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17711949 No.17711949 [Reply] [Original]

is it possible to maintain a specific constant alcohol intake so as to remain perpetually drunk without ever being non-functional or hungover?

>> No.17711953


>> No.17711955


>> No.17711959

i can hear your liver screaming from here

>> No.17711965

Who do I trust? Both answers cannot be correct. Or can they?

>> No.17711973

I experimented with this recently. And the short answer is no

>> No.17711976


>> No.17711981


>> No.17711982

Alcohol has a half life of 4-5 hours, so shouldn't you be able to constantly introduce small amounts of alcohol over that time span at the same rate the old alcohol is being eliminated?

>> No.17711992

Jim Lahey figured this out. OP needs a breathalyzer

Cheers genitals

>> No.17711994

yeah dude sounds like a great idea


>> No.17712013


>> No.17712026

You would have to continue to increase the volume as your tolerance increases. Also you would fucking die

>> No.17712315

If you make your liver constantly metabolize alcohol you will eventually get cirrhosis.

>> No.17712324

No. Your liver produces enzymes in proportion to how much it needs to filter.
You drink more. It makes more. And it makes more until it can't, which is when you die
That's how most biological pathways work in the body. Make enough to remove the poison or die trying.

>> No.17712326

Your liver doesn't like alcohol.
It's always going to try and filter more than three is in your body. Your eventually going to stop being drunk either way.

>> No.17712935
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I have been sick hungover for a whole day and could have legally driven a car, still doesnt make it a good idea. Thats why the "repair" beer after a night of binging only works so long as it is ONE beer. If you start boozing again, you will be clocked out and sleeping in the early afternoon.

t. expert

>> No.17712941

You can but at some point you need to vomit so you feel better again. Longest I've been drunk was around two years. The withdrawal wasn't fun.

>> No.17712954

Promises promises.

>> No.17713000

Maybe it works for weeks/months
/years but eventually it will al come crumbling down.

>> No.17713060
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>> No.17713131

>50 beers every day
>6 weeks
I do not believe this for a moment.

>> No.17713303


>> No.17713325

.12 truly is the wheelhouse of drunkenness

>> No.17713340

There was a Mitchell and Webb sketch about it which was later turned into an award-winning movie starring Mads Mikkelsen.

>> No.17713360
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>> No.17713376

Your pancreas would give out faster than you think. Everyone assumes it's the liver, but the liver is a big guy 4U that can withstand obscene abuse. Pancreas, on the other hand, is a weak little squirt and once it decides to quit, he won't allow a single drop of booze to reach the liver.

>> No.17713393

When I went to alcoholic clinic after more than 20 years of alcohol abuse they said my liver was fine. Just needed couple months of not drinking and my blood tests were the same as normal.

>> No.17713468

No sadly. Many have tried. You will just give up or possibley die.

>> No.17713473


>> No.17713484


>> No.17713802

Yeah for most they need to reach the most bottom. For some that bottom is death.

>> No.17713846
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i have been doing it since i was 11yo and that was 20 years. The longest i have been sober was 35 days and that was just to pass a drug test for a job which also tested for alcohol since i was only 17yo
the trick is to start drinking as soon as you wake up and continue drinking throughout the day until you pass out.
It's important to go through DT's a few times when you have nothing better to do, that way you know what to expect and how to handle it if you ever find yourself sober against your will.

>> No.17713856

i don't either, i drank 24 beers a day for awhile and all i did was fart and piss a lot also it got to the point were i wasn't even getting drunk.
50 beers, you would pop from gas

>> No.17713861
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they told me if i keep drinking like i did i would be dead in a year...that was 10 years ago. I want a refund

>> No.17713866

Sure you can.....right up until your liver fails.

>> No.17713962

I tried it for a few months. If you drink the same each day youll just build up tolerance and won't really feel that euphoria you'll just feel shit if you don't drink that much. And if you try to increase it you'll just nuke your stomach or liver like I did.

>> No.17713997

Ever heard of drinking yourself sober?

Back in my heavy drinking days I would get hammered and then just taper down over a few hours sipping on beer. Until I felt normal. Then I felt like shit. Real time hangover.

>> No.17714018

Yea most achlys get a bad case of pancreatitis from a bilary obstruction or something and die. They never really reach liver disease.
The people who do reach end stage liver disease are the ones who have shitty diets, that drink tons of sugary drinks and eat fast food or just don't eat at all.

