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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17700127 No.17700127 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on the crumb of raguseas sourdough from his latest video?


>> No.17700142


>> No.17700148
File: 57 KB, 510x680, lan_rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ken forkish all you need to know on how to make bread. that loaf in your photo looks like shit.

>> No.17700153

holy hell she is so cute

>> No.17700157

he doesn't call it sourdough, he bitches out of naming it anything "because of gatekeepers"
his name is ian

>> No.17700194

How embarrassing lol

>> No.17700199


>> No.17700206

>Knead it and let it rest
>Repeat 6 times

>> No.17700224

Lol that's pathetic, a good representation of Adam's life.

>> No.17700227

He must be getting desperate for hate views. Not clicking that link, no.

>> No.17700229

Dense breads are nice and I like them, but I doubt Adam was going for that.

>> No.17700231

reminds me of the kind of loaf you can get from the supermarket. crust looks good at least but yeah idk about that crumb looks mealy

>> No.17700234


did he yeast his rolling pin not his dough?
lmao got him

>> No.17700571

That. Is. Awful. He didn't use enough water in his dough and tells people not to preheat their pot. This is all fine except for the fact that by getting just a little messy with more water and preheating the pot you make a much better bread overall.

>> No.17700600

I hate him so much. He's so confidently incorrect so many times. Sad that some people watch him unironically.

>> No.17700608

That looks fucking terrible.
Is this really his attempt?

>> No.17700627

Come on bro that one isn't even passable

>> No.17700761

Girly boys are better than 100% passable traps.

>> No.17701229

honestly it looked pretty shit and I can only assume he made it to drive rage traffic over to Brian L's channel

>> No.17701462


>> No.17701900

Lagerstrom had tranny shit in his video today, very sad

>> No.17701913

Mozarella sticks? That's the most straight food ever.

>> No.17701930

That isn't sourdough and he doesn't even call it that.

>> No.17701962

No, that's Babish you're thinking of >>17701441

>> No.17701966

Did he forget to add a live sourdough starter?
Also how is his video not ratio'd to hell for being such a shit video?

>> No.17702161

watch the full video

>> No.17702216

>Raguseachad releases a simple, well-narrated, no bullshit recipe vid
>/ck/ seethes
Nevar change, faggots.

>> No.17702232

was it subtle? because I didn't catch anything.

>> No.17702256
File: 58 KB, 916x504, 47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17702630

Dude thats fucking dense

>> No.17702824

my whole wheat comes out better wtf

>> No.17702863

what's wrong with dense bread

what if adam is right like he always is

>> No.17702877

Nothing intrinsically wrong, there are bread styles which are dense, like Danish rye bread for example. But it doesn't feel like that's what he was going for here. He's just shitty at what he's doing.

>> No.17703619

im kind of a shit baker so a lot of my bread turns out like that :( has that "failed bread" taste too if anybody else knows what I mean. also, for getting good crusts, I always cheat by baking at a mildly higher temp and using a spray bottle.

>> No.17703632

He fucked up that bread, and instead of shelfing the project until he got better info, he just posted his rough draft mediocre boule like it was something to be proud of. He is worse than my mother in law who will straight up burn a pie and post it on Facebook to bait comments.

>> No.17703925

Stop shilling yourself, fagusea.
I know it's you. Imagine being this pathetic.
Eat shit, fagusea.

>> No.17704321

damn thats pretty impressive
lets reward adam with an ICBM directly to his house

>> No.17704347

Better than 99% of sourdough bread, but still too many large holes.

>> No.17704349

Dog shit

>> No.17704355

Are you surprised. Look at the faggot.

>> No.17704372

Looks good, I'd eat it

>> No.17704421

>flag in the background
>tranny shit

Brian is the last foodtuber that is even remotely watchable. I know he's likely a leftwing ass-ramming faggot. Please just let me have this one bros.

>> No.17704433
File: 807 KB, 879x668, Screenshot from 2022-04-15 12-58-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm making some bread, lets see if i can achieve this level of mastery

>> No.17704471

we got a true patrician here

>> No.17704596

i pulled them out when the internal temp was 200f but i don't think they are cooked enough?

