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17703902 No.17703902 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/. Today Christians remember the day Jesus dues for our sins. Traditionally Good Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence. Some people eat nothing at all, others eat 2 small meals and one big meal, and a few only bread and water. What most people don’t know is that there is no restriction on drinking beer. Medieval monasteries would brew nutritious beer to consume during the holy season of lent. Monks would eat no food but subsist solely off beer.

Today I will attempt to do the same. I have procured 5 fine monastic beers. All of these are brewed by monks in active monasteries. The funds from these beers pay for their good works. I will consume these periodically through the day instead of food and journal my experience.

My beers are:
>Chimay Red, 7% ABV
>Westmalle Tripel, 9.5% ABV
>Rochefort #8, 9.2% ABV
>Orval ale, 6.9% ABV
>La Trappe Tripel, 8% ABV

I have also obtained two clerical glasses that I may better consume these beers, could you suggest which glass is best for each beer? I’m also taking suggestions for my first beer of the day.

>> No.17703910

Tl;Dr redditfag

>> No.17703940

What beer should I have first?

>> No.17704168
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Imma grip n' sip

>> No.17704169
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My first beer of the day is this westmalle. Doesn’t taste too booze forward, despite the high ABV. Seems filling enough to start the day.

>> No.17704174

Based, are you also doing a beer fast?

>> No.17704184

>How would you like your beer sir?
>3/4 head and 1/4 beer
Did you soibot pour that for you?

>> No.17704185

Uhhh yeah that's call it that haha

>> No.17704198

>Trappistes Rochefort 8
Excellent, should get the 10 next time, it's fantastic.
Also great, unusual beer, buy a case and try them after 2-5 years every 6 months. They don't disappoint, same goes for the Rochefort 8/10 actually.
>Westmalle Tripel
Like a addict to crack for me, good choice.
>Chimay Red
Used to be better.
>La Trappe
While not trappist, get your hands on St. Bernardus Abt.12 or Prior 8, Unibroue makes some good Belgian style abbey beers like Trois Pistoles and La Fin du Monde. Westvleteren is excellent but good luck finding it, decent choices OP.

>> No.17704232
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Thanks anon. I cleared out my local liquor store. They were out of Chimay blue and white, but had a good selection of other Trappists. I’ve never tried Orval, looking forward to it. Is La trappe good?

I love Belgian style beers. Unibroue does great shit. I have a local microbrewery nearby that does excellent Belgian style beers.I really want to try Spencer, westerleven, and the new Trappist brewery in the UK.

>> No.17704249

I really like monastery beers. It's a bit off topic, but are the Chimay cheeses any good?

>> No.17704263

Yes they are. Creamy and great with a baguette.

>> No.17704286

it's been a while but from what i can recall they're similar to maredsous

>> No.17704302

Maredsous makes cheese too? Never knew about that, their beer is great though it's super strong

>> No.17704316

it's actually pretty common and easy to get where i live
not too much of a fan of their beers though, but that's my dumb opinion

>> No.17704376

I wasn't a fan of La Trappe but beer is very subjective. You might like it. If you can get your hands on it, Duchesse du Bourgogne is also really neat, same with Nostradamus by Caracole, Delerium Tremens. Honestly check out Ratebeer...your head will spin and eventually you'll have a "need to try" list longer than you would like.
Excellent, Really nice on it's own or in a sandwich/burger.

>> No.17704388

>Medieval monasteries would brew nutritious beer
Is it really nutritious? You've piqued my interest, anon. How are these beers nutritious?

>> No.17704392
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>> No.17704410
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Lots of good carbs to keep you through the day.

>> No.17704452

start dilating with the smallest one first to reduce the chance of bleeding, work your way up to the orval bottle.

>> No.17704505

holy fuck this looks good
> pure water, malt, hops, yeast, and herbs (coriander, dried orange rind, and cinnamon).
interesting for sure

>> No.17704512

haven't had tripple leffe, but regular and dark leffe are top tier

>> No.17704514

Coriander is pretty weird huh. I recently had some Barbar that also has it added. It works, but the concept is strange

>> No.17704521

damn, not for me, I'm one of those people for whom coriander tastes like soap ;_;

>> No.17704565

I got those when I was in Belgium a few years ago. Their average 7-11 would make a beer enthusiast cry tears of joy.

>> No.17704566

Beer with coriander added still tastes like beer, mate. Barbar tasted like honey so that's a plus too

>> No.17704573

Neat. Where does one acquire these beers?

>> No.17704583

the supermarket

>> No.17704706

I'm a burger :(

>> No.17704715

A good, well-curated liquor store will have them.

>> No.17704720

The liquor store then. One near me sells most of these Belgian beers and they're pretty good but expensive so they're not something I drink very often.

>> No.17704951

i'm a belgium

>> No.17705044
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Ok, just got back from confession. Next one here is La Trappe. Nice beer, less hoppy than the westmalle, slightly more alcohol forward though.

>> No.17705159

it contains coriander seeds, not the leaves. Never heard of anyone thinking coriander seeds taste like soap.

>> No.17705163

the rochefort is the best one

>> No.17705174
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Not drinking Maibock for Good Friday is kinda cringe.

>> No.17705217

>drinking something not brewed by monks on Good Friday

>> No.17705815

Chimay blue is soooooo much better than red. Was really disappointed when I tasted red...

>> No.17706289

Just picked up a case of ayinger hefeweisen, I ate some bread and cheese earlier though because I'm a godless heathan.

>> No.17706297
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Not him but I'm sorry I just have vodka. I hope God isn't upset.

>> No.17706594
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Time for the Orval. Almost has a plummy flavour to it. I like it. Screwed up the pour so it’s a bit foamy.

>> No.17707138

Orval in general is a "heady" beer, you need to angle the glass while you pour aiming for the side and not the bottom to avoid forming too much of a head which also kills carbonation. Fun fact: that stuff is bottled at about 4-5 volumes of CO2 (iirc) which is about the same as champagne. The empty bottle has some weight to it, useful if you need to clock some drunkard at the pub.