>> No.17714582

do >not< do this, I did for a week at a pretty low level and sobering up from it was just withdrawl despite it being 85% of the time a pretty low level
you will shit your brains out and not be able to think for days and it isn't even fun after a point unless you just need to escape reality
everybody will tell you this and another faggot on 4chan saying it won't stop you, because you're gonna try anyway and learn everything I just told you, but you should figure out why you aren't comfortable with life sucking while you're sober

>> No.17714823

I drank 90 beers over spring break last year and I can decisively say that on the 6th day of passing out at 2 and waking up at 8 to keep drinking and partying, you will not want to drink more.

>> No.17714880

You can only really do something long-term like that without causing much damage if you have small amounts to just barely start feeling the effects. Basically microdosing. But you can't get full-on drunk long-term without it eventually causing problems.

>> No.17714935

Yes. Watch the movie Druke.

>> No.17714937

take multi B vitamin to save you liver

>> No.17714947


>> No.17714969


Best advice. I think it’s b12 that is extremely crucial here. You will give yourself significant brain damage if you stay drunk for weeks and don’t supplement b12. Even with optimal supplementation though you’re probably going to start dying after a few months.

>> No.17714984

B1 is very important, alcohol depletes it bad and if you get to low you start to get the shakes and it feels like someone is poking you with needles.
My doctor actually told me to take two multi B since they are water soluble so you body will just piss out what it doesn't use unlike oil soluble vitamins which you can overdose on

>> No.17715070

Who would drink 24 beers a day, not even thinken 60? At that point you just start drinkin liquor cause no one wanna dring 10+ liter gassy bloat liquid a day, you wouldnt even feel it.

>> No.17715078

it doesn't save your liver, only your brain

>> No.17715120


24 beers a day and you are in the grips of serious fucking alcoholism. I’ve probably had that many in a day a few times in my life and I’m an actual alcoholic. If someone is drinking that much more than me they are really fucked.

>> No.17715687

i was tapering from a handle of 100proof vodka per day, those beers didn't even get me buzzed.
It was horrible i had as much beer as i wanted but i couldn't drink it fast enough, also the only food i had was raisin bran
I survived like this for 2 weeks, it is not recommended

>> No.17715764

12 beers a day is o-okay right anons?

its just part and parcel of life as a white midwesterner

>> No.17715795

i'm trying to get off alcohol
i'm not at dt level but i think i might be getting close
i quit cold turkey and woke up in a soaking cold sweat 5 days in a row

>> No.17715799


Lol so you buy a 12 pack and never fail to drink them all? Nah bro you’re probably an alcoholic too.

That’s really the litmus test for me. Even if you can buy a 12 pack and drink 10 every day you might not be an alcoholic. But if you drink all that is available to you every time you drink... yeah you’re probably one of us. See you at the 10 o’clock AA meeting

>> No.17715827


Should start getting better anon. I don’t trick yourself into thinking you need to taper or whatever you’ve already got 5 days keep going.

>> No.17715830

i already broke
driest comfiest sleep of my life, didn't even wake up hung over
i'm a lost cause3 :(

>> No.17715837

it takes me like the whole evening and I never really get drunk though

I only feel a bit hot on the skin when I'm almost done and don't feel any symptoms when I'm not drinking

am i gonna die

>> No.17715860


It’s likely to get progressively worse if you don’t do anything. You might be just fine like this for years but then one day maybe you aren’t.

>> No.17715887

12 beers a week is technically considered high for what doctors recommend.
You're consuming 7x that amount.

How the hell are you consuming 12 beers a day anyway? Even if it were just water, that's a fucking massive amount of liquid to drink.

>> No.17715914


It’s not that hard lol you can drink a beer in a minute or two.

But I’ll try to explain how my drinking problem works.
>in a moment of poor judgement I have a few beers
>beer lowers inhibitions and make my judgement worse
>decide not to stop drinking and have a few more because I have poor judgement now
>drinking feedback loop engaged
>I wake up with a fat girl two states over and nervously peek through her blinds praying to god I see my undamaged truck in her driveway

>> No.17715934

>It’s not that hard lol you can drink a beer in a minute or two.
No, I'm saying even if that were water, that's a lot to drink.
That's a full gallon and then some.