>> No.17704606
File: 579 KB, 851x641, Screenshot from 2022-04-15 13-37-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17704613

Its lana rain, a biological female that has copious amounts of video of her vagina and objects entering it on the internet

>> No.17704622

Didn't use steam did you? What's temp?

>> No.17704631

wow that pic really doesn't do her justice or maybe all the other ones are misleading

>> No.17704637
File: 949 KB, 1080x1844, Screenshot_20220415-134520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking retard that guy is. Why do people like him think they should teach others? I don't feel like I have the knowledge to teach bread baking even at this point. I know I have gaps in knowledge.

>> No.17704647
File: 155 KB, 625x694, crumb-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17704649

i had a pie tin with water and a mister bottle, preheated to 425f but turned it down to 375f and baked for 20min.
It's a makeshift recipe, basically a french bread recipe with 1/2 cup milk subbed in and a Tbsp of olive oil. The french bread was always to soft so i figured make white bread with it.
Its 375g(3 cups) flour and 355g (1.5c water/milk) which is around 94% hydration yet no open crumb no matter how much i knead, proof, repeat

>> No.17704665

How can you be so trannybrained that you perceive a 6/10 ciswoman as a tranny?

>> No.17704669

Don't turn it down. Heat a heavy duty pan with nothing in it and then add ice when you put the bread in. Open the door quickly after the first part of the bake to let out the steam.

>> No.17704683

any advice on when i should pull it out? like internal temp? the knock/hollow sound thing has never given me good results

>> No.17704738

Temp is good. But watch the browning too. I bake a lot of bread for about 50 min. 30 with steam/20 without.

>> No.17704746

Nah, man, you're just insecure. You have a lot of knowledge.

>> No.17704755

Some of his shit was useful to give me a jumping off point

>> No.17704778

>mediocre crumb,
>purposefully doesn't measure anything
>half-assed stretch and fold
>doesn't pre-heat dutch oven but does it on the burner???
actually more work than a normal sourdough loaf with a worse result

>> No.17704785
File: 876 KB, 893x668, Screenshot from 2022-04-15 14-22-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, it came out a lot lighter then it looks but i think it didn't let it rise long enough.

>> No.17704789

I can teach the basics, but conversion of recipes to sourdough, creating my own recipes by knowing correct percentages, knowing how to tell when things are fermented or proofed properly, starting dough temperature, ferment temperature variations... Definitely have gaps in knowledge where I wouldn't be teaching people my own recipe.

>> No.17704887

that's all you really need for home cooking

>> No.17704960

That pumpkin bread with the cinnamon stick stem is fukken sicc

>> No.17705012

He clearly messed up. He only filmed it and uploaded it due to the need to churn out content. Worst case scenario is it becomes a smaller-scale meme vid for his viewers like the cutting board one. "adam can't bake bread lol lmao" meanwhile he got what he wanted: clicks, views, engagement, gaming the algo, ad revenue

It's honestly a chad move.

>> No.17705241

yeah, but the thing is that he doesnt feel or he cant recognize that he messed up.

>> No.17705356

that one's a confirmed tranny, but 6/10's might as well be male

>> No.17705387

>adding yeast

>> No.17705404

I would say at minimum. I think you should be able to come up with your own recipes and modify them. Not just always seek others recipes. I think people who teach should especially be able to do such things.

>> No.17705408

Thanks brother.

>> No.17705429

He's married. His wife pops up in his videos now and then.

>> No.17705453

>i don't measure the ingredients
>i let the SPOON measure for me
god i hate this fag

>> No.17705472

>modify them
i had to do that out of necessity since everybody else's seemed way off with the ingredients i had. Like a 1/4 tsp of chili powder for a whole pot of chili, unless they have some crazy chili powder or my shit is truly garbage

>> No.17705534

No issues with modifying recipes while cooking, but baking bread is another story. For instance dry yeast, fresh yeast, and sourdough are all added at different amounts. Salt can range anywhere from 0-2% maybe more. Amount of yeast affects rise time, as does hydration percentage, temp, dough temp, enrichments, etc. Then there are things like bagnettos and multiple feeds of your sourdough starter to control pH. It's not as simple adding a little more or a little less based on taste. It is done in ratios at certain temperatures for particular reasons.

