

I'm fucking frugal as shit. You have no idea how cheap meat can be and how badly the poor are being fucked over. I spent on all my food last year 2500 dollars to feed 2 people for everything I ate. Your mom wasn't a retard but she was being fucked over like one. I know people who were so poor they were literally homeless sleeping in tents who didn't rely on factory farmed shit.

>> No.17715455

The number "billions" sounds massive. But then you also have to remember there are billions of people. You have to also ask yourself how many animals in general are dying every year. I mean shit, 50 billion bees die every year for almond farming in California alone.

Then also take into account 90% of that billions number is coming from chickens. Less than half a billion cows are slaughtered every year.
I think the thing is people only expose themselves to this unpleasant side of our diets through vegan propaganda, which makes it their mission to make animal slaughter look as ugly and vilified as absolutely possible, even going so far as to sometimes bribe workers to abuse livestock on camera.

Like, I'm someone who can't stomach watching animals get their chest cavities ripped open by predators while they scream in horror, but watching proper livestock slaughter I could watch all day with no issues other than maybe getting bored. When done right a cow or pig is dead before it even hits the ground. You really can't ask for much more than a quick and painless death.

>> No.17715481

>ok, we admit they're not actually "vegetable oils"
>But that doesn't mean seed oils are bad for you, you schizos
>So maybe seed oils ARE bad for you, but so what? Dying young for climate change is a good thing. Don't you want to do your part?
>Fine, fine, climate change wasn't really a big deal. There were just too many of you peons for us to effectively control every aspect of your lives. Aren't you happier now being our slaves?

>> No.17715495

>Not wanting to eat highly processed food is now "alternative nutrition".
Why would anyone be skeptical of "modern institutions" when they have this level of insight?

>> No.17715611
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the more things change the more they stay the same

>> No.17715771

>>So maybe seed oils ARE bad for you
When did this part happen?

>> No.17715776

Where do you get pasture raised or wild meat that's cheap? Do you live in an area where you can hunt your own venison?

>> No.17715790

> because pretty soon "they" are going to price meat out of the market for you.

>so they actually start rioting for real

Because rioting will change the retarded infrastructural problems of owning grass lawns and not raising animals. Every retard with a backyard could have chickens. They just don’t. It’s not because they’re too poor, they’re just too stupid and lazy.

>> No.17715822

Owning chickens in your backyard is illegal in most places now. "They" don't want to let you feed yourself.

>> No.17715868

the exact microsecond anon posted >>17715481