>> No.17715959


Yeah it’s a lot easier than if it were water. You just gulp down beers if you’re drinker.

I guess an analogy would be how hard it would be to make yourself breathe in an equivalent amount of smoke from wood that a cigarette smoker breathes in. Would be almost impossible to make yourself do it.

>> No.17715990

If you're drinking more than once or twice a week for an extender period of time, you're an alcoholic.

>> No.17716015

not him but i drink a lot of drinks be it alcoholic or not
to the point that my friends notice and laugh
like i'll drink a case of sparkling waters over a single movie
i'll easily drink 3 gallons of water in a day, more if i'm being active
i'm just thirsty and love drinks

>> No.17716051

Sounds like his problem was more the not eating for 6 weeks rather than the booze. If you eat stuff as well it doesn't seem like you'd be at risk of hyponatremia

>> No.17716153

you're out of the woods...stay out.

>> No.17716177

Your body will start working on the alcohol, making formaldehyde, eventually causing you to be hungover while drunk, even if you're managing to stay reasonably hydrated.
As for functionality, it depends on your alcohol tolerance and how functional you need to be. I know people who regularly drive over the legal limit with no problems, and some of the people I work with need their hands to be so steady that they call in sick when they're mildly hungover - functional alcoholism is really case-by-case.

>> No.17716181

>I don’t trick yourself into thinking you need to taper
if someones at DT level cold turkey could kill them, i tried it and had seizures for 4 days busted my forehead open, was shaking so bad i couldn't dial 911 on my stupid smart phone

>> No.17716375

you might be diabetic or something anon

>> No.17716426


For sure dude but I’m saying if you haven’t had a drink in five days you’re past that point already and talking about tapering is your addiction fucking with you

>> No.17716607

if its the alcohol percentage of budweiser/coors/etc then it might not be too bad. I'd be more worried about some garbage they use to make it, honestly. I guess it mostly depends on how shitty you feel when you dont drink those 12 beers. but I'm drinking 3-4 7% IPAs a day, so I'm not a very objective observer. and while my habit is mild, probably is defined as alcoholism

>> No.17716619

>And it makes more until it can't
I assume the "can't" is because of damage and not because of it runs out of ingredients? is alcohol special in damaging the liver, or is it just running on overdrive too often that damages it?

>> No.17716683

If it's from chronic alcohol abuse, then damage is likely the largest contributing factor. If it's from acute intoxication, it's potentially a lack of ingredients, or from pushing the enzymes to toxic levels.

Serious chronic or acute abuse will actually scar the liver - like a chemical burn - mostly from alcohol and acetaldehyde, but also potentially from ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) itself and buildup of the end product, acetic acid. It also exacerbates fatty liver disease.

>> No.17717417

I recently was travelling and tried this. Was drunk or had some level of alcohol in my system for about 12 days straight. By the end it was fucking horrific, truly bad. It cost me so much money, and the issue is your body isn't sleeping, you aren't eating properly, and you're hungover as fuck but drinking through it so it almost masks it to your mind, but your body is just taking the brunt of it. Basically I was waking up still kind of drunk and then carrying on drinking just to get my BAC up to a level to mask the hangover just to eat, to feel slightly better and line your stomach to keep drinking. And that's after days and days of this, sleeping like shit, pissing out all your minerals and vitamins, etc.

And that's just your body, but all the retarded shit that happens while drunk is probably even worse. So for me, and not I've had far worse shit happened while binging on alcohol, but this time the 12 days never being sober it wasn't too bad but just random shit. Like I was being a tourist round the city but I was drunk so took the wrong ferry and lost my card to get back becase I crossed the harbour and had to get my mom to send me (my own!) money just to get back to my hotel, and I was driving e-scooters every where but of course I'm drink so I'm driving like a maniac weaving in the traffic running red lights cars are like beeping at me and then I'm drunk and buying drugs off fucking homeless schizos and crackheads and I go a bit psychotic when drunk and started pretending I'm a photographer so I'm like taking portrait photos of these homeless people and they're getting fucked off with me, etc. And then I got kicked out of the art gallery for stepping over the barriers. and all this time I'm lugging round multiple bottles of wine with me constantly needing liquor store stops and finding a place to drink without cops harrassing me and needing so much water and shit it's just so difficult.

Anyway that's basically how my "experiment" went.

