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17702265 No.17702265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people offer this information? The only way to know you are lactose intolerant is to try dairy and to then shit your brains out with rancid diarrhea and outrageous farts. When someone tells you they are lactose intolerant, they are essentially telling you about a time they had some pretty righteous shits. I had to end a date over picturing this chick hunched over the toilet brapping.

>> No.17702327

I mean it's pretty important information if you are to be a couple in the future.

>> No.17702350

>I mean it's pretty important information if you are to be a couple in the future.
that she does rancid shits? why would i want to be with someone like this?

>> No.17702384

there is no perfect girl who will never get sick and have gross stuff happening

>> No.17702388

married and have 2 daughters. can confirm. there is always someone pooping or farting 24/7. changing girl diapers is the worst too because the poop always gets pushed up into their vaginas and you have to wipe it out carefully. i call their vagina "bajinky" when i clean them. "oh no you got doopy in your bajinky!"

>> No.17702462

so true anon. I would have just been like "Eeeewwwwww!!" right in her face

>> No.17702478

I became lactose intolerant at age 25, now I'm 30

>> No.17702479

do u want to be with a human or a robot?

>> No.17702480

She's telling you she constantly forgets to bring lactase enzymes so if you want to be with her she expects you to always carry some on you.

>> No.17702493


>> No.17702501

>TFW a girl shares with me that she's lactose intolerant
Her nonwhite skin didn't tip you off?

>> No.17702505

Lactose intolerance doesn't exist.

>> No.17702551

I still remember when some girl told me coffee gave her the shits

>> No.17702573

I don't understand how lactose intolerance just develops. I used to drink milk just fine and now it gives me horrible gas anytime I drink even just what's left after a bowl of cereal.

>> No.17702587

Lactose intolerance is weird, milk used to give me bad diarrhea a few years ago. So bad I almost shit myself once, but now I can drink it and it does nothing to me

>> No.17702589

>offer someone milk
>they explain they're lactose intolerant
>have autistic fit

Kill yourself.

>> No.17702627

3 points:

1. I once dumped a girl because I booked dinner at an Indian place and she told me spicy food gives her diarrhea.

2. I just took my wife out for lunch for her birthday last week and she needed to poop real bad and I didn't want her shitting in my car so we pulled into a park and I covered for her while she dumped between my car, me, a tree and the open door.

3. If a girl told me she was lactose intolerant I'd be pretty happy as a fart fetishist.

>> No.17702681

All allergies can develop spontaneously. And you can be(come) allergic to (just about?) anything (I think it's actually anything).

>> No.17702703

a robot.

>> No.17702709

>then shit your brains out with rancid diarrhea and outrageous farts
At least if it happens in her pants it's great.

>> No.17702721

>"It's ok I can be your toilet :)"

There, problem solved.

>> No.17702722

This is absolutely true. I'm allergic to the sun (no joke) - it's called solar urticaria. Both UVA and UVB rays cause my skin to develop an allergic reaction within minutes of being outside in the sun.

>> No.17702731

Got this recently and it's the most ridiculous fucking bullshit. Luckily it only seems to be on my arms so far.

>> No.17702741

>I had to end a date
>over picturing this chick hunched over the toilet brapping
Try restructuring this sentence a little
>I had to end a date
>[because I was] picturing this chick hunched over the toilet brapping
When you recognize that you were the neurotic weirdo picturing someone else hunched over a toilet, like the absolute autist you are, it suddenly becomes clear that the reason you’re single is entirely your own doing.

>> No.17702779

Lactose intolerance isn't an allergy. It just means your body doesn't produce lactase to break it down. Sometimes it can happen if you only drink milk infrequently, your body isn't ready to handle it when you do that and then dump some in. Drinking small amounts more frequently can fix that. But sometimes it seems like your body just stops producing as much when you reach a certain age too for whatever reason.

>> No.17702788

based (i think) parenthesis autist (or at least on the spectrum)

>> No.17702792

this would make a good sitcom plot like the malcom in the middle dad secretly feeding her dairy to make her brap all day

>> No.17702796

You shouldnt have kids. They should unironically be taken away

>> No.17702799

Fingers crossed it will spontaneously disappear for you. For me, it started on the palms of my hands and the backs of the knees. 4 years later, I had it everywhere, and I've had to live indoors more or less 24/7 for 7 years now. Finally got a diagnosis 6 months ago, now the docs are letting me test different meds to see what helps.

>> No.17702800

ok then why are you talking to women?

>> No.17702804

to reproduce

>> No.17702858

We don't want your genes

>> No.17702889

I want a lactose intolerant trans gf so bad bros

>> No.17702893

People who use the word unironically should be shot.

>> No.17702896

Yeah it's insane when parents use silly baby words to speak to their kids. Someone needs to do something about these fuckers. Place them in some faggot Democrat couples home where they'll be safe

>> No.17702911

so go to reddit and buy one

>> No.17702919

Happened to a couple Korean buddies of mine. Stopped being able to digest milk in their 20s.

>> No.17702943

unironically kys, retard

>> No.17702948

Fuck, that's awful. I can't believe it got that severe for you and the retards still couldn't diagnose it until so recently. For me none of the doctors managed to figure out what was wrong by themselves, I just happened to talk to someone who knew someone with the same problem. Apparently he had it for about a decade and then it vanished as mysteriously as it came, so here's to hoping you're due to be able to enjoy the warmth of the sun again soon.

I have to get to bed now, but did it worsen gradually over those four years? For me it's been consistent in intensity and location for the few years I've had it, so I'm hoping that means it will get better instead of worse, or at least stay the same.

>> No.17702951
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>> No.17702954

>wants to do human things
>grossed out by human things

ok bud

>> No.17702962

Yep, I'm Asian and it happened to me. Genetically grew out of the ability to healthily digest cow tit juice.

I love cheese tho, so I won't stop eating it. I just fucks me up when I drink milk, or eat too much ice cream.