>> No.17705600

yea that have been messing with me ever since i moved, my old house have very acidic water but now it's very alkaline and non of my dough comes out right. I have even added apple cider vinegar to balance the pH but still everything i make no matter the recipe turns out like white bread

>> No.17705620

Is that hardtack or sourdough? Imagine showing this on youtube. At least Max has the excuse of doing historic stuff with whats available...

>> No.17705684

I thought the thumbnail was looking up at boobs.

>> No.17705735

>trapped steam helps it brown for the same reason you boil bagels and pretzels
Oh, your dutch oven is spontaneously generating fucking lye now, is it Adam?

>> No.17706494
File: 308 KB, 828x512, 6582C102-ADBE-4B68-8337-F9508B2531AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for teaching me how to make bread Adam

>> No.17706517

Pretty good, very consistent crumb
Doesn't look dense to me

>> No.17706519
File: 196 KB, 1333x1279, MJihj13[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my last bread was super dense because I screwed up the last rise and also deflated it a bit trying to transfer into my dutch oven, but at least I can take solace that it turned out better than Ragusea's

>> No.17706593

At least you're aware of the mistakes and will probably do better next time while Adam will keep living in denial.

>> No.17706601

not like pretzles but steam does something to cause the starch to convert into sugars which causes browning

>> No.17706636

He meant faggot in the colloquial sense

>> No.17707017

Stop shilling your stupid videos.

>> No.17707141
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, 1835AE84-BC6F-470C-9664-1298C94154E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made the 10% salt loaf

>> No.17707311
File: 3.60 MB, 4032x3024, A2B6533C-4AC6-4A95-8EB9-11E45A283C70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the bread I just made.
I followed https://youtu.be/6RUDa0FKplk..

>> No.17707318

It looks better than the last bread I made.

>> No.17707322

Not bad anon. Try adding some whole wheat flour (or spelt, rye, etc) to make it more interesting. 10-20% already makes a difference.

>> No.17707361

Too little water or too much salt. Wont watch his video.

>> No.17707487

looks nice

>> No.17707588

Thanks anons. The bottom got stuck a bit even though I dusted the tray with flour. How to prevent this.

>> No.17707622

Parchment paper can help.

>> No.17708790

Crust is thin. Needs steam and higher temps.

>> No.17708988

shes confirmed female you retard, she literally does porn

>> No.17709407

Parchment paper or use fine cornmeal. I think pro bakers use a different type of flour like rice flour or semolina flour to dust their pans

>> No.17709429

His crumb looks like shit, very dense. Does anyone have that one video that has a baker teach about (or experiment with) different variables when it comes to baking bread? Different hydration, different proofing times etc? Its a fairly long video but he goes over a lot of baking bread techniques and variables to get a really nice crumb, not dense and not airy with big holes either. Someone posted it on here but I can't find it anymore, thanks

>> No.17709451

Lookin gud. like last baguette i made.

>> No.17709468

>her vagina

>> No.17709472

Looks pretty bad imo but I live in France so I'm spoiled.

>> No.17709475

Adam is a repulsive human being. I genuinely don't understand how he can be so fucking bad at cooking and yet run a food youtube channel. Anything that requires hand eye coordination or a few practice attempts is declared beyond the capabilities of ALL home cooks, not just his parkinsons disease-level spastic ass, and then he shows off his dog shit creations with this mealy aww shucks please praise me attitude. He is the quintessence of reddit. the platonic bugman. He should have been sentenced to death after his video on macarons

>> No.17709487

He gives great tips on pizza making, I like that hus videos are directed at normal people with a normal kitchen and budget

>> No.17709529

>videos are directed at normal people
Normal people have bad tastes. They refuse to work hard to produce better food. Not for lack of time, but because they are lazy.

>> No.17709536

Being a journo corrupted his soul. He has the same nihilistic postmodern philosophy as the rest of them, that you shouldn't be critical of anything. He's good at the pop science stuff but his mentality holds him back when he cooks. His recipes have no passion. It's all bugman fuel. The only objective is being edible.

>> No.17709673

Why does Adam's superiority trigger the chuds on /ck/ so much?