>> No.17717693

Sounds like a good trip man, where’d you go?

>> No.17717710
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>> No.17717726

the real question is who the fuck can afford to buy 24 beers a day
here that'd be a $280/week habit.

>> No.17718230

>I'm drinking 3-4 7% IPAs a day
Have you started painting your fingernails yet?

>> No.17718312

i got you anon
have you ever heard of this?
i've heard that you can achieve this with a shitload of antibiotics and doing enemas with yeast
might just be fake though my guess is that you must try

>> No.17718354
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>he could had keep going just eating a little bit of salt
Remember bros, always eat healthy with your alcohol.

>> No.17718403
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You should watch Another Round. Its 4 teachers who stay constantly buzzed as an experiment.

>> No.17718417
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>> No.17718432

How do I get people to refer to me as a Pintman instead of a filthy drunk?

>> No.17718488
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Seems like the best place to ask this.
What’s the best way to break the habit without risk of DT? I had a day off on Easter Friday when I literally couldn’t get any alcohol - and that was the catalyst, i was okay, but I felt the stress. How big of a drop off is necessary, and how should you plan it? I was planning on dropping down 10% per day, stopping at 50%, and then start alternating days at 50% and nothing. I want to get to the point where I only drink 50% of what I do currently once or twice a week.

I feel like I could do it cold turkey after the first night, but apparently DT’s are really bad after 3-4 days. It’s really fucking sad how there is little information about how to get off of it properly

>> No.17718513

Thanks for the explanation.

>> No.17718523

It varies wildly between people and you should not take advice about it from us anyway.
Some people can quit cold turkey and some most definitely can't.
I suppose you can have some alcohol on hand but try to go cold turkey. Then if it gets too bad you can break the DTs with a few drinks. You might not get DT at all, though.
Tapering works if you can discipline yourself. Again; you'll have to try it and get a feel for what you can handle. If taking off 10% a day hurts too much you'll just have to go slower.
Take your vitamin B both before, during, and after quitting.

>> No.17718529

I have diabetes so that little shit called "pancreas" is already KO

Liver, prepare your anus

>> No.17718576

Thanks for your response.

I don’t store more than I should have - for me it’s goon (boxed wine for non aussies), and reading this thread made me realise I had gone a bit overboard and have a problem.

I actually have some benzos on hand (attavans, which were prescribed to me as a PRN) so it makes me feel much better that they can help in this case.

I’m gonna stick with the 10% reduction each day, and start drinking close to when that the shops close, since I can’t get any more after 9pm here

>> No.17718618

I would strongly advice against self medicating with benzos to quit alcohol.
They are not any easier to quit and much easier to take a lot of.
Also, if it's too hard to do on your own, ask for some fucking help. There are plenty of professionals out there and they WANT you to get better.

Best of luck.

>> No.17718710

The reason I have benzos is because I asked for help, and I got it. I have one sleeve (around 20) of them that I can use in emergencies, and my prescribing psychiatrist won’t give me any more, since they are meant to be used as a PRN.

I figure combatting DT would be worth using them, if it helps me get rid of this nonsense.

>> No.17718716

Get a 10% can of something and slam it once daily if you need a buzz.

>> No.17718778
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i stop eating altogether, i take a magnesium, potassium, multi B vitamin and a extra B1 each day after that it's just vodka/water and i nibble the salt off pretzels sticks but don't eat the pretzels (some times i pretend i'm a beaver while doing it)

>> No.17718800

>How do I get people to refer to me as a Pintman instead of a filthy drunk?
Live in Ireland.

>> No.17718862
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>(some times i pretend i'm a beaver while doing it)

>> No.17718876

you metabolize and burn off about one drink per hour (average).
two pints of beer in the first hour.
next hour drink one beer pint, one water pint.

that's about it.

>> No.17718884


>> No.17719322

druk bros WW@? no imagine drinking threads on teevee

>> No.17719406

no worries... I guess I could have done a short version - the alcohol does some seriously fucked up shit, but then your body turns it into acetaldehyde which will ruin you, and then into vinegar, which isn't great, but you can get rid of it. If there's (regularly) enough alcohol in there that your liver's pickling itself in acetaldehyde and letting a bunch of it flow over into your bloodstream, nothing good is going to happen.

