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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17703432 No.17703432 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else love Casey’s breakfast pizza?

>> No.17703445

I don't like flyovers so no

>> No.17703532
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It's okay. Pretty low on my list of breakfast foods.
Only times I do breakfast pizza is if it's home made. From friends or otherwise.
Pic related. The dough was just Pillsbury cresent rolls, but the pepperjack and chedder were home smoked and the gravy was homemade. Turned out well.

>> No.17703651

>Pillsbury cresent rolls

>> No.17705609

Maybe if you remove all the poison bread.

>> No.17705614

I'd smash my face into that sloppa

>> No.17705659

He literally never used the word homemade esl.

>> No.17705683

Well, I don't like black people, so that's that.

>> No.17705785

it's definitely 100 percent the best pizza there at casey's

>> No.17705790

sausage mogs bacon though

>> No.17705808

>It's okay. Pretty low on my list of breakfast foods.
>Only times I do breakfast pizza is if it's home made. From friends or otherwise.
>Pic related. The dough was just Pillsbury cresent rolls
>Only times I do breakfast pizza is if it's home made.
>home made.

>> No.17705832
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I cooked the sausage.
I scrambled the eggs.
I simmered the gravy.
I smoked the cheese.

The only thing that wasn't "homemade" was the dough, and even that was cooked and prepared in house.
You know what I bought from the store? A pack of dough.
You know what I didn't buy from the store? A breakfast pizza.

I miss when /ck/ used to be good. Now it's just filled to the brim with pedants.

>> No.17705844
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My ex's name is Casey

>> No.17705845

Is Los Angeles and Chicago flyover? They’re nationwide you stupid fucking retard. I can’t imagine how shitty your life is if you have to pretend to be superior on a cooking board. You’re just as bad as all the black line cook felon drug addicts pretending they’re a chef and not the microwave bitch at Applebees.

>> No.17705846

you didn't raise the cow

>> No.17705847

Homemade and home made have different meanings.

>> No.17705863

>I cooked the sausage.
You didn't make the sausage.
>I scrambled the eggs.
You didn't lay the eggs.
>I simmered the gravy.
You didn't make the gravy.
>I smoked the cheese.
You didn't make the cheese.

I wish when /ck/ used to be filled with people who ACTUALLY cooked.

>> No.17705867

casey's pizza is gas station food kino

>> No.17705875

>I wish when /ck/ used to be filled with people who ACTUALLY cooked.
That has never been the case

>> No.17705877
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You'll make it. Focus on improving.

>> No.17705879

Casey's a dude name, fag.

>> No.17705925

Yeah that looks like trash compared to the OP. It's always hilarious when people pretend to dislike fast food and then their "better" homemade cooking is like 10 times worse kek.

>> No.17705934

If you can't appreciate a good sloppa then you need to fuck off

>> No.17705938

You're delusional if you think that shit looks better.

>> No.17705944

Thank you

>> No.17705946

I've had similar dishes to what he made, it does look and taste better than the cold shitty gas station pizza

>> No.17705958

So you're delusional then, got it. That trash barely even qualifies as pizza. It's a fucking pillsbury crescent roll with cheese melted on it.

>> No.17705966

I remember having breakfast pizza at Disney World, enjoyed it

Suppose it's a bit of a novelty, maybe makes sense to serve in specific locations... like an airport maybe?

>> No.17705970
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You're welcome.

>> No.17705977
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I created the universe, be careful, or you may find yourself living in hell, if you constantly bring hell into your brother and sisters lives.

>> No.17705978
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>> No.17705984

Not really no

>> No.17705990

You died on this day, loser. I don't have to take shit from you.

>> No.17706177

>It's a fucking pillsbury crescent roll with cheese melted on it.
And gravy.
And sausage.
And egg.

>> No.17706204
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>It's always hilarious when people pretend to dislike fast food
I never even said I disliked fastfood. I didn't even claim mine turned out better.
Just that Casey's Pizza isn't my go-to breakfast item, and I'd rather just make a pizza at home or eat something a friend made.

You took this really personally for some reason.
Do you have autism?

>> No.17706258

One of the best pizza's of all time
Tried to make a copycat for my first homemade pizza
Undercooked the dough and was very disappointed
Gonna give it a try again soon

>> No.17706267

>Undercooked the dough and was very disappointed
Did cook the dough for a bit before putting your toppings on?

>> No.17706273
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>You died on this day, loser. I don't have to take shit from you.

>> No.17706275

Nah and didn't have a stone either. Figured my 525* oven would of done the job, it did not. Learned my lesson though won't be fucking that up again.

>> No.17706382

>Figured my 525* oven would of done the job
It absolutely would if you left it in long enough and the dough wasn't retardedly thick. Sounds like you just suck at cooking.

>> No.17706424

Anon, is everything okay?
This board is anonymous.
Don't worry. You don't need to prove that you're better than anyone here.
There really isn't anything to gain by acting like this.

>> No.17706428

>Casey’s breakfast pizza

Give it back, thief!

>> No.17706453

You know this is the cooking board right? I didn't point out anything that isn't extremely basic. Don't get mad at me just because you're retarded.

>> No.17706509

>Don't get mad at me just because you're retarded.
I'm not the one who made the post.
I'm just saying it's silly to get upset over something like this, especially from someone who already recognizes they're doing something wrong and wants suggestions.

>> No.17706520

Reddit might be more your speed if you need a safe space.

>> No.17706530

>First time cooking pizza
>Follow recipe from King Arthur baking
>Doesn't turn out perfectly
>Must suck at cooking and are retarded
Wish I was as amazing as you anon
Would truly be amazing to be the perfect cook the first time I tried cooking everything.

>> No.17706535

No one is impressed that you get frustrated easily.

>> No.17706565

If it's your first time then yeah, you probably suck at cooking. That's okay to admit. It's a skill like any other that takes practice to get good at.

>> No.17706580

>it's a skill that takes time
yep, and I've already corrected my issues and made pizza with fully cooked crust after doing my very next pizza
my first sourdough loaf wasn't that great either, I wasn't expecting perfection, all one can do is try to improve every time

>> No.17706591

Then you would know 525 is enough to cook pizza dough. Sounds like you still suck. Keep practicing faggot.

>> No.17706619
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>Fails to comprehend first post
>Acts like retard and jackass
>Gets called out
>Continues to act like a jackass
That's for the advice anon

>> No.17706632

>can't handle mean words
Reddit is back that way.

>> No.17706645

nah your just acting like a nigger

>> No.17706770

I already know how to hold myself accountable for what I post.
Don't worry, friend. I'm sure the novelty of being anonymous will wear off eventually for you, and then maybe you'll figure out how to be less of a spaz.

>> No.17706773

Bro that's sad are you trying to drag down our easter weekend? Meet up with some friend or family

>> No.17706847

Was born in IL, but family moved when I was young. Still go back up to see family across the midwest around holidays and whatnot, but I have gone to Casey's. While on the subject of midwest chains, I do think Monical's pizza is pretty solid tho

>> No.17706852

*have not ever
hate it when my mind skips words

>> No.17706869
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>> No.17706874

i dont eat pizza

>> No.17706878

Shut the fuck up you miserable faggot.

>> No.17706886
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Do you want to play this game? Because we'll fuckin play this game.

>> No.17706888

It's good, but it's like 800 calories for 1 slice and not very filling