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17704956 No.17704956 [Reply] [Original]

it is a breakfast food

>> No.17705022

Did you know that bacon is only seen as “breakfast food” following a successful ad campaign to get more people to eat it. Otherwise it was just seen as a cheap cut of pork. Eggs too are eaten throughout the day (omelettes, baking etc)
Wheat too is eaten throughout the day.

Still though I would eat this for breakfast. Especially after a night shift. I just don’t care.

>> No.17705030


A video about why bacon and eggs are eaten at breakfast

>> No.17705038

sure but what the fuck is it

>> No.17705045

spaghetti carbonara

Literally any dish containing bacon is a breakfast food in my opinion

>> No.17705051

>Literally any dish containing bacon is a breakfast food in my opinion
You fell for the PR campaign my friend. Everyone did and grew up with it. That’s how good it was.

>> No.17705064

and why should I care? bacon is delicious and goes well with other breakfast foods. if i was offered it any time of the day it would still be delicious however. but it just so happens to go great with eggs, toast, and maple syrup.

>> No.17705071

I completely agree, bacon is delicious but why would you want to limit yourself to just eating it just in the morning for breakfast

>> No.17705076


Breakfast bacon macaroni recipe. I really like Glen

>> No.17705083


The best breakfast you can eat. Ever.

>> No.17705084

>did you know people advertised their products

Yes you fucking moron.

>> No.17705095

Bacon wasn’t ever seen as breakfast food before this campaign. You’ve been tricked by Jews again

>> No.17705098

>but why would you want to limit yourself to just eating it just in the morning for breakfast

No one in the first world does this. There's no limiting. Bacon exists beyond breakfast.

>> No.17705102

I don't even eat bacon at breakfast exclusively dumbass. What fucking weird universe does your mind occupy? People regularly eat bacon outside of the morning hours.

>> No.17705104

I’m glad you admit this. So it’s no breakfast food. Cereal is also not a breakfast food if you can eat it any time of day

I’m glad it’s me who is going to de-program you

>> No.17705108

Storebought bacon is a scam desu. It is so over priced when you can get a whole fucking pork belly for $30 and you don't even need to smoke it, you can just salt cure it with celery seed. Even then smoking it is also easy and you can freeze large amounts.

>> No.17705111

>So it’s no breakfast food

No you fucking idiot.

>> No.17705117

Eggs and french toast ARE breakfast food. You use yesterdays stale bread and todays fresh eggs.

>> No.17705118

Trips confirm I have successfully de-programmed you from Jewish trickery. Now please enjoy your bacon

>> No.17705122

I have never once said that bacon is for breakfast only. No one in the first world does this. You're sick in the head.

>> No.17705133

Breaking your programming is hard my friend. And stressful too. You’ll feel better once you start eating it whenever you want to. I cook mine with tomato sauce and pepper with a little Lea and Perrins

>> No.17705136

None of you have any idea what you're talking about. You have no real experience. You have never examined anything around you in detail. You repeat over-simplified, and sometimes totally fabricated, but easily digestible factoids about the most banal topics imaginable.

>> No.17705138

This. We also don’t know what weird chemicals they put into it and their nitrates etc.

>> No.17705141

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.17705160

>Face it. He blew you the fuck out
How? I bacon pilled him into the truth.

>> No.17705164
File: 70 KB, 452x363, acsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How? I bacon pilled him into the truth.

>> No.17705179

Wait a second. Isn’t bacon full of salt? And said salt is bad for the heart? And fat too? So those Jews getting us to eat more bacon means they’re trying to kill id off quicker!!

Holy shit man I ain’t eating that shit again. I’m turning Islamic

>> No.17705186

> jews tricked us in to eating bacon
I'm not high enough to make that equation work...

>> No.17705203

Think about it. They don’t eat pork or anything swine. Bacon is known to be fatty and salty and is pumped up full of chemicals. They don’t eat it but they encourage us to eat lots and lots of it, even making out that liking bacon is a personality trait. They want us to eat more poison and kill us all and raise Floyd from the dead as TrannyChrist and do at least 3 sex changes on him.

Don’t dine on swine, anon

>> No.17705209
File: 269 KB, 600x654, bfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait a second. Isn’t bacon full of salt? And said salt is bad for the heart? And fat too? So those Jews getting us to eat more bacon means they’re trying to kill id off quicker!!

>Holy shit man I ain’t eating that shit again. I’m turning Islamic

>> No.17705225

based drunk anon who just got off his night shift

>> No.17705756
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