>> No.17719425


God damn even you story about how bad it is makes me want to do it lol

Honestly I know it sounds fedora tier as fuck to say this but I think I’m too smart and I can consider too many possibilities and bad outcomes for situations. I just want to always be drinking and have impaired prefrontal cortex and reasoning so that I just blissfully stumble through life, make friends, fuck girls, and be myself in a carefree way.

>> No.17720706
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what a life

>> No.17720714

>If you start boozing again, you will be clocked out and sleeping in the early afternoon
absolutely not true
you're no expert

>> No.17720758
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>> No.17721013

If you're withdrawing from drugs and wondering if you'll ever feel normal again, don't give up. Don't buy the lie that this is just how your body is and you'll never be well again. It can take up to two years for your body to balance back out. Keep going. You'll get better.

>> No.17721542

Almost 300 days sober after at least 15 years drinking. This thread is catharsis, as the helpful advice is no longer applicable. Cheers bros.

>> No.17721582

What you're looking for is auto brewery syndrome. You'll get drunk every time you consume carbohydrates. What you need to do is knock out your gut biome with some powerful antibiotics. I recommend penicillin at heavy doses for about a week. Before the week is up, get a hold of some EC-1118 yeast. This powerful champange yeast is noted for being able to continue fermenting in harsh conditions. Pitch the yeast in a little warm water with some sugar and possibly yeast starter, similarly to how you would for a homemade wine, then gram the yeast and starter up your ass. Immediately afterwards plug your ass with whatever is convenient and consume a large quantity of carbohydrates. Continue your carb heavy diet for about a month and you should successfully colonize your gut with champagne yeast.

>> No.17721586

cram, obviously

>> No.17721606

What would this actually do? Your gut bacteria is really delicate right, I assume you would just die?

>> No.17721609

Is this true? I'm really embarrassed to admit but I'm a marijuana addict, 2 days sober (lol) currently after 20 years. I feel like absolute hell, I gotta do this for 2 years?

>> No.17721681

No, not 2 years. You will start feeling better in a few days, and each day will be more noticeable. You will have compounding positive effects until you reach an equilibrium, and the positives will be less noticeable. That is where people tease moderation, which is a lie. He probably means 2 years until your body has no physical damages remaining. Yes this applies to weed too. Weed is mostly psychological.

>> No.17721682

No, you won't die, you'll just get drunk every time you eat anything with carbs and also have constant explosive shits. People with it do eventually die from liver failure, but that's from being drunk 24/7 for a lifetime.

And most people with it don't have it intentionally, but have medical issues that knocked out their gut biome and let yeast from a beer or something take over.

>> No.17721685

How the fuck do you function getting stoned every single day?

>> No.17721715

I could function just fine up until a few years where I started to get hardcore anxiety, and in the last few months it got so bad I just had to force myself to stop. I need a fuck ton of therapy moving forward, last time I quit I replaced the addiction with shoplifting and cutting myself. I'm a 30 year old man. What a joke

>> No.17721737

can confirm.. was drinking heavy. would have a couple knuckles of whiskey before work. beer at lunch. whiskey once i got home until sleep. whiskey all weekend.

went and got bloodwork done after a health scare fearing i had fucked myself and my AST levels were good.

>> No.17721819

You were supposed to follow an exponential curve until you drank infinite beers and exploded

>> No.17721840

Addiction can kick anyone's ass, regardless of your age. Don't beat yourself up about it. If you can make it a month without smoking, you'll be in the clear. Best of luck anon.

>> No.17721865

The long term problems with weed will be more like appitite, sleep and concentration

Those will take the longest to get back to normal, more like 6 months, maybe 1 year
But if you have caused any actual harm its not going to magically dissapear after 2 years (more for stuff like alcohol or other hard drugs)

>> No.17721884

Any physical damage done will not just go away??
If you have fucked your liver you can stop for the rest of your life and it wont dissapear? Or any damage done to your lungs from smoking is definetly staying forever

Dont spout such shit when you are trying to help someone
Shit like that makes people more confused idiot

>> No.17721927
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ah i switched to 100 proof vodka, you know the saying
>a handle a day keeps the DT's away
but seriously can you send me ten dollars?

>> No.17722077

>Go out with friends each Friday night to have a few beers and catch up
>This classifies you as an alcoholic
Settle down a little. Drinking once or a twice a week is pretty light/moderate and unless you're binging a handle of liquor each time and driving drunk, it's nothing to worry about.