>> No.17709708

2nd this

>> No.17709722

>that you shouldn't be critical of anything.
i really hate this because no one will give negative feedback/ constructive criticism which if i didn't know better i would think i am a good cook.

>> No.17709744

Your 14th shot looks like shit, no one wants a loaf that's 85% air bubbles.

>> No.17709760

>The only objective is being edible.
Why would you want to make inedible food, anon? Are you one of those instagram cooks that puts three pounds of cotton candy on top of a milkshake for 'aesthetics'?

>> No.17709776

Adam shit talks and critiques all the time but he does so in almost exactly the same tone as everything else so the autists of /ck/ don't pick up on it.
Go watch his video where he effectively says everyone trying to 'do a better thanksgiving turkey dinner' is retarded.

>> No.17709785

He was kind of right though

>> No.17709795

His macaron video is kino but wrong.

>> No.17709813

Is second last pic a pumpkin spice loaf? Recipe?

>> No.17709859
File: 262 KB, 1534x2544, rageusea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17709866

Oh yeah? Prove it

>> No.17709886

Back in my day this was the kind of autism we loved here

>> No.17709919

True, it's been a long time since I saw a good autist slapfight here.

>> No.17709930

We laughed at it, not with it. Lo and behold, we still do.

>> No.17709951

yes we do

>> No.17709964

i laugh about things, not at them or with them

>> No.17709980

He's the embodiment of slave morality. You can tell that behind his cringey little "you do you!" shit and starting his plebbit comments with "friend, ...", there's real contempt hiding. He speaks this way because he's terrified of confrontation and has no idea how to handle disagreement. It's quite evident that he genuinely thinks he's the shit, but he's just too much of a coward and a mental weakling to face any critique head-on and honourably. That's why he hedges with these weasely little phrases, why he pre-empts all possible criticism with a pre-written and pinned FAQ, and why he saw the need to make that bizarre and incoherent video on why he refuses to use metric conversions.

So it doesn't surprise me that he's prone to the occasional outburst of impotent anger in his comments section from time to time -- he clearly has an ego and a measure of masculine rage, but has never learnt what to do with them, and has spent his life being afraid of any kind of self-affirmation. Why, for example, did he overreact with such vitriol to this relatively benign comment about ceramic stoves? Why does he get so upset over a very gentle quip about the narration? Because that's the kind of language in which Adam would himself codify his criticism. He interprets the slightest of gibes as full-frontal attacks because that's the way he'd make a criticism. Simple, honest and straightforward language is not for him; he lacks the courage to be direct.

As other anons have said, all of this has probably been reinforced/cemented by his having been a professor, where he's been able to go mostly unchallenged in his little fiefdom for years. Now he's suddenly exposed to the internet, where everyone is way harsher, and more importantly, don't need to please him to pass a class. I guess he's struggling to adapt a bit.

>> No.17709986

Based crumbposter. Truly a timeless master

>> No.17710049

>He's good at the pop science stuff

I skip all that shit. He is literally only good for American Italian foods which he used to eat at home and knows how to make.

>> No.17710062

Mental illness. Funny how most YouTube chefs are the exact type I would never let near my imaginary children.

>> No.17710074

Impossible. It's either in tandem with the intent of source or in spite of the intent of source.

>> No.17710121

No just miche dough with pumpkin seed soaker.

>> No.17710246

Not the anon, but please learn how to read.

>> No.17710263

stop lying, he doesn't pass at all. you're being more cruel by feeding into their delusions

>> No.17710269

Holy fuck, if this isn’t a pasta it’ll become one soon.

>> No.17710279

stop saying that word as if it's not an invented word designed to marginalize normal people

>> No.17710517

>exclusively anal and sucking
makes you ponder

>> No.17710707

tl;dr but fuck the metric system

>> No.17710712

what about laughing at yourself?

>> No.17710732

this! it just sounds like a almost ironic way of calling straight people sissies.
And the etymology cis doesn't even make any sense in relation to genders
>-The prefix “cis-” comes from the Latin meaning “on this side,” as opposed to “trans-” which means “on the other side of” or “beyond.”

>> No.17710739

ragusea's wife gargles my diarrhea