>> No.17722484

I once put away a case of beer in a single day. Gf yelled at me.
It was a slow day

>> No.17722587

no yes

>> No.17722690

what a life

>> No.17722692

sent :)

>> No.17722702

I highly doubt it, OP.
Putting aside the damage your liver would take (scarring etc.), you'd suffer from behavioral changes, psychological phenomenons and whatnot.

Even though you might find a sweetspot for that state of intoxication you were referring to, it wouldn't last, as the human body is adaptive in nature. Not to mention your vitamin, water and mineral levels would deplete fairly quick.

>> No.17722840

Drinking does to your liver the same thing smoking does to your lungs. Casual use probably won't do much damage but if you regularly imbibe in it and in larger quantities over a long period of time it will start gradually damaging your organs quicker than they can recover to the point the buildup causes serious health issues.

>> No.17723280

Yes, you can be a high functioning alcoholic

>> No.17723378

yep did it for years. Id drink from 1st thing in the morning to when I got home from work, drove everywhere and nobody was the wiser.
I was on just over a litre of vodka during the day then beer and wine after

>> No.17723461
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thanks fren

>> No.17723538

i always wished for bigger fermenters but apparently the ultimate redpill is becoming the fermenter

>> No.17723550

Read the post you replied to next time before you respond

>> No.17723586

Weed causes anxiety. It's part of the addiction process to feed it so that you're only non-anxious when not on weed. Quit with that understanding, and it'll work out.

>> No.17723591

Sounds like some Corruption of Champions shit

>> No.17723615

not true it's just that anxious people tend to smoke weed

>> No.17723631

its called being french

>> No.17723749

>its called being Irish

>> No.17723932

Dts can creep up on you. I had three days sober after puking my shit up and not sleeping and I was chilling on my porch and the next thing I know I'm in my kitchen getting checked up on by EMTs. My roommate said I had a seizure.

>> No.17723949

They knew since you must have reeked of vodka. No one wanted to confront you about it.

>> No.17724358

As your liver never runs out of ethanol to process it will not perform the second step converting acetaldehyde into acetic acid
The build up of acetaldehyde will eventually cause death one way or another. Heart attack, CNS depression, organ failure, or all of the above.

>> No.17724850

Not even larping, I am a computer engineer with a master’s degree and I usually drink 4-6 beers a day, with a few random break days throughout the week. I work on cache design for an L1 instruction cache and I usually start drinking near the end of the day at work because we have a keg in our break room. I usually have 2-3 before I ride my electric unicycle back home on a bikes only path that goes along the river. It’s genuinely the best part of my day and I might have 1-3 more beers when I get home. I am having an absolute blast in life, I also either lift weights or go running in the morning before leaving work so I am only about 190 pounds with a small gut for how much I drink.

>> No.17724868

>I am a computer engineer with a master’s degree
you're saying it as if it means anything

>I usually drink 4-6 beers a day
wow, badass

>> No.17724882

I've tried doing this a few times but when I hit the nice buzz point I always think it's a good idea to drink a lot more

>> No.17724914

I never had anxiety before I started smoking week. Never had a panic attack either. Could have been my life situation and shitty genetics, but weed definitely contributed one way or another.

>It's part of the addiction process to feed it so that you're only non-anxious when not on weed.
I think I understand, but could you elaborate a little? I want to internalise this to help me in the future.

>> No.17724990

Pretty sure that's what alcoholics do. Although you'd sober up while you are passed out

>> No.17725062

I drank almost daily for over 10 years. Not liquor but light beer. 10-20 per day. Stopped a few times but always restarted quickly. Finally stopped cold turkey this January, so I'm almost 4 months sober. No DT or anything. Just anxiety, depression, mood swings, anger, etc. It has slowly gotten better (started taking SAM-e). I still don't enjoy life as much and am irritable, but it's worth it so that I don't die. Will I get over my mood issues eventually?

Also lost 25 lbs, which is awesome. And my muscles aren't malfunctioning anymore (used to get cramps randomly and easily).

The weird thing is I didn't even crave it for 2-3 months, but now I really crave it. I was on the verge of getting a 6 pack, thinking I could control myself, but I didn't do it. A nice beer buzz sounds so good though...sigh.

>> No.17725096

weird i love the way weed makes me feel but it causes me to sleep walk and pee on people (not fun waking up mid piss when a family member is screamig at you )

>> No.17725132

Seems like half of all the posters here are recovered alcoholics

>> No.17725144


And the other half are active alcoholics

What a board

>> No.17725161

how new are you? Anyways i say welcome and enjoy your downfall

>> No.17725163

It's the closest thing to food service that this board is capable of.

>> No.17725207

based stoned pisser

>> No.17725213

I fucking love this board

>> No.17725239
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I didn't actually send anything!

>> No.17725244

not nice!

>> No.17725285

i know, i spent all night having seizures. it took me 46min to type this post

>> No.17725295

Not him but I nearly died doing this. I fell and hit my head and got 2 blood clots on the brain, needed open surgery. Don't fuck with booze like this.

>> No.17725439


>> No.17726077

I no joke drink between 500 to 750mls of vodka daily and have done so for at least 5 years. I drink it neatfrom the bottle with a chaser of whatever.. I have the occasional day off, don't get shakes, or crave booze. I get anxious all the time and am easily distracted by things around me and booze dulls it all. No one can tell when I'm drunk. I build fences and usually have my first drink at like 6.45am before I start (10 mouthfuls, I measure by mouthfuls)
Sometimes I vomit bile in the morning but am fine otherwise. Don't really get hungover. I drink because the meds from the shrink zombify me. This thread scares me cos I'm scared my liver will just shit itself one day

>> No.17726092

are you me?

>> No.17726093

You either die drifting into oncoming traffic with a BAC of 0.3 or live long enough to become a recovery guy talking about "your sobriety" anon, that's the fate of the booze hound.
>t. Recovery guy

>> No.17726095

the body has incredible self regenerative capabilities, if you decided you wanted to try and turn it around you would likely still be able to get healthy again. especially if you are young. but yeah anon, you should be scared. if you keep it up that shit will destroy you

>> No.17726107

Same here, I buy 3 handles a week and have for the last few years. Do you always stick to vodka or have you tried other clear spirits? Which cause you the least side effects? I have been doing white rum, Bacardi or Don Q, for a while, and it seems to give me less stomach problems but worse hangovers, but I'm worried the added sugar isn't great. Sobieski vodka tastes better, but it's pretty impure and I feel it later. Any suggestions from your experience?

>> No.17726123

Possibly if I got drunk and forgot that I was replying to myself
I'm 34 been a bar manager and owner for the last 15 years. Other than the booze I'm pretty healthy. Lots of lean red meat leafy greens. I eat sprouts like a motherfucker and drink a bunch of water daily
Vodka is the cleanest to me. Rum has too much sugar and gin is hard to pound back in one go.rum will also rot your gut out.
Lmao I'm a Sobieski. That's literally a family owned company, but I live in New zealand

>> No.17726128

90/14= ~6 beers/day for two weeks.
> can't handle a sixer a day for half a month
> mfw you're a pussy

>> No.17726157

>Possibly if I got drunk and forgot that I was replying to myself
aw you're definitely me

>> No.17726290

Yes, if you drink really high quality scotch - Macallan, Oban, Glenfidditch. The buzz is way different, completely functional and semi euphoric, and theres no hangover. I believe that the barrelling process absorbs or somehow gets rid of leftover methyl spirits and other nastiness. We had Macallan and Oban after last nights lodge meeting and I worked a full day of my office job+hauled 4.5 cubid yards topsoil into my garden today, no hangover. There's a reason people drink good scotch and its not necessarily the taste.

>> No.17726413

Lol no
The clearer the spirit the more pure it is

>> No.17726555

im to drunk to read past the forth woord

>> No.17726576

Try it and report back.

>> No.17726605
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How much did you drink that night?

>> No.17726778

Holy based

>> No.17726792

Here you go op

>> No.17726975

Enough to cop a nice buzz. I'm old so it doesn't take much to give me a hangover.

>> No.17727187

I've certainly gotten some brutal hangovers from quality scotch.

>> No.17727688

It's called being druk.

>> No.17727706

I drank 24 pints in a day once and a few chasers on top. Was pretty fucked, needed some extracurriculars to keep me going. What a great pub crawl that was.

>> No.17728946

i have noticed this to
although i sometimes buy cheap shit just to get that fucked up buzz